"Sure. If you don't believe me, you can count on my cell phone."

He Feng also felt out his mobile phone, opened the calculator and handed it to Ling Weiyu.

Ling Weiyu took two mobile phones and calculated them with a calculator.

A minute later, Ling Weiyu worked out the total amount of the five sums of money, looking at He Feng's eyes full of shock.

"Little feather, do you worship brother Feng?"

He Feng grinned.

"Brother Xiaofeng, you, how did you do it?" Ling Weiyu said inconceivably: "I've seen a program called" the strongest brain "before. All the people in it are geniuses. But I don't think that even if they are talented, they will be able to work out the addition and subtraction of such a long word just by looking at it

"That can only show that brother Feng, I am a genius, and they are just laymen."

He Feng is proud of smile, immediately way: "really didn't expect, these people rely on a little strength, still quite able to circle money, add up to more than 800 million."

"I don't know if their money is clean..."

Ling Weiyu frowned.

It can be seen that she was not very happy though she had a lot of unexpected wealth and a large amount.

Because she felt that the money must have been earned by Tong Fei through improper means.

"Little feather, no matter how they earn the money, you can use the money to make clean money, and then use the clean money to do good deeds and help more poor people. Isn't that ok?"

He Feng comforts the woman with a smile.

When Ling Weiyu heard that he Feng was right, he began to smile on his pretty face and nodded: "brother Xiao Feng, you're right. Then I'll use the money to dig the God, and then develop our own website IP to make more money. I can set up a foundation or charity to repay the society with the money I earn. "

"That's right..."

He Feng gives Ling Weiyu a thumbs up.

"But I can't do it myself. I still need brother Xiao Feng's help."

Ling Weiyu returns his mobile phone to He Feng.

"Don't worry. Now that brother Feng is back, you will be covered by brother Feng." He Feng said with a smile.


Ling Weiyu rolled his eyes at him and was ready to open the door and get off.

"Give me your ID number for the little feather." He Feng suddenly opens his mouth.

"What's the matter?" Ling Weiyu asked.

Hefeng also did not hide, and said directly, "yes, we are not going to South Jin city tomorrow. I have a friend who will join us, so she suggested that she buy tickets and let us give her the ID number."

"Your friend? Who is it? "

"Her name is Chu Yue and she works in the Public Security Bureau."

"Chu Yue? Girls? Another lover of yours? "


Seeing Ling Weiyu's direct inquiry, he Feng touched his nose and nodded, "Hmm! Lover

"Poof!" Ling Weiyu just casually asked, did not expect he Feng really admitted, this let her some touch less than defense, "Xiao Feng brother, how many lovers do you have in the end?"

"In China, there are only a few. I'll introduce them to you one by one."

"So there must be a lot of them abroad."

"OK, it's almost the same as in China."

"Brother Xiaofeng, i... I really don't know what to say about you. If aunt yuan knows, she has to spank you."

As a practitioner in the network literature industry, Ling Weiyu has read a lot of network novels, and knows that some men with ability will have many women around them.

So, for He Feng side so affectionate things, although she has some resistance in mind, but also can only quietly accept.

Who wants to like him?

"Hey hey, don't let aunt yuan know." He Feng said with a smile.

"Well, it depends on whether you can hide it. You have let aunt yuan live on the same floor as your lover. Do you still expect to hide it all the time?"

Ling Weiyu snorted, "forget it, it's all your business. You can deal with it by yourself, and I won't bother you."

Speaking, Ling Wei Yu gave his ID number to He Feng, then walked towards the restaurant.


At the same time, after Tong Fei and others transferred the money to Ling Weiyu, he looked at Jiang crazy Dao and said, "Jiang crazy Dao, can we go now?"

"President Tong, goodbye, I won't give it away."

Jiang Kuangdao's indifferent way.

Immediately, Tong Fei several people will help Tong Chang, out of the villa, on the Levant, direct drive away.

"Jiangyin, you immediately arrange for someone to follow them and see where they are going."

As soon as Tong Fei left, Jiang Fandao immediately looked at Jiang yindao.

"Brother, are you worried that they won't leave Jiangbin today?" Jiang Yin asked.


Jiang Kuangdao shook his head and said: "since Tong Fei said he would leave Jiangbin City, he should not stay any longer. What I'm worried about is that they will go to the martial arts association and find people from the martial arts association to deal with He Feng. "

"Is there nothing to worry about? There are no decent masters in the Wushu Association. How can they deal with He Feng? " Jiang Yin is not worried at all, "to He Feng that terrible strength, enough to easily sweep the martial arts association."

"Brother, you are not an ancient martial artist. You still don't know much about the martial arts association."

Jiang Kuangdao said: "every year, the major Wushu associations in Jiangshu province have a martial arts exchange. We don't have many decent experts in Jiangbin City, but why do we get respect from the outside world every time we have a martial arts exchange meeting? "


Jiang Yin asks curiously.

"I don't know the specific reason, but I heard that it's because they are very good at attacking together. That's why I'm worried that if they come out and besiege He Feng, he Feng will suffer. "

"I don't think so? There are only 20 or 30 people in Jiangbin Martial Arts Association, and most of them are only ancient martial artists in the early Ming Dynasty. Even if they come out, it's hard to deal with He Feng, isn't it? "

"It's hard to say, but we still need a dike. What's more, don't forget that the real terror of Jiangbin martial arts association is not these people, but the mysterious president. "

"The president?"


When it comes to the president, Jiang Kuangdao looks more and more dignified. "Ten years ago, the mysterious president suddenly appeared in Jiangbin City, founded the martial arts association, arranged several vice presidents randomly, and left directly. In all these years, it never happened again. However, the impression he left to everyone was extremely powerful. I think the martial arts association now has the means of joint attack, which may be handed down by this mysterious president. "

"If so, we should really monitor Tong Fei. If they go to the martial arts association and let the people of the martial arts association deal with He Feng, then we can remind He Feng to be careful of his opponent's joint attack. At that time, if he Feng fights with them, you can also judge the mysterious president from their joint attack means and what level his strength is probably. "

After thinking about this, Jiang Yin immediately ordered two people to follow Tong Fei and others.

Jiang Kuangdao also made a phone call to the people in the martial arts school, asking them to stay outside close to the martial arts association and pay close attention to Tong Fei or Tong Fei's Maserati Levante.


Tong Fei drives Levant out of Xingyuan community, and then goes straight to Jiangbin people's hospital.

In the whole process, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was rather dull.

Tong Chang will be sent to the hospital for a simple treatment, after stabilizing the injury, Tong Fei let Tong Chang stay in the hospital, and sent two people to guard, and he is with Liu Dawei and others returned to Levant.

"Dawei, Tong Chang has already started to sell his industry. As soon as the funds are recorded, I will repay you for your losses today."

Tong Fei sat in the driver's seat and said in a low voice.

Almost no smoking, he also lit a cigarette now.

In this regard, Huang Kong and Liang Changfu did not speak.

Only Liu Dawei narrowed his eyes and said, "brother Tong, we have known each other for so many years. You should know my situation. Although I lost more than 100 million yuan in cash, there are still some industries in my family. It's not a big problem for my family to make life easier. But I can't swallow it today. "

"I can't swallow it, either!"

Huang Kong said in a cold voice: "if the elixir field is abandoned, we will lose our Qi and blood seriously. Next, we are afraid that we will grow old very quickly. Even if we take a lot of expensive tonics, we will not live for 10 years. What's the difference between this and the death penalty that he sentenced to 10 years' probation?"

"We must take revenge for this." Liang Changfu said with a clenched fist.

Liu Dawei said directly: "there are tens of millions on my wife's card. I'm going to use the money to invite people from the motion picture group to get rid of He Feng."

"It's better to find the film group. I've got the news. Now the film group doesn't know why, and suddenly doesn't take on the task."

Tong Fei looked at Liu Dawei and other humanitarians: "however, since you brothers want revenge as much as I do, I have a proposal. Let's go to Zhang Zhen and vote together to mobilize the whole martial arts association to eliminate He Feng."

"With the strength of the whole Martial Arts Association, against He Feng?"

Liu Dawei was stunned at first, but soon understood what Tong Fei meant. He was shocked and said, "brother Tong, what do you mean by that way?"

"The four of us were easily abandoned by him, so it can be seen that his strength is at least triple, and may have broken through to quadruple."

Tong Fei pondered for a while and said, "He Feng's age should be 267 years old. At this age, he is also a horizontal practitioner, and he is already very great at training triple. Refining body quadruple, can be regarded as his limit. Once we gather the strength of the whole Wushu Association to deal with He Feng, it's not very difficult. "

"In that case, let's go to Zhang Zhen now. He should still be practicing in the association's training room." Liu Dawei said.



Tong Fei stepped on the accelerator, and Levante's engine sent out bursts of strong air flow, leaping out like a beast.

In the back, a BMW 320 kept up, but after turning a corner, it was found that Levante had left it far away

Twenty minutes later, Levant came to the bottom of a building. Tong Fei and others got out of the car and went straight in.

Not far from Levante, there is a BMW X3. The window is rolling down. A man wearing big black sunglasses watches Tong Fei enter the building. Then he takes out his mobile phone and dials a phone.

"Hello The voice of a middle-aged man came from the phone.

"Curator, Tong Fei, they went to the martial arts association."

"OK, I see!"


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