Not far away, Lu Weihua saw Tang Kan with He Feng into the school, his face is very gloomy.

"Damn, he Feng still knows Tang Kan. What's more, Tang Kaming knows that I'm going to deal with He Feng, and he helps him. "

Lu Weihua squinted.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Lu Yanhua asked.

After knowing he Feng's powerful strength, Lu Yanhua has no way to deal with him Feng.

Lu Weihua pondered for a while, then sighed: "forget it, he Feng didn't come to Jiangbin city to trouble us. We don't have to pay too much attention to him. However, you still arrange some people to stare at He Feng for me. I'd like to see what he's doing at Jiangbin University. "

"Yes, I'll arrange it now."

Lu Yanhua immediately took out his cell phone to make a call.


"Mr. Tang, if you help me like this, you are offending Lu Weihua. Although Lu Weihua is just a little boy, his family is not simple. It won't cause you any trouble, will it?"

After entering Jiangbin University, he Feng and Tang Kan are walking on the avenue, and the A6 is slowly following.

"Ha ha, don't worry about that. Lu Xixian and Lu Yuan have some friendship with me. They won't make trouble for me for this."

Tang Kan shook his head and asked suspiciously, "but how did you get into trouble with Lu Weihua? What's more, are you just in conflict with Lu Weihua, or have you offended the whole Lu family? "

He Feng did not hide, saying: "at the beginning, Lu Weihua and I had some conflicts in qiujingshan driveway. Later, there were several conflicts, and the conflicts were very big. However, the contradiction between me and him should not involve the Lu family. "

"That's good!"

Tang Kan just laughed, "it's no big deal for young people to make a little trouble. As long as you don't offend the whole Lu family, it's not a big problem."

"Mr. Tang, this Lu family is very strong?" He Feng looked at Tang Kan and asked.

It seems that master Tang knows something.

"Lu Xixian, the father of Lu Weihua, is the mayor of Jiangbin city. Lu Yuan, the third elder, is the chairman of Lufeng group. Do you think Lu Jiaqiang is strong?" Tang Kan asked.


He Feng a Leng, immediately wry smile.

In Tang Kan's eyes, the strength of the Lu family lies in its political and economic strength. However, he Feng thinks that the Lu family is mysterious and low-key. That's why he Feng is curious about the Lu family.

However, since Lu Weihua and Lu Yanhua are the only two people in the Lu family who will provoke him, Lu's other people have not taken the initiative to provoke him. He Feng didn't want to deal with the Lu family.

"Little brother he Feng, I've heard Wenwen mention something that happened to you in Jiangbin city recently. It's said that you've offended a lot of people? What's more, are they all big men with a head and a face in Jiangbin city? " Tang Kan asked with a smile.

"Well, Mr. Tang, sometimes it's not my intention to offend those people, but trouble comes to me, and I can't avoid it."

He Feng a face embarrassed, explain a way in a hurry.

Tang Wen must have described herself as a troublemaker.

It's too much. It's itchy. It's not smoking.

"Well, if there's anything I can do for you, just ask."

Tang Kan nodded and didn't criticize He Feng, "but I don't think you need my help. After all, even the economic difficulties faced by Cloud City Group have been successfully overcome with your help. What's more, it looks like it will soar to the sky and become a first-class enterprise in China. "

"Mr. Tang, you are modest. After all, Yuncheng group is only an entrepreneurial company. Although it is relatively successful, it still has a long way to go in the future. If Mr. Tang can escort it, it can really go further and fly higher."

He Feng said in a hurry.

He didn't start to look up at himself and underestimate others because he helped Cloud City Group through the present difficulties.

In the kingdom of China, he has few contacts. The reason why he was able to help Wang Xiangyun tide over the difficulties easily this time and rise in a short time is that robil was a disciple of Moses.

Otherwise, with his own ability, I don't know how long it will take to help Yuncheng group rise.

But Mr. Tang is different. Mr. Tang's professional ability in finance and his contacts in China are far from what he Feng and Wang Xiangyun can compare.

If Tang LaoLa can be put on the ship of Yuncheng group, Yuncheng group will surely develop rapidly and steadily in the future.

"Forget it, old man. My life is very quiet. I don't want to fall into some business disputes again."

Tang Kan quickly shook his head and said that his status in the financial sector has reached the peak, and fame and wealth have long been bearish. Naturally, he will not come out of the mountain easily.

"What's more, you Yuncheng group are not short of talents. It's not just Wang Xiangyun, a business genius. I've also learned that her two daughters, Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi, are first-class business elites. With them as Wang Xiangyun's right arm, the development of Yuncheng group certainly has no problem."

"Well, it seems that Mr. Tang knows a lot about Yuncheng group."

He Feng touched his nose and said: "however, although the development of Yuncheng group is quite stable, if Mr. Tang is in charge, there will be fewer people who dare to play tricks on it in the future. Mr. Tang, you should know that some time ago, Yuncheng group was almost closed down. "

Tang Kan helplessly looked at He Feng, "you boy, do you really have to force me out of the mountain? I'm really not ready to go out. When I helped some companies fight the economic war before, I offended a lot of people. If I go out of the mountain again, they will have to trouble me. I want to be clean. "

"Don't worry, Mr. Tang. I just want you to be a member of Yuncheng group. I don't want you to get out of the mountain."

He Feng grinned.

"By name?"

"Well, for example, chief financial adviser, it's just a false name, but sometimes it can scare people. What do you think?"

"Well, if I don't want to give up my name, I guess you think I'm cold and inhuman."

"Hey, hey, I didn't say that..."

See Tang Kan agreed, he Feng also proud smile, "that late to the company, I told Wang Xiangyun, let her personally to contact with Tang."

"OK, I want to get in touch with this young business genius in Jiangbin city."

Tang Kan nodded, "by the way, you are the head of the Finance Department of Yuncheng group, aren't you?"

"Well, in fact, I'm just a minister of soy sauce, and I'm a jerk." He Feng embarrassed way, for fear that Tang can ask him some cloud city group financial affairs, that he really don't understand.

"Well, a few students majoring in accounting in our department of economics and management got their diplomas immediately, but they haven't found a suitable job. I don't know if your department is short of people? If you confirm, let them go to your department for an internship first. " Tang Kan said with a smile.

Today's Cloud City Group is the largest group of dark horses in the business community of Jiangbin city. I don't know how many colleges and universities want to send students to practice, which is also helpful to enhance the reputation of the school.

The president of Jiangbin University also has this idea. Today's meeting is ready to talk about this matter and figure out who should go to Yuncheng group to negotiate.

Now that we have met with He Feng, Tang Kan has put it forward directly.

"Mr. Tang, if you want to arrange people to work in Yuncheng group, I have to accept them even if there is no shortage of people."

He Feng said with a laugh.

"Ha ha, it's quite straightforward to promise. It seems that your position in Yuncheng group is really not low."

Tang Kan chuckled and said, "I'm going to have a meeting with the headmaster and some leaders of the school in a moment. The content of the meeting will talk about sending students to Yuncheng group for internship. Do you want to listen in?"

"Just sit in. I'll be leaving soon."

He Feng quickly refused.

Although he has never been to university, he has also seen some speeches of leaders of China on TV for a longer time.

If you listen to them hold a meeting, it will take you an hour or two, then don't you delay the big event?

"Well, I don't think you will be interested in it, so you should deal with your own affairs first, and I won't be here with you any more. If you go back to those students, I will let them go directly to the financial department of Yuncheng group to report to you." Tangkan didn't demand it either.

"Mr. Tang, this is the phone number of the Vice Minister of our department. They are past. If they don't contact me, you can ask them to contact the Vice Minister of finance."

He Feng turns out Wenxuan's number and shows it to tangkan.

Tang Kan took out his mobile phone and wrote down the number, "OK, I know. If there's any more questions, I'll contact you."

"OK, Mr. Tang, whatever you need, just come to me." He Feng stopped with a smile.

"Don't worry, I won't be polite to you."

Tang Kan nodded, immediately turned to A6, waved with He Feng, and the car left.

When Tang Kan leaves, he Feng takes out his mobile phone and dials Jiang Qingyan.

"Hello, have you been to Jiangbin university?"

Jiang Qingyan's call soon spread out on the phone, "when you arrive, you can tell the guard that you are here to find Jiang Qingyan, and then I will tell him that he will let you in."

"No, I've entered your school. Where are you now? I'll come to see you."

He Feng said.

"Already in?"

Jiang Qingyan was quite surprised and said directly, "I'm on the basketball court now. The game has just started. Well, you can find any student on the way to ask where the basketball court is. When you get to the basketball court, you should be able to find me. "

"Well, I'll see you later."

After hanging up the phone, he Feng found a student to inquire about the location of the basketball court, and walked quickly.

Five minutes later, he Feng came to an open-air basketball court.

There is more than one basketball court here, but more than ten basketball courts are connected together. Now many students are playing basketball, but only one basketball court is playing the whole game, surrounded by students.

When he Feng is walking towards the basketball court, he will hear the whistle of the referee from time to time.

At the same time, he saw from a long distance that Jiang Qingyan, wearing a white T-shirt and seven point jeans, was standing in the middle of the crowd.

Although she is dressed in ordinary clothes and has no makeup on her face, she is just like the bright moon surrounded by stars, which can attract the attention of outsiders at a glance.

He Feng quickly walked to the edge of the basketball court, and walked to Jiang Qingyan, and glanced at the game on the court by the way.

"Eh, these people's basketball skills are so bad, why are there so many people watching the game?"

He Feng has some doubts in his mind.

Although the skills of both sides of the game are good, and even a few people can dunk, in some large universities, many members of the school basketball team can dunk, so it is reasonable to say that even if there are several members of the basketball team, there will not be so many people to watch the game, right?

But soon, he knew what was wrong. "Damn, the real purpose of these people is not to watch the game, but to watch the beautiful women..."

Beauty, of course, is Jiang Qingyan.

Jiang Qingyan was standing in the front of the crowd, with people standing behind him on both sides.

He Feng wants to squeeze to her side, it's really a bit of trouble.

So, he Feng for convenience, he stood outside the crowd and yelled at Jiang Qingyan.

"Sister Qingyan, here I am!"

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