After replying to the monkey's message, he Feng forked out the webpage, and then strolled around the major novel websites.

How to say that he is also the boss of an Internet company now, and still runs with Ling Weiyu. Ling Weiyu is so devoted to this website, and he Feng has to spend a little effort on it.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

After less than ten minutes, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

It's a cross ocean international call!

And, it's a very familiar number!

"Damn, monkey is too quick. He called me so soon."

He Feng eyebrows pick, answered the phone, "monkey, how so quickly to call me, you are not in the Dragon Island?"

"Boss, I finally hear your voice again. Wuwuwuwu, I almost miss you. Are you in China? Can I go to China to find you now? I think you can't sleep any more. Wuwuwuwu... "

As soon as his voice fell, a sad cry of a young man came across the phone.

He Feng took the earphone away and kept a certain distance from his ear, "shut up! Can you speak normally? If you get nervous like this again, brother Feng, I'm going to hang up. "


"Answer my question first. Are you in Shenlong island now? If your mobile phone is monitored by Ruo die, be careful, brother Feng, I'll cut you. "

"Of course, I left Shenlong Island three days ago. I'm in the Middle East now. I was drinking with old man Howard last night."

"That's good!"

He Feng was relieved, and then told: "the Middle East is not too far away from Shenlong island. Don't go to such a far place. Shenlong island still needs someone to sit down. Do you hear me?"

"Don't worry, boss. I won't go too far. It won't take more than three hours to fly."

The monkey laughed, and then looked forward to the way: "boss, you haven't told me, are you in China now? Can I see you in China? Brother, I really miss you, brother Feng. "

"Ha ha, you want to see me because you feel that you have broken through the true Qi State and should be able to support a few moves in my hand, so you want to fight with me, right?" He Feng smiles.

"Cough, boss, don't tell me..."

"I want to tell you that even if you break through to the level of true Qi, I can only do three moves at most, and it's still when I don't use my best martial arts."

"It's unscientific, boss. Didn't you say that you did your best when you were on the list of heaven more than two months ago? It is reasonable to say that my current strength can already compete with the last one in tianbang? "

Hearing he Feng's words, the monkey couldn't help wondering.

He Feng said with a smile: "you also said that it was more than two months ago. Now more than two months later, do you think my strength will be the same as two months ago? "


The monkey was silent for three seconds, and then he said, "boss, you are not in the middle of the Qi State, are you?"

He Feng also does not conceal, "a few days ago good luck, a careless breakthrough."


The monkey didn't know what to say.

"Oh, don't be like that. Our brother has been improving so fast for so many years, but it seems that you haven't been as fast as me?"

He Feng can imagine what kind of expression the monkey is now, so he tries to hold back his smile.


The monkey took a light breath, "boss, I've decided. After I've dealt with some things in the Middle East, I'll go back to Shenlong island and continue to shut up."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

He Feng can't hold back any longer, and laughs happily, "small sample, let you just have to, now know that you are in front of the real peerless genius, or there is a big gap?"

"Well, boss, don't hit me any more. I'm suffering at the moment." Monkey depressed way, no longer want to talk about cultivation with He Feng, "boss, talk about you, now what's the situation over there? You suddenly asked me to contact you. Is there any trouble? "

"Monkey, you guessed right, brother Feng. I'm really in China now, and I'm married."


As soon as he said that, the monkey exclaimed, "boss, are you kidding? How can you get married? Didn't you say that if you got married, you would only marry Miss Rudy? Then your letter said that you went to your parents and told us not to come to you. It was a lie to ruodei? "

"It's not cheating. I went back to China to find my parents. Including marriage, but also to find my parents. I won't tell you the reason for that. I'll talk to you face to face when I have a chance later. "

The old man of he family told him that the strength of the other side was even stronger than him, which was far beyond his ability to compete with now, so he didn't plan to tell the monkey about this kind of thing for the time being, so as not to send it back to Shenlong island and make the brothers in the island worry.


Monkey no longer asked, just said: "the boss, you suddenly contact me, is there anything wrong?"

"Well, I have a brother-in-law who has a strange disease, and I can't cure it either. I guess I have to come back to life to help cure it. But Huisheng left a message for me, saying that he went to find his master. You can help me arrange the staff to find Huisheng and see if you can find him. "

He said the person, naturally is Xia Menglu's younger brother summer.

However, in addition to the summer, he is also worried about Ji Xinyu's physique, so he wants to take the initiative to find Huisheng, so as to find Huisheng earlier, and then let Huisheng check Ji Xinyu's physical condition.

"Find that guy back? I... where can I find him? He has almost the same virtue as his master. He's the kind of person who can't see the end without the head. It's really hard to find him on his own initiative. " The monkey is in a dilemma.

He Feng said, "there are three places you can go. The first is Beiyue mountain in Motuo, the second is xilaitu Lake in Corvette, and the third is jiaohualin in Danmai. In each of these three places, you send three huajinwu men to go there. If it's dark, I'm afraid it's dangerous and the efficiency will be relatively low. "

"Yes, I remember." Huisheng secretly remembers what he Feng said.

"Be sure to contact me as soon as you find reincarnation."

"I understand!"

Huisheng nodded and immediately said, "boss, since you have really gone to China, you have to be careful there. The kingdom of China is not like the outside world. That land is a real land of Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon. Even if you have the cultivation of true Qi, you have to keep a low profile. None of their eight sects can be provoked by us. "

"Eight hermits? Don't worry, they are a group of undeveloped forces. They won't come out easily unless China is about to meet the crisis of national annihilation. As for the master of true Qi, who can be counted with one hand and can be ranked in the tianbang, there is only one. I will not be full to provoke them. "

Before he came to China, he Feng had a detailed understanding of the strong and powerful people in this land, so he didn't worry too much.

Don't mention the eight sects. Even those masters of true Qi can't come out. Unless he Feng has done something in China, and the state machine can't destroy him, he may invite out the myths and legends of true Qi. Otherwise, ordinary things can't disturb the myths and legends.

After all, most of the myths and legends have lived for hundreds of years. People just shut up and Practice for a few years or even ten years. How can people practice if they are disturbed by some big things?

"That's good!"

See he Feng early had psychological preparation, monkey just at ease, "boss, then I can contact you at any time?"

"No, brother Feng, I'm very busy. A large group of confidants around me have no time to compete with you. Hang up, I have to go with a little lover of mine... "

Said, he Feng really neat hang up the phone.

Because he had heard a familiar sound of footsteps outside the door.

Before long, Ling Weiyu pushed the door open and came in.

"Feather, is it done?" He Feng put away the mobile phone, looking into the office of Ling Weiyu asked.

"Well, it's settled."

Ling Weiyu nodded. "At the beginning, I proposed to set up the film and Television Department and the copyright department, with Miss Zou as the Minister of the two departments. The heads of other departments also had some opinions. But as soon as I said that it was the decision of He Dong, they immediately did not dare to oppose it any more. They even immediately changed their attitude and said that they fully supported brother Xiaofen's decision. Brother Xiaofeng, your prestige in our hearts is far from what I can compare. "

When speaking, the corner of the woman's mouth pouts slightly, which is obviously not very happy.

I can't help it. She usually works on the website all day long, and often works overtime. But he Feng occasionally does something for the company, and her status in everyone's heart is higher than her. Naturally, women have some small grievances.

Seeing Ling Weiyu's pouting expression, he Feng feels funny, "Yo, little feather is still angry? I'll explain to them later. In fact, you are the biggest shareholder of the website. Even I work for you. "

"They won't believe you work for me!"

"Why don't you believe it? I told them that you are my daughter-in-law and all the money I earn goes into your pocket. Can they not believe it? "

"I... I'm not your daughter-in-law. I'm just your little lover."

Ling Weiyu blushes.

"Little lover?" He Feng eyebrows pick, go to Ling Weiyu side, hand up the latter's chin, "come on, little lover let for husband kiss."

While talking, he really buried his head and approached Ling Weiyu's delicate lips.

His action is not fast, but Ling Weiyu looks at a face that suddenly approaches him and often appears in his dream, but he is shocked and forgets to dodge.

The next moment, the lips meet.

Ling Weiyu's delicate body was shocked and his eyes widened.

He Feng didn't care so much. After tasting the fragrance on the woman's lips, he directly hugged the woman's slender waist and gave her a long kiss.


After ten minutes, Ling Weiyu pushed He Feng away, and then sucked in the air, "brother Xiao Feng, you're suffocating me."

"Hey, hey..."

He Feng licked his lips, a face of enjoyment, "you can't kiss, after I teach you slowly, you won't hold it."

"You can't teach me that in my office. Maybe someone will knock on the door."

Although the two people have no more kisses, Ling Weiyu still feels guilty and says: "brother Xiaofeng, let's leave here first."

"Ha ha, OK!"

Seeing the woman's embarrassment, he Feng smiles again and immediately takes Ling Weiyu's hand. Under the envious gaze of many employees, he leaves Chinanet.

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