"Yes, I'll sort it out and send it to you in a moment. However, it's a top military secret. You have to help keep it secret. You can't let it out. " The war crazy still quite trusts to He Feng.

"Of course!"

Hang up the phone, he Feng is still some not very cheerful.

There has been a long-term huge contradiction between Japan and China, but it is really vicious for them to set up such a force in China.

"When brother Feng's work is finished, I'll come to deal with you. Hum, do you want to kill the gods? Is it true that there is no one in China? "

After putting down his mobile phone, he Feng puts on his clothes and washes, goes to the restaurant to have breakfast with Ji Xinyu, and then drives to Yuncheng group.

Instead of going to the finance department, he went directly to Wang Xiangyun's office.

"Willing to come back?"

Just entered the office, Wang Xiangyun, who was working at his desk, looked up at him and asked faintly.

Beside Wang Xiangyun, Chu Yue is sitting on the side playing with the computer. When he Feng comes in, she squints her eyes and says, "Yo, I heard sister Yun say that you didn't come back all night last night. Where did you go to enjoy the gentle hometown?"

He Feng touched his nose and didn't dare to answer the topic, "daughter-in-law, I'll explain to you about the Lu family. As a matter of fact, what happened last night was the masterpiece of my uncle. "

"Uncle?" Wang Xiangyun frowned.

"The Dragon guards?"

Chu Yue immediately responded, "it's not me. Who has the ability to wipe out the Lu family completely overnight? It's the Dragon guards. But why should the Dragon guards deal with the Lu family? "

"The shadow group is the influence of the Lu family." He Feng said in a low voice that he didn't mention "mieshen Pavilion". It's better not to let Wang Xiangyun know about these things.

"What? Is the film group actually the influence of the Lu family? "

Chu Yue couldn't help exclaiming, unbelievable.

The film group is a killer organization, while the Lu family is a political and business family. It's really hard to think of them together.

"Well, that's why the state has to deal with them."

He Feng nodded, did not talk too much on this topic, "daughter-in-law, I have to go to Nanjin city today, you have nothing here for me to do?"

"Well, it's OK. I'll be clean when you leave." Wang Xiangyun said casually.

"Ha ha, if I can make it, I'll pick you up in the evening." He Feng grinned.

"Whatever you want!"

Wang Xiangyun faintly replied, and looked at Chu Yue, "you go to Nanjin city together, and you go back together in the evening?"

"Sister Yun, we just went together. When we went to Nanjin City, he was busy with his work and I was busy with mine. The people who are looking for me, but the military of Nanjin City, have something important to ask me for help. I may not be able to come back today. " Chu Yue quickly explained that she was afraid that Wang Xiangyun would misunderstand him. She didn't want Wang Xiangyun to know his relationship with He Feng: "as for He Feng, he went with his sister Ling Weiyu, as if to dig some god."

Wang Xiangyun said, "Oh, OK, do you need me to arrange someone to take you to the station?"

He Fenggang wanted to say that he didn't need it, but Chu Yue agreed, "OK, we'll take a taxi in this way."

Wang Xiangyun looked at He Feng and said, "if you can't catch up at night, you can spend the night in Nanjin city. It doesn't matter if you don't come back. But at night you have to take care of your sister. "

When it comes to her sister, her tone is obviously a little heavier.

Obviously, she doesn't think it's really a sister.


He Feng really didn't know how to explain.

It's really not an ordinary sister relationship.

"As for the affairs of the company, you don't have to worry too much."

Wang Xiangyun said: "you can be at ease with your girl!"


He Feng is very helpless, way: "daughter-in-law, in fact... I most want to bubble is you!"

"If you want to soak me, please help me find a financial tycoon for the company first. Our company is an entrepreneurial company, and no real financial tycoon is willing to come to our company, even if it's just hard to let them hang their names. Although the company's reputation has become bigger, it is still difficult to invite such financial bigwigs. "

"Companies need such financial giants to name themselves?"

"Of course!"

Wang Xiangyun nodded: "now, both individuals and enterprises need not only strength, but also fame. If we have a financial tycoon in our company, even if it is registered, it will be of great help to enhance the company's reputation. "

"Yes? OK, I'll find one for you He Feng's understatement.

"You really look up to yourself!"

Wang Xiangyun sneered: "however, if you can find it, it really helps me solve a problem."

"So, as long as I can find it, can you go out with me?" He Feng said with a smile.

"OK, I don't mind. I just want to have a rest now."

Wang Xiangyun was quite agreeable this time.

"Well, now your world shaking research is finished?" He Feng said with a smile.

"Sooner or later!"

Wang Xiangyun said casually.

Her research has now entered a bottleneck, so she wants to take advantage of this stage, have a good rest, and then go all out to finish the research.

"Dong Dong..."

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in, please Wang Xiangyun said.

Yuan Yashi came in. She looked at He Feng and Chu Yue in surprise and said, "Mr. Wang, there's a distinguished guest in the company who wants to see you."

"Dear guest? Who is it? " Wang Xiangyun was surprised.

"Mr. tangkan, the leader of financial circles." Yuan Yashi said.

"Mr. tangkan? Why did he come to me? " Wang Xiangyun more confused, and then subconsciously looked at He Feng.

Chu Yue also looks at He Feng.

They all know that he Feng once saved tangkan.

He Feng said with a smile: "daughter-in-law, our company is now in the development stage, but there are not many top talents like sister yuan and Weiwei in our company, and there are fewer senior people. So I invited Mr. Tang to work as the company's nominal financial adviser. When I come back from Nanjin City, you are ready to go on a date with me. "

Wang Xiangyun ignored what he Feng said, but said in surprise: "do you want Mr. Tang to come to our company as a financial consultant? He agreed? "

"It's no nonsense. He's coming to Yuncheng group now and is ready to talk about signing a contract with you." He Feng said.

Although we have agreed with Tang Kan, we just need to sign a contract.

"Are you sure?" Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng and asks.

"Sure. I went to Jiangbin University yesterday and met Mr. Tang. I have made an agreement with him."

He Feng looked at Yuan Ya's poem and said, "sister yuan, please go and invite the Tang master to come here. Don't let people wait too long."

Wang Xiangyun stood up and walked out, "I'll invite him to come here myself."

Seeing this, he Feng could not help but raise a smile on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that Wang Xiangyun really attaches great importance to creating a financial giant for the company, but it also shows that Wang Xiangyun respects Tang Kan, a financial tycoon.

Since Tang Kan has come, he Feng and Chu Yue are not in a hurry to leave. They come to the front desk with Wang Xiangyun, and then they meet Tang Kan and his two bodyguards.

"Hello, Mr. Tang."

Wang Xiangyun respectfully walked over.

"Hello, Wang Dong Tang Kan also stood up, at the same time to He Feng and Chu Yue nodded, is to say hello.

He Feng said with a smile: "Mr. Tang, I have already told Mr. Wang about your coming to Yuncheng group as a financial consultant. You can talk about the details directly in a moment."

"All right!"

Tang Kan laughed, and at the same time, he looked at Wang Xiangyun and said, "Dong Wang, Minister He Feng of your company is really blessed."

When he said "lucky", he naturally refers to the relationship between He Feng and Wang Xiangyun. However, because the relationship between them has not been completely announced, and the ordinary employees of the company are not aware of it, he did not point it out.

"He is really blessed to invite Mr. Tang to our Cloud City Group." Wang Xiangyun returned.

"Mr. Tang, let's talk to Mr. Wang next. I have something to leave first. You can call me whenever you have something to do." He Feng said.

"All right, you can be busy."

Don Kan nodded, "by the way, you seem to know kung fu, right? If you have time, please give me more advice. That girl works in the Public Security Bureau and often encounters all kinds of dangers. If her Kung Fu can be more powerful, she can be safer. "

"OK, no problem."

Tang Wen is such a beautiful girl, he Feng naturally doesn't mind helping to teach Kung Fu.

"Don, I'll go first." Chu Yue also said, and then went into the elevator with He Feng.

Looking at the back of the two people who left together, Tang Kan's old eyes moved slightly.

Unexpectedly, even Chu Yue and he Feng are so close. It seems that they have to do some ideological work with Wen Wen again.

After he Feng and Chu Yue leave, they come downstairs and ask Niu Ren of the security department to drive them to the station.

On the bus, Chu Yue curiously asked: "He Feng, Tang seems to appreciate you very much. He actually agreed to come to Yuncheng group as a financial adviser."

He Feng said with a smile: "that's right. You don't see how charming brother Feng is. Of course, Mr. Tang will help me."

"I don't think that's the reason..."

Chuyue is aware of a different thing, "the reason why Tang Laozi will help you, should be because of Wenwen elder sister."

"Er... What does it have to do with Wenwen?"

He Feng a Leng, "you don't want to say, don't you want to match me with Wenwen? He knows brother Feng is married. "

"What does it matter to get married? Many of the big names I know are women

Chu Yue's lips curled.

She was born in a big family and had seen a lot of people in the world. Some powerful and influential people were surrounded by countless beauties. After she got married, she took concubines and got along quite well.

For those big people, the marriage certificate is just a book, there is no binding force at all.

"Keke, don't you think he's so open?" He Feng surprised way, he and Tang Laozi also contact twice, know the latter character is not so open.

"Mr. Tang is really conservative, but why did he take the initiative to let you teach Wenwen Kung Fu? Isn't that creating opportunities for you? "

Chu Yue said with a smile, "however, even if master Tang is helping, it's not so easy for you to catch Wenwen. Sister Wenwen, it's not that easy to chase. "

"Forget it, I don't think about it now, and I don't expect to catch up with Wenwen..."

He Feng waved his hand and didn't think about it any more.

He just felt that Mr. Tang seemed to want to set him up with Tang Wen, but things should not be as simple as they seem.

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