"Asshole, he kicked all our cars off the cliff."

"Paralyzed, I'm going to fight with him."

"This He Feng, unexpectedly completely ignored us, also too arrogant?"

See he Feng's action, those two generation childe brothers are furious one by one, also very anxious at the same time.

If they had not witnessed the powerful strength of He Feng, they would all want to rush up to kill him now.

"Shit, that's my new Mercedes SLS. I haven't got the license plate yet. He kicked the car off the cliff for me. I..."

When he Feng kicked the last black Mercedes into the cliff, Lu Yanhua felt his heart was dripping blood.

"Well, isn't that four million? You don't need so much money."

Lu Weihua grabbed Lu Yanhua, eyes gloomy, "don't worry, I won't let him live too long."

Lu Yanhua took a deep breath and finally suppressed his anger.

"Well, everyone, today I'll teach you a little lesson. I hope you can have a little longer memory and don't come to qiujingshan again."

After kicking all the more than ten sports cars with a total value of more than 30 million down the cliff, he Feng walked back slowly, "of course, you can come to qiujingshan, but don't be touched by me. If I run into it again, I won't kick the car next time. My foot will kick you. "


Hearing this, everyone shivered.

He Feng's leg can even kick a 1000 kilogram sports car. If it's on them, can they survive?

"If you don't have any comments, please go away." He Feng said with a smile.

"Hum, let's go!"

Lu Weihua snorted, turned and left.

Seeing Lu Weihua leave, he Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Lu Weihua really likes to do things.

It seems that after cleaning up the ancient martial arts, it's time to start cleaning up the Lu family.

So these flies don't bother themselves all the time.

At this time, lying on the ground, Tan Lin also stood up and covered his chest to leave.

"Well? I'm ready to go. Did I ask you to leave? "

He Feng walks slowly to tan Lin.

"What else do you want?"

Tan Lin stopped with a thump in his heart.

"You want to kill me. What do you think I want?" He Feng sneered.

"You, do you still want to kill me?"

Tan Lin immediately felt cool behind him.

He Feng shook his head and said, "no, he Feng never kills people casually. So you can rest assured that I will not kill you today. "


Tan Lin was relieved. "What do you want to do to let me go?"

"Just now I looked through your information and found that your bank card balance seems to be quite large. It's all in eight figures. Is the salary of your martial arts association so high?" He Feng said with a smile, "since President Tan wants to live, you can buy his life with money."


The corner of Tan Lin's mouth smoked, "how much do you want?"

"It's not how much I want, it's president tan. How much do you think your life is worth?"

He Feng touched his nose. "President Tan doesn't think that the value of your life is not as good as the balance on your card?"

Meaning is very obvious, want to live, put all the money on the card to Fengge.

"Well, I'll transfer it to you now."

Looking at He Feng's smiling face, Tan Lin couldn't relax at all.

He Feng's method, he has seen.

People are talking and laughing with you now. Maybe they will give you away the next second.

Take out the mobile phone, Tan Lin side to He Feng transfer, while the heart is bleeding.

About a minute later, he Feng's card more than 10 million.

"Now, may I go?"

After confirming the successful transfer, Tan Lin asked.

"Of course, I'll give President Tan a ride."

He Feng grinned, and then his palm fell on Tan Lin's chest.


Without seeing his strength, Tan Lin flew out and fell to the ground.


Tan Lin snorted and felt a sharp pain in his body.

Soon, he noticed something strange in his body.

"You, what did you do to me? Why can't I mobilize my inner strength? "

Tan Lin stares at He Feng in anger and panic.

"It's nothing. It's just that you abandoned your elixir field. After all, I'm a coward. President Tan, you are so powerful. If you want to deal with me again, I don't know how to die. "

He Feng clapped his hands with a smile, as if nothing had happened, "President Tan, this evening, you can leave Jiangbin city."

"He Feng..."

Tan Lin was gnashing his teeth and his eyes were red.

For an ancient warrior, he can lose his wealth, money and power, because he can earn it again when these things are gone.

But if the inner strength is gone, it's really nothing.

"Why, President Tan doesn't want to live?"

He Feng squinted, "if you want to live, go away. Otherwise, I don't mind kicking you under the cliff like those cars. "


Tan Lin's heart is not from a cool, at the same time, there is a deep regret.

If I had known this, I would not dare to provoke He Feng even if I killed him.

This is a devil!

He doesn't kill you, but it makes you more miserable than death.

"President Tan, now you should know what kind of mood the criminal police and their family members were in when they were killed by you?"

He Feng light smile: "when you let others despair, you should do yourself will despair psychological preparation.". Don't think that if you have some strength, you can do it wantonly. I abandoned you today, you should feel lucky, at least you can still live like ordinary people. However, I don't need your gratitude. After all, you have given me so much money, ha ha. "

Voice down, he Feng no longer pay attention to Tan Lin, turned on the palamella, stepped on the accelerator, drove to the qiujingshan lane.

"The criminal policeman..."

Tan Lin could not help but imagine the despair and anger of the criminal policeman when he was killed.

A wave of remorse and guilt poured into my heart.


"Brother, we can't just let it go today."

At the foot of the mountain, Lu Yanhua called someone to pick him up. After waiting for him, he looked at Lu Weihua and said, "this He Feng, we must find a way to get rid of him. No matter how much money we spend."

"Yes, Lu Shao, this He Feng is just too arrogant. Today's tone must be heard."

"Lu Shao, is that 20 million you have enough? If it's not enough, I'll go back to my house and ask for some more. "

"It's mainly channels. This time, we must find strong enough people to deal with He Feng."

"By the way, I heard that there is a killer organization called" film group "in Jiangbin city. Why don't we contact the film group? Let them deal with He Feng. Lu Shao, can you contact the film crew? "

For a moment, everyone looked at Lu Weihua, waiting for his reply.

"You'd better not think about the film group. I've contacted the film group for a long time, but they don't know what's going on now. They don't take orders anymore. If we want to get rid of He Feng, we have to find another channel. "

Lu Weihua shook his head and said.

The film group is the influence of his Lu family. Of course, he can contact them.

But he did not understand why Uncle they were not allowed to deal with He Feng.

It seems that I should go back and ask.

"That Lu Shao, when you find someone, you must tell us at the first time. We have to see the bastard He Feng killed with our own eyes."

"Hum, after he Feng is killed, my young master has to go up and mend a few knives to get this tone."

"I'll cut off his leg and take it back to feed my Tibetan mastiff."

These childe brothers are full of resentment and malice.

"Don't worry, I'll contact you later." Lu Weihua is gloomy. Now he just wants to go home early and ask Uncle about He Feng.


Just then, in the dark below, there was a sudden burst of strong light and the roar of the car's engine.

"Yanhua, who did you call to pick us up? It's efficient enough."

A childe asked.

Lu Yanhua frowned and said, "eh? My name is my bodyguard. He should have just started. How can he arrive so soon? "

"No, that man's car is very fast, and there's only one car. It's not supposed to pick us up. Let's stand on the side and be careful not to be cut by the car. "

Lu Weihua gave a warning, and then stood by the side first.

Lu Yanhua and others immediately followed.

They all play car racing a lot and know where to stand to be safer.


Not long after, the car came close, but the speed didn't decrease at all.

A white Mercedes Benz e-coupe seems like a white light, passing in front of people's eyes and rushing to qiujingshan driveway.

"Who is this man, too fast?"

"It's not only fast, but also very stable. It's better than an ordinary professional driver."

"It's a pity that I didn't see the figure in the car clearly. My driving skill is so good. I don't know if it's from our super run club."

"Whatever, I'm not in the mood to understand."

People did not pay attention to the car, continue to walk slowly down the mountain.

However, after walking for a short time, they found that several cars rushed up at the foot of the mountain.

Besides, it's a police car.

"What's the matter? Is that man a fugitive?"

Lu Yanhua shocked way, "brother, do you want to call president Wang to understand the situation?"

"Well, let me give him a call."

Lu Weihua takes out his mobile phone and dials Wang Huasheng.

A moment later, he frowned and said, "I can't get through!"

"I'll go. Is there something wrong with President Wang?" Lu Yanhua said.

"I'm too lazy to take care of it. Let's have an accident. Anyway, we are not so familiar with Wang Huasheng." Lu Weihua turned his lips and didn't care much.

"Hey, hey, if something happens to Wang Huasheng and he Feng is removed by us, the word" small "in your little chariot God will be removed." Lu Yanhua said with a smile.

"The God of chariots?"

Lu Weihua gave a noncommittal smile.

Vehicle God, for Lu Weihua before, can also make him a little interested.

But now, after seeing the skill of He Feng twice, he hopes to become a powerful ancient warrior.


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