"Blind date?"

He Feng is driving to hear this, eyebrows pick, "Weiwei wife, your family is forcing you to go on a blind date?"


Yuan Yashi seems to have just reflected that she said something wrong. She quickly pulls Gong Wei and apologizes, "Weiwei, I'm sorry. I've been busy for a long time and I'm not in a good mood. If I'm not careful, I'm not strict."

"Sister yuan, did you make a slip of the tongue on purpose?" Gong Wei didn't say well.

"Haha, you can see it!"

Yuan Yashi narrowed her eyes and laughed.

Of course, she didn't accidentally let slip, but deliberately said it in front of He Feng to let him know about it.

"However, your family forces you to go on a blind date, which really puts a lot of pressure on you. Originally, you could go on a blind date with peace of mind. Anyway, you are not young, and your parents are about to retire. It's time for you to have a baby and let them help you. Otherwise, how boring it would be for them to stay at home? However, with He Feng now, it's impossible for you to go on a blind date, but you have to deal with the pressure from your parents, so there's a lot of pressure in your heart. "

Yuan Yashi pointed to He Feng and said, "this pressure is caused by He Feng, so he must help you solve it."

"How can he help me? He has a wife. Can I take him to see my parents? "

Gong Wei rolled her eyes and said.

"What's wrong with that? Let's try to persuade our parents? I'll have to find a way to persuade you later. "

Yuan Yashi said, "even if we can't convince them, it's not our business. If he really wants to keep us around, let him try to persuade us. "

Gong Wei glanced at He Feng and said, "if my parents know that he is married and want me to be his little wife, they will drive him out with a broom as soon as he enters my house."

"Poof! Your parents are so aggressive? " Yuan Yashi said with a smile.

"Of course, my parents, they are all intellectuals, people who can't hold a grain of sand in their eyes."

Gong Wei nodded: "so, once my parents know about it, they will definitely object to my being with He Feng."

"In this case, it's a bit of a problem..."

Yuan Yashi frowned.

Now she also thinks that it is not easy to persuade her parents in the future.

"Weiwei's wife, don't worry. I'll see your parents first."

He Feng, who is driving, suddenly opens his mouth.

"What? You want to see my parents? "

Gong Wei is surprised.

When she met her parents last weekend, both of them mentioned he Feng once.

The reason is very simple. Some time ago, Xu Fei of Jiangbin Xindu daily wrote a microblog saying that he Feng was taken care of by Gong Wei, and her parents naturally read the news.

Although they believe that their daughter, will not do to support men, but still concerned about the question, but also understand the basic situation of He Feng.

At that time, Gong Wei left his relationship with He Feng very clear, lest her parents misunderstand anything.

But now, he Feng has proposed to see her parents, that in case the dew fell how to do?

Maybe her parents directly let Gong Wei cut off all contact with He Feng, so Gong Wei is really in a dilemma.

"Well, don't worry. I'm going to see your parents as a colleague. I just want them to get to know me first."

He Feng knows what a woman is worried about and explains quickly.

"What if I know you? They won't like you very much either. "

Gong Wei said helplessly: "although they are middle school teachers, they have seen too many excellent young people in their life. For example, one of the blind dates they found for me this time was a bachelor at Yanjing University. Later, they went to the United States to study for two years, and my family was a billionaire. If you show up directly in front of them, they will only think you are mediocre. "

"Well? According to you, your parents are more material? " He Feng eyebrows pick, curious asked.


Hearing the speech, Gong Wei said without thinking: "my father is OK, very simple. But my mother is a little materialistic, which has something to do with her environment. A group of middle-aged women around her like to keep up with the Joneses. For example, they often talk about the communities they live in, where their children work, what cars they drive, and what bags they buy. "

"If so, it's not a big problem for your mother." He Feng smiles.

"You mean, you want to get my mother's favor on a material level?" Gong Wei frowned and said: "however, your apparent identity seems to be much worse. You are just the head of the Finance Department of Yuncheng group. Your identity is not as good as mine."

"Yunyun, maybe you don't know? Now I am not only the director of Finance Department of Yuncheng group, but also the boss of an online novel company. And this website, before long, will become China's largest network group

He Feng is confident: "in addition, I'm ready to wait for sister yuan to have time, and then invest to set up an education company, and let sister yuan be the president directly."

"Er... Are you so rich?" Gong Wei blinked.

"I don't have much money now, but haven't you seen the speed of my making money? If I don't have any money then, I'll go and earn a few hundred million or something. Isn't that enough? "

He Feng is not satisfied with the way: "if a few hundred million is not enough, I will earn a dozen billion, tens of billions, that is to spend more time."


Gong Wei doesn't know what to say.

If someone else said that, she naturally didn't believe it.

But she has seen he Feng easily earn tens of millions, want to earn hundreds of millions, it is not too difficult.

"If so, it's really easy for you to get a good impression from my mother. My mother's character is not bad, but she is very realistic and material. As for my father, although he is not materialistic, he prefers a man with all-round development. "

Gong Wei thought about it and said, "my father doesn't ask my future husband how much money he can make or how learned he is. But you have to know a little bit about everything, just a little bit about one or two. "

"Well, I am the best son-in-law in his mind."

As soon as Gong Wei's voice fell, he Feng began to laugh.

Gong Wei rolled her eyes and said, "do you know a lot? For example, my father likes calligraphy, chess, basketball, photography, fishing, can you do it? By the way, my father can write novels occasionally, do you understand? "

"Weiwei's wife, you don't know your husband very well. Do you think brother Feng is nothing but handsome? I can tell you that I used to pick up girls abroad, but it's not by face that I pick up girls with talent. "

He Feng explained.


His words made Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi laugh.

"Don't you believe it?"

Seeing this, he Feng looked at the second daughter in the rearview mirror and said, "maybe this weekend, I can ask your father to go fishing, play basketball and chess. Just think I know him."

"This weekend?"

Gong Wei couldn't help frowning.

Yuan Yashi said, "He Feng, when Weiwei's parents came last weekend, they have given her an ultimatum to meet the associate professor of Jiangbin university this weekend."

"Isn't that better? Then I'll go over and show up with her blind date in front of her father, and his father will know more about my excellence. "

He Feng said: "after all, whether a person is really excellent depends on what kind of person he compares with. Only better than excellent people, that is really excellent. Although I don't think the associate professor is very excellent.... "

Although the tone of his speech was simple and casual, Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi were shocked.

This man is too arrogant and overbearing.

However, it is precisely because men have such brilliance that they are more fascinated.

"Weiwei, you can make an appointment for a Saturday. At that time, I'll go with He Feng to see if we can pull yunyun up. I'll tell your father that we'll help check the gate together. Your father won't have any problem."

Yuan Yashi said: "at that time, let he Feng do a good job, let your father know that there are few better men in the world than he Feng. At that time, your parents should not be in a hurry to let you find a boyfriend

"Ah? Is that all right? "

Gong Wei is a little nervous.

Yuan Yashi nodded, "it can only be like this. After all, if he Feng goes alone, maybe your parents will doubt your relationship with him Feng. And if you don't call Wang Dong, I'll accompany He Feng alone. Your parents may have to doubt the relationship between He Feng and me. So, it's better to pull the clouds together. "

"But isn't it good to pull up the clouds?" Gong Wei looks embarrassed.

"What are you afraid of? Yunyun doesn't know about your relationship with He Feng. I guess she won't mind. Besides, yunyun has been keeping herself in the laboratory for a long time. If she doesn't go out for activities, I'm afraid she will get moldy. " Yuan Yashi said.

"Well, I'll talk to her later."

Gong Wei bit her silver teeth and made a decision.

This decision is also a showdown to Wang Xiangyun.

Yuan Yashi seemed to understand Gong Wei's meaning and patted her on the shoulder to encourage her.

"Sister yuan, why don't you..."

Gong Wei's words haven't finished, he Feng interrupted, "two beauties, what do you want to eat at night?"

"I want to eat pepper and salt spareribs. It's my favorite dish, and I'm good at it. I'll cook it myself."

Speaking of eating, Gong Wei immediately became interested.

"That can't do. If you have me, don't cook. You can tell me what you want to eat. I promise it will taste better than you do." He Feng said.

"Hee hee, ok..."

"Sister yuan, what would you like to eat?"

"Sister, I want to eat you!"


He Feng licked his lips, "sister yuan, when I got to Weiwei's house, I washed myself clean, and then lay in bed, waiting for you to eat."

"You want to go to bed after washing? You didn't even ask me if I wanted to eat steamed or braised... "Yuan Yashi's mouth slightly raised.

He Feng didn't have a good way: "do I have to ask you if you want to have a light or salty one?"

"Don't ask. I prefer light food, but I need more pepper."


The corner of He Feng's mouth lashes hard.


See he Feng eat shriveled, two women can't help laughing.

"Hum, I'm teasing brother Feng. In the evening, brother Feng will let you sing and conquer." He Feng turned his mouth.

However, the heart is satisfied.

After shopping, three people come to Gong Wei's community.

After parking the car, he took the elevator straight up the stairs.

Gong Wei takes out the key and prepares to open the door.

"Vivi, let me do it!"

However, he Feng is a pull ready to open the door Gong Wei, took the key from her hand.

The look on his face was cold.

Because, he suddenly felt, in the room, is scattered out if there is no intention to kill.

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