"Sister yuan, how can you learn from Wang Xiangyun, just knock on the door and directly push the door in? This habit is not very good."

Seeing that the visitor was yuan Yashi, he Feng felt a thump in his heart and hurried to the woman, blocking her way.

Although Yang Ying left in time, but there is still a lot of smell in the office, if women smell more bad.


He obviously underestimated women's sensitivity and intuition

"Well? You smell like that in your office. "

Yuan Yashi looked at He Feng and said with a smile: "husband, which woman did you pity just now? Lulu? No, Lulu doesn't seem to be in the company. Weiwei is also busy now. Wang Dong is still in her laboratory. So, who's the beauty? "

"Keke, sister yuan, your nose is too smart, isn't it?" He Feng looked at Yuan Yashi in surprise, this sense of smell is too sensitive, right?

"Ah? Do you really have sex with some woman in the office? "

Yuan Yashi's shocked way.

"Damn, you just tested me?"

He Feng was dumbfounded when he heard yuan Yashi's words.

"Otherwise, do you really think I'm a dog nose? I just saw that you were so nervous and stopped me from entering your office. I guessed that you must have done something wrong just now, so I tried. I didn't expect that I really guessed it. "

Yuan Yashi said with a smile: "husband, be lenient when you confess, be strict when you resist..."


He Feng's face is speechless, "I tell you, it's not OK? It's sister Yang

"Sister Yang?" Yuan Yashi thought about it and said subconsciously, "Yang Ying?"

Although Yang Ying is not a senior manager of the company, she is just an ordinary clerical in the finance department. But because Yang Ying is very beautiful and charming, she is also known as a beauty in the company. She is famous, so yuan Yashi can guess her directly.

He Feng nodded, "yes!"

"But isn't she married? How did you get together with a married woman? " Yuan Yashi frowned.

"Sister yuan, in fact, sister Yang is divorced. Otherwise, how dare I hook up with her? Even if I don't care about my reputation, I have to defend her reputation, right He Feng shrugged.

"All right!"

Yuan Yashi helplessly looked at He Feng, "you, too much for women, right? Even sister Yang has been conquered by you. She should know that you are married and there are a lot of women around you? "

"Well, she knows, but she doesn't mind."

He Feng nodded.

"I don't mind..."

Yuan Yashi shook his head and wry smile, "well, it seems that I have to be ready to have dozens of sisters in the future."

"Well, dozens of them are certainly not enough, but dozens of them should not be a problem." He Feng embarrassed way.

"You are not ashamed at all. You have never seen a man with thicker skin than you."

"Hey, hey, if I'm a little thin skinned, can I catch up with sister yuan?"

"Do you still have to go

Yuan Yashi rolled her eyes and said, "forget it, I don't care about you and those women. I think you will control what kind of women you can touch and what kind of women you can't touch."

"Don't worry, sister yuan. In fact, I'm still very low-key. I won't easily hook up with women." He Feng said seriously.

"Well, are you free in the evening? Weiwei is going to work overtime tonight. If you have nothing to do, go to my house for dinner? "

The meaning of women is obvious.

But the first time has been given to He Feng, so she now sent out this invitation to He Feng, looks quite natural.

"Tonight? I may not be free tonight. I have something else to do He Feng touched his nose.

"Something else?"

Yuan Yashi looked at He Feng, "did you have an appointment with another woman?"


Seeing yuan Yashi staring at him, he Feng was embarrassed to lie, and immediately said, "well, I did make an appointment with a girl for dinner and a movie. Last weekend, I made an appointment for today."

"Can you tell me who it is? I'll see if I recognize them. " Yuan Yashi's curious way.

"Her name is Jiang Qingyan."

"Jiang Qingyan?"

Yuan Yashi frowned and felt that the name was strange.

"Yes, you don't know sister yuan. She's just an ordinary college student. She's usually very low-key."

"College students?"

Hearing this, Yuan Yashi's beautiful eyes suddenly brightened, "you said Jiang Qingyan, isn't that Jiang Qingyan from Jiangbin university?"

"Eh, sister yuan, do you know her?" He Feng surprised way.

He thought yuan Yashi would not know him.

"I don't know her, but I've heard her name. Tut Tut, my husband, I didn't expect you to go to the University. Even Jiang Qingyan, the first flower of Jiangbin University, was chased by you. I don't know whether to be sad or proud. " Yuan Yashi exclaimed.

"Well... Sister yuan, I haven't caught her yet. It's just because I played a bet with her and helped her, so she offered to have dinner with me and watch a movie. It's still a question whether we can get her

He Feng quickly explained.

She wants to catch up with Jiang Qingyan, but that woman is obviously not easy to catch up with, and he doesn't have much confidence now.

"Ha ha, no matter whether you can catch her or not, if you go to dinner with her and watch a movie, you will definitely become the male public enemy of Jiangbin University."

Yuan Yashi gloated and said: "at that time, you are ready to accept the challenge of all the boys in Jiangbin University. They will not easily let their first school flower be taken away by men outside the school."

"It's just a bunch of kids. Fengge doesn't regard them as rivals."

He Feng shrugged his shoulders and looked proud and disdainful.

Seeing this, Yuan Yashi felt proud.

Although her man is a little playful, he is really charming and capable. No matter what kind of woman, he has the ability to catch her.

And he has the ability to solve the problems that follow.

"Well, when you are free, you can go to my house to have dinner."

Yuan Yashi helplessly looked at the man, "usually, more exercise, don't be squeezed dry. Otherwise, Vivian and I will not let you go. "

"Elder sister yuan, please take a hundred heart. Brother Feng, I will never be squeezed dry. It's only the women around me who will be squeezed dry. Well, sister yuan, come here and I'll help you improve your physique. "

He Feng laughs, then pulls yuan Yashi into the office and locks the door. "Sister yuan, you should sit on the sofa first."

"You, what are you doing?"

Yuan Yashi was surprised and said, "don't you want to do that now? It's a company here, and you've just done it with Yang Ying. Can you do it again? "


He Feng smoked from the corner of his mouth.

Brother Feng's ability has been questioned!

"Sister yuan, you look down on brother Feng. Hum, originally brother Feng's idea was quite pure. He didn't want to upset you. But since you doubt brother Feng's ability, how can brother Feng prove it? "

He Feng gave a bad smile, immediately regardless of 37-21, directly rushed to Yuan Yashi on the sofa.


Suddenly, Yuan Yashi was pressed by He Feng.

Half an hour later, Yuan Yashi was panting on the sofa. He Feng tossed her so hard that she didn't want to move a finger.

After a little rest, she dressed and looked at the man resentfully. "He Feng, I can't come to your office any more. If I'm not in bed, I'm really tired."

"Ha ha, as long as you don't question brother Feng's ability, brother Feng won't be so overbearing."

He Feng said with a laugh.

"OK, I admit you're very good, OK?"

Yuan Yashi rolled her eyes and got up to put on her clothes. "But you're really brave enough to do bad things in the office. Aren't you afraid that the company's employees or Dong Wang will come to you suddenly?"

"What are you afraid of? Don't you just ignore them? "

He Feng curled his lips and said, "sister yuan, don't hurry to stand up. Sit down first."

"Ah? You're not satisfied with sitting down, are you? "

Yuan Yashi's face was frightened. She thought he Feng wanted to come again. Her body could not stand it any more.

"Sister yuan, what are you nervous about? You don't know. I love my wife very much. Now that you are exhausted, I won't bother you any more. Now I just want to help you improve your physique, so that you won't have to beg for mercy again." He Feng's proud way.

"How to improve the physique? How can I improve it? "

Yuan Yashi doubts.

"Of course, it makes you an ancient warrior." He Feng said.

"Can I be an ancient warrior, too?"

"Of course, as long as you are a normal person with smooth channels, you can become an ancient warrior. However, at present, I can only make you the lowest level of ancient martial arts. If you want to improve your accomplishments in the future, you have to use other methods. "

He Feng said with a smile: "but don't worry. I have many ways to improve your cultivation. In the end, I will make you a powerful master of Huajin."

"Oh! What is master Huajin? " Yuan Yashi asked.


Seeing the serious expression on the woman's face, he Feng explained: "it means very powerful. In the future, even if the leaders see you, they will be very polite to you."

"Really? Well, I will try my best to become a great master of Huajin. "

Wang Xiangyun was surprised.

"Well, let's start now."

Say, he Feng's hand, put on Yuan Yashi's back, the real Qi influx, help her guide the sense of Qi.

If yuan Yashi could control his good feeling of Qi and store it in Dantian, he would become an ancient warrior.

It's just

Yuan Yashi's talent in cultivation is far inferior to that of Zou xunlai

After a full hour, Yuan Yashi failed to control his good feelings.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, he Feng's mobile phone vibrated.

He looked at the caller ID and it was Jiang Qingyan.

"Sister yuan, why don't we continue next time?"

He Feng's helpless way.

If yuan Yashi can control the sense of good temper, he can easily make women gather strength, because it is much more difficult to gather strength than to control the sense of good temper.

But yuan Yashi really has no talent in cultivation. He Feng wants to help him control his sense of Qi, but it's really hard to do so for a while.

Also thanks to He Feng is a real Qi strong, so can try again.

Otherwise, even a great master of Huajin can't help yuan Yashi control his sense of Qi.

This is also the reason why there is no legal person to make ancient martial arts. If you want to make ancient martial arts artificially, at least you have to have a strong atmosphere to do it, and the probability of success will be much higher.

As for master Hua Jin

The most important thing is to help the ancient martial arts master the sense of Qi and successfully gather strength.

"All right, you go to do your business first, and we'll continue when we have time."

Yuan Yashi didn't know it was her talent. She thought he Feng was busy now, so she stood up and walked out of the office.

Watching yuan Yashi leave, he Feng just pressed the answer button, "Hello, Jiang Qingyan beauty, is your class over?"

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