"Husband, why are you looking at me and not talking? Come on, am I becoming more and more beautiful now? "

Ji Xinyu see he Feng has been staring at himself, just don't speak, can't help asking again.

"Wife Xinyu, don't you realize something's wrong?"

He Feng looks at Ji Xinyu and slowly opens his mouth.

"Something's wrong. What's wrong? I don't feel it. " Ji Xinyu is puzzled.

"Your inner strength!"

He Feng said: "you carefully feel, now your inner strength, to what level?"

"I've just gathered my inner strength, and it's only with your help that I successfully gathered my inner strength. Of course, it's just the beginning of Mingjin."

Ji Xinyu doesn't think about it.

However, she still listened to He Feng's words, a little bit under the operation of the force, induction up.

The next moment, her face, which was not caring, was immediately shocked.

"Why, how could it be so strong? My inner strength, isn't it? How can I feel stronger than Xiaogang's inner strength? This... This seems to be the peak of Mingjin. "

Aware of the powerful inner strength in the body, Ji Xinyu said in disbelief: "how can I suddenly become so powerful?"

Ji Xinyu is really shocked. She remembers that she has just gathered her inner strength, but now her inner strength is stronger than Ji Gang, who broke through the late Ming Jin period. Obviously, she has reached the peak of Ming Jin.

"Wife Xinyu, you don't know what's going on?"

Smell speech, he Feng not from surprised.

He thought Ji Xinyu knew about her cultivation. He didn't expect that she didn't even know what happened when she reached the peak of Mingjin.

Is that too much?

"I, I don't know. Husband, I just gathered my inner strength. How can I reach the peak of Mingjin all of a sudden? " Ji Xinyu said, puzzled.

"I just wanted to use real Qi to enter your body and find out your physical condition. But as soon as my inner strength enters your body, it will be absorbed immediately, and then your breakthrough speed will be faster. I'm afraid that something will happen to your body, so I dare not explore again. I want to wait for you to wake up and see the situation. It's just that you don't know what's going on. "

He Feng's brow is tightly wrinkling, the head in the heart is full of worry.

"Well, is that ok?" Ji Xinyu is also worried.

After all, this breakthrough is really puzzling and worrying.

"I'm not sure!"

He Feng shook his head, pondered a way: "Xinyu wife, do you want me to check your body again?"

Ji Xinyu naturally has no opinion, "OK, then you check it."

He Feng nodded and his palm fell on Ji Xinyu's back.

This time, Ji Xinyu's back is not the previous cool feeling, but has a trace of warmth, feel comfortable.

True Qi, from He Feng's palm, comes out and crosses into Ji Xinyu's body.

He Feng thought that this genuine Qi would sink into the sea. Like the previous two times, he completely lost contact with himself.

But what surprised him was that his true Qi entered Ji Xinyu's body very smoothly.

"Well? Has Qi not been absorbed? "

Although in the heart surprised, but he Feng is a little relieved.

If it's not absorbed.

So, he seriously checked Ji Xinyu's physical condition.

But he was soon disappointed

Ji Xinyu's inner strength is working normally, except for giving people a strong and unpredictable feeling.

And Ji Xinyu's Dantian is no different from ordinary people.

If it wasn't for finding out that Ji Xinyu's inner strength really broke through to the peak of Mingjin, he Feng even thought that what just happened was his own illusion.

"Husband, have you found anything?"

See he Feng took back the palm of the hand, Ji new rain then curious inquired.

He Feng shook his head and said, "no, your physical condition is very good now. Moreover, your inner strength is extremely pure and powerful, far beyond the ordinary best strength. If you only fight for inner strength, you can sweep the ancient warriors below the dark strength. If you cultivate some more powerful martial arts, your combat effectiveness will be able to fight against the ordinary dark strength early ancient martial arts. "

"How powerful is that?"

Ji Xinyu was surprised.

However, thinking of her inexplicable breakthrough to the peak of Mingjin, she was still not at ease, "then my body, nothing will happen?"

"For the time being, I'm not sure."

He Feng is very worried.

He guessed that Ji Xinyu may not be an ordinary physique, and there may be some magical blood hidden in his body. Although he has not awakened yet, his power has gradually emerged.

However, this is only his guess.

"If only Huisheng were here. With Huisheng's insight, I might know what happened to Xinyu's wife."

He Feng secretly made a decision, back to have to contact the Dragon Island side, let them help find Huisheng as soon as possible.

Ji Xinyu is not sure about his health now.

"Husband, don't worry too much. Although I will experience some hardships, I'm lucky. I've always been able to turn the bad into the good. This time, maybe God has pity on me, so I can break through quickly. "

Ji Xinyu see he Feng worried about himself, sweet heart, but on the surface or as if nothing happened to pacify the way.

"Well, it should be. After all, you are the woman of He Feng. Of course, God has to take care of you. " He Feng smiles.

"You change your clothes quickly, your main palace should still be waiting for you at home?"

Ji Xinyu stood up and picked up the clothes he Feng left on the side. "I'll wait for you to change clothes."

"Hey, hey, good!"

He Feng also stood up with him.

With the help of Ji Xinyu, he dressed quickly.

It's more than 12 o'clock now. It's about half an hour's drive from Liuyue club to Yuncheng group.

However, he Feng also wants to buy supper for Wang Xiangyun, so he has to hold on a little.

"Husband, now that I've improved my cultivation, I'm sure I can keep up with you. When you're free, you have to come to me."

He Feng will be sent out to stay on the club, Ji Xinyu reluctantly said to the man.

"Don't worry, your husband, I'll come to compete with you as soon as I have time."

He Feng grinned, "it's late now. You should go back to bed as soon as possible."

"OK, drive slowly."

Ji Xinyu's clever way.

Watching He Feng leave, the smile on Ji Xinyu's face slowly closes up, and then turns back to the club.


As soon as Ji Xinyu went in, two strong men outside the gate rubbed their arms subconsciously.

One of them said: "Xiaoshi, do you think that as soon as Mr. He Feng leaves, our boss seems to have changed? It's so cold that I feel like I'm in winter. "

"Damn, don't say it. I'm freezing." The strong man named Xiaoshi put his hands on his mouth and vomited heat to warm his hands.

"What's the situation? Although the boss used to make people feel very cold, it was only on the surface. But now, I really feel cold. " That Zhuang Hannah stuffy way.

"I don't know. Maybe the boss's strength has improved."

"Alas, it is estimated that in this world, only Mr. He Feng is lucky enough to bear the enthusiasm of the boss."


Passing by a hamburger shop, he Feng bought a chicken wing and a hamburger, then returned to Yuncheng group and waited in the underground garage.

Just after a little, Wang Xiangyun and Yuan Yashi's two daughters came to the garage.

"Sister yuan, this is for you."

He Feng takes the initiative to get out of the car and walk towards the second daughter. He hands yuan Yashi an Orleans chicken hamburger.

"Hamburger? I'd better not eat it. Now I'm going to lose weight. If I eat this at night, I guess I'll have to grow meat again. You can eat it yourself. "

Yuan Yashi did not dare to reach for it.

However, he Feng didn't care about her. He directly grabbed her hand and stuffed the hamburger into her hand. "You'd better eat. After working overtime for so long, you must be hungry. Don't even care about your body in order to lose weight."

Then he handed the chicken wings to Wang Xiangyun, "daughter in law, this is yours."

Wang Xiangyun took the chicken wings and said to Yuan Yashi, "sister yuan, you can have some. Anyway, you are not fat. The reason why you look a little fat on the surface is that you have a large scale and the meat grows where it should

"Hee hee, I love it when you say that. I'll have some. Maybe after eating this hamburger, my size will be bigger."

Yuan Yashi smilingly opened the bag and nibbled on the hamburger, "He Feng, thank you. Drive slowly on the road. I'll go back first."

Watching yuan Yashi leave the car, Wang Xiangyun glanced at He Feng, "people are gone, but also continue to see?"

"Well, daughter-in-law, what do you say? I only read it out of politeness. "

He Feng coughs awkwardly.

However, in his mind, he was thinking that sister yuan was really big, but because of her work, she was wrapped tightly.

When sister yuan's relative leaves, we must measure it carefully to see how big it is.

"Well, don't think I don't know what you're thinking."

Wang Xiangyun snorted and immediately walked to Lexus, which was not far away.

After he Feng started the car, Wang Xiangyun ate chicken wings and asked: "by the way, last time I asked you to make an encrypted U disk, how are you doing?"

"Oh, it's already done. I just forgot to give it to you. I'll give it to you when I get back at home."

He Feng replied, "you use this U disk, is afraid of things in the computer, other hackers to steal it?"

Wang Xiangyun also did not hide, "well, my research has reached a critical point. I have preserved the research results and some technical problems I have overcome with data and words. These things can be said to be priceless and have a great impact on the prosperity and decline of a country. Therefore, this information must be well preserved and can't be known to outsiders. "

"So powerful?" He Feng surprised way.

But, in the heart actually some disapprove.

Because he knows very well that there are only two things that can really affect the rise and fall of a country.

First, superbombs.

Many countries want to develop super bombs, because with super bombs, they can be free from the oppression and humiliation of other countries.

Second, myths and legends.

A legend can live for 500 years.

If a country has a mythical legend, it is limited for other countries to suppress him. It is impossible for them to dare to go to death. Otherwise, if this mythical legend is angered and people go to your country for revenge, it will definitely cause a devastating blow.

In addition to these two, he Feng can't think of anything else that can affect the prosperity and decline of a country.

"Ha ha, now I won't tell you. When my research is really finished, you will know."

Wang Xiangyun is careful and sensitive to He Feng's disdain.

She didn't care. After all, what she said was a little big. No one would believe it until she saw the real results.

"Daughter in law, how long will it take you to finish this research?"

Smell speech, he Feng touched to touch a nose, some embarrassed inquiry ask a way, he knows his disapproval, was noticed by the woman.

"Now it's the last step of integration, but I don't know how long it will take to complete this last step, maybe in ten years, maybe in one year, maybe tomorrow."

Wang Xiangyun shrugged and continued to gnaw at the chicken wings.

While eating chicken wings, she looked out of the window at the passing night scene, feeling a little trance.

After the research, what should I do next?

Is it to continue to open a company to make money, or to focus on scientific research?

Since you don't know what to do, make money and do scientific research!

After returning home, Wang Xiangyun, who was extremely tired, took a shower and went to bed.

As for He Feng

Wang Xiangyun didn't care. It seemed that she didn't mind whether the latter was sleeping in the window or in the bed.

However, looking at the sleeping woman, he Feng really can't bear to disturb.

So, he can only consciously sleep up the window, so as not to affect the quality of women's sleep.


In the next two days, he Feng had a peaceful life. First, he helped robil to cure his illness. Then he began to help the company supervise the decoration and maintenance. Occasionally, he helped Xia Menglu collect debts. In just two days, the company collected more than 300 million foreign debts.

The remaining foreign debt of Yuncheng group is only over 200 million.

It's not that these 200 million plus foreign debts can't be recovered. It's that some small companies really can't spend so much money in a short time. They can only give each other some time.

Of course, in addition to debt collection, he Feng will also find time to cherish the women around him.

For example, Xia Menglu, Gong Wei, Yang Ying, and Liuyue Club clean every night, waiting for Ji Xinyu.

Small day, let he Feng live incomparably leisurely, at the same time also more cherish such a good time.

On Tuesday, the finance minister's office.

"He Feng, after work, I'll go shopping and cook at home. Are you free?"

After Yuan Yashi sent a document to He Feng, she said with a smile, "my relatives have gone."

"I'll go..."

Smell speech, he Feng mouth corner smoked to smoke, he just received Ji Xinyu telephone, let him go early today, accompany a woman to drink tea.

Moreover, Gong Wei also sent him a message to let him have dinner in the evening.

However, when he thought of Yuan Yashi's plump body, and he hadn't mined it, he felt the evil fire in his body and began to flee.

"Sister yuan, I'll go straight to your house when I get off work." He Feng touched his nose.

"Hey, hey, I thought you were going to Wei Wei's house."

Yuan Yashi smiles complacently and has more confidence in her own charm.

"You can say that Weiwei just sent me a message and asked me to go to her house for dinner. I agreed to her." He Feng has no good spirit of stare a woman.

"Ah? Have you already promised Vivian? "

Yuan Yashi immediately felt embarrassed.

But think about it, he Feng and Gong Wei two talent began not long, naturally want to stick together all day long.

"Sister yuan, I have an idea." He Feng suddenly grinned, "why don't we go to Weiwei's house for dinner tonight?"

"Why go to Weiwei's for dinner?"

Yuan Yashi didn't understand he Feng at first.

But when she saw the strange smile on He Feng's face, she suddenly realized that her face was as red as a ripe peach. "You little villain, what's in your mind?"

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