"Brother Xiaofeng, why did you bring me here? Isn't this a sales office in a community? "

Outside the Xingyuan sales office, he Feng just stopped his car and saw Ling Weiyu with the words "Xingyuan Sales Office". He was surprised and asked.

"Don't you think it's just the people who come to the sales office to see the house?" He Feng grinned, opened the door and got out of the car, "get out of the car quickly. After seeing the house, let's have dinner again."

"You really look at the house? There's no need to be in such a hurry, is there? "

Although Ling Weiyu got out of the car, he couldn't move any further. "Why don't we wait? Now the Chinese network has just begun to develop, and we still need to dig a large number of gods. I don't know how much it will cost. Otherwise, when the company is stable and profitable, how about buying a house? "

Although he Feng has long wanted to buy a house, he Feng also said hello to her, but now that she really comes to the door of the sales office, Ling Weiyu is immediately nervous.

This is the first time in her life to come to the sales office!

"Of course not. I'll show you today."

He Feng immediately came forward, took Ling Weiyu's hand and walked towards the sales office.

Ling Weiyu has no choice but to follow He Feng.

Although the heart is nervous, but there is a little excitement and expectation.

"He Feng, are you here?"

Just entering the sales office, Zou Rong, who was busy in the hall, noticed his arrival at the first time and immediately walked towards him.

In addition to Zou Rong, the other salesmen all looked at He Feng in awe.

This scene naturally surprised Ling Weiyu.

He Feng didn't pay attention to the other salesmen, but nodded to Zou Rong, "Rongrong, I'm here to see the house, the keys should be with you?"

After all the furniture and appliances were moved in, Zou Rong helped him change a new E-class lock, which was much more reliable than fingerprint lock, and the key was on Zou Rong's side, so he Feng came to the sales office first when he came to see the house.

"Well, it's all here. You wait for me for a while, and I'll get the key. By the way, shall I inform Mr. Jiang to come here? " Zou Rong asked with some formality.

At first, she thought he Feng was just an ordinary person, so she could speak at will.

But now she found that he Feng was a figure that even her boss had to respect, and she would never get up again.

"It's OK. Just go and get the key, and then you can take me there."

He Feng waved his hand, "I'll come here today and have a look. After watching, I'll leave directly."

"Well, I'll go and get you the key."

With that, Zou Rong turned to the manager's office and thought it was her boyfriend Li Chen.

Sure enough, before long, Zou Rong came out with the key. Li Chen, who was staying in the manager's office, came over and said respectfully to He Feng, "Hello, Mr. He Feng! I heard Rongrong say that you come to see the house. I don't know if you are familiar with the community. Do you want me and Rongrong to accompany you in the past? "

"It's OK. I know the way. You're busy. I'll take all the keys." He Feng took the key from Zou Rong and said to Li Chen, "if you have something at work, you can contact Jiang Yin directly. Don't be afraid of anything. Do you understand?"

"I see. Thank you, Mr. He Feng."

Hearing he Feng's words, Li Chen nodded heavily.

He Feng laughed: "ha ha, as long as you are good to Rongrong. She is Lulu's good friend. If you bully her, Lulu and I will be unhappy. "

"Then... What if she bullies me?" Li Chen's weak way.


He Feng touched his nose, "if she bullies you, it's your blessing. You should be happy."

"All right!!" Li Chen nodded with a worried face.

"Then you are busy. When you are free, we will have dinner together."

With that, he Feng and Ling Weiyu went out of the sales office and drove directly to the gate of the community.

Seeing he Feng and Ling Weiyu leave, the salesmen are relieved. At the same time, they look at Li Chen's eyes, full of deep envy.

Obviously, with the relationship of He Feng, Li Chen will definitely not be as simple as a manager in the future, and even hope to enter the top management of the head office.

It seems that we should have a good relationship with Li Chen or Xia Menglu now.


"Brother Xiaofeng, we went to the sales office to see the house. Why did you ask them to give you the key directly? Is it to see the real estate in the community? But hasn't the salesman explained these houses to us yet? "

Just on the bus, Ling Weiyu asked curiously.

"Well, just look at the real estate." He Feng gave a simple answer.

Keep it secret!

Wen Yan and Ling Weiyu didn't ask much. Judging from the conversation he Feng just had with Zou Rong and Li Chen, it may be that they are familiar with each other, so out of trust, the other party directly gave the key to He Feng and let him see it for himself.

However, thinking of the attitude of Li Chen and those salesmen towards He Feng, she couldn't help wondering, "brother Xiao Feng, why do I feel that people in this Sales Office look at you in a wrong way? It's like seeing your own leader.... "

"It's very simple, because their developer boss is following me now." He Feng's light road.

"Brag!" Ling Weiyu curls his mouth and doesn't believe he Feng's words.

Jiangbin is not a small city. Any developer is a person with identity and background. How can he be willing to be someone else's younger brother?

"You'll soon know if it's bragging or not."

He Feng grinned.

The car soon entered the gate of the community. He Feng bought a house in building 7, but he didn't rush to drive the car to building 7. Instead, he drove around the community and let Ling Weiyu watch the scenery of the community.

After a full tour, he Feng drove the car to the downstairs of the seventh building and parked it.

"Little feather, how do you feel about this community?" After getting off the bus, he Feng asked.

"The whole Xingyuan community is very good, and there are villas. It seems very beautiful. I'll go and have a look later." Ling Weiyu said with a smile.

"What's the matter? You want to buy a villa? Why don't we just go over and have a look? If there's anything you like, we'll buy another villa. " Hefeng road.

Although he has bought three western style houses, if Ling Weiyu likes villas, he Feng really doesn't mind buying another one.

Even if he bought it with money, Jiang Yin could not calculate the money according to the market price, but according to the cost price

Even if you buy another villa, it won't cost much.

"It's OK to buy it. I wanted to buy a villa in the past, but later I got to know about it on the Internet. I found that the villa seemed not suitable for living. There were too many mosquitoes on the low floor, so it was impossible to prevent them. And as soon as it rains, it's wet in the house. It's very uncomfortable. "

Ling Weiyu said with a smile: "however, I still want to have a look at the villa for a while. The scenery there is good, and the path outside is quite quiet. There are few people and cars. It's good to run there in the evening."

"Well! In that case, let's go there for a walk. Anyway, it's not sunny and windy today. It's very cool. "

Say, he Feng then walks toward the elevator entrance of seven buildings, "but now we still have a look at the western style house here first."

"Brother Xiaofeng, what floor of the house are we looking at?" Ling Weiyu asked.

"The fifth floor and the sixth floor." Hefeng road.

After entering the elevator, he Feng pressed a "5" directly.

After coming to the fifth floor, he Feng took out the key, opened the lock of Room 501, pushed open a gap, then pulled out the key, and let the body to one side, "Weiwei, you go first."

"It's just a house. Why should I go first?"

Ling Weiyu shook his head helplessly, but he pushed the door open and went in.

As soon as she stepped into the room, she was shocked and quickly backed back. At the same time, she said, "brother Xiaofeng, you've got the wrong key. This family is occupied by people."

Said, will bring the door to, a face embarrassed.

He Feng quickly reached for the door, rolled his eyes and said: "who said that there are people living here, just bought furniture and appliances. Go to see if you like those furniture and appliances."

"You, are you sure?" Ling Weiyu looks at He Feng hesitantly.

"Sure, it's not the first time I've been here." He Feng said, directly pushed the door open, "go in, but it's better to change a pair of slippers, which are cleaned."

"All right!"

Ling Weiyu follows He Feng, enters the room, and then puts on his slippers.

As she changed her shoes, she looked into the room.

The decoration of the house is very simple, and the furniture and appliances are quite common. But somehow, after Ling Weiyu entered the room, he felt warm and relaxed, as if he had returned to his own home.

She went to the master bedroom, the second bedroom, the study, the kitchen, the bathroom and the balcony to watch

The color of satisfaction on his face became more and more intense.

"Well, do you still like it?" He Feng sat on the sofa and turned on the TV directly.

OK. It's 4K resolution. It's Sony's.

In this house, the price of the rest of the furniture and home appliances is relatively general, except for the TV. He Feng chose the one with better quality in order to make the resolution higher. After all, children will often watch TV after they live in. If the resolution of the TV is not good, it will hurt their eyes.

"Of course I do. Although the house is not luxurious, it makes me feel warm and at home. Brother Xiaofeng, what's the price of the house here? If it's not too high, let's buy this one? "

Hearing he Feng's question, Ling Weiyu answers.

At this time, she suddenly found that he Feng had put on the TV. She couldn't help saying, "brother Xiao Feng, why are you watching TV? Is broadband installed here? "

"Yes, it seems that it was just installed the day before yesterday."

He Feng laughed, "just like it, then you will live here."

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