"Qingyan, come here for a moment."

At this time, a girl suddenly came to Jiang Qingyan, gently pulled her and said.

"All right!"

Jiang Qingyan nodded and said hello to He Feng, then followed the girl to the back of the crowd.

"What's the matter, Xiaoqin?" Jiang Qingyan asked.

"Qingyan, can you let your foreign aid leave first or go on the field directly? If he is here, Lu Weihua will certainly continue to abuse our class, which makes our class too humiliating. "

Xiaoqin is the monitor of the class and the only one who is familiar with Jiang Qingyan.

"The teacher asked you to tell me?" Jiang Qingyan looks at the male teacher not far away.

Xiaoqin nodded his head and said: "well, the teacher means that if he is really a foreign aid, let him play. After all, Lu Weihua is targeting him. When he comes on, it's not our class that will lose face. But I think that if he is your friend, he will lose face on the court, and you will not be happy, so I will let you take him away. If he left, Lu Weihua should not play in the fourth quarter. At that time, we may be able to pull back a little bit and narrow the gap, so that the score will be better

Jiang Qingyan thought, "OK, I'll ask my friend to see if he wants to play."

"All right!"

Jiang Qingyan went to He Feng, looked at him and said, "He Feng, our teachers and classmates have different opinions. They said that it was because of your appearance that Lu Weihua and Lu Yanhua came on the stage and abused our class. So, they have a suggestion that you either go out and play a game or leave first

"Ha ha, seeing that I haven't put forward to play, your teacher is a little anxious."

He Feng laughed and waved his hand: "don't worry. In fact, some people are more worried than you."

"Well? Who is it? "

Jiang Qingyan doesn't understand what he Feng means.

"Why, do you think Lu Weihua will be happy when he abuses your class?"

He Feng looked at Lu Weihua not far away and said: "Lu Weihua's purpose is to abuse me. Only by abusing me can he feel comfortable. If you abuse him, he will be laughed at. Wait and see. I'll let Lu Weihua come to me on his own initiative. "

"Will he come to you on his own initiative?" Jiang Qingyan frowned.

"Sure, why else would he go on? Let me treat him like a monkey show? "

"Well, wait and see. If the fourth quarter starts later and Lu Weihua hasn't come to you yet, let's leave..."

As soon as Jiang Qingyan finished, he found Lu Weihua and Lu Yanhua coming towards them.

"He Feng, aren't you the foreign aid of the accounting class? Why haven't you been on the stage for so long?"

Lu Weihua went directly to He Feng and magnified his voice and said, "can't you see my performance in the second and third quarters and dare not play?"

As soon as his voice spread, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"He Feng? It turns out that this loser's name is He Feng. "

"Well? So Lu Shao knows him? But it seems that Lu Shao is very upset with him. "

"I understand that Lu Shao never played in class games. The reason why he played this time was because of him."

"However, after seeing Lu Shao's technique, he certainly didn't dare to play again."

"What's the point? With his height, if he goes on the stage, he will be abused so much that his father doesn't know him. "

After hearing what Lu Weihua said, everyone immediately understood what was going on.

And the accounting class, looking at He Feng's eyes more disgusted.

This guy is to blame. Otherwise, how could their accounting class be abused so badly?

"Why, I didn't want to abuse you, so you can't help running to abuse yourself?"

He Feng put away his mobile phone and looked at Lu Weihua.

"What am I looking for? Do you think you can abuse me? "

Lu Weihua sneered: "I can tell you that as long as you go to the basketball court, you can only use the power of ordinary people, and then it's all about basketball skills. Do you think your basketball skills can compare with mine? "

"No, of course not."

He Feng put up a finger and shook it, "because I never thought you could be my opponent!"


As soon as he Feng said this, Lu Weihua was stunned and immediately laughed, "ha ha ha, it's a joke. Let me tell you, although Lu Weihua's accomplishments are not very good, but my racing skills and basketball skills, the whole Jiangbin University who can know who can not know? The former captain of Jiangbin university basketball team has accepted the invitation of CBA before he graduated. However, as soon as I entered Jiangbin University, he immediately became the vice captain, and the position of the captain became mine. What do you compare with me? "

"Fierce, no wonder you dare to compare with me."

He Feng chuckled, then took out a Lexus key from his pocket and played with it, saying, "but did you forget that you couldn't even see my taillights that night?"


Seeing the car key on He Feng's hand, Lu Weihua only feels a surge of anger rising from his body and wants to hit he Feng's face with one punch.

However, he Feng thought of the strength, he can only endure.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Weihua said darkly: "you are very good at driving, but I don't believe that your basketball skills can also suppress me. If it's a man, put on your uniform and come up to play with me. "

"Why should I fight you?" He Feng light way: "racing with you, I at least can win a car.". What can I get from playing with you? "

"What benefits do you want?"

Lu Weihua asked, squinting.

"I don't want anything. After all, brother Feng doesn't want anything."

He Feng said with a smile: "Oh, by the way, I remember what I lack."


Lu Weihua asked subconsciously.

"Grandson, I still lack a grandson!"

He Feng looked at Lu Weihua and said, "if you lose the game, you will yell at my grandfather three times in front of these teachers and students. How about that?"

"What did you say?"

Lu Weihua stares at He Feng angrily.

"Don't want to compare even if, for a while Maple elder brother after watching the game with green smoke beauty to eat." He Feng shrugged, too lazy to talk nonsense.

Lu Weihua's eyes are cold, and he has an impulse to kill.

He Feng is just too arrogant and arrogant.

Lu Weihua is afraid of He Feng from the bottom of his heart. But he Feng wants to have dinner with Jiang Qingyan for a while. After dinner, he doesn't know what he will do. Lu Weihua can't bear it.


Lu Yanhua pulls Lu Weihua and doesn't want Lu Weihua to bet with He Feng.

After all, if Lu Weihua really loses, whether Lu Weihua is called "grandfather" or not, it will make the whole Lu family lose face, and Lu Weihua will become a joke of Jiangbin University.

Lu Weihua didn't pay attention to Lu Weihua. He just looked at He Feng and said, "you mean if you win the game, I'll call you" grandfather ", right? You can think clearly, now the score of both sides, but more than 50 points. But the competition time, only left the last quarter

"I'm not blind. I can see the score." Hefeng road.

"I can agree to your offer. However, if you lose the game, you have to promise me a condition

Lu Wei Hua said coldly: "that is, from now on, you are not allowed to get close to Jiang Qingyan any more."

"I don't mind."

Originally thought he Feng would hesitate, which knows, he Feng did not want to agree to come down, very neat.

One side, Jiang Qingyan see he Feng so quickly agreed, not from rolled a white eye.

This guy doesn't trust himself, does he?

I don't know why, Jiang Qingyan's heart is a little lost.

"Well, I'll wait for you on the court. Hey, the gap of 50 points is only 12 minutes in the last quarter. I'd like to see how you can surpass us

Lu Weihua sneered and immediately turned back to the court.

He Feng looked at Jiang Qingyan and said with a smile, "what's the matter, you don't have confidence in me?"

"What do you say?"

Jiang Qingyan was not angry and said, "this is a gap of 53 points. It's only one quarter. How can you surpass them?"

"Fifty three, right?"

He Feng looked at the score card not far away and thought, "in fact, it's very simple to surpass them."

"How to surpass?"

"Well, I calculated that if I had 18 three-point shots, I would have just overtaken them."

He Feng is serious.

"Eighteen three pointers..."

As soon as Jiang Qing smoked, he didn't know how to reply.

"Ha ha, help me to get a uniform. Just watch my performance later." He Feng said with a smile.

"Here's the uniform!"

Monitor Xiaoqin timely took a suit to He Feng, at the same time told: "this gentleman, you can play, we think you have courage, you don't have too much pressure, just play."

"That's no good. Since I'm on the stage, I must help your class win the game." He Feng is smiling, at the same time received the ball clothing to cover directly on the body, then walked into the court.

With He Feng on the stage, the eyes of the whole audience immediately converged on him.

"Did you just hear that? He said that he would help the accounting class win the competition in this section."

"I just ha ha, he thinks he is a Ke Bi?"

"Now there is a gap of 53 points, and there is only the last quarter left. Even if Kebi comes, it is impossible to win."

"Ha ha, I'll see how he was beaten in the face in a moment."

Obviously, no one thinks he Feng can win.

We just want to see how he Feng was beaten in the face.

In the fourth quarter, the accounting class served first. He Feng didn't run to the marketing class, but stood outside the three-point line of the accounting class waiting for the ball.

As soon as he gets the ball, he throws a three-point shot.


What makes he Feng helpless is that as soon as the players in the accounting class got the ball, the point guard just took a few shots and the ball was easily snatched

Then, the basketball fell to Lu Weihua.


Lu Weihua seems to turn into a giant and dunk easily.

"Pa pa pa..."

There was a flood of applause.

A scream of excitement followed.

"Damn, some players in our class must have been paid by Lu Weihua, otherwise the ball would not be so easy to steal."

Xiaoqin stood beside Jiang Qingyan and said with a frown.

"There's nothing we can do about it. There are two basketball teams in our class. They have a good relationship with Lu Weihua. Now the person Lu Weihua is dealing with is He Feng. Of course, they will help. "

Jiang Qingyan shakes his head and looks helpless.

"Qingyan, are you just friends with Mr. He Feng Xiaoqin asked curiously.

Jiang Qingyan thought and nodded, "of course!"

"Hoo! That's good! "

Xiaoqin was relieved. "I thought he would develop into your boyfriend. He was too arrogant and arrogant, and he deliberately regarded himself as the Savior. How can such a man be your boyfriend?"

"Xiaoqin, he is arrogant, but..."

Jiang Qingyan shook his head and said, "maybe he is not qualified to be my boyfriend. But strictly speaking, I'm not necessarily qualified to be his girlfriend


Xiaoqin suddenly opened her mouth, which was unbelievable.

On the court, he Feng saw Lu Weihua dunk end, quite helpless.

It seems that in order to win the game, Lu Weihua has done everything. Even the players in the accounting class have been paid by him.

In that case, the next step for him is not one to five, but one to nine.

Next, the ball is served by the accounting class.

"Give me the ball..."

He Feng did not continue to wait for the three-point line on the other side of the accounting class, but went straight to a player who was preparing to serve in the accounting class, and then said to him, "give me the ball."

The voice is very calm, no mood fluctuations, but the player, after hearing he Feng's words, also don't know how to do, want to also don't want, subconsciously throw the basketball in the hand to He Feng.


The moment he got the basketball, he Feng didn't even get the ball, so he turned around and threw it out.

Yes, it's not shooting, it's throwing, it's like passing.

Basketball draws a beautiful parabola in the air, and then falls into the basket accurately.


Hollow access.

Super long range 3-pointer!


Seeing this scene, all the students were quiet in an instant, looking at He Feng like a monster.

"Goal, goal?"

"Well, how is that possible?"

"My God, even if he has great strength, he doesn't have such a strong sight, does he?"

"Luck! It's absolutely luck

Lu Weihua is also a fool.

After seeing he Feng get the basketball, he is ready to go forward to steal, but he does not want to get the ball the first time he Feng is shooting, and still hollow into the net.

How can we fight this?

"Don't worry, brother. It was just an accident. He must have been lucky to score. Next time, he won't be so lucky. "

Lu Yanhua was afraid that Lu Weihua would be hit, so he ran to him and said: "moreover, the score gap is still big. We will continue to expand the score gap next. I'll continue to pass the ball to you in a moment. You get the ball and continue to dunk. He won't try to surpass us

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