"A great master of Huajin?"

He Feng smile, "you can help me as a generation of strong master."

He is a legend of true Qi state. I don't want to let too many people know about him for the moment.

"Wow, brother-in-law, how can you be such a bull? At a young age, he became the master of Huajin. Cow, it's so cow. "

Ji just gave a thumbs up to He Feng, but immediately said with a smile: "however, I am a super genius who has awakened the power of blood. In two or three years, I will definitely surpass you. When the time comes, don't be too upset, you know? In fact, your talent has been very strong, but I am a more abnormal super genius? But you can rest assured that after my strength surpasses you, I will cover you and my sister. As for the past two years, thanks to my brother-in-law, you should protect my sister first. "

"Smelly boy, you're really amazing. You really think it's amazing to wake up your blood power, don't you?"

Ji Xinyu stares at Ji Gang.

This smelly boy is too humble.

She can't help but want to tell Ji Gang that your brother-in-law is not a great master of Huajin, but a myth and legend of cultivating Zhenqi.

However, she also worried about the impact of Ji Gang's confidence, plus he Feng does not want to let too many people know, she is too lazy to say.

"Hey hey, sister, I'm not happy?"

Ji Gang grinned, then looked at He Feng and said, "brother-in-law, you are the master of Huajin, so you must have mastered a lot of martial arts of heaven level or earth level? You see, can you teach me ten or eight sets of Tianjie martial arts now? "


He Feng slaps Ji Gang on the forehead directly, "Stinky boy, can you really open your mouth? Why do you want to learn Tianjie martial arts? Screw you. I just saw you perform a set of boxing techniques and wanted to teach you a set of advanced boxing techniques. Now there is no way

"Ah! No, brother-in-law, good brother-in-law, if I'm wrong, please forgive me. "

Ji Gang said pitifully.

"Here, help me pinch my shoulders first."

He Feng sat down directly with his knees crossed and said with a smile.


Ji just didn't have any ink, went directly to He Feng behind, helped the latter massage.

Although his massage technique is not good, he Feng still enjoys it.

While enjoying, he Feng asked, "Xiaogang, it won't be long before you can break through to Huajin. Are you ready to kill Ji's family and avenge your father as soon as you break through to Huajin?"

"Sister, have you told my brother-in-law about our family?"

Ji Gang took a look at Ji Xinyu.

"Well, your brother-in-law already knows." Ji Xinyu nodded.

"All right!"

Ji Gang didn't think much about it.

Because he also knows that Ji Xinyu didn't tell he Feng about Ji's family at first, because he thought Ji's family was too strong and worried that he Feng would get into trouble.

But now that he Feng is actually a great master of Huajin, naturally there is no such worry.

"Brother in law, I'm sure none of the people who surround and kill my father in Ji's family will let go. Especially my uncle, I must kill him myself. "

Ji Gang clenched his fist tightly, his face was full of hatred, and his eyes were a little red.

"Xiao Gang, I support you to avenge yourself, but I also hope you can understand a truth. Hatred can become the motive force of your cultivation, but it can also blind your eyes and your heart, so as to change your mind and hinder your future strong way. So you must grasp a degree, revenge can, but don't let hatred become all of you

He Feng told.

Smell speech, Ji Gang brow a wrinkly.

Because, before that, whenever he had time, he was going to practice. His purpose was to get strong as soon as possible and kill Ji's family for revenge.

Only when he felt very upset and didn't want to practice, he would occasionally go out to drag racing.

Now he Feng's words, let him have a kind of suddenly realized feeling.

If a person has been living in hatred, what glory is there in life?

Hatred can be the driving force of progress, but it is not the end.

"Brother in law, I see. Thank you." Ji Gang serious way, "I continue to give you massage."

"Forget it. I'd better let Xinyu's wife press it for me later. I'll teach you a set of boxing first, so as not to delay you here."

With that, he Feng got up and jumped to the middle of the training room. "Watch this set of boxing. I'll only play it once."


Ji gang saw this and immediately concentrated on it.

He Feng's fist technique is not complicated, and on the surface, it seems to be a bit similar to Ji Gang's previous performance.

However, there is a big difference between the two.

The difference is that Ji Gang's boxing has attack and defense, and can advance and retreat freely, but he Feng's boxing is fierce, overbearing and full of fury.

One punch is the only one in the world.

"This, this is the boxing I should learn. My brother-in-law, he knows me so well. "

Looking at He Feng's boxing, Ji Gang's face is full of excited color.

Before long, he Feng received his fist and stood up, looking at Ji Gang, "how do you feel?"

Ji Xinyu saw that he Feng's boxing was finished, and then said: "smelly boy, now you know that a mountain is higher than a mountain? The boxing you used to show in front of your brother-in-law is no different from the airs. "

"Sister, don't make fun of me. My brother-in-law is a great master of Huajin. Can I compare him with him?"

Ji Gang excitedly asked: "brother-in-law, even if this set of boxing is not Tianjie, how can it be Dijie?"

Although he Feng didn't use his inner strength when he just used his fist technique, he could feel that this set of fist technique was very powerful.

He has enough confidence. If he fully learns this boxing technique, he will definitely be able to kill the ancient martial arts in the late Ming Dynasty.

Even if he is the peak of Mingjin, he can't compete with him.

"Ha ha, you underestimate the power of the earth level martial arts. Before you step into the dark force, you can't cultivate the earth level martial arts. This set of martial arts is only advanced in human level. "

He Feng said with a light smile: "however, if you can cultivate this set of martial arts to a small degree, it's not difficult to defeat the ancient martial arts at the peak of Mingjin. If you can achieve a great accomplishment, you can kill the ancient warrior at the peak of Mingjin. If it's perfect, you can save your life in the hands of the ancient martial arts at the beginning of the dark force. "

"Hiss, so powerful? Can you save your life in the hands of the dark ancient warrior? "

Ji just can't help exclaiming.

He was born in the Ji family of the guwu family, and knew the power of the strong.

There is a huge gap in each big realm, that is, the bright, the dark and the melt.

It's reasonable to say that at least ten people with the highest level of Mingjin can compete with one person with the highest level of dark strength.

And he only needs to perfect this set of boxing, and he can protect his life in the hands of the ancient martial arts in the early stage of dark strength.

"Well... Is this boxing very difficult to learn, brother-in-law? In particular, I want to go from Dacheng cultivation to perfection. " Ji Gang worried: "can't it take me a year and a half to just learn this boxing?"

"A year and a half?"

He Feng raised his mouth and said, "although I didn't awaken the power of blood, I know how terrible it would be for the ancient martial arts who awakened the power of blood to cultivate their talent. This set of boxing is tailor-made for you. I don't know how long it will take for you to reach the perfect state. But I know it won't be long. "

"That's good!"

Ji Gang laughed and went to the center of the field and said to He Feng, "brother-in-law, I'll call you now, and you can give me some advice."

"I don't have time. I'll go by myself. I won't accompany you. I have to accompany your sister."

He Feng said, turned and left, pulling Ji Xinyu out of the training room.


Ji just opened her mouth, her face was speechless.

"I'll go, too much for friends, right?"

Although she said so, Ji Gang's admiration for He Feng didn't weaken at all. She seriously practiced the boxing He Feng had just performed.

Originally, he thought he Feng's boxing would be very difficult to learn.

But after several drills, he learned all the moves of this set of boxing, and could give full play to the power of boxing.

"It's... So small?"

Ji Gang looked at his fists stupidly.

He didn't understand when his cultivation talent became so terrible?

"As my brother-in-law said, it's really terrible for the ancient martial arts who awakened their blood power to cultivate their talent? If so... The day when I will become a great master of Huajin and surpass my brother-in-law will surely not be far away. "

Ji Gang's face became excited gradually.


"Husband, thank you for teaching Xiao Gang such a powerful set of boxing."

Ji Xinyu's boudoir, Ji Xinyu poured a cup of Biluochun to He Feng, said with a smile.

"Wife Xinyu, don't thank me. I'm just a little skilled. In fact, I haven't had much contact with the warrior who has awakened the power of blood. But next, I have to find a way to contact some of these warriors and see how they can improve their strength quickly. " He Feng quite some envious said.

The reason why their brothers can reach the level of strength and even true Qi when they are in their twenties is that they have been wandering on the edge of life and death for a long time. Only by honing their own potential through death time after time can they constantly break through.

And those super geniuses who have awakened the power of blood don't need to hone themselves at all. They can break through freely with food and water.

"The ancient warrior who has awakened the power of blood has a real hope of becoming a true Qi State and a legend in the future?"

Ji Xinyu asks curiously.

"Of course there is hope, but the probability is not too great. After all, talent is important, but hard work and perseverance are even more important. However, the talent of those who have awakened the power of blood is really terrible, and their cultivation speed is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. "

He Feng picked up his tea cup, took a sip of Biluochun, and then continued: "as far as I know, there is a famous ancient warrior in China who has awakened the power of blood. This man has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. At the age of 20, he finally became a dark force. In principle, it will take him at least thirty or fifty years to break through to Huajin. But when he broke through to the dark strength, he suddenly awakened the power of blood. Then, it took him only one year to break through to Huajin, and then it took him another three years to achieve the true Qi state. "

"Hiss, so fast?"

Ji Xinyu shocked.

"Well, although he also encountered a lot of dangers on the way, he was tempered by a lot of life and death. But it can also reflect from the side that the talent of the ancient warrior who awakened the power of blood is really powerful. "

He Feng nodded and said, eyes full of envy.

At the beginning, when he learned that the power of blood could increase the martial arts cultivation speed so much, he also hoped that he could awaken the power of blood.

If he had the power of blood, he would have broken through to the realm of true Qi for a long time. At this moment, let alone the first realm of true Qi, it is possible to reach the second, third or even fourth realm of true Qi.

However, he is very clear that the power of blood can not be forced, it is a matter of personal chance.

"Husband, you didn't wake up to the power of blood, did you?" Ji Xinyu asks curiously.

"Of course not. If I also wake up to the power of blood, I will know the power of blood very well." He Feng shrugged.

"Wow, honey, are you too good? Without even awakening the power of blood, you can cultivate true Qi and become a myth in your twenties. Isn't it true that you are famous in the ancient martial arts circle? "

Ji Xinyu looks at the man's eyes full of pride.

"That's necessary. People all over the world know your husband. Even the boss of the United States has to pay attention to him, for fear that I'll find trouble with them."

He Feng grinned.

"Husband, if you wake up the power of blood after that, won't your strength have to have a huge breakthrough?"

Ji Xinyu asked with a wink.

It's hard for her to imagine that when she is in her twenties, she can cultivate her true Qi and become a mythical person. Once she awakens the power of her blood, what will she achieve in the future.

there is none under heaven to equal him?

"Ha ha, now I don't expect it."

He Feng shook his head with a bitter smile, "because the higher the cultivation, the more difficult it will be to awaken the power of blood. When you just break through to Mingjin, the more likely you are to wake up to the power of your blood. When it comes to dark Jin, the less likely it is. After breaking through to Huajin, it is more difficult to awaken the power of blood. I haven't heard of anyone who awakens the power of blood after the true Qi state. "

"Husband, this kind of thing can't be said, others can't wake up, but you can't say it."

Ji Xinyu said with a smile: "think about it, how many people in the whole ancient martial arts world can break through the true Qi State in their twenties?"

"Well... There should be few."

He Feng touched his nose and said vaguely.

Of course, he knows that there are not many people who can break through the true spirit in their twenties.

But specifically, he is not very clear.

Because since his cultivation, he has never dealt with a few ancient warriors in the real Qi state.

"So, I don't know when you will wake up to the power of blood? It won't be long before you can be invincible. "

Ji Xinyu can feel he Feng's regret for not awakening his blood power, so he pats him on the shoulder and soothes him in a low voice.

"Ha ha, or Xinyu's wife, you have a point. Maybe when I was exercising with my wife in bed, I suddenly woke up to the power of blood?"

He Feng laughs, directly picked up Ji Xinyu, "Xinyu wife, let's try it now, see if I can awaken the power of blood."

Ji Xinyu hugged the man's neck and said with a smile, "well, go straight to the bed. I've already washed up and waited for you."

Smell speech, he Feng immediately feel evil fire in the body, eyes are red, immediately holding Ji Xinyu came to the bed.

A fierce battle was staged immediately.

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