"Well, pass the ball to me after half-time."

Lu Wei Hua said coldly: "I want to dunk with a big windmill in front of He Feng."

"OK, brother, I'll see what you do." Lu Yanhua laughs.

The marketing class served quickly, and the basketball fell into Lu Yanhua's hands. Lu Yanhua ran through the half court with the ball.

Then, he accurately saw that Lu Weihua was standing alone in a corner, raising a hand, waiting for his basketball.


Lu Yanhua did not want to, raised his hand and threw the basketball to Lu Weihua.


However, as soon as his basketball shot, he was shocked to find that he Feng seemed to have noticed that he would have this action for a long time. When he first shot, he rushed towards the route of the basketball throw and accurately intercepted the basketball.

Basketball, fell into the hands of He Feng.

Lu Yanhua felt a thump in his heart, and suddenly he had a bad feeling.


Without any hesitation and hesitation, he Feng threw out the basketball as soon as it fell into his hands.

Movement, posture, expression, etc

It was as like as two peas in the last throw.


Basketball in the air across a beautiful parabola, and then accurately into the basket.

Hollow access.

Super long distance three points!

"What's the situation?"

"Is it true or not that I'm going and scoring again?"

"Isn't it luck again?"

"Must be luck, not luck, his shooting percentage can be so high?"

The surrounding students were shocked again, looking at He Feng in disbelief.

However, more people think it's absolutely luck.

Otherwise, how can an ordinary person's hit rate be so high?

Both Lu Weihua and Lu Yanhua were extremely shocked.

Just now when he Feng grabbed the ball, they also found that he Feng seemed to predict Lu Yanhua's action in advance, but his own speed is not so fast, just like ordinary people.

And if you shoot, even if you're powerful and you're not accurate, you won't score.

However, he Feng not only into, but also two consecutive hollow network, this is not so simple luck.

"Tell the brothers, keep an eye on him and don't let him do it again." Lu Weihua walks up to Lu Yanhua and squints.

"OK, I'll say hello to my brothers."

Lu Yanhua nodded, immediately one by one with the marketing team to say hello, we will be surrounded by He Feng, and very close.

This is the rhythm of five defences and one defense!

As for the other four players in the accounting class, they didn't even arrange one person to defend.

However, he Feng is like a loach, quickly out of the five defense, and then went to the accounting class is serving in front of the students, a light glance at him.

"Give me the basketball!"

A look, then let the latter dare not disobey his meaning, obediently threw the basketball to him.


The first time he got the ball, he Feng didn't want to, just waved and shot.


Hollow in, third three.


Three consecutive three-point shots, and are ultra long-range three-point, this scene immediately made the whole court in an uproar, one after another shocked eyes, fell on He Feng.

For these people's eyes, he Feng didn't pay too much attention to the meaning, continue to play

On the basketball court, he is like a loach. Although Lu Weihua and others have taken strict precautions against him, no one can really get close to his body. As soon as he gets close to He Feng, he Feng disappears in their sight.

Lu Weihua bribed several students in the accounting class, but no one listened to him. At the beginning, he said he would not pass the ball to Hefeng, but now he passes the basketball to He Feng as soon as he has the chance.

He Feng never pats the ball after he gets the basketball. He always shoots directly every time.

Even several times, he Feng did not even see the basket on the shot, but basketball is no accident of hollow net.


At the end of the fourth quarter, he Feng made another super long shot.

Basketball goes into the net.

The score, only the last point left!


The whistle sounded and the marketing class blew a pause.

"Brother, there are only two minutes left in this festival. What should we do? He Feng is so evil that we can't beat him at all. "

Lu Yanhua is very worried.

"What else can we do? Of course, it's to ask Huang Liang what's going on with them. "

Lu Weihua said in a cold voice, "ask them if they want to continue studying in Jiangbin University. If they don't want to, I will let them go back to their hometown this month."

"Well, I'll warn them later." Lu Yanhua nodded.

"Well, in addition, for a while, the brothers can stop He Feng in the form of intentional fouls. In short, he is not allowed to get the basketball, let alone shoot, even if the foul will stop him Lu Weihua snorted, "in the last two minutes, I just procrastinated and didn't give him a shot. And as long as we get some more points, we can win this game

"Brother, that's a good idea. There are ten people in our class. And yellow grain side, I will also warn them, even if they free throw, also not allowed to throw

"Come on, hurry up."


And accounting class side, he Feng just came to accounting class side, everyone will look at him like a monster.

For these people's eyes, he Feng naturally directly ignored, went directly to Jiang Qingyan, said with a smile: "Qingyan beauty, didn't let you down?"

"Not only did you not disappoint me, but you shocked me. I didn't expect that your shooting percentage was so strong. 18 pitches, all three

Jiang Qingyan gives a thumbs up to He Feng.

"Haha, as long as you practice more, there's no big problem with such a hit rate."

He Feng grinned and blinked at Jiang Qingyan. He said in a low voice, "I helped you win the game. Do you have any other rewards later?"

"Hehe, what reward do you want?" Jiang Qingyan said with a smile.

"Well... After the movie, how about going for a ride with me?"

He Feng thought about it and said that he couldn't think of a better reward for a while.

"Yes, I have nothing to do at night anyway."

Jiang Qingyan readily agreed to come down.

"Er... You agreed?"

Smell speech, he Feng a face happy.

He thought Jiang Qingyan would refuse, but he didn't expect that he not only agreed, but also agreed in front of so many students.

Is Jiang Qingyan not afraid of others' gossiping?

Sure enough, after Jiang Qingyan agreed to He Feng's proposal, all the students around were shocked.

"What? Are they going to the cinema in the evening? They, they've already started dating? "

"Damn, the goddess has been successfully soaked by him, isn't it too fast?"

"What's more, after watching the movie, they have to go for a ride?"

"It's over. I feel that there is no love in the world any more..."

Heartbreaking sounds, like firecrackers, ring out one after another.

At the same time, countless ways as if to kill eyes, are gathered to He Feng's body.

In this regard, he Feng and Jiang Qingyan turned a blind eye to it and didn't take it seriously at all.

"Well, but you can't stay out too long. Our school will close at 11 pm, so you have to send me back to school before 11 pm." Jiang Qingyan nodded.

"No problem!"

He Feng snapped his fingers.

"Drink some water..."

Jiang Qingyan hands a bottle of mineral water to He Feng.

"Thank you!"

He Feng took the mineral water, looked up and drank it, and finished the water in the bottle.

After playing basketball for such a long time, he didn't seem to expend any energy, and he didn't sweat a drop on his face.

On the contrary, Huang Liang and other members of the accounting class are gasping and looking at He Feng in shock.

In the fourth quarter just now, they discussed with Lu Weihua at the beginning that they would not pass the ball to He Feng, but after the real game, they didn't know how to do it, and they all passed the ball to He Feng obediently.

"Brother Huang, here comes Lu Yanhua."

At this time, a member of Huang Liang's team gently pulled him and said.

Huang Liang looked up and saw that Lu Yanhua was walking towards him.

In his heart, he knew that Lu Yanhua had come to start a crime.

Huang Liang rushed up and said, "young master Yanhua, I really don't know what happened just now. He asked me to pass the ball to him. I seem to pass the ball to him for no reason. I... I don't know what happened now."

"So you're telling me what he said works better than what I told my brother, right?"

Lu Yanhua asked lightly.

"Of course not. We don't know him at all. How can we disobey what you mean by Lu Shao?"

Huang Liang said with a worried face: "young master Yanhua, you have to believe me. I really don't have to offend you and Lu Shao for him."

"Well, I don't care why you just pass to him, but in the next two minutes, if one of you passes to him again. Well, all four of you are going to get out of Jiangbin University. "

With these words, Lu Yanhua no longer pays attention to Huang Liang and others, turns around and returns to the basketball court.

Lu Weihua and others also waited on the basketball court.

"He Feng, come on. Don't have any accidents in the last two minutes."

Jiang Qingyan gave a warning.

"Don't worry, just wait to go out with me at night. I'll make you feel the real excitement."

He Feng chuckled and immediately turned to the basketball court.

When he passed by Huang Liang, he found that Huang Liang and others were looking at themselves with complicated eyes. He could not help saying, "Why are you looking at me? Hurry to go on the stage."

He Feng said, it is necessary to play first.

"He Feng? I... I want to ask you, how did you just let us pass the ball to you? "

Huang Liang looks at He Feng doubtfully.

"What do you say?"


Huang Liang frowned. How did he know he Feng let him pass the ball?

"I suggest you leave Lu Weihua alone. If he really wants to mess with you, you can come to me. For the sake of your classmates with Jiang Qingyan, I will help you. Of course, if you really want to listen to Lu Weihua, you will not only continue to pass the ball to me, but I will not care if he troubles you in the future. "

He Feng shrugged his shoulders and immediately went on the stage.

"Brother Huang, what should I do?"

Seeing this, a student next to Huang Liang looked at him and asked.

Huang Liang frowned, looking at He Feng's eyes is very depressed.

Although he has a small influence in his family, I don't know how far behind Lu Weihua. If Lu Weihua wants to engage him, he may not be able to stay in Jiangbin University for long.

However, even if he wants to help Lu Weihua, it seems that he has more heart than strength.

That he Feng, do not know what means to master, can let them obediently obedient, pass basketball to him.

"Brothers, I'd like to hear Lu Weihua's words, but he Feng's method is obviously more powerful. It seems that we can't resist hypnosis. Moreover, it seems that he dares to openly challenge Lu Weihua. He should not be an ordinary person. Maybe he can help us. So, I'm going to make a bet and choose to trust him once. As, help our class fight for a glory

Huang Liang looked at his three companions and said, "what about you? Do you agree with me? "

"Brother Huang, we usually listen to you, this time we can only continue to listen to you."

"Yes, you can't help it. What else can we do?"

"The main reason is that he Feng's hypnotic method is too powerful. Let's take the initiative to pass it to him next. However, from Lu Weihua's side, we can directly say that we are hypnotized. Maybe he will believe it."

Three people have expressed their views one after another.

"Well, let's do it first. Let's play."

With that, Huang Liang took the lead on the basketball court.

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