Before long, they arrived at the waiting hall of the high-speed railway station. After waiting for more than ten minutes, Ling Weiyu arrived.

"Xiaoyu, have you finished the acquisition of Wantao film?"

After seeing Ling Weiyu, he Feng asks.

Early this morning, Ling Weiyu went to the website to deal with the matter. At that time, she sent a message to say hello to He Feng, saying that she would arrive at the station a little later.

"Well, the acquisition contract has been signed, and now Zou Xun is dealing with the integration."

Ling Weiyu nodded, then looked at Chu Yue, "this is..."

"Hello, are you Ling Weiyu, he Feng's sister? My name is Chu Yue. I'm a friend of He Feng. "

For the people he Feng contacted in Jiangbin City, Chu Yue naturally investigated clearly and generously.

"Hello, I'm ling Weiyu."

Ling Weiyu shook hands with Chu Yue, and then said with a smile: "you should not be Xiao Feng's brother's friend, but your girlfriend?"


Chu month a Leng, didn't expect Ling Weiyu incredibly can so direct.

"I'm also Xiao Feng's girlfriend, don't you mind?" Ling Weiyu blinked at Chu Yue, which was quite playful.


He Feng and Chu Yue are speechless, which is a little too direct.

"I hope we can get along well in the future!" Ling Weiyu said with a smile, and immediately looked at He Feng, "brother Xiao Feng, don't you blame me for being so direct?"

Yesterday he Feng told her that he would go to Nanjin city with Chu Yue. Ling Weiyu was thinking about how to introduce today.

Originally, he wanted to hide his relationship with He Feng, but after some consideration, she decided to let the outside world know her relationship with He Feng.

Not to fight for anything for himself, but hope that other women around He Feng know that he Feng does not lack women, hope that those women can be good to He Feng.

In particular

Wang Xiangyun!

"Of course I don't blame you."

He Feng smiles bitterly and shakes his head. Now he also guesses that Ling Weiyu's direct exposure of their relationship is that he hopes other women can treat him better.

"Little feather? May I call you that, too? "

Chu Yue looked at Ling Weiyu with a smile, "you can call me Yueyue. I think we can be good sisters in the future."

"Yes, Yueyue." Ling Weiyu also laughed.

"Let's check in and get on the bus first. We'll talk later when we get on the bus."

Chu Yue takes Ling Weiyu's hand and goes to the ticket gate. The two girls soon get acquainted with each other and hang He Feng to the side, dragging their luggage behind.

After checking in, the three got on the high-speed railway together.

Chu month bought tickets, three people's position is together, he Feng's position is in the middle, but now he Feng is pushed to the outside, Ling Weiyu and Chu month two girls sit inside chatting.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

Not long after the train started, he Feng's mobile phone suddenly received a text message.

He took a look at his mobile phone and found that the message was from Jiang Qingyan. "He Feng, I have left Jiangbin city now. When we meet next time, I will be better than you."

The content is very simple, there is only one sentence, there is no other content.

He Feng frowned. How did Jiang Qingyan leave Jiangbin city suddenly?

He subconsciously dials out Jiang Qingyan's phone, only to find that the latter's mobile phone has been turned off and cannot be connected.

"What's the situation?"

He Feng doubts and dials the phone of Jiang crazy knife.

Soon, the voice of Jiang crazy knife came out on the phone, "Hello, Mr. He Feng."

"Curator Jiang, I want to ask, what's the matter with Qingyan beauty? She left Jiangbin? "

He doesn't know what happened to Jiang Qingyan, but he believes Jiang crazy Dao must know. Jiang crazy Dao is Jiang Qingyan's big brother.

"Well! Qingyan left early this morning. Did she tell you? " The river crazy knife way.

"Where does she leave? And she's not going to school? Is she a sophomore now? " He Feng asked one after another.

"Yesterday, she finished dropping out. As for where she went, I'm not sure. Qingyan didn't tell us. She just said that when she was stable, she would contact her family. " Jiang Kuangdao said with a bitter smile.

"I dropped out of school yesterday..."

He Feng was speechless for a moment.

Yesterday, he was invited to watch a basketball match at Jiangbin University, but he didn't want to see Jiang Qingyan at that time. He had already gone through the withdrawal procedure.

"Why did she drop out? Why did you leave Jiangbin city? " He Feng asked.

Jiang Kuangdao said: "she dropped out of school because she saw your strength and wanted to concentrate on her cultivation. She didn't want to be bothered by learning and vulgar things. The atmosphere of guwu in Jiangbin city is too low, so she doesn't want to stay in Jiangbin city. She says she wants to go to the man's side or the north to have a look. The atmosphere of guwu there should be stronger. "

"She wants to improve her strength, and there is no need to leave Jiangbin city. I have said that there are ways to make her strong as soon as possible."

He Feng was very depressed. He told Jiang Qingyan yesterday that he would give her the resources to improve her strength as soon as possible after returning from Nanjin city. But the woman left Jiangbin city directly.

Moreover, the reason why women leave Jiangbin city is actually because of him.

My strength is too strong, but also wrong?!

But when you think about it carefully, Jiang Qingyan is proud. In the past, he always thought he was a genius. It can be seen that after he Feng was recognized, he was obviously stimulated and wanted to work hard.

For this, he Feng also has the same feeling. In the past, his strength was low, and when he was oppressed everywhere, he was also depressed.

"Mr. He Feng, I know you mean well, but Qingyan's character is very stubborn, and others can't stop what she decides. However, I think she is gifted. In the past, she only practiced occasionally, and most of her time was spent on study. But her accomplishments and combat effectiveness are far more than those of me who are dedicated to hard work. It can be seen that if she focuses on practice, she will surely have extraordinary achievements in the future. "

Jiang Kuangdao solemnly said that he had great confidence in Jiang Qingyan.

"OK, when you get the news from Jiang Qingyan, remember to contact me at the first time."

With that, he Feng hung up.

In such a short period of time, Jiang Qingyan has completed the drop out procedures. It can be seen how determined she is to leave. It is impossible to find her. She can only wait for Jiang Qingyan to contact them.

"Brother Xiaofeng, what's the matter?"

Ling Weiyu, sitting next to him, notices that he Feng is not right and asks curiously.


He Feng waved his hand. He was a little fidgety. He didn't want to think about Jiang Qingyan for the moment, so he changed the topic and asked, "little feather, have you got in touch with the author? When will you meet him? "

Ling Weiyu didn't ask much, "well, I'll have coffee in the morning. Let's talk first."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I'm not sure. This level of God can't be dug by money."

Ling Weiyu shook his head with a wry smile. "However, this God seems to want to contact the outside websites. I don't know if he has contacted other websites before contacting me. But anyway, since he is willing to contact us, then we have a chance. "

"Well, now that we have the chance, we will try to sign him."

He Feng smiles, looks at Chu Yue and asks in a low voice: "Yueyue, what is the military of Nanjin city looking for you this time?"

"I don't know the details, but they need the help of my computer technology. Besides me, I also invited some other hackers. By the way, you seem to be a very powerful hacker, too? "

Chu Yue knows more about He Feng's situation, so naturally he Feng's computer technology is very high.

After all, he Feng has demonstrated his computer technology in both Yuncheng group and Fengyu Chinese network.

"It's all right. It's not that bad."

He Feng was modest.

"Oh, do you know Xu Huai?"

When it comes to this name, Chu Yue's pretty face is obviously full of excitement and worship.

"No, who is he?"

He Feng some displeasure of say, month month this wench piece will worship other men unexpectedly.

"He's a top hacker. He's a legend in China's hacker list. Computer technology is at its peak." The more Chu Yue said, the more excited she was.

"How is his skill compared with that of a thousand hands?"

Listen to Chu Yue said that the other party is the first person in China hacker list, he Feng also some surprised.

He didn't know much about China, let alone its hacker list.

Perhaps, the gold content of this Chinese hacker list is even higher than that of the global hacker list?

"Thousand hands? That can't be compared. Qianshou is the second most terrible hacker in the world, while Xuhuai is only the third. Although he is the third, I heard that there seems to be a big gap between him and Qianshou. "

Speaking of this, Chu Yue seemed to think of something, and the color of worship on her face suddenly became more intense. "However, although there is a gap between Xu Huai and the second ranked Qianshou, I heard that the gap between Qianshou and the first ranked Qianshou is bigger, as if one day and one place can never be crossed. So think, in fact, Xu Huai's hacker technology has been very powerful, at least can be proud of China

"Oh... He's the third one in the row!"

He Feng nodded, suddenly in the heart.

Half a year ago, the United States called together the top 10 hackers in the top five hackers list to attack the network defense system of Shenlong island. These five hackers ranked second, fourth, fifth, eighth and ninth in the global hackers list. At that time, he Feng was quite puzzled why the other party did not invite the third ranked hacker.

Now he understood that the person who ranked third was from China, and it was very difficult for the United States to invite him to serve for China.

"Yueyue, how strong is the hacker who can rank first in computer technology? The second is so far behind him? " Ling Weiyu inquires curiously and looks at He Feng at the same time.

But he Feng often said in front of her that his hacking technology is invincible.

"Of course, it's very strong. I'll tell you something. Although I don't know whether it's true or not, since he can be ranked first in the list of hackers and take the place of a thousand hands, it's enough to show that it's very true."

Chu Yue said: "this incident happened half a year ago. It seems that this person has offended the United States, so the United States has summoned five big hackers to deal with him. Among them, the five big hackers are the second, fourth, fifth, eighth and ninth in the global hacker list. But the final result was that the other side won, which made the United States lose face again. "

Ling Weiyu said: "so many top hackers can't deal with him?"

"So, although he was ranked first in the global hacker list, the thousand hands who originally ranked first have now become second. Moreover, the gap between Qianshou and him is quite large. "

Chu Yue smiles and looks at He Feng, "now you know Xu Huai, who ranks third, how powerful is the hacker technology? It's almost the kind of person who can influence the situation in some small battlefields. "

If the real world's top hackers destroy the enemy's network defense system, they can really influence the war situation.

"It's really powerful to be in the third place, but the gap between him and a thousand hands should be large, right? So, there is a bigger gap between him and me. " He Feng grinned: "after all, the hacker in the first row is me."

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