The next morning, after breakfast with Wang Xiangyun, he Feng drove straight to Yuncheng group.

Wang Xiangyun went directly to her president's office, and he Feng came to the finance department.

"Good morning, Minister!"

"Have you had breakfast, Minister? Shall I go downstairs and buy you some? "

Just came in, the staff of the financial department, one by one, warmly said hello to He Feng, looking at his eyes full of worship and gratitude.

The reason is very simple. These days he Feng asks Chen Jian and Ji Xinyu to arrange for someone to help with debt collection. All the external debts have come to pay back on their own initiative, while Xia Menglu is too busy. Many of her achievements have been distributed to Wenxuan, Wenyu and other employees in the business department.

As a result, the Commission immediately soared. How can they not be grateful to He Feng for their monthly commission of at least 50000 yuan and more than 100000 yuan?

"Thank you. I've already had breakfast."

He Feng waved to everyone. When passing by Xia Menglu, he saw the woman staring at her and said, "Lulu, come to my office."

Seeing Xia Menglu enter He Feng's room, people's eyes are a burst of envy.

"I really admire lulu. I have such a good relationship with the minister."

"It's no use to be envious. Does sleeping make Lulu look so beautiful? I'm very young, and I can certainly win the favor of the minister. "

"Sister Yang, you are also very beautiful. It's a pity that you have been married once. Otherwise, you can try to dig Lulu's corner."

At this time, sitting next to Yang Ying, a female employee pulled her and said in a low voice.

Yang Ying has no good spirit of white her one eye, "think what?"? How can minister he like a married woman like me? "

"It's hard to say. Maybe the minister just likes an old lady like you?" The female employee said with a smile: "well, do you want to try it or not? If you want to try, I can create opportunities for you. Besides, now that you are divorced, you'd better find another man earlier. "

Yang Ying shook her head, "forget it, I don't think about it now."

"Why not? Don't you feel lonely at night? We are all married men. We know that if we don't touch a man for a long time, we can't help it. Why, do you want to go out at night? "

Female employee evil smile way: "elder sister, I also know there are two field have handsome boy, physical strength is very good, do you want elder sister to take you to see?"

Yang Ying stares at her one eye, "go to you, I just don't go to play in the field, want to go to yourself, I already have a place."

The female employee was surprised and said, "Oh, so you have a place in your heart? Who? Do you have any pictures? Quickly turn it out and show it to me. Do you look handsome or not, and do you have a good figure? "

"He's not that handsome and he's not very big, but I just like him."

Yang Ying did not say much.


"Lulu, are you still busy? I haven't tired you these two days, have I? "

As soon as Xia Menglu enters He Feng's office, he Feng presses the woman and asks her to sit in her chair. Then she helps her gently hold her shoulder in the back.

There are too many people who come to pay their debts these two days, and the first one they look for is Xia Menglu. Women almost have no time to eat all day long.

"Brother Feng, actually I'm ok. Although I'm busy, I've made a lot of money. I'm still happy."

Xia Menglu said with a smile.

The Commission earned these days can add up to several million yuan. Moreover, Wang Xiangyun directly put it on her card, so she doesn't even have to deduct taxes.

In a short week or so, they make millions of dollars, one million dollars a day on average. How many people can do it except for the real big boss?

Because of this, so the company's employees are so envious of Xia Menglu.

But in addition to envy, there are also some gratitude, because when Xia Menglu is eating meat, she does not forget to let everyone drink soup together.

"Lulu, since you have made so much money, after two days, you can ask for a leave to take your mother to Jiangbin city?"

He Feng said with a smile: "you said your mother was in poor health, now it's time to get to Jiangbin city and find a bigger hospital."

Xia Menglu nodded and said, "well, I've discussed with my brother. Originally, I said I would pick him up with him this weekend, but he said he was very busy this weekend, so he decided to go back next weekend. Besides, I think I'm a little bit anxious to pick it up this weekend. I have to move first this weekend. "

"Yes, when you move that weekend, call me and I'll help you." Hefeng road.

"Well, come and help when you have time. If you don't have time, it's OK. I'll let my brother come over." Xia Menglu said with a smile.

"By the way, how is Xiaotian's research going? Is there any progress?" He Feng asks curiously.

"I'm not sure. I'm too busy these days to ask him."

Xia Menglu thought about it and said, "however, Xiaotian, when he knew that I had bought a house in Xingyuan, told me that there was a villa in Xingyuan. He wanted me to rent a villa for him in Xingyuan and let him do research in the villa."

"Doing research in a villa? Isn't that extravagant? A month's rent for the villa over there in Xingyuan is at least several thousand yuan? "

"Fine decoration really takes six or seven thousand a month, but my brother doesn't want fine decoration. Simple decoration will do. If there is no simple decoration, roughcast will do."

Xia Menglu said: "my brother and I grew up in the countryside when we were children. Even if we lived in a rough house, it was more comfortable than the thatched cottage we used to live in when we were children. Moreover, when he rents a villa, he just wants to pile up a large amount of metal. If he rents fine decoration, he will also damage other people's houses. "

He Feng nodded and said, "Oh! Also, you look back on the Internet to see if there are owners renting rough villas. If there is one, rent one directly. "

"I know. I'll see it in a moment. It's quite free today."

Xia Menglu said with a smile: "I don't want to tell you. I have to be busy, or I won't have time to help Xiao Tian look at the house today."

"Pay more attention to rest, don't get tired."

He Feng exhorted.

"I know, brother Feng, you too."

Seeing Xia Menglu leave, he Feng takes out his mobile phone and calls Ling Weiyu.

"Brother Xiaofeng..." Ling Weiyu answered the phone soon.

"Little feather, I'll drive to your company later. Are you in the company?" He Feng inquired.

"Yes, when you arrive, you can call me. I'll go downstairs to save you running up again." Ling Weiyu said.

"No, just wait for me upstairs. I'll introduce someone to you later."

"Who is it?"

"Hey, you'll know when you see it later."

He Feng mysterious smile, immediately hang up the phone.

After dealing with the work of the Department, it was 9:30. He Feng made an appointment with Zou Xun at 10 a.m., and now it's the rush hour. There will be a little traffic jam on the road, so he Feng went downstairs quickly.

Because he had to leave the company in the morning, he Feng directly parked his car on the ground instead of in the underground garage.


However, just out of the company's door, he Feng's eyebrows can not help but wrinkle, looking at a Cadillac XTS not far away.

There were three people in the car.

The breath of two of them gives He Feng a familiar feeling.

"Bang Dang!"

When he Feng appeared, Cadillac's car door was suddenly opened, and two middle-aged men ran towards He Feng quickly. In the blink of an eye, they ran to He Feng and blocked his way left and right.

One of them is Gao Po, who was with Xu Hongjie some time ago and had a fight with him.

On the other hand, his breath is similar to Gao Po's, and his inner strength fluctuates almost the same. They all look like the middle of Ming Dynasty.

However, they are strong and fierce in eyes, which makes them difficult to deal with.

"He Feng, come with us."

Gao Po stares at He Feng and says coldly.

Gao Po thought that he Feng would come out at least at noon, but he Feng would go downstairs soon after he arrived. This saved a lot of time.

"Ha ha, you two are very brave. You dare to do it at the gate of our Cloud City Group?" He Feng looked at Gao Po and said faintly, "is that what Xu Hongjie means? I want to be captured by you in public, right? "

"Hum, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Do you take the initiative to follow us, or do you want us to take you away?" Gao Po snorted.

Directly outside the gate of Yuncheng group, this is what Xu Hongjie really means.

Xu Hongjie's goal is very simple, that is to beat He Feng in front of many people in Yuncheng group.

Then, he Feng will be taken directly, looking for a place where no one killed.

"Minister He, is everything all right?"

At this time, Wang Quan, dressed in a security suit, came with Niu Ren and asked.

Wang Quan has now joined Yuncheng group and become an ordinary security guard, following Niu Ren.

Originally Niu Ren was already a team leader and no longer needed to watch the door downstairs. However, in order to teach Wang Quan more security knowledge, he accompanied Wang Quan to watch the door these days.

"Mr. He Feng, can I help you?"

Another sound rings out behind he Feng. It's the sound of a meteor. On the meteor's body, he is wearing a set of security uniform.

After crocodile sent a new group of killers, he Feng didn't let meteor and others go back, but left them, took over Fang Kan's position and became the head of Security Department of Yuncheng group.

In Yuncheng group, first Gong Wei's information was stolen, then skin care products exploded, and then the company building caught fire

All these things are enough to show that Yuncheng group urgently needs a reliable and capable person in charge of security.

Meteor is a professional killer. After strict training, although his accomplishments are not so strong, he Feng is definitely an expert in Jiangbin city. He Feng is quite relieved to let him take charge of the security work of Yuncheng group.

"No, just two ordinary people. I can handle it." He Feng waved his hand.

"Mr. He Feng, they are not ordinary people. Both of them have ancient martial arts accomplishments in the middle of Mingjin period. In addition, from their momentum, I can conclude that their combat effectiveness is stronger than that of the same level experts. What's more, they don't know whether they have guns hidden in them. Will it be difficult for you to deal with both at the same time? "

Meteor glanced at Gao Po and his companion, quickly judged the strength of the two, and then whispered to He Feng.

Meteor is not clear about the strength of He Feng, only that he Feng has the most refining double combat power, even if the speed is fast, it is difficult to get a bullet fast, right?

"It's just that I'm smart. What's the difference with ordinary people. Don't worry. I'll go with them. " He Feng pats the shoulder of shooting star, still quite appreciate to shooting star.

He pondered that if meteor's security work is good, he can give him some benefits in the future.

"If you go with them and go to a remote place, it will be more dangerous."

Meteor frowned.

"Meteor, why do you care so much about me? At the beginning, I asked you to protect the women around me, not you. "

He Feng glanced at the meteor and said: "well, I know you are for my good, but you have to understand that... If I want to kill them, I can't kill them in such a place with so many people, can I? I'm sure I'll go with them to a place where there's no one

With that, no matter what reaction meteor, straight toward the front of Cadillac.

"You two, let's go. Hurry up. Brother Feng still has a date..."

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