"This, is this the nine swords of Linfeng?"

Chen Jian's mouth was wide open and his eyes were full of disbelief.

His sword skill is similar to that of Zou Xun.

However, Chen Jian can clearly see that Zou Xun's swordsmanship is much more subtle and mysterious than what he used.

It's a whole sky and a whole earth!

Not only Chen Jian, but also he Feng's face was full of shock.

"Mr. He Feng, I don't know how well I practice this set of swordsmanship. Can you satisfy me?"

A moment later, Zou Xun received and stood, looking to He Feng asked.

Although she was quite confident in her own swordsmanship, she was a little nervous at the moment.

Maybe he Feng is not satisfied?

"Beauty Zou Xun, you..."

He Feng put out his cigarette butt and asked seriously, "have you ever learned Kung Fu before?"

"I've practiced some basic martial arts, but I really haven't practiced Neijin."

Zou Xun pursed his mouth and shook his head.

"Ha ha, even if you have practiced basic martial arts, the talent you show now is enough to shock me."

He Feng has long been aware of Zou Xun's extraordinary temperament, certainly not ordinary people.

However, seeing Zou Xun's present appearance, he didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask.

At least, he has seen Zou Xun's talent.

Even master Huajin needs some time to prepare to enter the ethereal state. Zou Xun said that you can enter the ethereal state.

This kind of martial arts talent is rare in the world.

"Then... Do I have the hope to become your disciple and follow you to practice inner strength?" Zou Xun asked expectantly.

"You want to be my disciple, of course. However, he Feng has three rules for his apprenticeship. If you are willing to abide by them, you can be my disciple. "

Then he Feng looked at Chen Jian again, "and you, Chen Jian, these three rules, you must abide by. If you become my disciples in the future and violate my rules, I will not only expel you from the school, but also abolish your accomplishments. "

"Brother Feng, you said, I will abide by it." Chen Jian nodded.

He Feng raised his finger and said one by one: "first, I allow you to kill people, but if you kill innocent people indiscriminately, I will kill you myself. Second, you must obey any of my orders. If you disobey, I will expel you from the school. Third, if you can't set foot in master Huajin within one year, I will expel you from the school. "

"Cough, cough..."

As soon as he Feng's words were finished, Chen Jian almost couldn't get out, choking and coughing, "brother Feng, I don't mind the first and the second, but the third one is to become a great master of Huajin in one year, isn't it realistic?"

During these days when Chen Jian and black blood were together, he knew something about the ancient martial arts.

Although there are many great masters of Huajin in this world, anyone who can be a great master of Huajin is a genius in the world.

And he Feng not only wanted them to become masters of Huajin, but also limited them to a one-year period, which was not a big pressure.

One side of the black blood is also stunned, did not expect he Feng to his disciples' requirements, unexpectedly will be so strict, it is too abnormal.

"I don't mind!"

At this time, Zou Xun on one side said in a firm voice.

Chen Jian looks at Zou Xun in surprise

"Are you sure?"

He Feng also looked at Zou Xun, did not expect that the woman's attitude so fast.

"Master, please accept my apprentice's worship."

Zou Xun went straight to He Feng and knelt down to show his attitude.

"I..." Chen Jian smoked from the corner of his mouth.

Is this woman too impulsive?

Don't you need to think it over?

Is she really sure that she will become a great master in one year?

"Chen Jian, do you need to reconsider?"

He Feng smiles at Chen Jiandao.

"Paralyzed, isn't it to be a great master in one year? I don't believe it. Chen Jian can't do what others can do. "

Chen Jian clenched his teeth and knelt down on his knees directly to He Feng

"Well, Zou Xun paid homage first, and then she will be my first disciple. Chen Jian, you are the second elder martial brother. "

He Feng nodded with satisfaction.


Chen Jian immediately regretted it.

If I had known this, I would have knelt down earlier. Now I am the second elder martial brother. It's too hard to say.

"You two disciples, get up first."

He Feng waved his hand, "today you worship, I should give you a gift. However, I've been very busy recently, and I haven't prepared a gift yet. I'll think about what I'll give you when I have time. "

Chen Jian said, "master, don't you forget the gift? You have already taught me and elder martial sister a set of powerful swordsmanship. "

"Well, you're my disciples now, but one of you hasn't gathered his inner strength yet, and the other just knows his strength. If it comes out, it's just hitting me in the face. Besides, do you think I just want you to be the master of Huajin in one year? This is also my requirement for myself. Within one year, I will definitely make you become masters of Huajin. "

He Feng turned his lips.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that the kingdom of China is different from other countries. Pills are popular here, and some forces with a deeper foundation will use pills to enhance their strength.

For He Feng, who already has the cultivation of true Qi, ordinary pills will no longer have any effect, so he Feng didn't pay attention to the pills before.

But now he has two apprentices. Some of his relatives and friends also have to find ways to improve their strength. If they use pills, their efficiency will be much faster.

"I don't know if there are any pills in the three families of Jiangshu province..." He Feng muttered in his heart.

"Well... Dear master, what are you going to send us?"

Chen Jian asked curiously.

He Feng said faintly: "I won't tell you for the moment, but I have to upgrade your cultivation to dark strength first. After all, only with the strength of dark strength, can you have a certain strength to protect your life in Jiangshu province. "

"Hiss, dark strength..."

See he Feng didn't put the dark strength in the eye, Chen Jian couldn't help but take a breath.

"Chen Jian, go and arrange a spare room for me and your elder martial sister. We can use it." He Feng glanced at Chen Jian and said.

"Ah? How about a room for you? "

Chen Jian took a slight puff from the corner of his mouth.

Master, what are you doing?

As soon as I accept Miss Zou Xun as a disciple, I will take her to open a room.

It's too fast, isn't it?

"Mr. He Feng, I..."

Aware of this strange atmosphere, Zou Xun can't help but look at He Feng's eyes, showing a sense of resistance.

Seeing these two people's looks, he Feng had an impulse to vomit blood, "er... What are you thinking? I asked Chen Jian to arrange the room just to help you draw out the sense of Qi and strive for cohesion at one stroke. Otherwise, you don't have any inner strength. No matter how talented you are, you can't exert the power of martial arts. What's the use? What's the difference between a tiger with teeth out? "


Zou Xun was relieved and said to He Feng, "thank you, master!"

"Master, I'm going to arrange rooms for you."

Fearing he Feng's blame, Chen Jiansheng immediately ran out of the training room and arranged an administrative suite for He Feng.

Zou Xun's cultivation talent is really rare in the world.

Not only her martial arts talent, but also her comprehension of Qi sense and power way is extremely terrible.

It only took her a quarter of an hour to induce a sense of Qi in her body.

Then it took half an hour to gather the inner strength.


What she condenses is also the best strength.

"Zou Xun, in addition to practicing martial arts, you usually have black blood fights with Chen Jian. Let's practice the actual combat. It's important to improve your accomplishments, but you can't ignore the actual combat. Otherwise, you will only suffer losses when you fight with people in the future. Do you understand? "

He Feng converged the surprised mood of some kind of heart, patiently exhort a way.

"Master, don't worry. I'll practice more in the next few days. I won't disgrace you outside." Zou Xun said with a smile.

"Oh, you are worthy of being a star. You can understand what I mean all of a sudden."

He Feng grinned and immediately asked, "by the way, do you want to practice Kung Fu, or do you go to work occasionally?"

Zou Xun said, "I listen to my master. I will do whatever he asks me to do."

"In this case, you should go to work at ordinary times, and don't lock yourself up all day long to practice. How boring is your life?"

He Feng thought and said, "well, I told you last time that I wanted you to work on a novel website. At that time, I will set up a film and television department there, and you will be responsible for this department. How about that? "

"Ah? I'm directly in charge of a department? "

"Why, no confidence?"

"I can try it!"

Just hesitated for a while, Zou Xun immediately replied.

"Yes, you have such a character. No matter what you do in the future, you will surely make great achievements." He Feng said with a smile, "I'm going to the company on Monday. I'll arrive at about ten o'clock. Then you'll let Chen Jian send a car to send you there."

Say, he Feng will Feng language novel network address, told Zou Xun.

"OK, I'll be there ahead of time." Zou Xun road.

"Well, I'll go first, and you can practice well."

He Feng goes to the door.


Zou Xun opened his mouth.

"What's the matter?" He Feng stops, turns around and asks.

"Master, why don't you ask me why I want to be an ancient warrior so much?" Zou Xun asked with some hesitation.

"Ha ha, when you want to tell me, you will naturally say. Now, you can hold this breath and practice well. Although I'm asking you to be successful in one year, it's just my request. You should also have a demand for yourself. "

With that, he Feng left the room directly.

Looking at the back of He Feng leaving, Zou Xun is a little shocked.

The man who became his own master just a few days after he knew him seems to be quite different from other men.

"Forget it, the other person's background is not limited to Hua Jin. If I tell Shifu, maybe I will cause trouble for Shifu. Why don't I go to save my sister after I break through to Huajin... "

Read this, Zou Xun will soon be in the heart of some ideas to pressure down.

Besides, she looks weak on the surface, but in fact she is extremely strong on the inside.

Since it's your own business, you'd better finish it by yourself.

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