"A hundred? so many? Then I have to catch cows. "

Wang Niu has a stronger smile on his face.

But soon he realized something was wrong.

Because the man who said he would bet 100 seems to be quite fresh.

"Who are you?"

Vest man also found out that he had never seen the young man who suddenly appeared beside him.

"Who am I? I also want to ask who are you? Why do you come to my friend's house in the middle of the night? "

The young man who suddenly appeared is in Hefeng.

"Damn, Liu Yu, Liu Yu, where are you? How did you let people run in, and how did you guard the door? "

Wang Niu yelled at the door.

"Stop shouting, they're asleep."

He Feng light said.


Wang Niu is a Leng first, immediately shout a way: "brothers, this guy is an enemy, do him."

At the same time of speaking, he has already waved his fist and smashed it at He Feng.

Vest man and others, have also launched an attack on He Feng.

Bang bang bang!

Although they are all elite thugs, they are good at dealing with ordinary people. They are not good at dealing with experts such as he Feng. He Feng puts them down one after another, lying on the ground in pain and can't get up.

"Who are you?"

Tao Hong looks at He Feng doubtfully.

He Feng says that he is a friend of Wang Huasheng, but Tao Hong, a friend of Wang Huasheng, knows almost all of them, but he Feng seems very strange.

"Hello, sister-in-law. My name is He Feng. I'm a friend of Wang Dong. Seeing that he was in trouble, I came to help him." He Feng said with a smile.

"Thank you!"

Tao Hong is grateful.

"You're welcome. You should."

He Feng grinned and immediately asked, "have they ever bullied you?"

Tao Hong looked at Wang Niu and others, "they didn't bully me, but they are forcing Watson to do some bad things, and they don't know how Watson is now."

"Don't worry, Wang Dong is safe now."

He Feng said: "you take the children and aunt upstairs to have a rest first. I'll ask them a few questions."

"All right."

Knowing that Wang Huasheng is OK now, Tao Hong was relieved, and then took her son and mother-in-law upstairs.

Seeing Tao Hong and others leave, he Feng looks at Wang Niu and asks, "who is your boss?"

"Boy, I advise you to mind your own business and get out of here. Otherwise, when our boss comes, you will regret what you have done. "

Wang Niu stares at He Feng and says.


He Feng chuckled, then stepped on the latter's knee.


The crisp crack of bone immediately rang out.


Wang Niu let out a scream.

"I'll ask you again, who's your boss?" He Feng continued to ask.

"I grass mud..." Wang Niu roared angrily.


He didn't finish a word, he Feng broke his other leg's knee.


Wang Niu screamed in pain again.

But after this call, his head tilted and he fainted.

"Shit, you're dizzy so soon?"

He Feng shook his head and looked at the waistcoat man lying beside Wang Niu, "next, it's your turn. Are you going to take the initiative, or do you want to be like him? "


"Don't say it, do you? OK, I'll spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. "

He Feng chuckled and raised his foot to step down.

"I said, I said..."

The waistcoat man yelled, his face turned white.

He is very afraid of his boss. He knows that his boss is cruel, but his immediate fear has made him collapse.

"Ha ha, you are wise."

He Feng sneered: "tell me who your boss is."

Vest man even said: "Tongtai group, is the boss of Tongtai group Zheng Chen, we do everything, he ordered."

"Tongtai group?"

Smell speech, he Feng eyebrow a pick.

If you remember correctly, the son of vice mayor yuan was planted with poisonous insects. It seems that he went to Tongtai group because he received a report?

He Feng asked: "what is Zheng Chen's real identity? Say what you know. If you let me know that you have concealed or lied to me, you know what will happen to you. "

"He's our boss. He seems to be dealing in drugs. But I'm not very clear about other things. "

The boy in the waistcoat was afraid that he Feng didn't believe what he said, so he hurriedly said, "what I said is true. If you don't believe me, ask them. What's more, although Mr. Zheng is a drug dealer, what he does is very secret. We only heard by chance that he never let us touch this matter, but only occasionally asked us to help him deal with some troublesome things, such as guarding the Wang Huasheng family today. "

"So he has another channel for drug trafficking?" He Feng asked.

"Well, I'm not very clear, but I think it should be." Man in vest.

"What do you know about Tongtai group? And Zheng Chen, tell me all about it. " He Feng lit a cigarette and said carelessly.

"I know a little more about Tongtai group, but I don't know much about general manager Zheng."

"Tongtai group was founded five years ago, mainly engaged in drug research and sales. Many pharmacies in Jiangshu province buy drugs from Tongtai group. In addition, Tongtai group has set up many pharmacies, but the profit is not very considerable because it has just been established for a short time. So I think the reason why Tongtai group is trafficking in drugs is to increase profits and make more money. "

"Tell me about Zheng Chen. What kind of person is Zheng Chen?"

He Feng continued to ask.

At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and searched for Zheng Chen's photos on the Internet.

"Mr. Zheng, I don't have much contact with him. Usually his assistant contacts us. I have been in Tongtai group for three years, and I have only met him three times. However, Zheng Dong is cruel and domineering. If anyone doesn't listen to him, he will either kill him directly or be maimed. "

The vest man said in fear.

He has decided that after today, he will immediately flee Jiangshu province and never come back.

"That's all?"

He Feng eyebrows pick, some dissatisfaction.

The vest man's eyes kept turning, thinking about everything about Zheng Chen, "by the way, Zheng Dong has a younger brother named Zheng Ting, who is studying in Jiangbin University. However, Zheng Ting is an ordinary boy. He never cares about company affairs, and his mind is all about picking up girls and racing cars. "

"Zheng Ting?"

He Feng turned out a picture on his mobile phone, put it in front of the vest man and asked, "is it him?"

"Yes, that's him." The waistcoat man nodded.

"So, he is Zheng Chen's younger brother?"

He Feng raised a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

This Zheng Ting, he remembers very well, seemed to have this man when he raced with Lu Weihua last time.

Vest man said Zheng Ting is a boy, no matter what, just like to pick up girls and racing.

But from the last contact, Zheng Ting is not an ordinary childe. He is a very thoughtful person who knows how to hide himself.

However, this is not the time to take charge of Zheng ting.

The most urgent thing is to catch Zheng Chen first, so that he won't find something wrong and run away.

"Where is Zheng Chen now, do you know?"

He Feng inquired.

The waistcoat man said, "I'm not sure, but Zheng Dong's assistant certainly knows."

"Do you know where he is?"

"I know, I know!"

The waistcoat man nodded repeatedly, "today is Sunday. Liu Huan must be at his mistress's home. He will stay at his mistress's home every Saturday and Sunday."

"Do you have his mistress's address?"

"Yes, I'll tell you."

Vest man will Liuhuan mistress home address said, "now, can let us go?"

"Let you go? When did I say I would let you go? " He Feng asked.


"It's a disaster for those of you who are ignorant and muddle around in society all day long. So, why don't you go to the small dark room and stay for two years, and eat and live in it. "

He Feng grinned.

Smell speech, vest man suddenly a face dead ash.

He Feng didn't pay attention to him. After Chu Yue and others in casual clothes arrived, he handed over the vest man and others to the police.

Fearing that there would be an accident, he Feng didn't dare to delay his time, so he didn't drive there. Instead, he let Xia Menglu drive back to the station apartment alone, and he "ran" alone.

Originally, it took him less than five minutes to get to Liu Huan's mistress's house.

When he arrives, Liu Huan is playing with his mistress in bed. He Feng is very impolite and destroys their good deeds. Then he asks where Zheng Chen is now.

To his surprise, Zheng Chen is still in Tongtai group.

Although Tongtai group has only been established for five years, its pharmaceutical industry in Jiangshu province can definitely rank in the top three, and there is not a big gap between the first and the second.

However, although he only ranked third, when he Feng fell directly on the roof of the Tongtai group, he could not help but pick his eyebrows.

"This Tongtai group is very defensive. Now there are dozens of security guards on patrol. Moreover, there was a helicopter in that tent. "

He Feng looked at the big tent not far away and took back his eyes.


Then, in a flash, he swept to the stairway.

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