"Brother Feng, it's done."

Inside the cafe, Canglang sat down opposite He Feng and said with a smile, "not only can we eavesdrop, but also bring our own GPS positioning tracking."

He Feng nodded and told Canglang about my tomato eating. "Next, you are responsible for monitoring. If you have any information, please report it to me in time."

Ling Weiyu frowned and said, "brother Xiaofeng, it's illegal for us to do this, isn't it good?"

He Feng asked with a smile: "little feather, do you think we are doing something bad?"


"It's illegal to do bad things, but you should be very clear that we are not doing bad things, but doing good things, helping me to eat tomatoes, so that he can have greater development and achievements in the network circle in the future."

He Feng rubbed Ling Weiyu's head, "you know, you are going to do great things in the future, so don't stick to the details, otherwise it's easy to suffer losses."

"Don't we let him think for himself and make his own decisions?" Ling Weiyu blinked.

"If he's just a down-to-earth writer who can write a book with all his heart, of course I won't interfere. But... "

He Feng Mou son frets, "don't you think, in fact, he can't concentrate on writing a book now?"

Ling Weiyu a Leng, very quickly want to understand the meaning of He Feng's words, "you mean, because of his girlfriend?"

"Well! Just now when he called his girlfriend, I listened casually. I feel that his girlfriend seems to be very close to him, but in fact, she is cheating and playing with his feelings. " He Feng nodded.

"What?" Ling Weiyu couldn't help exclaiming.

"The reason why his girlfriend is with him is because of his money. And we, tomato giant, are honest, or we are trapped too deeply, so we don't know if we have been cheated. In this case, of course, we have to try our best to help him... "

He Feng said with a smile: "otherwise, in the future, if he suffers too much blow and can't write any more books, isn't it a huge loss to the whole network circle?"

Ling Weiyu nodded and said solemnly, "if it is true, then we really have to help him."

"Of course!"

He Feng laughed, and immediately looked at Canglang, "from Huayang's mouth, did you find anything?"

"Well, he told me about a place called Mingfei pharmacy in Huayang, where there are many precious medicinal materials, all of which are great help for cultivation. He has given me the location."

Cang Lang nodded, immediately took out his mobile phone and sent the location to He Feng. "In addition, I also learned that the pills Huayang took today were all given to him by his father Huahai. The strength of Huahai is in the late Ming Dynasty. However, Huahai has a base friend named Wang Wei, who is stronger and is the peak of Mingjin. At the same time, Wang Wei is also the son of Wang Hui, the deputy head of Jinmen. "


He Feng heard the word and frowned.

Cang Lang said, "well, what kind of relationship they have. It's not a secret in Kinmen. Even a lot of wuzhe in Nanjin city know about it."

"It turns out that people in Jinmen have such a strong taste." He Feng touched his nose, "what happened at the high-speed railway station today, should Kinmen know?"

"Well, I know, and a large number of people have been mobilized to search for Fengge's whereabouts." Canglang said for a moment, and said, "in the big pharmacy of Ming Fei, there are often ancient warriors coming out. There is also a line of eye liner in Kinmen. If you go there, brother, I suggest you pretend to be a disguise, or you will be discovered by Kinmen. At that time, Huahai is bound to bring a large number of strong people to encircle. "

"Well, then I'll disguise myself."

He Feng nodded, "by the way, let's have lunch first. You are familiar with Nanjin city. Do you know any delicious restaurants nearby?"

"Of course, there are all kinds of cuisines in Nanjin City, and there is a restaurant called Nanjin stall near us, which is very famous and often full, even if the consumption is very high there." Canglang said: "in addition to Nanjin small stalls, there are some other restaurants are also good."

Ling Weiyu's beautiful eyes brightened, "is there a Nanjin stall here? Brother Xiaofeng, let's go to this restaurant. I've heard friends say before that there are many delicious dishes in this restaurant. It's rare to come here once. We have to try them anyway. "

"Well, since you like Xiaoyu, let's go to Nanjin stall."

He Feng said with a smile.

"Yeah, brother Xiaofeng is so nice." Ling Weiyu said with a playful smile.

Immediately, three people out of the coffee shop, not far away to Touareg.


Nanjinshi military region is located in the suburb of nanjinshi, which is quite far from the urban area. When Chu Yue and Zhou Hui arrived here, it was almost noon.

"Yueyue, when you go back to the military area this time, do you want to carry out any action?"

After driving into the military area command, Zhou Hui inquired curiously.

All the way, they were chatting, not talking about the reason why Chu Yue returned to nanjinshi military region this time.

"Don't you know?" Chu Yue asked in reverse.

Zhou Hui shook his head. "I'm not very clear about the details, but it seems that something big is going to happen. The company leader is personally involved, and he also tells us all to stay in the military region and be on standby at any time."

Chu Yue said, "in fact, I don't know anything. It was staff officer Ma who told me to go back to the military region."

"Oh, all right."

Zhou Hui didn't feel disappointed, because Chu Yue's answer was in fact expected by him, "by the way, if nothing happens at night, I'll shout out Jingke and Huang Qisheng, and let's all rub together?"

He wants to have a meal with Chu Yue, but if he is alone, he knows that Chu Yue will not agree, and he has no courage to speak, so he can only pull up Jing Ke, Huang Qisheng and others.

Chu Yue shook her head and said, "next time, I'm sure I don't have time tonight. Two friends who came with me from Jiangbin city are not familiar with Nanjin city. I have to be a guide for them. Of course, if we have time in the evening, we may have to continue to carry out the task in the evening. "

"That's fine!"

He Feng's figure came to mind, and Zhou Hui's eyes were cold.

That man, He De He Neng, seems to get the favor of Yueyue, even Yueyue's head dare to touch.

After a while, I have time. I must make a good investigation. Who is that man.

Although it's noon now, there are still many teams training in the military region, and all kinds of slogans are constantly ringing. Chu Yue looks at these scenes outside the window, and inevitably misses her military career.

"But I'm happier with He Feng on the riverside."

Chuyue's mouth raised a sweet smile.

Zhou Hui, who was driving, noticed the scene and frowned slightly.

Is Yueyue thinking of that man?

A few minutes later, the car stopped in front of an office building. Zhou Hui took Chu Yue to an office and knocked on the door.

"Come in, please A middle-aged man's hard voice came from the office.

Zhou Hui opened the door and said, "Captain, Yueyue is back."

Sitting in the office is a middle-aged man in his forties. He has a strong body and clear eyes. Obviously, he is not an ordinary man.

He is the leader of the wolf team, Wu Shulin.

"Captain!" Chu Yue also opened her mouth to shout, with a trace of respect..

In the past, when she was in the wolf team, Wu Shulin took care of her. Although it was because of her identity, she was still respected by Chu Yue.

"Yueyue, I'll take you to see Mr. Ma, who is waiting for you in his office at the moment." Wu Shulin quickly stood up and walked to Chu Yue. His rather stiff face also showed a smile at this moment.

"All right!" Chu Yue nods and follows Wu Shulin to leave.

As for Zhou Hui, he did not follow him any more and returned directly.

"Yueyue, are you still used to living in Jiangbin? It's a lot easier to go to a place, isn't it? "

Wu Shulin is taking Chu Yue upstairs and caring about her life.

Chu Yue said with a smile, "Captain, there are no big cases in Jiangbin City, and there are few ancient warriors. It's very difficult for me to encounter big cases there. The dangers I encountered in the army in the past can hardly be encountered there."

There is no atmosphere of ancient martial arts in Jiangbin city. On the surface, the strongest ones are only those in the early Ming Dynasty. Only in the martial arts association can there be those in the middle Ming Dynasty, but it is difficult to threaten the police with guns.

Because of these, Chu Yue was sent to Jiangbin City, which was much safer.

Although Chu Yue strongly opposed it at that time, because she thought it was not challenging to go to Jiangbin city

"Eh, didn't you strongly oppose going to Jiangbin city before? How do you think you are now in a state of love with this city? Is it hard to find your right one over there? "

Wu Shulin heard Chu Yue's reply and looked at her in surprise.

"Captain, what do you say? I'm thinking about how to improve my fighting ability and computer technology. How can I think about falling in love?" Chu Yue says in a hurry, she doesn't want to reveal the relationship with He Feng.

"Ha ha, after seeing Jing Ke and Huang Qisheng in the army, don't you like the men in Jiangbin city?" Wu Shulin joked.

In the past, when Chu Yue was in the army, he would occasionally joke with Chu Yue, let alone now that Chu Yue had left the army, he would no longer have the authority of his former superior, and even talk with a serious expression.

Don't like the men in Jiangbin?

Chu Yue blinked

Although Jing Ke and Huang Qisheng are excellent, he Feng is not inferior to them.

The key is that he Feng is much more interesting than Jing Ke and Huang Qisheng. She will feel relaxed with He Feng.

See Chu month didn't answer, Wu Shu Lin also didn't say anything more, because at this moment two people have come to an office.

"Dong Dong!"

Wu Shulin stepped forward and knocked on the door.


The door was opened, and a middle-aged man came out. It was Ma Hong, the military region's staff officer, and Chu Yue's uncle. "Yue Yue, you're finally here. Are you tired? Do you want to have a rest?"

"Uncle, I'm not tired. Tell me what you're going to do today." Chu Yue said.

"OK, let's go in." Mahong nodded, and immediately looked at Wu Shulin, "Lao Wu, you go to do your work first, let your people get ready."

"OK, you can talk."

Wu Shulin nodded and left.

Mahong and Chu Yue enter the office. After closing the door, Mahong does not immediately talk about work. Instead, he looks at Chu Yue with a smile, "Yueyue girl, tell me honestly, where are you going with He Feng?"

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