"Well, there's no class today. You can come and pick me up anytime. However, I may not be able to leave for a while and a half. I can't leave until six o'clock. "

Jiang Qingyan said: "because our class is playing basketball with another class, the head teacher requires everyone in the class to watch the game, cheer up the class, and leave after the game. Now the game hasn't started yet. It's going to start at 4:30 and play for 90 minutes

"So late?"

"Yes, so you can pick me up later. If you come here ahead of time, you can only watch the basketball match with me

Speaking of this, Jiang Qingyan suddenly asked, "by the way, can you play basketball?"

"Basketball? A little bit... "

He Feng said.

In Shenlong Island, there is also a basketball game. In the past, if he and his brothers had nothing to do, they would also play basketball for leisure.

"What about your technique, then?"

"Technology? OK, what's the matter? "

"Then come here. If you need to, I want you to be the foreign aid of our class."

"Oh? Can you still invite foreign aid in your class

He Feng asks curiously.

"Well, but both of our classes have players from the major basketball team. They are very skilled. Moreover, if you ask for foreign aid, you can only invite people outside the school, not those inside the school. This is the rule. So, we generally don't ask for foreign aid, unless it's the kind of foreign aid with very good technology, but this kind of foreign aid can't be found

"Yes, I'll go and have a look first."

He Feng mouth although promised to come down, but in the heart and did not rest assured on this matter.

Play basketball?

If he is playing basketball with his brothers, of course, he is willing to play, but he is not interested in playing with a group of kids.

However, he is willing to watch the basketball match with Jiang Qingyan, a school flower.

So, after hanging up, he went downstairs and drove Lexus to Jiangbin University.

Although he has never been to Jiangbin University, he has been outside Jiangbin university twice, so he is familiar with the road and doesn't even need to drive the navigation.

About half an hour later, he Feng came to the gate of Jiangbin University.

Because he didn't know where the parking spaces inside the school were, and there were many parking spaces at the gate of Jiangbin University, he Feng simply parked his car outside and walked to the gate of the school.

"Hello, sir. May I help you?"

Just ready to directly enter the school gate, the school gate has been staring at a security He Feng came, but he was stopped.

"Do you have to register in your school? Then I'll register. " He Feng said.

"It's not about registering, it's about strangers not being allowed to enter the school."

The young security guard looked at He Feng and shook his head directly.

He Feng's clothes are average and he has no temperament. At first sight, he is a loser. Maybe he is a gangster around him. So the security guard thinks that he has nothing serious to do when he enters the school. He may come to the school to catch up with his students' younger sister. Naturally, this kind of person has to stop him.

"Do you still have this rule in your school?" He Feng frowned and Jiang Qingyan didn't tell him.

In addition, the security guard looked at his eyes a little bit wrong, he Feng felt that the security guard was deliberately blocking himself.

"Well, according to the new rules of our school, strangers are not allowed to enter the school unless they are accompanied by acquaintances."

The young security guard nodded lightly.

It's not that he deliberately made things difficult for He Feng, but that the security department did give this order.

Otherwise, people outside the society, for any reason, will not be able to get in and out of Jiangbin University at will?

Of course, the main thing is that he Feng really looks like a social figure at the bottom and a gangster, so the young security guard will not let him in easily.

"Oh, isn't he Feng? What, what are you doing in our school? "

Just at this time, several figures came out of the school. Seeing he Feng, they couldn't help laughing, "have you been stopped from entering our school? Shall I help you and take you in? "

"Ha ha, thanks for Lu Shao's kindness, but Lu Shao is still busy with your own. I have plenty of ways to enter your school."

It was Lu Weihua who came. Feeling the ridicule in Lu Weihua's words, he Feng laughed and said, "Lu Shao, now there is no car. Are you ready to enter the life of walking class?"


Hearing the speech, Lu Weihua's mouth slightly puffed.

He Feng is throwing salt at his wound!

However, she could not help but he Feng.

He has inquired about the situation of He Feng from his family and the reason why the film group dare not move he Feng.

In He Feng's side, unexpectedly has a bright strength peak killer to protect him.

Moreover, he Feng's own behind, also at least is Lian Ti duo.

Such strength, even Lu Weihua, did not dare to move easily.


"He Feng, don't be complacent either. As the saying goes, hard is easy to break. You are so powerful that you will be cleaned up sooner or later."

Lu Weihua said coldly.

"Yes? Believe it or not, I'll clean you up first? " He Feng said with a smile.

"What did you say?"

Lu Weihua looks angry. Does this guy dare to fight himself in a place like Jiangbin university?

If we do it in such a place, it is the force of the state machine that is waiting for him.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? Is there something wrong with your ears? " He Feng asked with a smile.


Lu Weihua's face was even more angry. He couldn't help it any more and wanted to do it directly.

"Brother, calm down."

Lu Yanhua, who was next to him, quickly grabbed him. "You can't do it first. If you do it first, doesn't it give him a reason to do it to you?"

Hearing this, Lu Weihua calmed down.

If he Feng starts directly at him, he has reason to let his father send out government forces to deal with He Feng.

But if he takes the first step, he Feng is on guard. Even if he hurts him, he will pay for his medical expenses at most

"Well, I'm too lazy to argue with you."

Lu Weihua snorted and immediately looked at the security guard and said, "security guard, if he can't find a reliable person to take him to school, you can't let him in. Even if an ordinary student takes him in, it can't be released. Otherwise, if something happens at school, it's your fault. "

"Don't worry, Lu Shao. I will keep an eye on you."

The guard nodded.

Lu Weihua is the most famous junior in Jiangbin University. He is also the son of the mayor of Jiangbin city. Naturally, the security guard should pay attention to what he said.

"Well, you've been working hard. I'll treat you to dinner sometime and take your minister with me."

Lu Weihua patted the security guard on the shoulder, then glanced at He Feng coldly and left.

"Lu Shao, walk slowly!"

The young security guard watched Lu Weihua leave with an excited look on his face, as if he was paying attention.

A few seconds later, he looked at He Feng without saying a word, but the vigilance and disdain in his eyes were more intense.

A person who even Lu Shao dares to offend, can he still get in the door of Jiangbin university?

"Oh, I'd like to see whether Lu Weihua's face is bigger or Jiang Qingyan's face is bigger in Jiangbin University."

He Feng doesn't care about the young security guard either. He just takes out his mobile phone and is ready to call Jiang Qingyan.

"Then who, please step aside first, our school leader's car is coming."

At this time, the young security guard saw an Audi A6 coming, said to He Feng, and reached out to push him away.

However, his hand fell on He Feng, but it felt like it fell on a huge stone. No matter how hard he tried, he Feng could not be pushed away.

"If you want me to go away, just say it. It's uncivilized to push me so directly."

He Feng light smile way.


The young security guard was a little angry, but the Audi A6 was about to open to the gate. He could only hold back, "OK, just because I was wrong, would you please step aside first?"

"That's about the same."

With that, he Feng was ready to go to the side.

"He Feng?"

Audi A6 stopped suddenly, the window rolled down. An old man in the back seat rolled down the window and looked at He Feng in surprise. "I didn't expect you were here too. What a coincidence."

"Old Tang?"

He Feng was also surprised to see the old man sitting in the back row.

It's Mr. tangkan!

Tang Kan opened the door and got out of the car. He came to He Feng and looked at him. Then he said with a smile: "ha ha, I haven't seen you for a while, but now I look at you with new eyes. Last time we met, you looked like an ordinary person. Now in the upper class of Jiangbin City, almost no one has heard your name. Even I, an old man who often stays at home, can often hear something about you. "

"Well, Mr. Tang, what you've heard is all about my bad deeds, isn't it?" He Feng embarrassed way.

"Not all. For example, you married the chairman of Yuncheng group and helped Yuncheng group win the cooperation with Mr. robil. When I heard these news, I was surprised." Tang Kan said with a smile, "by the way, I heard that you are now the head of Finance Department of Yuncheng group. Why did you come to Jiangbin University today?"

"I had a dinner with a friend today. She was studying in Jiangbin University. I came to pick her up."

He Feng said: "however, this security brother said that there is a rule in your school that strangers are not allowed to enter. No, I'm just going to call my friend to pick me up. I didn't expect that I would be old Tang. "

When the young security guard saw that he Feng actually knew Tang Kan, and he seemed to be quite familiar with him. A cold sweat came out on his forehead. He quickly explained, "Mr. Tang, the school has really set this rule. I didn't mean to embarrass him."

Tang Kan nodded, "well, this Mr. He Feng is my friend. Now you can always let him in?"


Of course, the young security guard wanted to say yes, but he found that Lu Weihua did not go far after he left. Instead, he stood in a shady place not far away and stared at him.

"But what?"

Tang Kan frowned.

"Mr. Tang, it's not the security guard but the guy who really embarrasses me now."

He Feng nuzui toward Lu Weihua not far away.


Tang Kan looked in the direction he Feng pointed out and saw Lu Weihua, "Lu Weihua? Do you still have problems with him? "

"There's a big contradiction. He wants to get rid of me." He Feng said with a smile.

"I don't know much about Lu Weihua, but his family..."

Tang Kan was about to continue, but he thought that it was at the gate of the school, and there were several guards beside him, so he said, "forget it, ignore him first, let's go in directly."

Say, he pulls the hand of He Feng directly, walk toward the gate, "open the door!"

"Old Tang..."

The guard looks at tangkan in embarrassment.

"Why, don't you want to quit your job as a security guard?" Tangkan glared at him.

"Yes, I'll open the door."

Smell speech, that guard where still dare to ink again, hurriedly opened the door.

Tang Kan is pulling He Feng into the gate of Jiangbin University.

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