
Chu Yue stares big eyes and looks at Ma Hong in disbelief.

Is it difficult, uncle already knows his relationship with He Feng?


His relationship with He Feng, few people know, and know people can not reveal.

Uncle is testing himself!

"Uncle, what are you talking about? Didn't I tell you yesterday that he Feng is married, and his wife is my best friend and sister Wang Xiangyun. We are just friends." Chu month hastened to explain, for fear of exposing what.

She is not sure what kind of attitude her uncle would have if he knew the relationship between him and he Feng, so she doesn't want to disclose it.

"Ordinary friends? Ha ha, if you are a common friend, you just won't be this kind of reaction. "

Mahong Chuyue's shoulder was patted with a smile. "Yueyue, I'm not afraid to tell you frankly that your parents and your grandfather may object when they know about you and he Feng, but your uncle and I support you very much."

"Er... Uncle, I don't know what you're talking about."

Chu month a Leng, deeply saw Ma Hong one eye, still don't want to admit.

Her relationship with He Feng is very important. It involves not only the forces behind her, but also the Wangs in Nanjin city.

Maybe, it will bring great trouble to He Feng.

"Uncle, you'd better talk to me about your work." Chu Yue directly changed the topic.

"Well, it seems that I didn't catch you at the scene. You girl won't admit it. Your mouth is really hard."

Mahong sighed helplessly. He didn't ask Chu Yue about the relationship with He Feng. He just asked, "Yue Yue, you should know about the event that happened in Jiangbin city last night?"

"Uncle refers to the destruction of the Lu family?"

"Yes! The Lu family is not simple. They set up a film group, the main purpose of which is to cut off the backbone talents of our country. Fortunately, they were noticed by the Dragon Guard Team and brought it to the end in one pot. "

Mahone nodded.

"What? Why do they want to cut off the pillars and talents of our country? " Chu month doubts of ask a way.

"Because the ancestors of this group had a war with China. Therefore, they have created such a force to weaken the power of China. "

Ma Hong told Chu Yue about the pavilion.

"In the kingdom of China, there is still such a force?"

After hearing Ma Hong's story, Chu Yue can't help wrinkling her eyebrows.

"Yes, the country has long wanted to eradicate this force completely, but they are scattered in all parts of China, just like fishbones in the throat, pulling out one and another, even one more when you don't know. Not only that, they may also be involved in our country's high-level and even secret organizations, such as Lu Xixian of the Lu family, who became the mayor of Jiangbin city. "

Ma Hong said in a low voice: "but this time, the upper authorities have already given us instructions. Let's try our best to eradicate the power of mieshen Pavilion in Nanjin City, and provide us with clues. Even Xu Huai is contacted by the upper authorities. Speaking of Xu Huai, he seems to be your idol, right? I'll take you to see him now? In addition to Xu Huai, there are two more powerful hackers. At that time, you can learn more from them. At the same time, he has accumulated some experience in dealing with the mieshen Pavilion. "

The purpose of Mahong's calling Chu Yue back to the military area is to give her more insight.

And this time, the Dragon Guard and wolf team are working together, so the risk factor must be very low.

"Well, uncle, take me to see them. But uncle, my idol now is no longer Xu Huai. " Chu Yue said.

"Not Xu Huai? Who is that? In China, there are people who have more computer skills than Xu Huai? " Ma Hong's surprised way.

"Well, there is one. I don't know if this man is in China now." Chu Yue nodded.

"Who?" Mahone is more curious.

"His name is dragon! Uncle, you should have heard of that? "

"Dragon? Which dragon

Mahone frowned and didn't react.

"That's the one who was attacked by many hackers called by the United States six months ago. At that time, he defeated many top hackers and finally became the number one hacker in the world?"

"You mean the dragon is a Chinese?"


Chu Yue nodded and said, "so from now on, Xu Huai is no longer my idol, but the dragon is. In the field of hackers, I'm afraid no one can compete with dragon. And the dragon is the pride of our country. Of course, he is my idol. "

"Yueyue, who told you that this dragon is from China?" Mahong is staring at Chu Yue, tone is a little dignified.

"Ah? He Feng told me that he had lived abroad for a long time before. His friends abroad told him that Chu Yue didn't hide this.

"Oh, I just heard about it."

Mahong laughed and said nothing more.

"Uncle, why don't you seem to believe it?" Chu Yue looks at Ma Hong in doubt.

"Of course I don't believe it. After all, it's just a rumor."

Ma Hong said with a smile: "you may not know that Mr. dragon is not only a top hacker, but also the king of the foreign underground world. He broke into the nickname of" butcher "and has 80000 dead souls. His strength is appalling. Of course, many people and forces he has offended, even some countries, want to get rid of him. Among them, you just said, "the United States."

"Dragon he... Is he really so strong? Is it the king of the underground world abroad? "

Chu Yue was shocked, as if listening to a legend, and her pretty face was full of fascination.

What kind of personage is it that can make countless forces and countries want to eradicate, even the United States has started?

"Yes, his growth is a legend. It is said that he started to roam nearly ten years ago, and then set up the Dragon mercenary regiment. It took only more than ten years to make the Dragon mercenary regiment one of the only three S-class mercenary regiments in the world. Now he has become a myth of a generation. "

It was by chance that Mahong was able to hear the story of the dragon. At that time, he didn't believe it at all.

How can there be such a legendary figure in this world?

It's only been more than ten years since it was born, can it become a myth?

If it had been so easy to become a myth, it would have gone everywhere in the world.

After all, even for great powers like China and the United States, myth is like a super bomb, a weapon that can frighten all sides.

Even for some small countries, a myth is that dinghaishen needle is the pillar of the country.

The rise of this kind of character often needs a hundred years of precipitation. I have never heard of anyone who can achieve the myth in more than ten years.

Later, Ma Hong chatted with an elder who was close to him. He just learned that the rumor was true.

Even the legendary dragon is more terrible than the legend.

"Is the Dragon so powerful? I thought he was just a powerful hacker, and I don't know if he has the honor of seeing the dragon with his own eyes. " Chu Yue's heart is full of infinite yearning.

Mahong said with a bitter smile: "where are we qualified to see the legendary characters? However, because it is a legend, people in many countries say that the dragon is a member of their country for the sake of honor. It's not just the people of China, including Japan, the United States and France. They have all said that the dragon is a member of their country. In particular, he said, "the dragon is the mythical person of his country. Sooner or later, he will return to his country and help him rule the world."


Chu Yue couldn't help laughing, "they are also mythical people. Why don't they say that the whole earth belongs to them?"

"Ha ha, they are so virtuous that no one cares what they say."

Mahong light smile, "however, this is enough to show that the dragon is not necessarily our Chinese."

Chu Yue pondered a little, shook her head and said, "uncle, I still think that the dragon is likely to be from China."

"Oh? How can you have this intuition? " Mahone asked.

"Hee hee, as you said, it's intuition." Chu Yue said with a smile: "well, let's not talk about the dragon. Although the dragon is powerful, it's too far away from us. Let's meet Xu Huai first. Although Xu Huai is no longer my idol, his computer technology is really powerful. I really want to learn from him. "

"Let's go, but they should be eating in the canteen now. Haven't you had lunch yet? Let's go to the canteen together. " Mahone road.


Immediately, the two went to the canteen together.

They go to the canteen, of course, is not an ordinary canteen, but special forces and military leaders are qualified to go.

The canteen has better food and better environment.

At this time in the canteen, there are many people are eating.

As soon as Mahong and Chu Yue came in, many of them looked at Chu Yue one after another.

One of them is Zhou Hui!

In addition to Zhou Hui, there are other members of the wolf team, as well as many other special forces. They all know Chu Yue, because Chu Yue used to be a military flower of the Nanjin military region.

At ordinary times, they would say hello to Chu Yue, but now that Chu Yue and Ma Hong are walking together, few of them dare to say anything. Ma Hong is their leader, and few of them are higher than him in the Nanjin military region.

On the opposite side of Zhou Hui, there were two young people sitting. One of them looked indifferent, as if he didn't care about anything. Even if Chu Yue came, he just looked up and continued to eat.

Another person, also looking at Chu Yue, looked back a moment later and asked Zhou Hui, "Zhou Hui, is what you said true? Is there a man who dares to touch Yueyue's head, but Yueyue doesn't resist? "

"Jingke, why do I cheat you? In addition, I have made it clear that the man's name is He Feng, but he is married. " Zhou Hui sneered.

Previously, after Chu Yue left with Wu Shulin, he contacted people to investigate He Feng. He found almost everything he Feng didn't deliberately hide.

"Married? Now that you are married, why are you so close to Yueyue? " Jing Ke is not happy.

Zhou Hui sneered: "it's more than intimacy with Yueyue. According to my investigation, in addition to his wife, there are several women around him, and their relationship is not clear to him. That he Feng, is a big turnip, don't know how many boats. Yueyue is just one of the boats. "

Jingke's face suddenly became gloomy. "This bastard, isn't it bad for Yueyue's reputation?"

Zhou Hui said: "maybe he has something to rely on, because according to my investigation, he seems to be a horizontal practitioner, and his strength is likely to reach the double level of physical training."

"When this task is finished, let's go to him." Jing Ke squinted.

"Call me then."

The young man sitting next to Jing Ke also spoke with a cold voice.

"Well, Jingke and Qisheng, if you come out with me, I believe that he Feng will never dare to provoke Yueyue again." There was a smile on Zhou Hui's face.

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