"This is the cafe. Just leave me and feather by the side of the road."

He Feng pointed to the front of the Xing Barker Cafe said.

"All right!"

Cang Lang found a suitable position and stopped the car. "Brother Feng, I'll go back first and put Huayang in the trunk, and then come to you."

"OK, you remember to ask about the location of those pharmacies selling precious herbs."

He Feng exhorted, then got off the car with Ling Weiyu and went to the coffee shop.

Today is Thursday. There are not many people in the coffee shop. There are elegant American songs playing in it, which makes people feel peaceful.

After entering the coffee shop, Ling Weiyu glanced around and immediately walked to a window position.

Over there, there is a 30-year-old man sitting, wearing a pair of glasses, not tall, 1.68 meters, slightly fat.

At this time, the man was looking out of the window. He didn't know what he was thinking. His eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. It seemed that he was worried about something.

"Hello, is that Mr. tomato I eat?" Ling Weiyu went to the man and asked in a low voice.

Ling Weiyu's appearance is very beautiful, temperament and gentle dignified, just into the coffee shop attracted a lot of people's attention.

Now she took the initiative to talk with a man, soft voice, such as a breeze, let people feel cool, for a time more people are looking towards this side.

But the man sitting in the seat was lost for a moment, as if he didn't hear Ling Weiyu's voice.


Ling Weiyu was also stunned.

This man is very distracted.

"Hello, is that Mr. tomato I eat?" Ling Weiyu asked again, and the volume was a little higher.


The man just recovered and quickly stood up, "Hello, I'm so sorry, I was just thinking about something."

"Ha ha, it's OK."

Ling Weiyu smiles, reaches out his hand and says, "I'm ling Weiyu from Fengyu. Next to me, this is my partner, surnamed he."

See Ling Weiyu himself also introduced up, he Feng can only also stretch out his hand, said: "Hello!"

"Hello, Ling Dong and He Dong. I eat tomatoes."

The man shook hands with Ling Weiyu and he Feng respectively, "what do you want? I'll invite you."

"Then I'm welcome. Just give me a caramel macchido." Ling Weiyu said with a smile.

"The same." Hefeng road.

"OK, just a moment."

I immediately went to the counter to eat tomatoes, ordered two cups of coffee, and after the staff had made a good brew, I brought them over and handed them to He Feng and Ling Weiyu.

"Thank you, tomato God."

After I sat down to eat tomatoes, Ling Weiyu joked, "when I get back to the company, tell the editors of my company that today I ate tomatoes and bought me coffee, they will surely envy me."

"Ha ha, if I have a chance in the future, I can go to your website and invite all editors of your website to have coffee."

I'm modest when I eat tomatoes. I don't have the airs of God at all. I even have an affinity on my body, which makes me feel more cordial.

You know, although he is only a novelist, he is one of the top five in the field of online literature. He has a very high position in the field of online literature, similar to a superstar in the entertainment industry.

But in front of me, I eat tomatoes, just like a big brother next door.

"If tomato God really goes to our website, they will be very excited. I'm looking forward to the day when tomato God will come to our website to play." Ling Weiyu said with a smile.

"There will be such a day..." I eat tomato and smile, and immediately look at He Feng, "Ling Dong, if I guess right, you and He Dong, should not be an ordinary partnership?"

Smell speech, Ling Weiyu also subconsciously look to He Feng, did not rush to answer me to eat tomato words.

He Feng is a little surprised, this I eat tomato God, eyes is quite spicy ah, at a glance to see the relationship between the two.

"Little feather is my girlfriend. We grew up together." He Feng did not hide.

Ling Weiyu has a high position in his heart. He Feng is eager to announce the relationship between the two people to the whole world.

"Sure enough!" I ate tomato and said with a smile, "He Dong and Ling Dong, you two are really a good match. If you don't mind, I'll put you in my next book and become a couple that all the gods admire. "

"Well, well, I'll go after your next book every day."

Ling Weiyu said expectantly.

She has always liked to read online novels. She has read every book I eat tomato, which is her idol.

Now the idol wants to write her and the man she likes into the book and become a couple. Of course, she is very happy.

"By the way, tomato God, since you are so approachable, I won't talk to you in a roundabout way. I want to ask, have you decided which website to send your next book to? " Ling Weiyu said with a smile: "by the way, although my brother Xiaofeng and I are the owners of fengyu.com, you don't have to care about our identity. Just chat with us as friends."

"Of course, I don't regard you as any boss. We can sit together and have coffee. Of course, we are all friends."

I eat tomato, smile and nod, "my next book, I haven't decided which website to send, but I don't think I will send Vietnamese. My contract with that side has expired, and I haven't negotiated a new cooperation agreement yet. At present, I have been contacted by several external websites, and even two or three powerful film and television companies want to buy my full copyright directly at a high price. Ling Dong, you are a professional. Can you help me analyze which website I should choose? "

"If you have a suitable original website, you can consider it. As for the film and television companies, I don't recommend that you directly cooperate with them, even if their prices are quite high. "

Ling Weiyu said: "after all, you are a full-time author, and you will stay in this industry for a long time in the future. If you directly cooperate with film and television companies, the electronic version can not get sufficient publicity. In fact, it has a huge impact on your reputation. Even if you earn more money in a short time, it is not conducive to your future development."

"Well, you're right, so although their prices are higher than those of other original websites, I still don't intend to consider them."

I ate tomatoes and laughed.

What Ling Weiyu said is similar to what he thought.

Ling Weiyu asked, "which of the other websites offers you the best conditions?"

"Millet literature!"

I don't hide the fact that I eat tomatoes. I gave the name of a website.

"Is it millet literature?"

Ling Weiyu said in surprise.

But after thinking about it, I was relieved.

Millet literature is also a huge original literature website, with its own mature app and huge traffic. Before the rise of Yue Wen and Zhang Yue, they were the giants in the online literature circle, and were gradually surpassed by Yue Wen and Zhang Yue.

Although millet now ranks third in the industry, its resources and capital are not much worse than Yuewen and ZhangYue.

"Well!" I nodded at the tomato and said, "the offer they made is very good, even higher than the price you quoted me. It's up to 20000 words, and you can sign me 10 million words directly."

Ten million words, twenty thousand words, that's two hundred million.

Even if the author only writes 3 million words a year, his annual salary will reach 60 million.

"So high..."

Rao is already mentally prepared, but Ling Weiyu is still very frightened.

This millet has a huge appetite and courage. It's willing to spend so much money to dig a God.

You know, they are so rich now, and her budget is only 100 million.

But it's right to think about it. Now, the top five in the Internet circle are all in Yuewen, except for my tomato eating contract, and none of them is in ZhangYue.

If millet wants to surpass ZhangYue in a short time, he certainly doesn't want to miss the chance to dig a supreme God.

No matter how much it costs!

"Is it full copyright? Or is there a share of copyright? " Ling Weiyu replies and continues to ask.

I eat tomato and shake my head: "such a high price, of course, is full copyright. If you give me a share of the copyright, they will die. "

"Have you made a decision now?" Ling Weiyu said.

"Well, I've already thought about it. I'm going to sign millet. They'll pay me 30 million in advance." I ate tomato, looked at Ling Weiyu and said apologetically, "Dong Ling, I'm really sorry. In fact, this is the decision I made an hour ago. Before, millet group didn't agree to pay me 30 million in advance. Now, I'm in a bit of a financial distress. "

"It's OK, but I think that although the price of millet is not low, it's not the perfect form of cooperation for you."

Ling Weiyu pondered: "because, for an author of your level, once the work goes online, the neighboring copyright products will certainly be promoted at the same time, resulting in profits. If you can't get a cent of the income, it's unfair to you. What's more, your copyright is given to the other party. If the copyright can't be developed in the future, or can't get all-round publicity after it is developed, even if you don't get a little less money, your reputation will surely slowly decline, which is also a huge loss for you. "

When I heard that, I just had a bitter smile.

As an old writer who has been in the industry for more than ten years, he can naturally realize this.


He is really short of money now!

There is no other choice.

"Brother Xiaofeng, what do you want to say?"

Ling Weiyu can't help looking at He Feng.

I eat tomatoes, which is such a great God, she must want to dig.

Now Fengyu Chinese network is in the stage of full speed development, and the traffic is growing rapidly. However, there are not many top-notch authors in the website, which is a bit abnormal.

So, no matter how much money she spends, she also wants to sign me to eat tomatoes, but

Ling Weiyu offered me ten thousand words to eat tomatoes, but now the other party said that he had been offered twenty thousand words, which doubled directly.

This makes Ling Weiyu more or less doubt that I eat tomatoes on purpose to make her raise her price.

After all, it involves hundreds of millions of funds, and Ling Weiyu dare not make a rash decision.

He Feng is drinking coffee and reading novels

Hearing Ling Weiyu's words, he slowly raised his head, looked at me and ate tomatoes, and said: "Dashen, your annual income seems to be tens of millions, right? Sometimes I'm lucky, even making tens of millions a year. How can you be short of money when you make so much money a year? "

Ling Weiyu's eyes are also bright, surprised to see me eat tomatoes.

She almost forgot that this is a great God who makes tens of millions a year. How can she be short of money?

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