"He Feng, what's the matter?"

Gong Wei sees he Feng snatch the key directly from his hand and asks in surprise.


He Feng raised his hand, made a silent movement, and then pointed to the stairs, which means let them leave this floor first.

These days, Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi follow He Feng and see a lot of fighting scenes, so they quickly understand he Feng's meaning and guess that there may be risks hidden in the room.

Immediately, the second daughter quickly walked to the first floor downstairs.

Almost at the same time when the two girls left, he Feng put the key in and unscrewed the lock.

Open the door!

Two black muzzle, facing He Feng.


The light in the room was also turned on.

In the room, there are two men, a middle-aged man, dressed in ordinary clothes and with calm temperament. He is mi Xingliang's bodyguard, Liu Huang.

Another person, is a young man wearing a cap, look frivolous, looking at He Feng's eyes with a trace of disdain.

In their hands, they both hold a silver desert eagle and stare at He Feng coldly.

"Hum, I thought he Feng was really powerful. He was not easily subdued by us?"

The young man in the cap snorted with disdain.

He is a member of the dark Xu hall. His name is Yin Qiang.

After receiving the order to accompany Liu Huang to Jiangbin city to assassinate He Feng, after some investigation and preparation, they decided to start today.

Originally, Yin Qiang is ready to kill He Feng directly, because he is very confident in his own strength. Let alone Liu Huang to help, even with his personal strength, are enough to kill He Feng.

However, Liu Huang was not at ease after all, so he put forward the method of ambushing in secret, which can ensure that everything is safe.

Although Yin Qiang was dissatisfied with this, considering that it was the task issued by the young master of the MI family, he came according to Liu Huang's suggestion.

So today, they find a way to know he Feng's itinerary. They speculate that he Feng wants to come to Gong Wei's house, so they enter Gong Wei's house ahead of time and hide here, waiting for He Feng to open the door.

"Well? Something's wrong. What about the two women? Just now I clearly felt that there were two women coming out of the elevator with him, but now why is he alone? "

Liu Huang looks at He Feng's back, and his pupils shrink subconsciously.

"What about those two women? Our goal is He Feng. As long as we kill him, our task will be completed. "

Yin Qiang can't control so much. He puts his finger on the trigger and is about to shoot.

"You two, if you want to kill me, you have to tell me first. Who wants to kill me?" He Feng suddenly opens his mouth.

"If you want to know who is going to kill you, ask the king of hell."

Without seeing the woman who came with He Feng, Liu Huang was also a little uneasy, so he looked as cold as before and was about to shoot with Yin Qiang.

"No? It seems that I have to fight until you say so. "

He Feng shook his head and sighed.

Then he stepped forward and stepped out.

"No, shoot!"

Liu Huang for the first time aware of something wrong, a light drink, quickly pull the trigger.

Standing on the side of Yin Qiang, the fingers are also in a hurry to force.

But they soon found that the pistol they had held had disappeared in their hands.

"This is a residential area, and your pistols are not equipped with silencers. It's better not to shoot, so as not to disturb the residents."

He Feng will be in the hands of two pistols, forward a throw, accurately into the corner of the garbage can.

"It's so fast. Let's kill him directly."

Liu Huang gave a soft drink.

The next moment, the breath of inner strength in the middle of Mingjin comes out from his body, and he Feng's face is attacked with a fist in his hand.

"Hum, do you think I can't help you without a gun?"

When Yin Qiang lost his pistol, his hand turned and a sharp dagger appeared in his hand.

The edge of the sword is like a wash, with a cold light.

Holding a short sword, he gives people a very fierce breath, and his momentum is more terrible and powerful.

This is a low-level soldier!

Combined with his inner strength cultivation in the middle period of Mingjin, Rao is an ordinary ancient warrior at the peak of Mingjin, and he is not necessarily his opponent.

They have investigated the information of He Feng, and know that he Feng is the strongest, so he has the dual strength of physical training. Now they have two veteran Mingjin middle-term ancient martial artists working together, and they have soldiers. It's really not very difficult to kill He Feng.

"Bang! Bang

However, what shocked them was that as soon as they launched the attack, they felt a flash of darkness in front of them.

Immediately, their chests were struck by lightning, and their bodies flew out towards the rear, hitting the ground heavily.


Two people spit out a mouthful of blood, full face shock looking at the He Feng in front of, the face is gray, the breath on the body is dispirited.

"This, this is not the strength of Lian Ti Shuang, even Lian Ti Sanzhong is not so strong. He, at least, is a master of training quadruple

Feeling the injury in the viscera, Yin Qiang was shocked.

He who can strike himself like this must be a master of refining body.

"Liu Huang, how do you do things? Do you want to kill anyone without serious investigation and clear information? Aren't you digging our dark sun hall? " Yin Qiang roared angrily.

"Yin Qiang, shut up!"

Liu Huang's face changed slightly when he heard Yin Qiang say "Mi Jia" directly. He stared at Yin Qiang.

"When are you paralyzed? Do you want to hide it? You want to die, but I don't want to die. "

Yin Qiang sneered that he didn't pay attention to Liu Huang at all.

Then, he covered his chest and stood up with difficulty, looking at He Feng and said: "He Feng, I admit that your strength is very strong. Since you have the strength to refine your body, you are a powerful master, and you are still so young, then we will not deal with you any more. We are even willing to be friends with you."

"Dark sun hall? What's this? " He Feng light asks a way.

"Yes, the dark Xutang is a first-class force in Nanjin City, which is similar to the mercenary organization. It receives people's money and relieves disasters. Our dark Xu hall just sent me to deal with you because we received money from MI Xingliang, the young master of the MI family. " Yin Qiang quickly nodded: "however, I believe that when the upper level of our dark Xu hall learned about Mr. He Feng's real situation, we will not fight against you again."

A master of physical training in his twenties is very talented. There are few talents in Jiangshu province. He can be called a genius. He may be a master of Huajin in the future.

Such a genius, dark Xu hall can't easily provoke.

"Yin Qiang, how can you... How can you disclose your employer's information at will?" Liu Huang said angrily.

"Ha ha, although we don't disclose the employer's information at will, it depends on the situation. For example, the information provided by your mi family to our dark sun hall is totally untrue. Therefore, I naturally have the right to disclose the information of your mi family to each other. This transaction between our dark Xutang and your rice family has been cancelled. " Yin Qiang light said.

"What did you say?"


As soon as Liu Huang's voice fell, he Feng stepped on Liu Huang's chest.

The powerful force penetrated the body of the latter and directly shattered its heart.

"You, how dare you..."

Looking at He Feng with his feet on him and a look of horror, Liu Huang's face is full of disbelief.

He is a member of the MI family. How dare he kill himself?

Doesn't he know the strength of the MI family?


See so kill decisively He Feng, Yin Qiang secretly swallowed saliva.

This guy is too brave, right? Even the people of the rice family said to kill him?

The MI family is one of the three great families in Jiangshu province. Its strength and profound foundation are far beyond the ordinary people's ability to compete.

"Hum, just like a rice family, I dare to provoke the wind family. Is it really good to be brother Feng's soft persimmon?"

He Feng disdained to curl his lips, and immediately looked at Yin Qiang and said indifferently: "tell me about your dark Xu hall. How about your strength?"

"I, we dark Xu Hall..."

Facing He Feng at the moment, Yin Qiang suddenly felt that it was a little difficult to speak. His heart was very uneasy, and he did not dare to talk nonsense any more. "Our dark Xu hall is in Nanjin City, and its strength is similar to that of the three aristocratic families, but its inside information is a little shallow. There are a total of eight dark strength ancient warriors, including our hall leader and three deputy hall leaders, who all have the middle cultivation of dark strength."

"So weak?"

He Feng picked pick eyebrow, "you are so weak, how dare to deal with me?"


Yin Qiang doesn't know how to answer this.

Dare to say that the dark Xu hall is weak, this is the first time he has seen it.

"Mr. He Feng, we are wrong this time. We trust the people of the rice family. We have come to deal with you without carefully investigating your strength. But you can rest assured that our dark Xu hall will never provoke you again. I swear to you here. " Yin Qiang said seriously.

Although he doesn't feel that the dark Xu hall will let he Feng go, after seeing he Feng's cruel means, he has to admit and appease He Feng.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I will end up with the same fate as Liu Huang.

"Is it?"

He Feng sneered: "but why don't I believe what you said?"


"In the next life, before touching others, you should carefully investigate whether the person you want to deal with is what you can fight against."

Voice down, he Feng stepped on Yin Qiang's chest.


Yin Qiang pupil a stare, resentment of stare at He Feng.

Feeling the rapid passing of life in his body, Yin Qiang's eyes are full of despair and unwilling, "dark Xutang, I will never let you go!"

With that, his neck tilted.


"Dark sun hall? Ha ha, you don't want to provoke me. If you dare to trouble brother Feng, brother Feng will erase your dark Xu hall directly. "

He Feng sneered, and immediately walked out of the room, shouting to the dark place upstairs: "two, please come down."

"Whoosh! Whoosh

As soon as the words were over, two young women, dressed in black and cold, came quickly from upstairs.

These two people are the killers that the crocodile rearranged for him.

Each of them has the cultivation of dark energy in the early stage.

The ability to fight head-on is enough to fight against the middle-stage ancient martial arts of the dark force, and the ancient martial arts of the later stage of the dark force can also be killed by assassination.

Any one of them has the hope to destroy the low-level guwu family like the MI family.

Now, such a powerful killer is sent to protect the woman beside he Feng.

"Mr. He Feng, what can I do for you?"

Asked one of them.

At this moment, two people looking at He Feng's eyes, with a trace of surprise.

At the beginning, when they were sent to listen to He Feng's instructions and protect the women around him, they were extremely unhappy. They felt that he Feng was too weak. On the surface, he Feng was no different from ordinary people.

Let them obey the command of an ordinary person, they are naturally not happy.

But just now he Feng showed great strength, at least reached the quadruple, which surprised them.

It turned out that the young man who seemed to be fooling around in front of him turned out to be a horizontal practitioner with more than four body weights.

"Could you help me to deal with the two corpses and clean the blood on the floor, please?" He Feng said with a smile: "in addition, if my woman and I are going to do that kind of thing in the future, please stay away from me."

He didn't want to do this kind of rough work himself, let alone let yuan Yashi and Gong Wei deal with it.

"All right!" Although they were reluctant, they nodded and agreed, and then entered the room.

After they remove the bodies of Liu Huang and Yin Qiang and clean the bloody ground, he Feng lets yuan Yashi and Gong Wei into the room.

"He Feng, who are those two people? What are they doing here? "

"Yes, and they have guns. They are not ordinary people, are they?"

Both yuan Yashi and Gong Wei are nervous.

"Wei Wei, do you remember that when we went to Nanjin city last Saturday, at the hildun Hotel, there was a stupid guy who wanted to take advantage of you and was taught a lesson by me?"

He Feng did not hide, directly: "these two people, is he sent to deal with me."

"You mean the rice family?"

Gong Wei's face changed. "The rice family is one of the three families in Jiangshu province. If they want to deal with you, wouldn't you be in trouble?"

He Feng doesn't think so. "It's no trouble. What I killed was just an ancient warrior in the middle of Ming Dynasty. I guess it's just a small role in the rice family. If the rice family knows the current situation of Jiangbin City, they should know that he Feng is not so easy to provoke. If they want to deal with me again, they must weigh it up."

The rice family is an aristocratic family. What the aristocratic family cares about most is the family's face and interests.

Liu Huang, killed by He Feng, is just a small role in the middle of Mingjin period, not the face of beating the rice family.

And the rice family will not fall out with him for a small role, which is not in the interests of the aristocratic family.

Therefore, he Feng doesn't think that the rice family will turn against themselves for a small role.

As for the dark sun Hall

Even a family is not a force, in He Feng's eyes with the Wolf Gang and white cloud Gang is no different.

If you dare to provoke yourself again, just destroy it.

"That's good..."

Gong Wei was relieved. "Sister yuan, let's help wash vegetables and make rice first. I'm hungry."


Two women immediately into the kitchen, help wash vegetables, he Feng is not idle, also began to stir fry.

Although the house Gong Wei bought was not so big, the kitchen area was not small, and the three people were busy in it, so it didn't seem crowded.

Half an hour later, the rice was not cooked yet, but he Feng had already cooked five or six dishes, so the three started to eat in the restaurant and opened two bottles of red wine.

"Sister yuan, let's have a little bar. Don't work overtime in the company tonight. Just stay at my house for the night."

Gong Wei poured a glass of red wine for yuan Yashi and said with a smile.

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