The building they came to is the headquarters of the Wushu Association.

At this time, in the hall on the first floor, some employees are working. Seeing Tong Fei and others come in, they say hello respectfully.

Tong Fei and others ignored them and went directly into the elevator. They went up to the sixth floor and came to a training room.

"Tong Fei, Dawei, what happened?"

A middle-aged man who is practicing boxing stops practicing and looks at Tong Fei and others.

Zhang Zhen, like Tong Fei and Liu Dawei, is the vice president of the Wushu Association.

He has reached the middle stage of Mingjin and is trying to break through the later stage of Mingjin.

"Brother Zhang, over the years, you and our brothers have made a lot of money and gained a lot of benefits, haven't you?"

Tong Fei closes the door of the training room and stares at Zhang Zhendao.

"Brother Tong, what do you mean by that

Zhang Zhen frowned, did not understand why Tong Fei would suddenly say such words.

However, looking at the ugly faces of Tong Fei and Liu Dawei, he vaguely guessed that something big had happened.

"Now, if something happens to us, can't you just stand by?"

"Brother Tong, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

"Well, I'll be straight."

Tong Fei also no longer ink, will just happen in the star in the matter of a word out, "now, you know I come to you mean?"

"He Feng, is he really that powerful? Three or even four

Zhang Zhen's brows were twisted into the word "Chuan".

Refining body quadruple, that is equivalent to the existence of dark strength master.

"No matter whether he is triple or quadruple, I believe that once we gather the strength of the whole Association, we can destroy him." Tong Fei a face murderous, "in a word, this He Feng, will die!"

"Brother Zhang, we didn't forget you when we made money. Now when we need your help, you can't drop the chain for us."

Liu Dawei then said: "now our brothers have been abandoned by He Feng. If you don't help us revenge, you will not treat us as brothers."

Although his tone is calm, but looking at Zhang Zhen's eyes are very sharp, with an obvious threat.

Obviously, if Zhang Zhen didn't help them, they would certainly tear their skin.

In their hands, however, Zhang Zhen has a lot of tricks to commit crimes with them.

"Brother Tong, brother Liu, don't worry."

Zhang Zhen comforted him and immediately asked, "do you mean that we should gather the strength of the whole martial arts association to attack he Feng?"

"Not bad!"

Tong Fei nodded and said, "now Brother Tan is missing, and Dawei and I are disabled again. We can only rely on brother Zhang. In addition, I just inquired about it. Brother Tan's Dantian has also been abandoned, and the person who started it is He Feng. "

"What? Brother Tan's Dantian has been abandoned by He Feng? "

Zhang Zhen exclaimed in surprise.

There were four of them, almost in one pair of trousers.

But now, Tan Lin, Tong Fei and Liu Dawei are all abandoned by He Feng.

The ancient warrior's elixir field was abandoned, so he was sentenced to death.

What about Zhang Zhen?

Maybe he Feng's next target is him!

"OK, I'll go to Cao Heng and Qi Jun now, and then collect nine members."

Zhang Zhen's eyes narrowed slightly and made a decision directly, "at that time, we'll find an opportunity to surround He Feng and use the three or nine Xuan array to kill him."

"Ha ha, he Feng is really capable. At a young age, he has reached the triple or even quadruple level of physical training. If he practices with peace of mind, he will have an unlimited future. Maybe he will have a chance to become a great master. However, he should not, should not, with our brothers a few stumbling. In that case, let's kill him in the cradle. "

See Zhang Zhen agreed to come down, Tong Fei's face also appears a sneer.

"Yes, although his strength is strong, he only cultivates four kinds of accomplishments. Once he is surrounded by the three nine Xuan array, there is only one way to die waiting for him." Huang kongdao.

"For the sake of safety, I'll contact Shang Jin of Tengfei martial arts school. In his hands, there are a group of ruthless people, but also has a hot weapon. If you can let him hand, kill He Feng is no problem Liang Changfu said.

"Shang Jin? Well, you can really pull him to help us. "

Tong Fei nodded, "Shang Jin should hate Zhengqi martial arts school now. We just need to tell him that Zhengqi martial arts school is actually with He Feng, and he is definitely willing to help us. Moreover, we can also tell him that as long as he helps us get rid of He Feng, we will help him rebuild the martial arts school and eliminate Zhengqi martial arts school. "

"As long as he Feng and Zhengqi martial arts school are destroyed, Jiangbin city will be our world again."


He Feng and Ling Weiyu seldom eat together, so they both ate slowly. They ate until more than two o'clock in the afternoon.


Just ready to pay, he Feng's mobile phone on the table suddenly vibrated.

"Lovers looking for you?" Ling Weiyu asked with a smile.


He Feng mouth a smoke, no good way: "how can it, I'm eating with my lover, looking for me is Jiang crazy knife."

"Oh, take it." Ling Weiyu said.

He Feng pressed the answer button and said, "curator Jiang."

"Mr. He Feng, I have something to tell you. After Tong Fei left me, they first went to Jiangbin people's hospital. It seems that they should be treating Tong Chang."

"After that, they left the hospital and got rid of the people I arranged to follow them and went to the Jiangbin Martial Arts Association," Jiang said

"Why, do they still want to get revenge?" He Feng laughed, "after seeing my strength, they should not have the courage to revenge? I don't think there are other things to deal with, such as going to tell an old friend something

"Mr. He Feng, you don't know much about Wushu Association."

Jiang Kuangdao solemnly said: "this Wushu Association, on the surface, they don't have any decent experts. But as far as I know, the founder of the martial arts association, that mysterious president, at the beginning of the establishment of the martial arts association, he also taught them a set of martial arts skills. With this set of martial arts skills, the martial arts association of Jiangbin city never fails in its annual exchanges with the martial arts associations of other cities in Jiangshu province. You know, in Jiangshu province, the ancient martial arts of our Jiangbin martial arts association are weak, and other martial arts associations basically have strong dark strength. "

"Do you mean that some of their ancient warriors in the middle of Ming Dynasty can compete with the dark ones by means of this fighting skill?"

Hear this, he Feng came to interest immediately.

"I'm not sure whether I can compete with master dark strength. But I think that if they are really ready to deal with you, it means that they should be able to compete with the dark strength of the ancient warrior. Of course, there may be warfighters in their association. Only by combining warfighters with the skill of joint attack can they fight against the dark ancient warriors. In a word, anyway, I still hope Mr. He Feng can be a little more careful and don't capsize in the sewer. "

The river crazy knife exhorts a way.

He Feng said with a smile: "OK, I see. Thank you for your reminding. I will be careful."

"Well, since you know it, that's fine."

Jiang crazy knife just reminds He Feng that he still believes in his strength.

After all, even Chunchun's dark strength and ancient martial arts were solved in the hands of He Feng.

But the martial arts association's that what combats the skill, must cooperate perfectly, only then nearly can contend with the dark strength ancient martial arts.

"Curator Jiang, there is something I want to ask you..."

Just when Jiang crazy knife is ready to hang up, he Feng suddenly asks.

"What's the matter, Mr. He Feng?"

"If so many people from the martial arts association come to deal with me, what do you think I should do with them?"


Jiang crazy Dao didn't know how to answer for a while.

The ancient martial arts in Jiangbin city are not prosperous. There are only about 20 ancient martial arts practitioners in total. Recently, they were killed by He Feng, and even fewer of them were expelled. With He Feng's strength, it is easy to kill all the ancient martial arts practitioners in Jiangbin Martial Arts Association.

But if all these people are killed, the martial arts association in Jiangbin city will have to be canceled, right?

"Mr. He Feng, the martial arts association still needs to exist, because every year in the major cities of Jiangshu province, there will be an exchange meeting of ancient martial artists. As far as I know, there is less than one month left for the next exchange meeting. If Jiangbin city can't send people to attend, it will be a shame for other cities. "

Jiang said.

He is an ancient warrior, so he cares about the eyes of other ancient warriors.

"Besides, the martial arts association in Jiangbin city was also founded by the powerful mysterious president. If it was destroyed directly, it would cause his anger. It's not worth offending such a master for no reason, is it? " Jiang Kuangdao continued to advise.

When Jiang Kuangdao finished, he Feng said, "well, what you said seems to be reasonable. In this case, I'll let Jiangbin Martial Arts Association keep it."


River crazy knife mouth corner one draw.

He Feng really has the idea of eradicating the Jiangbin Martial Arts Association.

He felt sweating on his forehead

"However, although the martial arts association of Jiangbin city can be retained, it must be in our hands. Curator Jiang, from now on, how about you being the president of the martial arts association He Feng asked.

"When the president of Jiangbin martial arts association? Mr. He Feng, are you still against the mysterious President? If he shows up in the future and finds that his position as president has been robbed by others, won't he hit him in the face? "

He Feng can't help frowning, "what do you say?"

Jiang Kuangdao said: "I have a proposal. If you don't have a suitable person over there and I have to preside over the Jiangbin Martial Arts Association, you might as well add an executive vice president and let me take the position. In this way, although I can manage the martial arts association, I didn't take the position of the mysterious president. "

"Executive vice president?"

Smell speech, he Feng heart is also helpless.

It seems that Jiang Kuangdao is also in awe of the mysterious vice president.

Although he didn't trust the other party and wanted someone to be the president directly, he couldn't find a suitable person except Jiang crazy Dao.

Although Chen Jian's strength is good, Chen Jian is not in charge of affairs, but is determined to fight.

Moreover, even if Chen Jian is willing to serve as the president, he doesn't know about Jiangbin city and even the guwu circle in Jiangshu province, so many things are difficult to deal with.

Immediately, he Feng also had to promise to come down, "OK, then you will be an executive vice president first. Well, if they attack me at that time, I'll kill two or scrap two at will. Most people will keep them. "

"OK, ok..."

Jiang Kuangdao was relieved at last.

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