"Help me?"

Wang Huasheng was surprised and asked, "Mr. He Feng, the insects in my body are poisonous insects, strange and mysterious. Can you deal with them?"

"Ha ha, it's just a bug. Of course I can deal with it. But first, I'll see if the insects in your body are poisonous insects. "

While speaking, he Feng's hand falls on Wang Huasheng's back.

A wisp of true Qi flows into the body of the latter.

Wang Huasheng suddenly felt cool, as if a stream of air had entered his body, which made his body feel very comfortable.

This air current flows slowly in his body, and some hidden diseases in his body are gradually getting better.

"Wang Dong, open your mouth!"

Wang Huasheng is surprised, he Feng's voice came over.

"Oh, good."

Wang Huasheng quickly opened his mouth.


He Feng drinks suddenly and slaps Wang Huasheng on the chest.


A white gas, wrapped in a black object the size of a fingernail, flew out of Wang Huasheng's mouth, and was caught by He Feng.

Then, put it in your pocket.

"Mr. He Feng, was that a poisonous insect just now?"

Wang Huasheng asked curiously.

"Yes, and it's not an ordinary insect."

He Feng nodded, "now tell me, who planted this insect in your body?"

"I don't know."

Wang Huasheng frowned and said, "that person is covered all the time. I can't see their faces at all. But I listen to the accent, they are like people from Southwest China. "

"Is there any way you can find them?" He Feng asked.

"I can't find the person who gives me poisonous insects. However, he should have arranged for someone in my house to guard my family. What I'm worried about now is that if they know that the police have intercepted my drug trafficking, they will order those people to move with my family. " Wang Huasheng worried.

"In that case, I'll go to your house now and tell me your address." He Feng said.

Wang Huasheng quickly said his home address, and then solemnly said: "Mr. He Feng, please!"

"Well, there's a secret way to slip away on the top of the mountain, isn't there?"

He Feng swept an eye all around, way: "you leave here first, the police estimate is also fast."

"I'm leaving?" Wang Huasheng was puzzled.

He Feng said: "well, after all, there are a large number of policemen who come here this time. I'm not sure if there are any of them in the police. If you let them know that you have been arrested by the police and have no use value, their whereabouts may be exposed. Then, not only you, your family, will be in danger. "

Wen Yan, Wang Huasheng also nervous, "well, I'll leave first. When you get my family out, I'll turn myself in to the police. "

"All right."

He Feng patted Wang Huasheng on the shoulder and said nothing more.

Wang Huasheng bows to He Feng again, turns around and climbs out of the guardrail, and soon disappears into the dark.

Watching Wang Huasheng leave, he Feng's face gradually cools down, "Gu Shi? arm control issue? Hehe, this group of disasters, brother Feng must take you away. "


Three police cars soon appeared behind he Feng.

Zhao Enlai and others got out of the car and quickly walked to He Feng, "Mr. He Feng, where's Wang Huasheng?"

"Run away!"

He Feng said helplessly: "this Wang Huasheng is worthy of being a vehicle God. Even I was overtaken by him. Then he arrived at the top of the mountain before me. When I arrived, he had disappeared."


Zhao Enlai's face was ugly. "Didn't you say you could stop him?"

"Zhao Ju, I'm really sorry. I failed you to trust me. But don't worry. I'm going to help you capture Wang Huasheng. "

He Feng grinned, then blinked at Chu Yue behind him without leaving any trace, then went straight back to palamella, started the car and drove down the mountain.

"Well, he Feng, isn't he reliable? I kept saying that I could stop Wang Huasheng, but now I let him run away. How can I trust him? "

Seeing he Feng go like this, Wang Huasheng looks more and more dissatisfied.

"Zhao Bureau, let's get on the bus and leave here to see if there is any other way to catch Wang Huasheng." Chu Yue suggested.

Just he Feng winked at her, she guessed that there was something hidden here, just because there were too many people on the field, so he Feng was not very convenient to say.

"Let's go to Wang Huasheng's house first and watch his family. I don't believe it. Even if he runs away, he won't even care about his family. "

Zhao Enlai snorted and immediately got on the police car.

"Yueyue, call Hefeng and ask him what's going on."

Just got on the bus, Zhao Enlai looked at Chu Yue sitting in the back row and said.

"Ah? Zhao Ju, how do you know something's wrong? " Chu Yue's surprised way.

Sitting next to Tang Wen said: "just now he Feng winked at you. Do you think Zhao Bureau and I didn't find out? Make a phone call as soon as possible. Zhao bureau is in a hurry now. "

"Oh, well."

Chu month vomited sweet tongue, took out mobile phone to dial He Feng's phone.

He Feng quickly answered the phone, and directly said: "Yueyue, the reason why Wang Huasheng is trafficking in drugs is that he is forced to do nothing. The person who controls him behind is the Gu master in the southwest. I've helped solve the Gu insects in his body. However, his family is still under the control of the other party. I will go to his home now and rescue his family first. In addition, let's see if we can take this opportunity to capture the southwest Gu master. "

"Gu Shi?"

Hearing this word, Chu Yue's face changed slightly. She clearly understood the power and horror of Gu Shi. "He Feng, Gu Shi's means are terrible. The Gu insects they control are magical and cruel. You have to be careful when you deal with them."

"Don't worry, the other side is just the lowest level of Gu master, which can't cause any threat to me."

He Feng said with a smile: "but you police also need to cooperate, don't let the other party notice anything."

"Well, the police won't hold you back. By the way, we are going to Wang Huasheng's house now, but we will try our best to slow down and give you more time to solve things. "

"OK, first of all. I'll call you if there's something wrong."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yue looked at Zhao Enlai and said, "Zhao Bureau, this time, we have to cooperate with He Feng's action."

"All right!"

Zhao Enlai said helplessly: "I, the director of the Public Security Bureau, can only give him he Feng soy sauce now."

"Hee hee, who let he Feng's ability really strong." Chu Yue's proud way.

"Yueyue, is your relationship with He Feng quite unusual?" Zhao Enlai suddenly turned back and asked.


Chu Yue was stunned and didn't dare to look at Zhao Enlai. She faltered: "I'm a schoolmate with He Feng's wife Wang Xiangyun, and I'm half a best friend, so it's normal for me to get familiar with him Feng?"

"Hehe, Yueyue, you don't have to be so nervous. I'm just asking. By the way, I remember you were in the military camp for two years, right

Chu Yue nodded and said, "well, when I was a junior and senior, I worked as a computer technician in nanjinshi military camp for two years."

Zhao Enlai joked: "in those two years, it seems that there were many soldiers pursuing you, right? I heard that even the king of soldiers in nanjinshi barracks is one of your pursuers. "

Chu Yue rolled her eyes and said, "Zhao Ju, are you too gossipy? You know who I'm after. "

Tang Wen said with a smile: "Yueyue, Zhao Bureau, this is to remind you that if you find a man in the future, those people from Nanjin military camp will definitely come to help you."

"Well, how can they help me? I don't know them well

Chu Yue turned her lips and didn't care.

But she was more or less worried because she knew that the king of soldiers in nanjinshi barracks was not so powerful.

It seems that his relationship with He Feng can't be disclosed too early, otherwise he Feng will get into trouble.

The reminder of Zhao Enlai is firmly remembered by Chu Yue.


Jiangqiao community.

This community is a mixed community of high-rise residential buildings, western style houses and villas, with a huge flow of people.

Wang Huasheng's house is a townhouse with luxurious decoration and high-grade marble.

He Feng did not park the car directly to the downstairs of Wang Huasheng's house, but parked outside a villa 100 meters away from his house.

"Lulu, just stay in the car and wait for me. I'll go there alone." He Feng said to Xia Menglu on the copilot.

"Brother Feng, be careful." Xia Menglu told.

"Don't worry!"

He Feng nods, pushes the door open and goes straight to Wang Huasheng's villa.

Although the roadside light dim, but he Feng just close to the villa, he noticed that in the courtyard, standing two people.

He Feng operation of mental power, investigate the villa inside the situation.

On the first floor of the villa, there are seven breath, all of them are ordinary people.

In addition to four men, there is a middle-aged woman, a boy about ten years old and an old woman over sixty.

"Hoo! Fortunately, good people are still there. "

He Feng was a little relieved. He was worried that Wang Huasheng's family would be removed or transferred directly after the other party felt something wrong. That would be a bit of a big trouble.

Came to the villa yard, he Feng looked up at the two meters high wall, at the foot of a little hard, then light floated into the yard.


Just a landing, is standing in the yard smoking two men, then noticed he Feng's sudden appearance.

One of them, subconsciously, would take out his gun.

Bang! Bang!

He Feng naturally won't give them the chance to draw a gun, a lunge forward, knock two people dizzy on the ground.

Later, he Feng rushed to the interior of the villa.

In the living room, Wang Huasheng's wife Tao Hong, his son and his mother-in-law are watching TV to ease their tension and fear.

Next to them, four other men were playing bullfight poker on the tea table, and the table was full of change.

"I'm paralyzed. I'm very poor in this business. I'll give it up. Wang Niu, let's make you a business."

A man in a black vest pushed the poker in front of him forward and took out two pieces of red RMB from his pocket.

"Hey hey, I'll do it. I'm lucky today. I'm sure I can win."

Wang Niu said with a smile.

"Win, you know it. If you win, you'll have to invite me to dinner. I'll eat lobster. " Said the waistcoat man.

"Lobster? Shit, so many of us eat lobster, at least ten jin? The money I won is not enough. " Wang Niu stares.

"You, you ask my son to go back to his room and go to bed. Shall I treat you to lobster?"

At this time, Tao Hong said.

Since last night, her son has been too scared to go to bed. Now his eyes are red, and Tao Hong is naturally distressed.

"Mom, I don't want to sleep. I want to protect you here."

However, his son, Wang Qian, was stubborn and shook his head.

"Oh, little boy, are you afraid that we will eat your mother? Don't worry. We are all good people. We won't bully your mother. Unless your mother is lonely at night and asks, our brothers are willing to satisfy her. "

Wang Niu grinned and looked at Tao Hong's windy body, showing a strong sense of salivation.

However, he did not dare to mess around, because his boss had warned him that if they dare to mess around and screw up things, their fate would be miserable.

"Shut up, I won't allow you to say that in front of my son." Tao Hong stares at Wang NiuDao.

"OK, you can keep watching TV."

Wang Niu shrugged his shoulders and didn't care about Tao Hong. He said to the man in the waistcoat: "this plate is Laozi's village. How much do you want to bet on it?"

"I'm fifty!"

The waistcoat man folded the 100 yuan bill in half and patted it on the table.

"Ha ha, I'll catch a bull and the lobster will be almost finished." Wang Niu laughs.

"I'll take a hundred."

At this time, a voice rang again.

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