"Brag! It's still the first... "

Chu Yue rolled her eyes. "But I heard that the hacker who ranked first seemed to be a dragon. He was not from China at all."

See Chu month don't believe, he Feng no longer too much explanation, here is the high-speed railway station, everywhere are people, let others hear bad.

Although "dragon" is only the name on the hacker list, it represents Dragon Island and dragon mercenary regiment. It is quite sensitive in the underground world abroad.

He Feng said: "I'll tell you now. In fact, the dragon is from China. So, in the future, don't worship Xu Huai, who ranks third. If you want to worship Xu Huai, you should worship the dragon who ranks first. "

Chu Yue was surprised and said, "is the dragon a member of the kingdom of China?"

Many people in the outside world have discussed about the nationality of the dragon, but no one has given accurate information, and the dragon has never spoken about it.

"Yes He Feng nodded.

"How do you know?"

"Didn't I spend many years abroad? My friends told me that. " He Feng said casually.

"Well, after that, the dragon is my favorite idol. I don't know if I have a chance to see him in my life." Since he Feng all admitted, Chu month certainly won't doubt again.

He Feng laughs: "ha ha, there must be a chance."

The three people chatted all the way. More than an hour passed unconsciously, and the train finally stopped at Nanjin high speed railway station.

Chu Yue said: "He Feng, the military has arranged a car to pick me up. Why don't we come together and let the driver take you to your destination first?"

"It's OK. I've also called someone to pick me up. You can go directly to the military. We'll see you when you're finished."

He Feng said with a smile, together with Chu Yue toward the exit.

Just walked out, a young man in a black shirt, then quickly walked towards He Feng and others.

To be exact, it is to walk quickly to Chu Yue and wave to Chu Yue, "Yue Yue, this way..."

He Feng looked at the young man and found that when he saw Chu Yue, his eyes were filled with joy and admiration.

The young man seems to be about the same age as him, but he is bigger and bigger than him. He also exudes a fierce breath and has the air of military. Looking at his walking steps and movements, he is obviously a soldier.

And he is a very good soldier, at least not worse than Zhan Yu and other members of the Dragon guard team.

"Zhou Hui, why did you come to pick me up?" Chu Yue sees the comer, some surprised way, at the same time secretly looked at He Feng, a little worried about He Feng misunderstanding, after all, the other party no matter is to own address, or looking at their own eyes, seems to be very warm.

"It happened that I had nothing to do today. When I learned that you were coming, I had to take the initiative to tell the instructor to pick you up. Anyway, you are also a member of our wolf team

Zhou Hui chuckled, still ignoring the meaning of He Feng and Ling Weiyu, and said, "how are you doing in Jiangbin city these few months? If you feel boring in the police, you might as well come back to the army. If it's too big, I won't call you when I go out of duty. "

"If I don't go on a mission, why do I join the army? This is not a qualified soldier. I'd rather stay in a place and be a policeman. At least I can catch bad people occasionally. "

Chu Yue said.

She used to be a member of the wolf head team. As the strongest special team in the nanjinshi military region, the wolf head team often faced tasks with high risk coefficient. Several times Chu Yue was in danger because of acting together, and once she was almost killed by enemy snipers.

At that time, if it wasn't for his good luck that he happened to move his body, he would not have been able to survive, but he also suffered some minor injuries, which scared the leaders of the whole nanjinshi military region. So he immediately gave Chu Yue to the military region and dispatched him to a place like Jiangbin city where there was no expert to be a policeman, and he was only responsible for computer work.

"Ha ha, well, I will often visit you in Jiangbin when I am free."

Zhou Hui laughed and said, "by the way, where's your luggage? I'll take it for you. "

He Feng on one side handed Chu Yue's computer bag to Chu Yue. Chu Yue didn't bring any luggage, just a computer bag, but it should contain several pieces of clothes.

"He Feng, his name is Zhou Hui. He is a comrade in arms I met in nanjinshi military region. Those comrades take good care of me. I treat them as my elder brother and sister."

Chu month or worry about He Feng angry, take the initiative to introduce up.

Especially in the last sentence, I hope he Feng doesn't think much about it.

He Feng raised his hand and rubbed Chu Yue's head, "I know, then call me when you're busy. When we're busy, we'll see when to buy tickets back to Jiangbin city."


Seeing he Feng rubbing Chu Yue's head, Zhou Hui's eyes suddenly narrowed. Without waiting for Chu Yue to speak, he said in a cold voice: "who are you? Who let you touch Yueyue's head? "

Zhou Hui's tone was very impolite, but he Feng didn't even look at him. He continued to say to Chu Yue, "if there is nothing important in the Bureau tomorrow, we'll spend the night in Nanjin city tonight, and we'll go back to Jiangbin city tomorrow."

"OK, there are many interesting places in Nanjin city. The night scenery is also beautiful. If you have nothing to do at night, I can show you and Xiaoyu around. This is my territory."

Chu Yue said immediately.

However, she also knows that Zhou Hui seems to be angry at the moment. Although this makes her a little unhappy, she is still worried about causing trouble to He Feng. She immediately casually says, "Zhou Hui, let me introduce you. This is a very good friend of mine. His name is He Feng. And this one, Ling Weiyu. "

"Hello, my name is Zhou Hui."

Zhou Hui stretched out a hand to He Feng. It seems that he Feng wants to shake hands with him.


He Feng light should be a, hand with the week back to grasp.


But Zhou Hui snorted, and his hand suddenly started to work. A terrible force seemed to crush He Feng's hand immediately.

This week, it's quite fierce.

But Zhou Hui frowned immediately, because he found that he Feng's palm was like a loach. He couldn't hold it at all and slid out of his palm.

That huge power, unexpectedly is to hold an empty.

"Yueyue, go to the military area command first. Call me if you have something."

He Feng didn't pay attention to Zhou Hui, but said to Chu Yue, as if he didn't notice anything.

Originally, he wanted to teach Chou Hui a lesson, but he Feng thought that Chou Hui would take good care of her in the military region just after Chu Yue told him that Chou Hui used to take good care of her, so he wanted to let him go once, just to give Chu Yue a face.

Of course, if Zhou Hui committed it again, he Feng would not be so easy to speak.

"Well, take good care of Xiaoyu. Don't let her be bullied."

Chu Yue nodded with a smile, then looked at Ling Weiyu, "little feather, goodbye!"

"OK, goodbye."

Ling Weiyu also waved to Chu Yue.

"Zhou Hui, it's time for us to go."

With that, Chu Yue turned and walked towards the parking lot.


Zhou Hui is to sneer at He Feng one eye, just left.

This time, he is lucky. Next time, if he meets again, he must pinch off his hand that dares to touch Yueyue's head.

Looking at the back of Zhou Hui and Chu Yue, Ling Weiyu said: "brother Xiaofeng, just that man, how do I feel that he seems to be hostile to you?"

Chu Yue, as a member of the Bureau, doesn't notice anything, but Ling Weiyu feels something wrong.

He Feng nodded, "it's true, but do you think I need to pay attention to him? If it wasn't for Yueyue's face, I wouldn't have looked at him. "

Ling Weiyu said curiously, "does he also like Yueyue?"

"Yueyue is so beautiful that it's normal for some men to like her."

He Feng is not surprised. It's not normal that no one likes Yueyue. "However, this guy looks very strong, but he is very cowardly in his heart. He doesn't even have the courage to express himself to Yueyue. Because he knows very well that once he confesses to Yueyue, Yueyue will refuse him mercilessly. "

"Pooh! Or brother Xiaofeng, you are so powerful that you can easily catch up with Yueyue. "

Ling Weiyu said with a smile.

"That must be fierce. You know, I not only chased Yueyue, but also you? How about going back to Jiangbin this evening? Or with brother Xiaofeng to spend the world together in Nanjin city? " He Feng lowers voice, evil smile way.

"Brother Xiaofeng, you are too bad to bully me."

Ling Weiyu's pretty face is hot, and she purses her lips. Her pace speeds up a little for fear that he Feng will see her blush.

He Feng naturally guessed Ling Weiyu's situation at the moment, and Hei hei followed up, "Xiaoyu, although you say I'm bad, you don't object. Does it mean that you intend to stay here with me?"

"I didn't say that."

At the foot of Ling Weiyu, her steps are faster. Now she jumps in her heart. She doesn't dare to see he Feng.

This is the high-speed railway station. There are people everywhere, and there is a greater flow of people at the exit of the station. Ling Weiyu suddenly ran up and was full of He Feng's words. He accidentally ran into a young man.

However, the young man's body is still standing steadily, but Ling Weiyu is not stable. He staggers back two steps and is about to fall to the ground.

"Beauty, be careful!"

The young man was quick eyed and quick to catch up with Ling Weiyu's steps. He put his hand around Ling Weiyu's slender waist to save the beauty.

But just as his hand was about to touch Ling Weiyu's slender waist, he was heavily patted by the other hand. A hot pain made him scream, and his hand quickly took back.

Ling Weiyu didn't fall on the ground, but fell in He Feng's arms. He Feng's gentle voice came from his ear, "are you ok?"

"No, I'm fine!" Ling Weiyu shook his head and immediately stood up. Looking at the young man opposite, he said, "I'm so sorry, sir. I didn't mean to bump you just now."

The young man was named Huayang. He was well-dressed. He was wearing the latest Omega watch. He was shining with gold. He was followed by two people and stood respectfully.

Obviously, this is a man of considerable status.

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter."

Hua Yang is very generous shake his head, appears to be very generous.

"Feather, you don't have to apologize to him."

However, he Feng said, "because it's him who should apologize."

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