He Feng dug a large enough pit to bury Xu Hongjie, Mulong and other four people in it, and simply dealt with the scene.

His anti tracking technology is absolutely the best in the world. Even if it's just a cover up, it won't be noticed unless someone specially comes here to dig.

Then he drove Xu Hongjie's car into the river and left the scene.

As far as he is concerned, killing Xu Hongjie is nothing at all, that is to say, delaying some time.

However, he still called Chu Yue.

"Hello, he Feng..." Chu Yue's voice soon came.

"Yueyue, let me tell you something. Just now Xu Hongjie brought two Gu wuzhe from the middle of Mingjin period to me to get rid of me. Now, I've got rid of them. " He Feng said directly.

"Well, what did you say? You killed Xu Hongjie? "

At this moment, Chu Yue is secretly playing chicken eating game in Tang Wen's office. When she hears he Feng's voice, she immediately exclaims.

"Of course, he wants to kill me. Shouldn't I kill him?" He Feng asked.


Chu Yue doesn't know how to return to He Feng.

"Xu Hongjie should be killed naturally, but his father Xu Tianyin is not an ordinary man. As far as I know, his father also has a certain influence in Nanjin City, and he has a good relationship with the dark Xutang. By the way, do you know the dark Xu hall? "

"I don't know much, but it's similar to the Wolf Gang and the white cloud Gang, isn't it? It's OK. I can handle it. " He Feng said with indifference.


Chu Yue always feels that she can't keep up with He Feng's rhythm.

That's the dark Xutang. It's second only to the three aristocratic families in Jiangshu province.

Moreover, the reason why it is inferior to the three aristocratic families is that it has not enough inside information. In fact, its strength on the surface is not inferior to the three aristocratic families at all.

He Feng's ability, really so strong?

"By the way, in addition to Xu Hongjie and others, there is a more powerful ancient warrior who has also started. According to my estimation, this person's background is much better than any dark Xu hall."

He Feng continued: "however, about this person's matter, you know it yourself, there is no need to report to your Zhao Bureau."

Chu Yue said, "OK, I know. Then you should be careful yourself. If there is any trouble, you can contact me at any time. Even if I can't help you, I'll contact my family. "

"Oh, so we must have a strong background, right?" He Feng asked with a smile.

"Hey, hey, you can go and investigate. With your ability, you can definitely find out." Chu Yue said with a smile: "I don't have a strong background, but it's not a big problem to live in the three aristocratic families."

"Ha ha, I'll be relieved. If I have any trouble that I can't solve in the future, I'll go directly to my Yueyue wife."

He Feng laughs.

"You should pay a little attention at ordinary times. The Chu family can cope with one dark Xutang, but if it's two or three dark Xutang, the Chu family won't be able to cope so well. "

Chu Yue reminds a way: "I remember song Yan and your relation is not very good also?"? If you kill Xu Hongjie, don't kill song Yan. The power behind song Shiqun is not weak. I've asked my family to help me investigate these two days, and I already know the general situation. Song Shiqun, he seems to be a member of the Golden Dragon gang. "

"The Golden Dragon Gang? Another force like the Wolf Gang? "

He Feng blinked and asked.

"The nature is similar, but the strength of the Wolf Gang is less than that of the Golden Dragon gang."

Chu Yue rolled her eyes and said, "the Jinlong Gang is a little stronger than the dark Xutang. It seems that there are many dark powerful people who are under unified management. You'd better not offend the Jinlong Gang, or it's really a bit of trouble."

"OK, I'll try to keep a low profile. As long as song Yan doesn't take the initiative to trouble me, I'll let him go."

At this point, he Feng added, "well, even if song Yanzhen comes to trouble me, I won't kill him."

"That's good!"

See he Feng such assurance, Chu Yue just a little relieved.

Then she seemed to think of something and asked, "are you free tomorrow? There will be a good witch blockbuster on tomorrow. If you are free, please accompany me to see it

"Tomorrow? Maybe I'm not free. I have something to go to Nanjin. I don't know if I can come back in the evening. I'll go to see it with you until I come back from Nanjin? " He Feng said.

Since returning to China, he Feng hasn't gone out with Ling Weiyu very much. Since Ling Weiyu is going to Nanjin tomorrow, and he has also invited him, he Feng decides that if there is nothing too important tomorrow, he will go to Nanjin with a woman and visit the scenic spots of Nanjin by the way.

If you can come back tomorrow night, it's not too late to accompany Chu Yue to the cinema.

"What are you doing in Nanjin?" Chu Yue asks curiously.

"You should know that, right? Now my sister Ling Weiyu and I are the owners of this website, but this website is in urgent need of a great God author. My sister contacted a great God author who is in Nanjin, so we are going to visit Nanjin tomorrow to see if we can poach this author. "

He Feng did not hide, directly said it.

"Oh, well, let's see a movie when you come back."

Chu Yue has some lost ways.

"Yueyue girl, aren't you angry?"

He Fenglian said: "well, I'll try to go back to Jiangbin city as soon as possible tomorrow, and then I'll accompany you to the cinema in the evening. How about that?"

Chu Yue said: "no, how can I be so stingy? You should deal with your affairs first. Even if you are not free tomorrow, you can be late. Anyway, the movie has just been released

"Well, I'll take you out for a ride in the evening besides going to the movies. How about that?"

"Well, well, I'll wait."

Chu Yue just laughed contentedly, "I won't tell you first. I've just been playing games. Now I have to deal with my work."

He Feng said: "OK, remember to have lunch on time at noon. Do you hear me?"

Chu Yue said cleverly: "yes!"

Hung up the phone, Chu Yue just finished the game, then turned off the computer.


At this time, her mobile phone vibrated again.

The note on the caller ID is "Uncle".

Chu Yue answered the phone quickly and said, "good morning, Uncle..."

"Yo, Yueyue girl, it seems that you are in a good mood today. Have you made a boyfriend and been flattered by him?"

At this time, the Jiangshu provincial military region, Ma Hong asked with a smile.

"Uncle, what are you talking about? I, I didn't have a boyfriend. "

Chu Yue said hastily.

She and he Feng's relationship, now can't let outsiders know.

"Yes? How can I hear that you have a close relationship with the man named He Feng? Are you trying to tell me that you and he are just friends? " Ma Hong asked with a smile.

"Of course, he Feng and I are not friends. What are we? He's married, and his wife is my sister and best friend. I can't dig this corner, can I? " Chu Yue has no way to be angry.

But in her heart, she has already begun to draw circles and curse Zhao en.

There was no need to think about it at all. She was sure that Zhao Enlai had revealed something to her uncle.

"Ha ha, why are you so nervous? In fact, even if you really have something to do with He Feng, I won't mind. As long as you can convince your parents and your grandfather, I won't object to your being together. " Mahone laughed.

"I said, uncle, what on earth are you calling me to say? Just to test it? "

Chu Yue said: "if so, let's just drop it today. It's time for me to get up and wash."

Ma Hong said: "don't worry. I have a serious business to deal with you. Are you free these two days? I need your help here. If you are free, you can come to Nanjin city

"Uncle, is your military in any trouble?" Chu Yue inquires curiously.

"It's a bit troublesome, but I'd better say it face to face. It's not convenient to say it on the phone. Can you spare time these two days?" Mahone asked.

"I'll ask the Zhao Bureau later. If there's nothing urgent, I'll go there tomorrow."

"Don't ask. I've just asked you about Zhaoju. He said there's nothing you need to do in Zhaoju. You can book tickets now. You can come directly today."

"Ah? Uncle, are you too quick? "

Chu Yuegang is ready to promise, but she suddenly thinks that he Feng is going to Nanjin city tomorrow. She says: "I have something to do today. I'll go there tomorrow, OK?"

"Tomorrow is tomorrow, and someone will come tomorrow."

Mahong said with a smile: "by the way, when you come here tomorrow, you can dress up a little bit. Because the people who come tomorrow are your idols. "

"My idol?" Chu month slightly Leng next, immediately exclaim: "uncle, you say of person, should not be that computer crazy person Xu Huai?"

"Ha ha, in addition to Xu Huai, who else is qualified to be your idol in the field of computer in China?" Ma Hong said with a light smile.

"My God, uncle, you are so good that even Xu Huai can move." Chu Yue's excited way.

If it wasn't for He Feng's going to Nanjin city tomorrow, Chu Yue would like to rush to the airport now, and then wait for her idol.

Ma Hong said solemnly: "no way, because the problem we need to solve this time is more difficult, so we invited many computer experts. I want you to come here this time not only for your help, but also for you to learn more from these top experts, so as to become the pillar of China's computer industry as soon as possible. "

"Yes, uncle, I'll be there tomorrow."

With that, Chu Yue hung up directly.

"Why, does your uncle know about you and he Feng?"

Tang Wen inquired curiously.

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