For He Feng, Tan Lin has no nonsense.

After confirming the identity of He Feng, he launched an attack decisively.

And a move is his most powerful move.

Advanced martial arts, phantom legs!

With this set of martial arts, even the ordinary ancient martial arts in the late Ming Dynasty can compete with one or two.

Therefore, when he just kicked out, he looked at He Feng's eyes, just like looking at a dead man.


However, when his leg was about to fall on He Feng, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

A terrible shock came.


The crack of bone is clear.

Tan Lin's thin body flew five or six meters backward and fell to the ground.


Landing in the mouth of Tan Lin spit out a mouthful of blood, incomparably shocked looking at He Feng.

"Well, what's going on?"

Not far away, Lu Weihua and others were shocked and looked at the scene in disbelief.

When Tan Lin suddenly attacks he Feng, they expect that he Feng will be seriously injured in an instant.

But now, is it Tan Lin who was seriously injured?

"Brother, is Tan Lin too weak? Can't he even cultivate his inner strength? " Lu Yanhua is very puzzled to ask a way.

"Yes, I was knocked down in front of you. It's really weak enough."

"Lu Shao, you won't be trapped, will you?"

All of them were speechless.

"I don't think so. When he just started, I noticed the fluctuation of his inner strength. He is really a powerful ancient warrior. He looks like the middle of Ming Dynasty."

After Lu Weihua calmed down, he also wanted to understand what was going on. "The reason why he was so easily knocked down by He Feng can only explain one problem. He Feng is not a horizontal practitioner of martial arts. It's about refining the body. "

"Double training?"

Lu Yanhua's pupils contracted.

"Well! It seems that today's action is a failure. " Lu Weihua said coldly.

"How can it be? How can your strength be so strong? "

Although Tan Lin didn't use all of his inner strength just now, his moves were sudden. With the fierce moves, it's absolutely hard for an ordinary martial arts practitioner to resist and avoid.

However, he Feng is in the key time, kick him over.

This is by no means what a martial arts practitioner can do.

"Strong? I don't think I'm strong. You can be defeated so easily by me because you are too weak. "

He Feng curled his lips and said, went to Tan Lin, looked at him with disdain, "you'd better tell me now, why do you want to do it to me. Did Lu Weihua ask you to deal with me? "


Tan Lin subconsciously glanced at Lu Weihua, then noticed that Lu Weihua was staring at him coldly.

Although Lu Weihua didn't say anything, he understood Lu Weihua's means better, but he understood the meaning of the latter.

"What, Lu Weihua? I don't know Lu Weihua at all. " Tan Lin snorted: "the reason why I deal with you is that someone gave me money to deal with you. But I don't know the identity of the man who gave me the money. "

"Are you sure you don't know his identity?" He Feng asked, squinting.

"Ha ha, since I said I don't know, I don't know. You don't have to threaten me like this." Tan Lin said with a sneer: "however, your strength surprised me. I thought that as the vice president of Jiangbin Martial Arts Association, I could deal with you. I didn't expect that your strength is even stronger than mine. "

He said this meaning is very obvious, is to let he Feng know his identity, he is a martial arts association, you can't move me.

"Are you from the martial arts association?"

Hear this words, he Feng eyebrow a pick, take out the mobile phone to open to ask: "that what is your name?"

"My name is Tan Lin. I joined the martial arts association when it was founded. Ten years ago, I was the vice president of the Wushu Association. "

Tan Lin said: "in our Martial Arts Association, there are dozens of ancient martial arts practitioners, and there are nearly ten ancient martial arts practitioners in the middle of Ming Dynasty. You can't compete with them just as a casual martial arts practitioner."

"Tan Lin, right?"

He Feng holding a mobile phone, quickly read the information sent to him by Chu Yue, asked coldly: "a year ago, did you kill a criminal policeman in the public security bureau?"

"You, what do you say? I don't understand what you mean. Don't slander me

Suddenly heard he Feng asked this, Tan Lin face slightly changed, cold drink way.

At the same time, he was shocked. He Feng didn't just come to Jiangbin city for a long time. How could he know what happened a year ago?

What's more, although this case has attracted the attention of the police and the police have conducted many investigations into him, the police do not want to have too many reports, so this case has not been reported by the media. How can he Feng know?

"What, am I wrong?" He Feng put away his mobile phone and asked with a smile.

Chu month to his information, clearly said that the criminal police was killed by Tan Lin, but their police do not have conclusive evidence, just let Tan Lin continue to go unpunished.

"Nonsense, I didn't kill anyone. At that time, the police also suspected me, investigated me, and finally acquitted me?"

Tan Lin sneered, trying to keep his look normal, "the police have let me go, what else can I do?"

"Of course!"

He Feng light way: "the police put you, that is because the police have no evidence, so there is no way to deal with you.". However, I He Feng want to deal with you, but I don't need evidence. Now, I will avenge the criminal policeman. "

Voice down, he Feng's feet, fell on Tan Lin's chest.


Because Tan Lin did not know how many ribs he had broken, even if his feet were just on Tan Lin's chest, his strength was useless, and Tan Lin cried out in pain.

"He Feng, what do you want to do? Do you still want to kill me? I tell you, killing is against the law. If you kill me, the police will not let you go. Not only that, we Wushu Association will never let you go, you only have a dead end. You're going to let me go and take your feet away. "

"Don't you think it's funny that you've come to kill me and want me to let you go?"

He Feng cold smile, the foot suddenly force.


Another broken rib sounds.


Tan Lin can't help screaming, shocked and resentful staring at He Feng, "you, you dare to fight me, you're dead."

"If I'm really dead, do you believe I'll drag you to be my back before I die?"

He Feng light sneer way: "I ask you now, do you say in the end is who instructs you to deal with me?"

When he asked, he Feng ignored Tan Lin and looked at Lu Weihua not far away. "Lu Shao, do you know who ordered him to deal with me?"

"There are so many people you have offended. There must be many people who want to deal with you. I don't know who ordered him."

Lu Weihua shrugged.

He is not afraid of He Feng, even if he Feng knows it is his own instigation, how?

What else can he Feng do with him?

"You don't know?" He Feng looks back at Lu Weihua's eyes and looks at Tan Lin again, "you still don't know, do you? If so, then I can only be your ribs, one by one broken. When all the ribs are broken, your limbs will be discarded one by one. I'll see how long you can last. "

Say, he Feng foot then again send strength, successively stepped on to break Tan Lin two ribs.


Tan Lin screamed again, his face white with pain.

If ordinary people were trampled on so many ribs by He Feng, they would have fainted a long time ago.

But Tan Lin is different. He is an ancient warrior in the middle of Ming Dynasty. He has a strong will. Even if he has broken so many bones, he has only pain, but his consciousness is still very clear.

However, he is on the verge of collapse now. After all, the pain of rib fracture is too severe.

When people around him heard his terrible scream, they felt numb on their scalp. Looking at He Feng's eyes, they were full of fear and fear.

This He Feng is really cruel to the enemy.

"Next, your arm."

He Feng took back his feet and put them on Tan Lin's shoulders, ready to exert his strength.

"It's Lu Weihua, who ordered me to kill you. He said that as long as he killed you, he would give me 20 million yuan. If you want to deal with him, let me go. "

Seeing that he Feng is going to give up his arm again, Tan Lin is so scared that he shouts out for fear that his arm will be broken a little later.

"Lu Weihua? Are you sure? "

He Feng asked with a smile.

"This is my mobile phone. If you don't believe it, you can look through the call records. Lu Weihua called me with his mobile phone 20 minutes ago."

Tan Lin takes out his mobile phone and hands it to He Feng.

He Feng is also impolite. He answers directly, opens the call record and dials the top number that came in 20 minutes ago.

And not far away, Lu Weihua is gloomy, "He Feng, you don't dial my phone, I really let Tan Lin deal with you."

"Admit it?"

He Feng left his mobile phone on the ground, ignoring Tan Lin, but went to Lu Weihua, "Lu Weihua, you can't wait to get rid of me, so you're not afraid that I'm going to get rid of you for safety now?"

"Well! I don't believe it. You dare to kill me. "

Lu Weihua took a puff of his cigarette and hummed coldly: "however, you are against me again and again. When I am Lu Weihua, I want to get rid of you. Unless you apologize to me now, I can take it as if you didn't offend me before. "

"Well! Congratulations, because your father is the mayor of Jiangbin city. I really won't get rid of you. But just because I don't get rid of you doesn't mean I won't teach you any lessons. "

He Feng has long guessed that Lu Weihua ordered Tan Lin to deal with him, so he is not angry at the moment. After all, the conflict between him and Lu Weihua is really a little big.

"Teach me a lesson? Why, do you want to beat me as badly as Tan Lin? " Lu Weihua asked with a sneer.

"No, of course I won't hurt you badly. That's not a sense of accomplishment for me."

He Feng said indifferently: "however, you seem to like drag racing very much, don't you? From now on, this lane, all of you here, is not allowed to take another step

"He Feng, don't be too overbearing."

"Do you still want to take care of all of us?"

"I really think you're a little bit good at boxing. We're afraid of you, aren't we?"

He Feng this words a, those two generation childe elder brother, all feel abnormal disgrace.

Lu Weihua's face is also gloomy, "He Feng, this lane, we come here two or three days, here is almost our territory. So, no one will agree to your request. "

"Lu Weihua, you've got me wrong. What I just said is not a request or an order. It's just a small notice. You can be smart and listen to me. Of course, you can also ignore what I say. "

He Feng grinned and immediately walked up to Lu Weihua and kicked out.



The guardrail made of steel was immediately kicked open.

Later, he Feng came to Lu Weihua.

To be exact, I came to Ferrari F430.

Kick it out!


The 1450 kg steel giant immediately rolled down the cliff along the open guardrail.

Bang Bang

He Feng one after another out of the foot, in front of Lu Weihua and others, the more than a dozen sports cars, one by one kicked off the cliff.

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