"Did you have a baby with Vivian?"

Hearing this, Wang Xiangyun had an impulse to laugh. "I'm afraid you don't know what kind of people her parents are, do you? I tell you, if you don't get the marriage certificate with Weiwei first, her parents won't allow Weiwei to have a baby. Even if you let Weiwei pregnant, her parents will let Weiwei beat the child

"Ha ha, as long as I let her parents agree with me and feel that no one in the world is worthy of her daughter except me, what's the point of getting a license or not?" He Feng's light road.


Wang Xiangyun really laughed, "how narcissistic are you? Do you think you are excellent? No one in the world is worthy of Vivian except you? "

He Feng touched his nose and said, "it's necessary. For a woman as good as you, there's nothing in the world except brother Feng

At the same time, Zichen Yipin villa area.

Song Yan and Zhang Ziyan are wearing neat clothes, waiting quietly outside the villa yard.

"Ziyan, that man is so powerful that it's worth standing outside the yard to meet him?"

Song Yan was holding a cigar in his hand and asked after taking a sip.

"Brother Yan, you may not know much about the ancient martial arts world, but what I can tell you is that with his strength, even if you enter the three ancient martial arts families in Jiangshu province, you can get along well. Even the heads of these three families have to treat him politely. " Zhang Ziyan nodded solemnly.

She just has a good relationship with Chunchun, but she doesn't know that Chunchun has found such a powerful "boyfriend.".

Moreover, it seems that his boyfriend still loves him very much.

A few days ago, this man had been waiting for two days because his cultivation was at a critical moment. Now, as soon as his cultivation was over, he rushed from Nanjin city to Jiangbin city overnight.

"Can all the three great families in Jiangshu get along well? Is he really so energetic? "

Song Yan exclaimed and said: "I've heard my father talk about the three great families before. As far as I know, even if my father enters the three great families, it's hard to get attention. He's just a warrior. How can the three great families pay so much attention to him?"

"Brother Yan, you may not know much about the three great families. For the three families, they don't lack money at all. What they lack is experts and resources. And pure boyfriends are just the experts they need. "

Zhang Ziyan said with a smile: "however, as far as I know, apart from cultivating, Mulong has not joined any martial arts circles in Nanjin City, but is preparing to start a business in Nanjin city."

"He is an ancient warrior. Why does he run to start a business?"

"I don't know, but we don't need to manage it. We just need to know that his strength is enough to deal with He Feng."

Zhang Ziyan looked at Song Yan and said seriously: "brother Yan, if he can't deal with He Feng, I'm afraid that unless your father comes out in person and uses his energy to invite all the masters he can move to deal with He Feng, otherwise there is no other way to deal with He Feng."

"Hum, unless I'm dead, he won't use all his connections to deal with He Feng."

Song Yan snorted coldly and said to himself, "don't you see that my mother has been put to sleep by others and exposed? Don't you see that he has any action? He just lost me some bullshit martial arts school and let me use it to deal with He Feng. But what's the use of this martial arts school? It's easy to be killed by He Feng. "

"Brother Yan, don't worry. This time, let's make a good plan and start again. We should make sure that everything is safe."

Zhang Ziyan is also dissatisfied with Qingfeng martial arts school.

Not only Qingfeng martial arts school was destroyed, but also her only bodyguard died. How could she be happy?

"Here it is

At this time, Zhang Ziyan saw a bunch of lights in front of her, and she couldn't help pulling song Yan to say.

After a while, a Mercedes S400 came and stopped outside the villa.

The driver is song Yan's assistant. She is young and beautiful, and she is also very sexy. After the car is very good, the assistant gets off the car and opens the door.

A young man in white casual clothes stepped out of the car.

The young man is at least 1.85 meters tall. He has tendons all over his body. He is powerful and strong. His bulging muscles are full of explosive force.

He shaved his head, his face was full of scum, his two pupils were like bells, and his eyes were shining, which made people dare not look directly at him.

"Hello, Mr. mu. I'm a pure... Friend. My name is Zhang Ziyan."

Zhang Ziyan immediately went to Mulong and stretched out her right hand to him.

However, Mulong didn't mean to shake hands with her at all, but said indifferently: "you can tell me directly who killed Chunchun, and I will take revenge for Chunchun directly."

Zhang Ziyan was not angry either. She took back her hand and said, "Mr. mu, killing a pure person is not a simple person. That person is not only powerful, at least reached the double refining body, there are some experts around him, and there are guns in his hands. If you do it rashly, I'm afraid the result will be unsatisfactory. "

"If you want to kill Chunchun, it's definitely impossible. Now tell me first, what's the name of killing innocent people and how old they are now. "

Mulong looks directly at Zhang Ziyan and asks.

I don't know why, although Mu Long's eyes are very calm, and although Zhang Ziyan is used to seeing all kinds of big people, she is under great pressure when she is staring at Mu long like this,

"His name is He Feng. He is 27 years old. He is the finance minister of Yuncheng group and the husband of Wang Xiangyun, the chairman of Yuncheng group. By the way, Wang Xiangyun has another identity. He is one of the three great families in Jiangshu province and the daughter of Wang Qing, the head of the Wang family. "

Zhang Ziyan took a deep breath and tried to make herself less nervous.

"Twenty seven? Then he certainly didn't kill the innocent with his own strength, but used a gun. "

Mulong said, squinting his eyes. In his eyes as big as a copper bell, there was a flash of crazy anger.

Even if the anger is not directed at Zhang Ziyan and song Yan, they still have a sense of fear.

"Mr. Mulong, how did you decide?" Zhang Ziyan asked with difficulty.

"It's very simple. If this person kills Chunchun positively with his own strength, so that Chunchun can't escape, then he may have the strength of the later period of dark strength. And I haven't seen many of the 27 year old dark strength late ancient warriors. In addition... "

Speaking of this, Mu Long's tone was a little, "a 27 year old dark strength late ancient warrior, whose talent is not what you ordinary people can imagine. It's impossible for such a genius to marry a woman from a lower ancient martial family like the Wang family. Therefore, he certainly did not kill the pure by his own cultivation, but by other means. No matter what means he uses, I will crush his throat with my own hands to avenge purity. "

If the other side is using powerful cultivation to kill the pure, the wooden dragon will not be so angry.

But the use of other means under the three abuse, let Mulong extremely uncomfortable.

"Mr. mu, do you have any idea to deal with He Feng? Ziyan and I can help you. "

Feeling the strong killing intention of Mulong, song Yan quickly said: "for example, do you need help, or do you need guns and ammunition? I can give you anything. "

"Ha ha, don't worry. I've endured these two days. It's not urgent to wait. Tomorrow, he will go to work in Yuncheng group, right? I'm going to guard outside the cloud city group. I have to take a closer look at what this innocent man looks like. "

Mulong squinted.

"Then... I'll send the photo of He Feng to your mobile phone in a moment." Song Yandao.

"Well, you can arrange a room for me now. I need a good rest." Mulong nodded and walked towards the villa.

Song Yan quickly followed and asked: "Mr. mu, besides arranging a room for you, do you need to arrange another woman? For example, just driving a car is a female driver

"Don't you talk nonsense? If you don't arrange her, can you arrange yourself? I don't mind if you like The way that wooden dragon head does not return.


Song Yan quickly stopped.

"Brother Yan, please arrange your assistant. I'm afraid this wooden dragon is the kind of man and woman take all. "

Zhang Ziyan looks at the direction of Mulong's departure, with cold eyes.

She thought Mulong would be sad because of his pure death at this time

But don't want to, the other party has the mind to play with women.

"Ziyan, he... Does he depend on Pu?" Song Yan frowned. He was a little dissatisfied with Mu Long's attitude.

"The character may be a little bad, but the strength should be no problem. In a word, since he has come to Jiangbin city and has patience to play with He Feng, then... "Zhang Ziyan sneered," He Feng must be dead. "

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