"Ha ha, you underestimate your brother-in-law's strength too much."

Ji Xinyu chuckled, "the white cloud gang was destroyed by your brother-in-law alone. Yesterday, the Baiyun gang in the shiting Hotel, including Li Tianhai, are still alive. "


Ji Gang took a cold breath. "If I remember correctly, Baiyun Gang sent out hundreds of people at least yesterday, right? And they are all elite. My brother-in-law left them all by himself? "

"What else?" Ji Xinyu said, "don't think it's amazing when you break through to the late Ming Dynasty. I tell you, in front of your brother-in-law, you are no different from a three-year-old. "

"I... I don't believe it. Can my brother-in-law be so powerful?"

Ji Gang is a little unconvinced and thinks that Ji Xinyu is bragging.

He looked at He Feng and said, "brother-in-law, since you have become my brother-in-law now, after your brother-in-law's strength has made great progress, should you give some advice?"

"Are young people so modest now? Let others give him directions at any moment. "

He Feng is puzzled.


Ji Xinyu was amused by He Feng's words and said: "husband, since my brother is not convinced, you should educate him well. However, you take it a little lightly. It's a blow to young people's self-confidence. "

"Don't worry, Xinyu wife. Anyway, this is my brother-in-law. Of course, I won't do too much."

He Feng smiles, and immediately goes to the middle of the training room and says to Ji Gang, "brother-in-law, come on, I'll show you what a real master is."

"Hey, brother-in-law, don't let me down."

Ji Gang licked his lips and went to He Feng. The inner strength of Ming Jin's later period in his body was running fast.

He Feng nodded and said: "you are my brother-in-law's sake. Let me give you a move. You can exert your strongest attack directly. As long as you can hurt me, I will lose."

"That's not good. If I attack you directly, if I hurt you seriously, then my sister can let me go?"

Ji Gang shook his head and said.

He also knew something about He Feng's strength, which was probably equivalent to the appearance of refining double and even refining triple, not much weaker than him.

But his strongest blow may really hurt he Feng.

He Feng had no choice but to smile, "ha ha, I'll let you do three moves. You can attack the weak first. If you can't hurt me, you can do more. In a word, as long as you can hurt me, even if the slightest bit, I will lose the contest. How about that? "

"Let me do three things?"

Ji Gang stares.

Is that arrogant?

Previously, he thought he was crazy enough, but compared with He Feng now, he was too childish.

"Don't write any ink. Let's hurry up. After the fight, I'll go to the world of two with your sister."

He Feng impatiently urged a sentence.

"Xiao Gang, do you hear me? Hurry up and don't be a light bulb here all the time. "

Ji Xinyu also urged.

"Damn, you think I'm a light bulb."

Hear two people's words, Ji just can't bear immediately, "that you are careful!"


As soon as the words are finished, Ji Gang suddenly jumps out toward He Feng, and the iron fist smashes at He Feng.

The strong force starts from his body, quickly condenses on his shoulders, and then rushes to his wrists and fists like an electric current.


Iron with a strong wind, blink of an eye came to the front of He Feng, attack to He Feng chest.


However, just as his fist was about to fall on He Feng, he Feng's body suddenly disappeared in front of him.

One punch, No.

"Xiao Gang, your attack power is good, but the speed is too slow."

He Feng has now stood behind Ji Gang, disappointed way: "thanks to you also said that you have been able to compete with Mingjin peak of ancient martial arts, now you show the strength, can defeat with you the same level of martial arts, is good."

"What a speed

Ji Gang quickly turned around and looked at He Feng who had appeared behind him. His look was solemn.

He knew that the ordinary means of attack could not hurt he Feng.

"Brother in law, I really underestimated you just now, but next I'm going to be serious. Be careful."

With that, Ji Gang burst out again.


This time, instead of fisting, he used his legs.

Long legs such as iron whip, in the air issued a harsh wind, carrying a strong incomparable power, pumping to He Feng.

At the same time, his eyes stare at He Feng, in case he Feng dodges, can make a second attack.

However, to Ji Gang's surprise, he Feng didn't dodge

Instead, he raised a hand and gently extended it in the direction of his leg.

"You want to stop my attack with your hand? Are you not afraid that this hand is useless? "

Ji Gang raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, and the strength in his hind legs was slightly reduced.

The next moment, his leg accurate kick in He Feng's palm.

Ji Gang did not expect the overwhelming scene!

His leg, as if to kick in a ball of cotton, there is no focus.

"No, the attack power has been removed."

Ji Gang suddenly realized that it was not good, and her face changed slightly.

Fortunately, his third move is ready.


Iron fist is like a mountain, condensing all his strength. It's as fast as thunder and thunders to He Feng's chest.

This punch is domineering and swift.

Fist not to, boxing let he Feng's clothes, tightly attached to the body.

See, the fist will fall to He Feng's chest.

At the critical moment, the palm of He Feng's other hand flashed out of thin air, like an iron wall, blocking Ji Gang's fist.

The strength of the fist, once again deep in the mire.

"Shit, it's unloaded again?"

Feeling the power of the fist dissipated instantly, Ji Gang was completely dumbfounded.

He used almost all his strength with one punch, without any reservation. He also used his martial arts, which doubled his power. The ordinary martial arts of the late Ming Dynasty could not resist head-on.

Even those who are at the top of Mingjin's ancient martial arts have to stay away from the edge.

But he Feng understated his two moves and took them all.


The gap is clear at a glance.

"Xiao Gang, I've taken three moves from you. You can take one of my punches, too."

Standing in front of Ji Gang, he Feng grins.

Then, one punch.

It's a light blow, as if it doesn't have much power.

But the attack speed is very fast, in the blink of an eye came to Ji Gang.

I don't give him too much time to react.

Ji Gang didn't even have the chance to dodge, so he had to block it subconsciously.


He Feng's fist falls straight on Ji Gang's arm.


Ji Gang immediately felt that a force of gravity swept over, and the whole person shot back suddenly, hitting the wall heavily.

"Xiao Gang, are you ok?"

Seeing this, Ji Xinyu goes up to help Ji Gang and looks at He Feng with some blame. "Husband, how can you do so much?"

"Sister, don't worry. I'm fine."

Ji Gang rubbed his numb arm and said, "my brother-in-law's fist seems to be powerful, but it only has impact. The attack is not very strong. It didn't hurt me."

Smell speech, Ji Xinyu carefully observed Ji Gang, found that the latter is really nothing, this just know that he Feng is wrong.

Her face is not from a red, to He Feng way: "husband, I'm sorry, I blame you wrong."

He Feng said, "you'll have to make it up to me later."

"Well, well, I won't let you down later. Is that all right?"

Ji Xinyu has no good way.

But in front of her brother, she was somewhat embarrassed.

"By the way, how can Xiaogang's strength be improved so much at once? It's directly from the early stage of Mingjin to the late stage of Mingjin." Ji Xinyu asked in surprise.

"Because his crazy blood has been completely awakened, and his blood power has been transformed into internal strength. With my help, let his internal strength integrate into the Dantian, and his cultivation will naturally be improved. Moreover, when he practices in the future, he will also get the help of the power of blood, and his speed will be doubled. "

Just in the process of fighting with Ji Gang, he had a general understanding of Ji Gang's physical condition. "Xiao Gang is now at the critical point of breaking through to the peak of Mingjin. It is estimated that he will break through in a few days. Moreover, in two years at most, I think he will become a master of Huajin. "

"What? Master Hua Jin

"So fast?"

Ji Xinyu and Ji Gang were all exclaimed.

He Feng nodded, "you don't know much about the power of blood. It's only a matter of time before the ancient martial arts who awaken the power of blood become the master of Huajin, and the time is not very long. If you're a little bit lucky, you don't need two years. "

"Is the power of blood so terrible?"

Ji Xinyu said.

"Of course!"

He Feng nodded, "in the ancient martial arts world, it's rare for ten thousand ancient martial arts people to have a chance to awaken their blood. And those who have awakened the power of blood can become the master of Huajin in two years, as long as they don't fall in the middle of the journey or don't practice seriously. And some of them with better talent will cultivate their true Qi and become myths and legends in the future

He Feng doesn't have much contact with the myths and legends of the true Qi realm, but he knows some of them. Many of them awaken their blood.

After all, all the martial artists who can cultivate true Qi and achieve myths and legends by their own abilities have great perseverance, great talent and great fortune.

Like him, and monkeys.

"So, I hope that I can gather true Qi and become a legend in the future?"

Ji just heard that, she felt her blood boiling.

Myths and legends, that's the dream of all ancient warriors.

"Ha ha, it's quite possible. But before you really rise, you'd better keep a low profile. Because as far as I know, there is a more terrible organization in this world, which is dedicated to capturing those who have awakened the power of blood, and then extracting the power of this person's blood to strengthen their own power of blood.

He Feng warned.

Ji Gang said with a smile: "it's OK. I've always kept a low profile. Before I break through to master Huajin, I will never let outsiders know that I have awakened the power of blood. When I break through to master Huajin, I will kill Ji's family and avenge my father. At that time, even if outsiders know that I have awakened the power of blood, I will have enough power to protect myself, right

The man who killed his father is his uncle, who is now the head of Ji's family. He has the highest cultivation of dark energy.

In addition, his uncle is an old dark strength peak strong, there are many experts around.

If Ji Gang wants to get revenge, he must cultivate his strength before he can be sure.

"Master Huajin, it's enough for you to take revenge. But in the face of the power of the warrior who specially captured and awakened the power of blood, you really don't have the power to protect yourself. "

He Feng said with a faint smile: "I've heard that even some weaker myths and legends may capsize in the face of this force if they are not careful."

"Er... Myths and legends are all sewer capsized?"

Ji Gang was immediately dumbfounded.

Myths and legends, in his heart is invincible, invincible. But such a master, in the face of that force, must be careful, that force must be how powerful?

"In a word, from now on, you are not allowed to use the power of your blood unless there is a crisis of life and death. Do you understand?" He Feng sternly warned.

"I'll listen to you when I know my brother-in-law."

Ji Gang nodded seriously.

Then, he suddenly asked curiously: "by the way, brother-in-law, I can fight against the top of Mingjin now, but you can beat me easily with one move. What level of your cultivation has reached? Are you a great master of Huajin? "

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