"Hum, it must have been revealed to him by Zhao Bureau. The next time he does something wrong with his computer, I will hack his computer."

Chu Yue snorted.

"I don't think Bureau Zhao has done anything wrong..."

Tang Wen said: "after all, your identity is really special. If he doesn't report to your family, what happens in the future, his black hat may be removed."

"But he has to say hello to me first, and then to my family?"

"If I say hello to you, would you agree with him?"


Chu Yue was speechless.

As Tang Wen said, if Zhao Enlai greets her, she will not agree. She even threatens Zhao Enlai on the spot to help keep it secret.

"But then again, since your uncle already knew about your relationship with He Feng, why didn't he stop you from being with him? Did he just mention it casually, instead of letting you stay away from He Feng in the future? "

Tang Wen suddenly asked in surprise.

"Well, sister Wenwen, I'm surprised to hear that. Although my uncle told me that he Feng was married, he didn't warn me to stay away from him. What's the situation? "

Listen to Tang Wen say so, Chu month also curious rise.

Tang Wen guessed: "is it difficult? Your family doesn't resent He Feng? Instead, they acquiesce in your relationship? "

"It's impossible. My parents may not have too high demands on my boyfriend, but they won't allow me to find a man with a married husband." Chu Yue even shook her head.

Tang Wen thought for a while and asked, "in your big families, will any little princess like you be someone else's concubine?"

Chu Yue said: "although there are not many such phenomena, there are still some. However, all the men who can make a little princess like me willing to be concubines and have no objection in the family are more powerful people. This is also driven by interests and is a hidden rule in the big family. But he Feng is not a big power, is he? "

"Where do I know? I don't know much about your families. "

Tang Wen shrugged. "You have to think about it yourself. He Feng's surname is he. Is there a he family among those big families in China?"

"He family?"

Smelling speech, Chu Yue seemed to think of something. The police said: "there is a family named he in China, but this he family is not an ordinary family. He is one of the four royal families in China. How can he Feng be a member of the he family?"

"Four royal families? Is that great? " Tang Wen blinked.

She only knows some ordinary families, but she doesn't know the top families, let alone the four royal families.

"Of course, it's very powerful. Our aristocratic family is also divided into three, six and nine classes. Similar to the three aristocratic families in Jiangshu province, they are only the lowest class families. They are called the lower class families. They have been handed down for about a hundred years, and there must be more than ten strong people in the family. Further up, there is a middle-class family, which has been handed down for 200 years. There must be at least ten top ancient martial artists in the family. The words of the higher aristocratic family have been handed down for three hundred years, and there must be a great master of Huajin in the family. "

Speaking of this, Chu Yue said, "as for the four royal families, they are the real nobles who are superior to all the aristocratic families and have been handed down for more than 500 years. In their family, master Huajin is not everywhere, but there are at least ten of them

"Are the four royal families so powerful?"

It was the first time that Tang Wen heard Chu Yue mention these secrets, and her heart was shocked.

She now understands that there are so many monsters in this world that are superior to ordinary people.

"Yes, the horror of the four royal families is beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

Tang Wen nodded and said, "except for the he family, one of the four royal families, I have never heard of a he family that is strong enough."

Tang Wen said: "the he family of the four royal families should also have branches, right? Maybe he Feng is a member of a branch of he family? Although it is only a branch, its energy should be much stronger than that of your Chu family? "

"Branch? It's also possible... "

Hearing what Tang Wen said, Chu Yue said thoughtfully: "anyway, I probably know something about my family's attitude now. However, as for the identity of He Feng, I should have a serious understanding. "

"You're the only one. If you don't know the identity of others, you'll be their woman." Tang Wen shook her head.

"Sister Wenwen, don't say that about me. Who can say that about feelings? He Feng is so excellent, I can't resist it. "

Chu Yue said with a smile: "maybe you will fall in love with someone just like me, and then you will be with him regardless of everything?"

"Don't worry, this kind of thing will only happen to you, it can't happen to me."

Tang Wen shrugged and said, "however, if you want to know he Feng, I suggest you ask Wang Xiangyun. She must know more about He Feng's information. If you ask, she may tell you

"Sister Yun? OK, I'll look for her when I get off work. " Chu Yue nodded.


After he Feng made a phone call with Chu Yue, he directly used his body method. Originally, he needed more than 20 minutes by car to get there, but this time he only took less than five minutes to get to the downstairs of Chinese net.

At this time, in the Chinese network downstairs, wearing a woman wearing sunglasses.

Women wearing a light blue collar shirt, very fashionable, but also a bit retro feeling, the following is a slim nine point jeans, looks pure and sports.

Although the woman wore sunglasses, her tall figure, elegant and clean face and youthful temperament attracted many people's attention for the first time.

"Beautiful apprentice, have you been waiting for me for a long time?"

He Feng appreciated her for a moment behind Zou Xun, then walked over and patted her on the shoulder.

Zou Xun's reflexes immediately turn around, the Mou Guang sharp look to He Feng, the inner strength of the body has a kind of instant burst out of the feeling.

"Master? When did you come behind me? Why didn't I find you? "

However, when she saw that the person standing behind her was he Feng, she immediately gathered her inner strength and asked in surprise.

Although she has just broken through to the early stage of Mingjin, she finds that her perception is very strong. She can hear someone talking in a low voice several meters away.

But he Feng appeared behind her, but she didn't notice at all.

In other words, if he Feng wants to kill her, she doesn't know how she died.

"Ha ha, if you can find out all this, how can I be your master?"

He Feng chuckled, and then handed Zou Xun a strange package of clothes in his hand. "There's a little thing wrapped in the clothes. I'll give it to you."

"What? Can I take it apart now? "

Zou Xun asked curiously.

Although she didn't see what was inside, she still felt a strong edge.

"It's a sword. You'd better not open it here, so as not to attract people's attention. When you go back, you can see it slowly." He Feng said.


Zou Xun was surprised and said, "thank you, master!"

He Feng waved his hand. "It's just an ordinary senior soldier. Don't thank me. However, although it's just a soldier, even if you break through to Mingjin, it's enough. You can use it first, and then when your strength really improves, you can change weapons. "

Zou Xun frowned and said, "master, after a night's practice last night, I feel that I can control my strength like an arm. But... Why do I want to improve my strength so hard? One night, I didn't feel any increase in my inner strength. "

"Just one night, you are proficient in the use of inner strength?"

Hearing Zou Xun's words, he Feng was surprised, "go upstairs first, let's talk while walking."

"All right!"

Immediately, the two men walked towards the elevator.

"Master, how long does it usually take from the beginning of Mingjin to the middle of Mingjin?" Zou Xun asked.

"Under normal circumstances, it takes three to six months to practice. If you are proficient in the operation of internal force, the speed will be a little faster. "

He Feng can feel that Zou Xun is eager to become a real strong man in a short time. "Cultivation is not an easy job. You just want to become a top strong man. This kind of mentality can exist, but you can't be out of control. You have to understand that you have to walk step by step and stutter."

Zou Xun nodded: "of course, I understand this. I'm just thinking. If I am proficient in internal strength, there should be a shortcut to improve internal strength cultivation, right? In this way, you can quickly improve your accomplishments in a short time without damaging your foundation. "

He Feng laughed, "for those powerful ancient warriors, they never spend their time accumulating inner strength. You have to be patient. I'm going to Nanjin city tomorrow. There are several big forces there. I'll see if I can get something from them that can quickly improve the Mingjin ancient warrior. "


"Today, I'll arrange a job for you first. You'd better deal with the work well in the past two days. It's better for you to practice gradually and circularly."

He Feng lightly patted the next Zou Xun's shoulder, admonished a way.

"I know, master!"


Two people chat, the elevator stopped, he Feng with Zou Xun straight to the front desk.

"He Dong?"

At this time, a woman's voice came from the side.

"Mr. Weng, how are you..."

He Feng waved to Weng Yiqin.

Now Weng Yiqin, with the help of Ling Weiyu, is the editor in chief of Chinanet.

"Well, He Dong, don't call me that, or Xiao Yu will have to cut me off."

Although he said so, Weng Yiqin was not worried at all. "By the way, are you looking for Xiaoyu? I'll take you to her office

"Good!" He Feng nods and walks to Ling Weiyu's office with Weng Yiqin.

"Hello, Mr. Dong

"He Dong, you are here!"

Along the way, all those who see he Feng's employees will stand up, and those who walk will stop, and then respectfully greet him.

His face was full of respect and worship from the bottom of his heart.

When Zou Xun saw this scene, he was very curious.

I'm a cheap master. Isn't my kung fu very powerful? How can I make the staff of a literature website respect and worship him so much?

What's more, they call Shifu "He Dong". Is Shifu a shareholder of this company?

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