The battle between He Feng and Ji Xinyu lasted until 11 pm.

"Husband, it seems that I have to find a way to improve my strength. My physical strength can't keep up with your rhythm."

Ji Xinyu is lying in He Feng's arms, breathing heavily. Her cheeks are red and her body is full of sweat beads.

She didn't have any strength now. She didn't even want to move her fingers.

The whole room was filled with a strong sense of strangeness.

"Xinyu wife, if you want to improve your strength, it's very simple. Come on, sit with your knees crossed, and I'll help you gather your inner strength. "

He Feng smiles.

He is happy to see Ji Xinyu's strength improved.

Women's strength is stronger and more abundant. When they are in bed in the future, they will naturally be able to give him more cooperation.

"Will you help me to build up my inner strength?"

Ji Xinyu was stunned.

She knows that if an ancient warrior is willing to spend a year or two of his time and energy, he can help an ordinary person, arouse his sense of Qi, and become a half step ancient warrior.

But she had never heard of the matter of directly gathering inner strength.

"It's necessary. I'm a legend. It's not too difficult to help you gather your inner strength." He Feng said with a smile: "however, in the process of gathering inner strength, there will be a little pain. Xinyu's wife, you'd better bear it."

"Ha ha, over the years, I haven't experienced any kind of pain. A little pain is not a big deal."

Ji Xinyu said with indifference.

Then she sat up straight across her knees and said, "come on, I'm ready."

"Xinyu's wife, you came from the ancient Wu family, so you should know that vigor is also classified?" He Feng asked with a smile.

"Well, I know that. Vigor can be divided into three levels: ordinary, advanced and best. Is it true that the longer I can endure the pain, the higher the level of energy I can finally gather? "

Ji Xinyu nodded and said curiously.

"Yes, and the pain must be borne by yourself." He Feng said helplessly: "otherwise, you'd better practice slowly? It would be no pain if we could pool our inner strength with our own efforts and make it happen naturally. "

"Honey, you look down on me. Although I am a woman, my perseverance is not much worse than your men. In those days, I founded the poisonous scorpion Gang, and let the poisonous scorpion Gang gain a firm foothold in Jiangbin city

Ji Xinyu directly closed his eyes and said, "you can come directly. Don't delay any more. You can be told that you don't need to pick up your wife tonight. "


He Feng touched his nose and almost forgot about it.

Wang Xiangyun made it clear to him today that he would come to pick him up at one o'clock and bring another chicken wings by the way.

If he didn't go there tonight, Wang Xiangyun's favor for him in the past two days would be gone again.

"OK, you can bear it. Even if you can't gather the best energy, it's nothing. With my husband, even if you just gather the ordinary energy, I can at least help you become a master of Huajin in the future." He Feng said.

"Husband, believe me."

However, Ji Xinyu is a simple reply.

"All right!"

Seeing that the woman is so persistent, he Feng no longer talks much. He also sits on the back with his hands on the woman's back.

Ji Xinyu's expression immediately became serious, and he concentrated on running the slightest sense of Qi in his body, swimming all over his body.

This state lasted for about an hour.

"Xinyu's wife, concentrate, gather Qi in Dantian, and begin to gather inner strength."

Suddenly, he Feng drinks softly.

At the same time, a pure and soft Qi flows into Ji Xinyu's body, and more and more air flows into Dantian.


Ji Xinyu snorted, Dai Mei frowned, and a touch of pain appeared on her face.

But soon, the pain on her face was suppressed by her.

Instead, it's absolute perseverance.

"Well! It seems that my wife Xinyu is really a heroine. It's not easy for her to have such great perseverance these years. "

Feeling the change of the woman's breath, he Feng felt a little distressed. He Feng wanted to embrace the woman immediately and cherish her.

However, he knew that it was definitely not the right time, so he had to bear it.

This state lasted for more than ten minutes. Ji Xinyu's breath finally calmed down completely.

The pain on her face gradually dissipated.

A strong breath rises from women.

"It's true. At last, I've gathered my inner strength."

He Feng takes back his palm, then walks out of bed and lights a cigarette, quietly waiting for the woman to wake up.

Ji Xinyu has successfully gathered his inner strength and will wake up in a few minutes at most.

However, when he Feng finished smoking two cigarettes in succession, Ji Xinyu didn't have the slightest sign to wake up. He still closed his eyes and was in the state of cultivation.

"Well? What's the situation? "

See, he Feng brow not from wrinkle, some unknown so.

After he broke through to the true Qi, he also helped some people gather inner strength.

These people, five minutes at most, wake up.

Why did Ji Xinyu not wake up after ten minutes?

"There's no accident, is there?"

He Feng is worried.

Fortunately, although Ji Xinyu didn't wake up, her breath was relatively stable.


It's not steady, it's climbing.


Suddenly, a more powerful breath, as if breaking the floodgate torrent, surging out.

"This... This is another breakthrough? How is that possible? "

He Feng stares big eyes, unbelievable looking at Ji Xinyu in front of him.

Because at this time, Ji Xinyu's breath reached the middle of Ming Dynasty.

You know, it's only ten minutes since she got to the beginning of Mingjin.

"Isn't Xinyu's wife's cultivation talent very ordinary? What's more, she doesn't have the power to awaken her blood. How can she practice so fast? "

He Feng was shocked and confused.

However, he soon realized that something was wrong.

Although Ji Xinyu's breath has become more powerful, on her body, it emits a cold breath.

The surrounding temperature seems to have dropped a little.

This kind of cold, not ordinary cold, but let people have a kind of cold from the bone.

"What the hell is going on?"

He Feng's sword eyebrows wrinkled more and more tightly.

But Ji Xinyu seems to be at the critical moment of cultivation, and he does not dare to disturb easily.

"Let's see first!"

He Feng stood on the side, carefully observed, dare not have a little lax.


This wait lasted about 20 minutes, and Ji Xinyu's strength surged to a higher level.

Late Ming Jin!

"I'm going, but I broke through again?" He Feng mouth corner mercilessly smoked.

Isn't that too special?

Even those super talents who have awakened their blood have to have a process of cultivation, right?

But Ji Xinyu is so good now. With the help of He Feng, a fairy tale, an ordinary person with ordinary talent has successfully gathered his inner strength and made a series of breakthroughs.

It took only half an hour from the beginning to the end.

Moreover, there is no external force.

If this is spread out, it will definitely shake the whole ancient martial world.

Then, a large number of ancient martial arts experts will surely swarm into Jiangbin city like locusts and take Ji Xinyu away for research as a mouse.

"No! There must be something wrong! The icy smell of Xinyu's wife is heavier. Is her breakthrough related to this breath? "

He Feng's eyes suddenly narrowed.

At this time, he suddenly remembered the picture when he saw Ji Xinyu for the first time.

At that time, Ji Xinyu wore ordinary clothes and no make-up, but the cold air on her body gave people a feeling that strangers were not allowed to enter.

Even he Feng felt that Ji Xinyu's temperament was too cold.

Later, the two get to know each other, Ji Xinyu's attitude towards him is warm and intimate, and he Feng naturally ignores Ji Xinyu's cold breath.

But in fact, this breath has been wandering around Ji Xinyu.

As if, this breath, is not Ji Xinyu intentional control.

"No, I have to see Xinyu's body. What's going on?"

Feeling Ji Xinyu's cold breath, he Feng doesn't want to wait any longer.

He came to Ji Xinyu again and put his hand on Ji Xinyu's back.


He Feng's hand fell on Ji Xinyu's snow-white back, as if on a piece of ice the year before last.


Biting cold!

He Feng dares to affirm, if pour a glass of water on Ji Xinyu at this time, absolutely can instantly freeze.

"Damn, what's the matter?"

He Feng ran the real Qi quickly, which resisted the cold breath.

Then, the true Qi moves towards Ji Xinyu's body.

However, what shocked he Feng was that his true Qi had just entered Ji Xinyu's body, and he lost contact with it inexplicably.

That wisp of true Qi is sinking into the sea.

"This... What's the situation?"

He Feng's face changed greatly.

This is really angry!

It's not Neijin!

His true Qi enters Ji Xinyu's body and loses contact directly.

It's like being swallowed up.

"What's wrong with Xinyu's wife's body? Can she even absorb Qi?"

He Feng quickly starts to run a wisp of real Qi and crosses into Ji Xinyu's body.

This time, with the lesson of the last time, he Feng specially put his mental power into operation to strengthen the control of Qi.

However, it doesn't work

As soon as his true Qi entered Ji Xinyu's body, he immediately cut off contact with him.

be rather baffling!

No warning!

Not only that, Ji Xinyu's cold breath also increased by one point.

"No! Can't use this method to test, the cold smell of Xinyu is more and more serious. If we try again, we may have some accidents. "

He Feng's heart is more and more worried, but dare not try too much.

Next, he could only wait quietly, hoping that Ji Xinyu would stop practicing early and wake up safely.


This wait lasted more than ten minutes, and Ji Xinyu's breath went up again.

Mingjin peak!

"It is more difficult and takes more time to break through from the late Ming Dynasty to the peak of Ming Dynasty than from the middle Ming Dynasty to the late Ming Dynasty. But now, the time she spent breaking through to the peak of Mingjin is much less. "

He Feng wrung his brow, "is it because of my two genuine Qi?"

True Qi, after all, is ten million times stronger than inner strength.

If it is transformed into energy, the energy can be called vast and magnificent.

What he Feng can't believe is that there are people in this world who can directly convert a random piece of Qi into energy to improve their cultivation.

If this spread to the ancient martial arts, no one would believe it.

However, he Feng just tried it once, and he was just guessing, not sure.

He doesn't have the mind to think about it now. Instead, he looks at Ji Xinyu in front of him and murmurs: "it's already the peak of Mingjin. Can it break through to the dark Jin?"

Fortunately, Ji Xinyu did not let he Feng continue to worry.

After a few minutes, Ji Xinyu's cold eyes opened.

A touch of ice cold and blue radiance refracted from her pupils.

It's getting colder all around.

"Honey, why are you looking at me like this? Did I become more beautiful after I cultivated my inner strength and became an ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty? "

Ji Xinyu's joyful laughter rings in He Feng's ear.

At the same time, the woman because of the breakthrough, happy mood, soft body, directly into the arms of He Feng.

Delicate and warm.

Eyes, soft.

What happened in the past half an hour was like a dream.

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