"He Dong, did you vigorously promote the books on our website last night? From last night until now, in 16 hours, our website has sold more than 10000 books, and there are already 30. Tut Tut, you don't know. Now the whole Internet industry is almost discussing our website. "

On the way, Weng Yiqin said excitedly.

He Feng smiles, "how are you doing in your publicity? This will make the website famous, won't it

Weng Yiqin even said: "of course, we have carried out reports and publicity in several forums and media related to Internet articles. Now the whole industry knows our Chinese website. In the past two days alone, many authors have come to contribute to us. "

"Well, you should also prepare to recruit more editors. There are also other departments that should be improved as soon as possible. "

He Feng pondered, "by the way, if the website wants to really publicize it, it's best to use the formal large-scale media. Jiangbin Xindu daily is a newspaper. When you go back, you can contact their boss and ask them to help make a headline and focus on propaganda. "

Weng Yiqin frowned and said, "Jiangbin Xindu newspaper? This is one of the three major media in Jiangbin city. Will they help us promote our website? I remember that in the past when they were asked to publicize by Yue Wen, they all found a relationship and spent money. "

He Feng said: "you just need to report my name, say Chinese net is my open, they will definitely promote."


Weng Yiqin was shocked.

Is He Dong so powerful?

Give his name, Jiangbin Xindu newspaper will publicize Chinese network?

And it's still in the headlines?

However, see he Feng a face of self-confidence, she knew he Feng is not joking, heart immediately excited up.

If you can make the headlines of Jiangbin Xindu newspaper, the reputation of Chinese network will definitely soar to a peak.

"Well, I'll go to them today?" Weng Yiqin said.

"Don't worry..."

He Feng suddenly thought of a thing and said: "Xiaoyu is planning to dig a big God. When she successfully digs the big God to the website, you can go to them to do propaganda. The effect should be much better."

"Can I eat tomatoes? This big God is the top level of fantasy. Can you dig it? " Weng Yiqin blinked.

"I'm not sure now. I'll see it tomorrow."

He Feng shrugged.

At this time, three people have come to the door of Ling Weiyu's office.

"Dong Dong..."

Weng Yiqin went to knock on the door.

"Come in, please Ling Weiyu's voice came from inside.

Weng Yiqin opened the door and saw Ling Weiyu in a light gray dress working hard. "Xiaoyu, He Dong is looking for you."

"Brother Xiaofeng, are you here?"

Ling Weiyu immediately put down the work at hand, happily welcomed up, at the same time curious to see the woman around He Feng.

Although Zou Xun is wearing sunglasses, just looking at her figure and temperament, we can conclude that she is definitely a first-class beauty.

Xiaofeng brother is really romantic, there will be a top-notch beauty around him from time to time.

"Little feather, let me introduce you. This is my apprentice, Zou Xun."

He Feng pointed to Zou Xun and introduced him to Ling Weiyu. "Apprentice, this is Ling Weiyu, who grew up with me."

"Childhood sweetheart..."

To not from see Ling Weiyu one eye more, then stretch out the white delicate palm, "Hello!"

"Hello, Miss Zou!" Ling Weiyu shook hands with Ling Weiyu.

At the same time, she was a little curious, where did Zou Xun seem to have heard the name?

"Well, how's the work going?" He Feng asks, interrupting Ling Weiyu's thoughts.

"I came early in the morning today. I've dealt with my work early. I've just had a chat with you after eating tomato. I've made an appointment for tomorrow. Are you free tomorrow?" Ling Weiyu said.

"Well, I'm free."

He Feng nodded and said, "is this the top God of fantasy that I eat tomatoes? Can you dig? "

Weng Yiqin is also worried, "yes, Xiaoyu, although my contract to eat tomato has expired, Yue Wen should offer him a better contract. We want to dig him... Isn't it too unrealistic?"

"Whether it's realistic or not, you have to try. I have already told it about the advantages of our website. In the future, our website is expected to make millions of works with daily sales, and the monthly sales of all the works on the website will exceed 100 million yuan. The film and television industry has also promised to make TV series and cinema movies for him. He still believes what I say, so he is willing to talk to me face to face. I feel that since he has given us such a chance, we have a chance to sign him

Said, Ling Weiyu to He Feng witty way: "small maple brother, I give him to make these promises, you can fulfill it?"

"It's just making a TV play and a movie. It's not a big problem."

He Feng a face relaxed way: "I need to consider the problem, is how to make the TV ratings explosion fire, and then the cinema box office."

"Poof... What you think is really different from what we think, but since you have said that, I can talk to him safely. Although we can only give him a verbal commitment at present, I believe that as long as we show enough sincerity, he is willing to give it a try. We can't. We can give him more money to let him feel our sincerity. "

"Xiaoyu, if you dig tomatoes for me first, shouldn't you use a little money?"

Weng Yiqin said, "that's the highest god in the net literature circle. A thousand words are worth ten thousand words, isn't it?"

"Well, I think we can sign a ten million word contract with him first, that's one hundred million. Brother Xiaofeng doesn't need the money..."

Ling Weiyu said with a smile.


Weng Yiqin looked at He Feng and didn't answer.

He Feng asked: "little feather, how many departments does our website have now?"

Ling Weiyu said: "we don't have many employees on our website. Apart from the editorial department and channel operation Department, there are only personnel department and technology department left."

He Feng said: "well, you can hold a high-level meeting now. Today, our website will set up a film and Television Department and copyright department, and then it will be put into operation immediately. You can dig all the gods you can. You don't need to consider the cost for the time being."

"Ah? How about setting up a film and Television Department and a copyright department so soon? If it's too early, we don't have many excellent books on our website. " Ling Weiyu was surprised.

"What's the matter? I'll transfer all the money on my card to you. It's not much, just a few hundred million yuan. But it should be enough for you to dig some big brains?"

With that, he Feng really took out his mobile phone and transferred money to Ling Weiyu on the spot.

Before long, Ling Weiyu's mobile phone vibrated and received a short message to remind him of his arrival.

On one side, Weng Yiqin was stunned

How careless of money!

"Brother Xiaofeng, even if you give me money now, even if I can get a lot of gods in a short time, it's hard for us to find the helmsman of the film and Television Department and the copyright department." Ling Weiyu has some difficult ways.

"Apprentice, can you support these two departments?"

He Feng is looking at Zou Xun asked.

"Well... I have to try." Zou Xun some uncertain said.

"Apprentice, I'm not asking you to try. Since I've decided to let you take over the job, you have to help me. Otherwise, how shameless am I? "

He Feng said: "you don't have too much psychological pressure. Your cultivation talent is so strong. No matter what you do, you must be quick to start. Moreover, in terms of film and television and copyright, it has certain relevance with your previous work, and you must start very quickly. "

Originally, when a new Department was set up, it was necessary to find experienced people to do it.

But he Feng doesn't want to wait too long. At the same time, he also wants to see if Zou Xun, who can enter the ethereal state at any time during his cultivation, can start his work soon.

"I understand, master. I will try my best to build these two departments and make achievements as soon as possible."

Zou Xun nodded heavily.

He Feng said with a smile: "the film and Television Department and the copyright department are just the beginning, and there will be more important tasks for you in the future. As my eldest disciple, you can't just fight and kill. In other industries, you have to have something that you can handle, right? "

"I know!" Zou Xun road.

"Brother Xiaofeng, this young lady, is she your apprentice? Elder disciple? "

Ling Weiyu and Weng Yiqin are in a daze. They are curious about Zou Xun's identity.

At the same time, they don't understand that the film and Television Department and the copyright department are two very important departments for any company. Why does he Feng directly hand over these two departments to his disciples?

Are his disciples of outstanding ability or distrust outsiders?

"Well, I've just accepted two apprentices recently. One is Chen Jian. You know Chen Jian. The other is Zou Xun, my eldest disciple. "

He Feng looked at Zou Xun and said, "apprentice, take off your sunglasses, little feather. They may be questioning my decision."

"All right."

Smell speech, Zou Xun immediately will face sunglasses to take down.

Seeing her face, Ling Weiyu and Weng Yiqin couldn't help but be stunned. There was a hint of thinking in their eyes.

"Are you... The star? Mr. Zou

"My God, you are Mr. Zou?"

A moment later, Ling Weiyu and Weng Yiqin finally think of Zou Xun's identity, suddenly exclaimed.

Mr. Zou is the nickname of Zou Xun.

Because her role of a woman disguised as a man, known as "childe Zou", is very popular with the audience, so the name of this role has become her nickname, which is what people inside and outside the circle call her.

"Mr. Ling Dong, Mr. Weng, please give me more advice in the future."

Zou Xun nodded to the second daughter and said with a smile.

He Feng said: "Xiaoyu, editor in chief Weng, although Zou Xun was only an actor before, I heard that her acting skills are very powerful, and she must be very familiar with film and television. As for copyright, I believe that as long as I give her a little time, she will soon be able to master it. Even if she is not familiar with it, she can recruit two familiar people to operate it. Anyway, I'm more relieved that she will be in charge of the film and Television Department and the copyright department. If you don't feel at ease, you should observe more. If she doesn't do well, we'll consider replacing her. What do you think? "

"Brother Xiaofeng, I believe in your vision. Since you let the big star Mr. Zou be in charge of our film and Television Department and copyright department, I certainly have no problem. And I also believe that young master Zou will soon be able to hone her acting skills comparable to those of a movie queen. As long as you give her a little time, she will certainly be able to manage our two departments very well. "

After learning the identity of Zou Xun, Ling Weiyu has gradually looked forward to the film and Television Department.

"Ha ha, since you have no objection, you should hold a high-level meeting now to finalize the matter as soon as possible. When it's done, I'll take you to a place. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Where are you going?"

Ling Weiyu said curiously: "you were keeping secret yesterday. Now we are going to pass. You can always tell me?"

"Not yet. I can't tell you until I get there."

Who knows, he Feng continues to maintain the mystery, "hurry to finish the work, wait until the place you know."

"Well, would you like to go to the meeting?"

"I'm not going to attend such a boring meeting. I'll just play computer games in your office. You can take Zou Xun there."

With that, he Feng sat in Ling Weiyu's office chair.

"OK, I'll come back to you when I'm finished." Ling Weiyu immediately left the office with Zou Xun.

See Ling Weiyu and others leave, he Feng opened a web page, login his own account.

Page switching, a message, appeared in his line of sight.

"Boss, it's boring when you're away. I've left the Dragon Island and wandered outside by myself. If you come back, please contact me at the first time."———— Magic dragon.

"Boss, no one in Shenlong island is my opponent any more. I'm going to go for a walk around and find some real Qi experts to fight. If I am bullied, you must come back as soon as possible and help me find the place. "———— monkey.

"Butcher, I've got accurate information. Many forces have begun to investigate your movements. If you are in China, be sure to hide yourself and don't be too high-profile. "———— The ghost sees the sorrow.


Most of these messages are from the brothers of Shenlong island.

He Feng looked back and swept again, did not see if butterfly or reincarnation information.

"What are you doing investigating my movements? It's not like I'm going to do something with them... "

He Feng rolled a white eye, but still put the reminder of ghost in the heart.

Even if he doesn't do anything, if those who want to hit the tianbang know that he is in China, they will want to do something.

Slightly pondered, he Feng opened the monkey's message page, entered a line of words into.

"Monkey, when you leave Shenlong Island, give me a call. Remember, you must wait until you leave Shenlong island and check whether your mobile phone is monitored before you call. "

His current mobile phone number is attached, and then he clicks send.

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