"Forgive me, Mr. Hua!"

"Lord Hua, calm down!"

The two bodyguards noticed the terrible anger from Hua Hai and immediately knelt down on the ground with fear on their faces.

When Huayang was taken away by He Feng and Canglang, they wanted to escape, but they were too afraid of Jinmen

The energy of Kinmen is too huge. If they want to escape, unless they can escape from the kingdom of China in a short time, they will be arrested soon, and the end will be even worse.

This kind of example has happened many times in Kinmen in the past.

So they chose to come back at the first time and report to Huahai.

"Haizi, let them make it clear first. This is Nanjin city. Even if they capture Huayang, they will not dare to do anything to Huayang. " Wang Wei advised.

He knows that Hua Hai is very concerned about Hua Yang. Hua Yang is Hua Hai's only son, and Hua Hai's wife died very early. He thinks more about this only son than anything else. He even doesn't use many cultivation resources for Hua Yang.

Hua Hai took a deep breath and suppressed his anger. "What's the matter. If you let me know that you have any concealment, I promise that you will die without burial ground. "


One of the bodyguards immediately said: "at that time, after we took Hua Shao, we were preparing to leave with Hua Shao. But Tu Zhonghua Shao met a beautiful woman who wanted to soak this woman, but didn't want her boyfriend to be an expert. Hua Shao was not an opponent, and we were both knocked out by one blow. When we woke up, Hua Shao disappeared, so we investigated the monitoring at that time through some methods and found that... "


Hua Hai walks over, slaps the speaker in the face, turns him over on the ground and spits blood.

"You say it all at once." Hua Hai looks at another person.

Another bodyguard saw this scene, where dare to say half a word of nonsense, "we found that Hua Shao was disabled by him, it seems that Dantian was abandoned. After Hua Shao fainted, they took him away. "

"The elixir field is abandoned? Are you sure? "

In a flash, a terrible anger burst out from Hua Hai. The air around him was full of violent elements, and the speakers felt numb.

How can Huahai not be angry? For ancient warriors, Dantian is more important than life. It's worse to be abandoned than to be killed.

"It was said by the man who started it. Hua Shao also said that his Dantian could not mobilize his inner strength, so there should be no fake." The bodyguard was worried.

"Damn it, which bastard dares to move even Huayang. Doesn't he know that Huayang is from Jinmen? Doesn't he know that Huahai is Huayang's father? " Hua Hai almost roared.

"At that time, Hua Shao had already given the name of Jinmen and the name of Huada, but that person didn't seem to care at all."

"Photos! Show me a picture of that man. "

"Yes, I've got a screenshot of the photo. It's the three men who started with the young man."

The bodyguard quickly took out his mobile phone and handed the photos from the video to Hua Hai.

After looking at the photo, Hua Hai frowned, "who is this man? Is there such a number one person in Nanjin city? "

The people in the photo are He Feng, Ling Weiyu and Canglang, but Huahai doesn't know any of them.

"Let me see!"

Wang Wei stepped forward and looked at the photo. He also frowned. "I basically know all the people in the guwu circle in Nanjin City, but I haven't seen this person. I don't think he is a local guwu person in Nanjin city."

"Wang Wei, you have to help me this time. I hope you can use all your relationships to help me find out this person's identity information."

Hua Hai looked at Wang Wei and said.

Wang Wei's energy in Nanjin city is much greater than that of him. He can only rely on Wang Wei.

Wang Wei nodded and said, "don't worry, I have someone I know in the public security department. I'll contact there now and send the photos to them to help investigate. If this person is from Jiangshu province, it won't take long."


Hua haidang handed over his mobile phone to Wang Wei. "Now I'm going to gather some people and start searching for this person. After saving Huayang, I must make this life worse than death. There are two other people. I want to chop the man and throw him into the river to feed the fish. I will send the woman to Huayang's bed and let Huayang trample her to death. "

"Of course!" Wang Wei agrees.

"Then I'll go and gather the men first."

With that, Hua Hai walked out of the training room.

Instead of leaving in a hurry, Wang Wei sent the photo to his mobile phone, and then sent it to his friend who worked in the public security department by wechat.

About two minutes later, Wang Wei, regardless of whether the other party has seen the photo, is ready to call the other party.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

But at this time, his mobile phone is the first to shake up.

Caller ID, Ling Lei.

"Brother Ling, I'm really sorry to disturb your work." Wang Wei quickly answered the phone, even if he is one of the 18 King Kong of Kinmen, and the status is higher than ordinary King Kong, but in the face of this named Ling leizhi, he is still very polite.

The reason is very simple. The other party is not only a powerful figure in the public security department, but also a member of the Ling family of the three ancient martial families, which has a high weight in the Ling family.

"Brother Wang, does this photo you sent me have anything to do with you?" A middle-aged man's voice soon came out on the phone and asked directly.

"Brother Ling, it's like this. I want you to help me investigate the identity information of this person, and I'll treat you to dinner later, OK?" Wang Wei said with a smile.

"Brother Wang, if you want me to investigate this person, you have to let me know the relationship between you and him first. Why do you want to investigate this person?" Ling Lei didn't promise to come down immediately.

Wang Wei frowned and thought that Huahai was in urgent need of this person's information, so he said directly: "brother Ling, there is a big contradiction between this person and a good friend of mine, but we feel that this person is very strange, not like a native of Nanjin City, and we are eager to know this person's information, so we want to ask you for help."

"Oh? Are you in conflict with this man? "

Ling Lei was surprised and immediately said with a smile: "is the contradiction big or not?"

Wang Wei doesn't understand why Ling Lei asks. Isn't it that Ling Lei doesn't care much about their Jinlong Gang?

But at this time, he can only ask Ling Lei to do things: "big!"

"Ha ha, in that case, I'll tell you."

Ling Lei laughed and said, "this man, he Feng, is from Jiangbin city. He works in a company called Yuncheng group and is the Vice Minister of finance. At the same time, the chairman of Yuncheng group is his wife. "

"Cloud City Group?"

Wang Wei recited the name of the company. He had no impression at all. It didn't seem to be a super company.

In his impression, the bigger companies in Jiangbin city seem to be the song group and Guangming group.

But since Ling Lei mentioned the name of Yuncheng group to him, and told him that the chairman of Yuncheng group was the wife of the man named He Feng, there must be a reason.

"Well, the chairman of Yuncheng group is Wang Xiangyun. You should have heard of that name, haven't you? " Ling Lei said with a smile.

"Wang Xiangyun of the Wang family?"

Wang Wei was surprised.


Ling Lei said: "apart from Wang Xiangyun, this man named He Feng has no other background. So you can deal with it with ease. As for his strength, if I expect it to be good, he should be a horizontal trainer of double training. "

With these words, Ling Lei hangs up directly.

"Refining the body? No wonder Huayang is not his opponent at all, even after eating back to Yuandan. However, looking at the speed he shows, it seems that he is more than double tempered, but probably triple tempered. "

Listening to the busy voice on the phone, Wang Wei raised a chill on the corner of his mouth, "but even if he reaches the triple of physical training, even if I don't do it, Hua Hai and some of his subordinates can cope with it. But for the sake of safety, I'll take a look. If he can help Huahai save Huayang, he will definitely not play with other women in the future. Instead, he will die for me. "

As for Wang Xiangyun, who is a princess of the Wang family, Wang Wei is not at ease at all.

Let alone Wang Xiangyun, it is estimated that the whole Wang family will not be able to stay in Nanjin city for long.


At the moment, in Nanjin city public security department.

In an office, Ling Lei, dressed in work clothes, is sitting at his desk. He puts down his mobile phone and immediately looks at a middle-aged man beside him. "Now, you don't need to find a way to deal with He Feng. Someone will help you deal with him."

If he Feng is here, he must be able to recognize the identity of another middle-aged man.

Ling Yi, director of Nanjin Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Thank you, regor!" Ling Yi said with a smile.

Ling Xun promised he Feng the position of president, which made him feel jealous and resentful. He sent Peng Zu to join hands with the Yin army to deal with He Feng, but he didn't want to fail in the end. He Feng showed at least two or even three strength, which made Ling Yi deeply understand that it is difficult to deal with He Feng only by his own energy.

Because if you want to deal with a triple exerciser, at least you have to send a strong one with the highest strength.

But he didn't have too high cultivation talent, so his status in the Ling family was not too high. Unless he met a fatal crisis, the Ling family would not send out the strong men at the top of Mingjin to drive him.

In desperation, he repeatedly comes to Ling Lei, who is close to him, hoping that Ling Lei can help him.

"Go ahead and do a good job in the hospital. He Feng can't stop you from becoming the vice president. When Uncle Ling Xun retires, you can take his place. "

Ling Lei light way, at the same time waved.

"I understand that I will live up to your expectations, regor."

Ling Yi understood Ling Lei's meaning and nodded, "brother Lei, you are busy first, so I won't disturb you here."

Said, quickly turned away.

Seeing Ling Yi leave, Ling Lei shakes his head and sighs: "if you don't have the talent of cultivation, you can only ask people to do things like this, or fight for power with others. As everyone knows, fist is the only truth in this world. "


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