"Do you want me to serve you with Wei Wei?"

Yuan Yashi stares at He Feng and says, "even if I want to, Weiwei is not necessarily happy."

He Feng said with a laugh: "ha ha, you can rest assured. Weiwei doesn't know my relationship with you, and it's not the first time I've been with her. She must have no problem. The main thing is to see if sister yuan will mind if you are here. If you mind, of course I'll go to your house. Weiwei, I'll explain it to her

"Smelly boy, you are quite arrogant. Aren't you afraid that Wei Wei and I will squeeze you dry?" Yuan Yashi squinted.

He Feng said: "if you two can squeeze me dry, it means you have great ability. However, it's not brother Feng who is afraid of being squeezed out, but sister yuan, you and Wei Wei. "

Yuan Yashi's eyes glared, "hum, I'll go to Weiwei and say hello to Weiwei. I'll see how you've drained us both. "

Said, she really directly turned away from He Feng's office.

"I'll go. When did sister yuan become so direct? She won't really go to Vivian, will she

See the woman so decisive left, he Feng can't help but silly.

However, when he thought that he might conquer two top beauties at the same time at night, and one of them was the first time, his heart became fiery and full of expectation.


Just then, his cell phone on the desk vibrated.

It's Ling Weiyu.

"Hey, feather, what's the matter?" He Feng quickly pressed the answer button.

He just remembered that he didn't get in touch with women these two days.

"Hum, brother Xiaofeng, you haven't contacted me for two days. What are you doing these two days?" Ling Weiyu snorted, and his tone was very dissatisfied.

"Well, you should have watched the news, didn't you? Yuncheng group was set on fire by a turtle grandson and burned a lot of things. I'm busy supervising the decoration and maintenance work these two days. Besides, the company is short of money, so I have to help with debt collection. " He Feng explained quickly.

Ling Weiyu said: "ah? I've been busy with the website these two days, and I haven't paid much attention to the news. Isn't it a big problem? Have you caught the arsonist? "

"It's not a big thing, but it's a waste of time."

He Feng said with a smile: "as for the person who set the fire, there is no clue for the time being, but that guy will definitely come to me for trouble, next time I will definitely catch him."

"Well, you should be a little more careful."

Ling Weiyu gave a warning.

"Don't worry, you don't know the strength of brother Feng. That turtle grandson can't hurt me." He Feng said: "by the way, what's the matter with you calling me?"

"I'm going to Nanjin city the day after tomorrow. I wanted to ask you to go, but since you are busy, I'll go by myself."

"Why go to Nanjin city?"

"Isn't our website going to dig the big God now? However, most of the great gods now stay in ZhangYue or Yuewen and sign a long-term contract, so their original pseudonyms can't leave. Then I inquired, there is a god standing outside Nanjin City, whose pseudonym has not signed a long-term contract, and the old book is finished, ready to open a new book, so I want to talk to him face to face and see if I can dig him up to our website. "

"Well, don't buy tickets for the time being. I'll wait until the day after tomorrow. If there are not many things in the company, I'll go with you."

"Isn't that good? Yuncheng group has a lot of affairs now. Can you go ahead? "

He Feng said with a smile: "if someone asks me out, of course I can't leave. But if you make an appointment, you must be able to walk. "

Ling Weiyu said sweetly, "well, let's see it the day after tomorrow. If you have time, let's go together and visit Nanjin. I've never been there before."

"By the way, feather, are you free tomorrow? I'll show you a place to see. "

He Feng suddenly thought of something. He bought several houses in Xingyuan, but he didn't bring Ling Weiyu to see them. He didn't even say that.

Now the furniture and home appliances are all ready. Yesterday, Chen Jian asked the company to do a big cleaning besides formaldehyde. It's time to take Ling Weiyu to have a look.

"Of course I'm free. I'm the boss now. I'll be free whenever I want."

Ling Weiyu said with a smile: "why, where do you want to take me to see it?"

"Keep it secret until tomorrow."

"Well, I'll wait."

Hung up, he Feng took out his mobile phone and opened the maple language app.

However, after a while, his brow wrinkled.

Because he found that in the past two or three days, the number of finished works on the website has increased a lot.

Moreover, there are not many words in these finished works, and the ending is rather hasty.

Obviously, these authors must have been poached.

"Little feather is true. She doesn't tell me about it. No wonder she is eager to find a God. If a God comes, she will bring many other writers."

He Feng raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, "brother Feng doesn't know much about the authors of those books, so he can't help them dig for the gods. However, brother Feng's strength is to help the author of the website make money. "

Read this, he Feng looked at the time, it is still half past five.

It's half an hour away from work.

"Half an hour, brother Feng can help the website earn millions."

He Feng opens the webpage and finds out the links of several pirated websites that Ling Weiyu sent him.

At the same time, opened honey... No, now honey Chinese net has been officially renamed Maple Chinese net.

He Feng opened the Fengyu Chinese network and found several novels with more words, which are still in normal serialization.

Then, the fingers hit on the keyboard quickly.

"Now, it's time to sell these books by the author of Fengyu. Com?"

Finish these, he Feng just forked off webpage, shut down computer, stand up next, stretched a waist.

But he didn't know. Because of his half-hour work, the sales of Fengyu Chinese net's works increased five times in the next 24 hours.

The total daily sales have exceeded 2 million.

And this incident, directly in the network circle, caused a big earthquake. Everyone wants to know what kind of God man has appeared in Fengyu Chinese website, who can actually profit from those hateful but helpless pirated websites.

After leaving the finance department, he Feng went directly to the underground garage.

Just after smoking a cigarette, Yuan Yashi and Gong Wei's two daughters arrive slowly.

See he Feng, two female steps tiny Dun, subconsciously looked at each other.

"Sister yuan, Weiwei, shall we go shopping directly?" He Feng stamped out the cigarette end, looking at the two girls who came by and asked.

"He Feng, you are brave enough to take sister yuan to my house."

Gong Wei walks up to He Feng and doesn't answer his question. Instead, she says with a smile.

"Hey, everyone is so familiar, so I put forward this suggestion. However, it depends on the attitude of the two wives. If you don't like it, come one by one. " He Feng shrugged.

Anyway, he can't go back on his words.

Besides, he really wanted to enjoy the life of serving the second daughter.

"Well, you can't afford to be late. I will despise you then. "

Gong Wei snorted and went to the president of yuan yashikai, "sister yuan, let's drive your car today. Let's leave my car in the company."


Yuan Yashi naturally didn't mind. She took out the car key from her pocket and gave it to He Feng. "He Feng, you can drive. Let's go shopping first. Wei Wei is already hungry."

"No problem. I'll make a big dinner for you later to make you more energetic."

He Feng took the key with a laugh, opened the door and got into the driver's seat, carrying her two daughters to leave the company.

"Sister yuan, Weiwei, you should be very busy these two days, right? How are things going with the company? "

He Feng asked while driving.

Yuan Yashi said, "I'm fine. I'm in charge of the company's affairs. It's Weiwei. In addition to dealing with the company's affairs, she is also dealing with the external affairs now. Wang Dong has completely devolved power to her, and now Wei Wei is the real president of the company. "

"Sister yuan, why don't I tell yunyun that you should be the president."

Gong Wei rubbed the temple and said, looking very tired.

"Hee hee, I'm not the president."

Yuan Yashi said with a smile: "however, if you don't have time to deal with the affairs in the company in the future, you can leave them to me."

"Well! That's good, so I won't be so tired. Now working all day is like fighting. I really don't know how yunyun insisted on it before. "

Mentioning Wang Xiangyun, Gong Wei had a look of admiration. "Before yunyun was the president, I thought she was so relaxed and had a lot of time to do research. I thought the company was not so busy. Now I know that the reason why yunyun is able to do it well is because she is so capable. "

Yuan Yashi nodded and agreed, "well, yunyun's ability is really beyond our ability. She is a born entrepreneur and researcher. "

"But she's a little bit better than us. She just needs to work with her heart and mind, and she doesn't need to be distracted to deal with things at home." Gong Wei said.

"Well, she has little contact with her family, and they don't care much about her. She's really devoted to her work."

Speaking of this, Yuan Yashi subconsciously asked: "by the way, is your family forcing you to have a blind date again?"

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