"Lulu, you haven't run in this lane. Why don't you drive?"

After driving on the qiujingshan lane, he Feng looks at Xia Menglu and asks.


In this lane, Xia Menglu is also a bit stupid to try, "but for a while, brother Feng, you have to watch, or I'm a little afraid."

"Don't worry about driving. With brother Feng in the car, even if you drive the car down the cliff, brother Feng can guarantee that you are safe." He Feng said with a smile, and then parked the car to one side.

"Hee hee, I'll drive it."

Xia Menglu complacent smile way, to He Feng 100% believe.

After two people changed their positions, Xia Menglu stepped on the accelerator and drove forward slowly, then gradually accelerated and increased her speed to more than 100.

Although Xia Menglu has got her driver's license for a long time, she has no driving skills at all before. These geniuses have just learned how to drive, and have never been on the highway.

So now that the speed was only 100 per hour, she was a little nervous and did not dare to speed up any more.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

He Feng is preparing to appease Xia Menglu, let her slowly try to speed up, the mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

It's Chu Yue.

"Hello, Yueyue." He Feng answers the phone.

"He Feng, are you still in qiujingshan Lane now?" Chu month anxious inquiry asks a way.

"Yes, Lulu and I are driving. Are you coming? If you come, I can pick you up. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Since you are in qiujingshan lane, please help me pay attention to a white Mercedes Benz. Wang Huasheng ran away with this car, and now he is driving into qiujingshan lane. Please see if you can help me stop it." Chu Yue said.

"Wang Huasheng escaped?"

He Feng eyebrows pick.

At this time, he seemed to notice something. Looking back, he saw a bunch of lights, which were on in the dark behind him, and were approaching him at a very fast speed.

"Lulu, you stop the car. Something's wrong." He Fenglian is busy.


Xia Menglu quickly stepped on the brake, parked the car on the side of the road, and turned on the double flash.

Through the rearview mirror, she also saw a car coming fast behind.

He Feng didn't explain so much to the woman. He got out of the car and looked behind the car. Then he went straight to a big tree by the side of the road.



A palm fell, the cypress tree at least 20 cm thick, quickly broken, fell down.

He Feng went to the middle of the cypress tree, picked it up with one hand, threw it on the driveway, and stopped the whole driveway.

At this time, the car behind also came.

The car, which was speeding at top speed, also stepped on the brake when it noticed that there was a tree in the middle of the lane ahead.


The tire and the ground gave out a harsh friction sound, and stopped steadily on the edge of the cypress.

The door opened and a middle-aged man came down in a rage.

Wang Huasheng, chairman of Yueyue automobile sales group and President of Jiangbin super run club, is now in the market.

Looking at the cypress trees in the middle of the road, Wang Huasheng's face was full of anger, but soon he made a decision and was ready to run to the jungle on the side.

Originally, he knew that there was a road at the top of the mountain where he could escape safely, but now the road was blocked, so he couldn't get to the top of the mountain and had to go directly into the jungle.

There are many dangers in the jungle, such as wild animals, but he has no other way now.

"Wang Dong, where do you want to go in such a hurry?"

A voice of singing and laughing suddenly sounded on the side of the road, he Feng walked out slowly from the dark place on the side of the road.

"He Feng, is that you?"

Wang Huasheng noticed he Feng and immediately asked with a gloomy face, "this tree, did you put it here?"

"Yes, I have nothing to do at night, so I move trees to exercise. After all, I don't have much time to exercise at work." He Feng said with a smile.


Wang Huasheng said, "He Feng, I'll give you a million yuan. Can you help me move this tree away?"

"Of course not. He Feng is not greedy. Wang Dong wants me to move the tree away. Just say it. Of course, I'm happy to help. "

He Feng walked up to Wang Huasheng and said, "but, Mr. Wang, you have to tell me first, why do you come to qiujingshan driveway alone in the evening? I don't think it's because I've done something bad to escape here, is it? "


Smell speech, Wang Huasheng eyes can't help squinting, hand also subconsciously put on the waist, ready to take out the gun.

He Feng raised his feet and put them on the cypress.


I didn't see him work, but the thick trunk broke immediately.


Seeing this, Wang Huasheng could not help but take a breath, and the action on his hand was a little bit.

"Wang Dong, I suggest you don't take out the gun. Even if you take out the gun, you are not my opponent."

He Feng said very directly, "you just need to tell me now, why do you want to escape?"

Smell speech, Wang Huasheng deeply looked at He Feng one eye, way: "I can't tell you, you just need to tell me, how do you want to let me leave?"? If one million is not enough, how about ten million? "

"Mr. Wang, I'm not a greedy man."

"I'll give you a hundred million!"

Wang Huasheng said again.

He Feng did not continue to talk nonsense with Wang Huasheng, asked: "you drug trafficking, right?"


Wang Huasheng looks a stagnation, looking at He Feng's eyes a little shocked.

How would he know?

"The police told you that?" Wang Huasheng asked, "now, are you cooperating with the police to arrest me?"

"Yes He Feng nodded.

Seeing this, Wang Huasheng was slightly silent and asked, "I have more than two hundred million on my card. Now I will transfer all of them to you. Can you let me go?"

He Feng asked: "Dong Wang, you should know something about me. You know my wife is Wang Xiangyun. Do you think I'm short of money?"

"So you won't let me go today anyway?" Wang Huasheng said.

"I'm just a little curious. Mr. Wang, you are not short of money at all. You are a person with status and status. Why do you want to do drug trafficking?"

He Feng stares at Wang Huasheng and asks, "you can't make too much money in drug trafficking, and you have to bear huge risks. You don't have to deal with drug trafficking, do you, Mr. Wang?"

He Feng had a contact with Wang Huasheng. Although he didn't like the latter's character, he could see that Wang Huasheng was not a bad person.

Coupled with Wang's identity and conditions, he really can't figure out why Wang wants to drug.

"If I told you, would you let me go?" Wang Huasheng said.

He Feng shook his head. "Drug trafficking is a matter that endangers the people and society. I'm sure I won't let you go. But if you have something to hide and have to sell drugs, I can help you. At that time, even if you are arrested by the police, the law will be lenient to you. "

"Hard to hide..."

Wang Huasheng murmured, "I can't tell you now."

He Feng shrugged, "in that case, you are here waiting for the police to come, they should also be coming."

Seeing this, Wang Huasheng couldn't help getting worried.

He doesn't want to be caught, because once he is caught, what will his family do in the future?

Moreover, those people also warned him that if he couldn't do a good job seriously and something happened to him, he would not only die

His family will be buried with him.

"He Feng, are you sure you can help me?"

A moment later, Wang Huasheng looked up at He Feng and asked.

"I can help you as long as you don't do it on purpose." He Feng said seriously.


Wang Huasheng took a deep breath and seemed to have made a decision. "You are racing with me now. If you get to the top of the mountain before me, I will tell you everything."

"Are you going to race with me?" He Feng surprised way.


Wang Huasheng nodded, "you are the only one in Jianghai city who can make me interested in competing."

One thing he didn't tell he Feng was that he was afraid that if he didn't compare with He Feng today, he would never have this chance again.

"All right, I'll drive with you to the top of the mountain."

He Feng nodded and agreed.

He can see that Wang Huasheng really has something to hide.

In fact, this is normal. With Wang Huasheng's current status and wealth accumulation, there is no need to drug trafficking.

"Let me help you move this tree." Wang Huasheng came forward.

"No, I'll do it myself."

He Feng shakes his head, squats down, grabs the big tree which is broken into two pieces, and throws it to the cliff like a twig.


Wang Huasheng's eyes widened.

He Feng's strength, unexpectedly so powerful?

"All right, get in the car and get ready to go."

He Feng reminds, then turns around to Pamela, let Xia Menglu back to the co driver, and he is sitting in the driver's seat.

Wang Huasheng now also sat on the Mercedes Benz, and drove the car to paramella's side.

"I'll call three times in a minute, and we'll start at the same time. If you lose, you tell me why you're dealing drugs. If you win, I can let you go He Feng rolled down the window and said to Wang Huasheng in the Mercedes Benz.

"Ha ha, thank you!"

Wang Huasheng just laughed and didn't say much.

However, he has already made a decision in his mind.

No matter win or lose, he will ask he Feng to help him.

"Get ready. The police will be here in a minute."

He Feng looked in the rearview mirror and said.

Behind them, several police cars are coming fast.

"I'm ready." Wang Huasheng said.

He Feng nodded and immediately began to count, "three, two, one, let's go!"


The sound fell, and the two sports cars roared at the same time, flying forward like beasts.

Palamella's acceleration is very fast, but Wang Huasheng's driving skill is not bad. He is not far behind, holding on to He Feng tightly.

"Well, it's the God of cars in Jiangbin city. Lu Weihua really can't match this driving skill. Forget it. Let's hang out with him slowly first. "

He Feng closes the window and opens it slowly, chatting with Xia Menglu at the same time.

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