Ha ha, good. "

Yuan Yashi naturally understood Gong Wei's meaning. Her face was slightly red, but she nodded gently.

"He Feng, why don't you stop drinking? You have to drive at night Gong Wei looks at He Feng again.

"If I don't, you can have these two bottles of red wine one by one?"

He Feng narrowed his eyes.

"No? Do you think sister yuan and I are poor drinkers? A bottle of red wine can't put us down. "

Gong Wei pouted her little lips. "After a while, you'll be responsible for pouring wine for us. Let's have a good look at our sisters' drinking capacity."

"Hehe, of course, I don't mind. It's something I can't get without pouring wine for my two wives."

He Feng smiles with pride.

He could see that Yuan Yashi was a little nervous and could not let go completely.

After all, women's first time is still reserved, and it's normal that they can't let go.

Next, Yuan Yashi chatted with Gong Wei and her two daughters while drinking, while he Feng chatted with them and helped pour wine from time to time, feeling the peace of time.

To his surprise, Yuan Yashi's pretty face turned red after drinking more than half of a bottle of red wine.

Gong Wei said: "sister yuan, or you don't drink it. Let he Feng serve you some rice and press your stomach."

Said, gave he Feng to hit a wink.

He Feng understood and went to the kitchen to give yuan Yashi a big meal.

"Sister yuan, don't drink red wine. Let's have dinner."

He Feng hands the rice and chopsticks to Yuan Yashi.

"I still have a little in my glass. Let's finish them first, or it will be a waste."

Yuan Yashi took the rice and put it in front of her. Then she picked up the goblet and gently touched Gong Wei's goblet.

Look up and drink.

After drinking a glass of wine, Yuan Yashi was a little unsteady, and her body was shaking.

"Sister yuan, eat some rice quickly." Gong Wei's helpless way.

She didn't expect that Yuan Yashi was brave at ordinary times. Today, when she was with the man she liked, she became so nervous and shy, and she had to drink wine to strengthen her courage.

"I can't eat any more rice. He Feng, help me to Weiwei's room to have a rest."

Yuan Yashi suddenly raises her head and stares at He Feng.

That with a little drunk eyes, especially charming.

He Feng just felt his heart beating.

"He Feng, go quickly."

Gong Wei urges the way.

She knows that Yuan Yashi is now fully prepared.


He Feng doesn't talk nonsense either. He gets up, picks up yuan Yashi, goes to Gong Wei's room and puts the woman on the bed.

Just ready to release yuan Yashi, Yuan Yashi is tightly hook He Feng neck.

Then, without saying a word, he Feng kisses his lips directly.


He Feng's evil fire is completely ignited!

He responded immediately.

They tore each other's clothes and soon rolled on the bed.

In the dining room, Gong Wei was speechless when she heard the beautiful and graceful voice in the room.

"Forget it, I'll take care of my work."

Gong Wei sighs, goes to the living room, opens the notebook, enters the working condition.

Her idea is very simple, just want to use work to let oneself not be distracted.

However, the sound from the room is more and more intense, which makes Gong Wei can't calm down any more. She just feels that her body is gradually becoming hot and dry.

"No, no, no more."

Gong Wei shakes her head again and again, trying to find an earplug to plug her ears and listen to music, but she finds that she has left the earphone in the company.

Helpless, Gong Wei had to close the computer, went to the balcony to collect clothes, bath towel, and then went into the bathroom to take a shower with cold water.

The cool water rushes to the plump and white body, and the sound of the water covers up the sound in the bedroom. Gong Wei's heart is a little calmer.

Ten minutes later, Gong Wei finished her bath. Seeing that the sound in the room was a little calmer, she put on her clean pajamas and went out of the bathroom.

Weiwei, come in

Just out of the bathroom, he Feng's voice came from the room.

"What's the matter?"

Gong Wei pushes open the door and asks.

But she just opened her mouth and found that he Feng had come to her and picked her up



After more than two hours, they were still tired.

After taking a cold bath, he Feng pacifies the two girls. Seeing that they are too tired to say anything, he takes the initiative to clean up the mess in the room. Then he closes the door and comes to the living room.


Just about to clean up the dining table and kitchen, the mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

It's Chen Jian.

"Hello, Chen Jian." He Feng pressed the answer button.

"Brother Feng, do you have time now? I, I have refined your improved Linfeng nine swords to a small level. " Chen Jian said excitedly.

"Ah? What a success? "

He Feng almost forgot about it. Now when Chen Jian mentioned it, he immediately said, "OK, I'll go to Lianyi Hotel later. By the way, how's Zou Xun doing? "

Chen Jian said, "Zou Xun? In addition to eating and sleeping, she usually stays in a training room I prepared for her these three days. I don't know how well she practices. "

"Well, I'll come over later."

Hang up the phone, he Feng seize the time to clean up the restaurant kitchen, and then went to Gong Wei's bedroom, said: "two wives, you have a good rest tonight, I have to go out now."

Yuan Yashi reminded: "husband, are you going to pick up yunyun? When you get outside, you'd better blow. Don't let yunyun smell us

"Don't worry, I have to deal with some other things. I didn't get to Yuncheng group so soon."

He Feng said with a smile: "besides, even if let her know, it's OK, she won't mind."

With that, he Feng closed the door and left directly.

"This little bastard, he won't let yunyun notice, will he?"

Yuan Yashi is still worried.

"Sister yuan, don't worry. He Feng will talk about it. But I think, as he said, you and he Feng's relationship, yunyun will know sooner or later, even now let her know, it doesn't matter

Gong Wei said: "at the beginning, I was afraid that yunyun would know about my relationship with He Feng, but now that she really knows, I have no psychological pressure."

"Of course I know. On the surface, yunyun won't mind us. But I'm worried about... "

At this point, Yuan Yashi did not continue to say, just sighed.

Gong Wei understood what yuan Yashi meant. "You are worried that more and more women around He Feng will only make yunyun feel that he is very playful, and his resistance to him will grow, right?"

Yuan Yashi nodded, "Well! You should know that he Feng and yunyun come together, not only for him, but also for his family, and also for his parents. Therefore, we must find a way to match him with yunyun, instead of increasing his resistance in yunyun's heart again and again. "

"But now yunyun doesn't want to put his mind on emotion at all."

Gong Wei said helplessly: "yunyun, she's doing her research all the time. I think if she wants to put her mind on emotion, she'll have to wait until the end of her current research."

Yuan Yashi frowned, "I don't know what kind of research yunyun is doing now. Although she used to do research in the laboratory, she has never spent so much time and energy as she does now."

"Forget it, we'd better wait patiently."


After arriving at Lianyi Hotel, he Feng comes directly to Chen Jian's practice room.

"Brother Feng, here you are."

Chen Jian, who is sitting on the ground with his knees crossed, feels the arrival of He Feng and gets up to greet him.

"What about Zou Xun? Let her be called

He Feng has a cigarette in his mouth and sits down on a stool.


Chen Jian immediately arranged for someone to call Zou Xun.

A moment later, wearing a gray sportswear, Zou Xun came with a silver sword in his hand.

"Beauty Zou Xun, it turns out that you look so good in gray? It's very temperamental! "

He Feng stood up and said with a smile.

Zou Xun has no makeup on his face, but he looks more pure, full of aura, delicate and charming.

"Thank you for your praise. I just wear it casually. It's more convenient to wear this suit when practicing martial arts."

Zou Xun nodded with a smile, and then looked at Chen Jian, "is it me or he?"

"Let Chen Jianxian, you can take a serious look."

He Feng ponders that Zou Xun is not an ancient martial artist. He thinks that his sword skills are not so good. He simply shows her Chen Jian's sword skills first, so that she can understand that it's not easy to become an ancient martial artist.

"All right!"

Zou Xun immediately stood on the side.

Chen Jian picked up his sword and said, "brother Feng, I'll start."

"Let's go."

Chen Jian immediately went to the middle and began to practice the improved version of Linfeng nine swords.

In martial arts, Chen Jian's talent is really good. When practicing sword skills, he really has the power of Xiaocheng.

"Brother Feng, what's up?"

After finishing the sword drill, Chen Jian comes to He Feng with pride.

As a matter of fact, as early as this morning, he had already practiced his swordsmanship to a small degree. Because he didn't master some details well, he studied it for more than half a day and didn't call He Feng until the evening.

He Feng nodded carelessly, "not bad, barely pass."

"Well, can I become brother Feng's disciple?" Chen Jian said excitedly.

"Well, don't worry. Let's see how beauty Zou Xun is doing."

He Feng looks at Zou Xun, "Zou Xun beauty, go up and have a try?"

"No problem."

Zou Xun nodded and came to the middle of the field.

She didn't use her sword immediately, but closed her eyes first, and she was very quiet.

"Why, what is this beauty Zou Xun doing? I closed my eyes. Isn't that a waste of time? " Chen Jian muttered.

"Stop talking and watch quietly."

He Feng stares at Chen Jian.

But he looked at Zou Xun's eyes, but it gradually lit up.

The reason is very simple. When Zou Xun closes his eyes, he Feng is acutely aware that Zou Xun has entered a kind of ethereal state.

Ethereal, that in her mind has no thoughts, only what she wants to see.

Any warrior wants to enter the ethereal state when practicing.

But only some great masters of Huajin can do this.

What's more, those great masters of Huajin need a little time to adjust their mind if they want to enter the ethereal state.

But Zou Xun didn't spend much time to adjust her mind. Almost as soon as she closed her eyes, she entered the ethereal state.

This kind of martial arts talent is terrible.


A few seconds later, Zou Xun finally moved.

Not moving like a mirror, moving like waves.

The shadow of the sword follows the shape and moves around. The speed is under her precise control.

Fast, such as the wind swept.

When it's slow, it's like a slowly advancing tornado, sweeping everything.

There is no inner strength in her swordsmanship, but Chen Jian and black blood, who are less cultivated in the field, feel suffocated when they watch her perform her swordsmanship.

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