He Feng and others were ready to take the elevator to leave after eating. However, because of the huge flow of people in the shopping mall, the elevator had to wait for a long time, so they took the escalator to go downstairs. By the way, they went shopping and bought some things.

After all, girls generally like shopping. When Ling Weiyu was in financial difficulties, she couldn't go shopping. Now that she has money, he Feng wants to take her shopping more and buy some luxury goods.

Originally, Ling Weiyu was resistant to luxury goods, but when she found that she wore some luxury goods, she had a better temperament and looked more attractive, so she agreed to buy them.

He became more beautiful, Xiaofeng brother will certainly like himself more.

And the woman around him in order not to let Xiaofeng brother stick to himself all day long, will certainly be better and better to Xiaofeng brother.

After half an hour in the shopping mall, he Feng didn't see Mi Xingliang, so they left directly and let Canglang drive them to Mingfei pharmacy.


Cang Lang stopped the car steadily, and three people got off immediately.

"Brother Feng, this should be Mingfei pharmacy." Canglang pointed to a set of buildings in front of him and looked around curiously.

This area is relatively remote, the surrounding business atmosphere is very light, there are no shops, there are no office buildings, but the environment is good, not far away there is a high-end villa area, which is obviously a gathering place of local tyrants.

Right in front of them is a three story building. On the first floor is a drugstore. On the plaque, there are five gold-plated characters: "Mingfei Drugstore", which is very imposing.

"Let's go and have a look."

He Feng looked at it from a distance. He felt that the pharmacy was not the same as the ordinary pharmacy. He was also curious and went to the pharmacy.

Just entered the Ming Fei pharmacy, he Feng's brow can't help picking slightly.

This pharmacy is really different from other pharmacies outside. Most of the medicinal materials sold here are traditional Chinese medicine. At least he Feng didn't see any Western medicine at a glance.

And the most important things on the surface are quite expensive, such as safflower, ginseng, velvet antler, seahorse, musk, Gastrodia elata, Cordyceps sinensis and so on

The above price, written very clearly, in grams as the unit of measurement, the cheapest have reached a few hundred.

More than gold!

Such an expensive store, of course, there are no customers, at least now in addition to the three He Feng, there is no fourth customer in the store.

There are three staff members in the shop, two men and one woman. One of them is in his thirties. After they look at He Feng and others, they frown and disdain. Obviously, they think he Feng and others are dressed in ordinary clothes. They are certainly not rich owners and can't afford to buy things in the shop.

However, adhering to the principle that customers are God, they did not expel, but also did not mean to receive.

However, another young male staff member, who looked like he Feng and others, came to meet him, "three, what do you want to buy, please?"

This man looks simple and honest, tall, wearing a white coat, very friendly.

"Ha ha, let's just look around."

He Feng said with a smile, friendly attitude.

This Mingfei pharmacy is obviously not an ordinary pharmacy. It is not only the price of the drugs sold, but also the three staff members.

Although they didn't release their inner strength, he Feng could still see at a glance that they were all genuine ancient warriors.

"OK, you see first. Call me if you need anything."

Liu Zhibin, a young staff member, nodded politely, but he didn't leave directly. He just stood near He Feng and others.

This scene was naturally seen by the other two staff members sitting at the counter. They looked at Liu Zhibin with disdain in their eyes. Didn't he find that those people were poor and couldn't afford it at all. It was a waste of time to entertain them!

I don't know how he passed the examination of the person in charge above.

Is it because he was young that he cultivated his inner strength?

For these, he Feng didn't notice, even if he did, he wouldn't care. Now he is leading Ling Weiyu around.

"Brother Feng, what are those things? Why is it so expensive? "

At this time, Ling Weiyu seems to have seen something incredible. He Feng asks him in a low voice: "what are the gold and silver grass, the green light bark, the cloud smoke branch and so on? I haven't heard of them. They are sold for thousands of yuan a gram?"

Yes, it's not hundreds of dollars, but thousands of dollars a gram. The price is more than ten times that of gold!

This is not what Ling Weiyu can understand.

"Feather, these things are top class elixirs, and the price is certainly not low." He Feng chuckled.

Although everything is put in the glass cabinet, he Feng can still feel the smell of these elixirs, and can even infer their efficacy.

For example, jinyincao, if people with liver diseases, use jinyincao treatment, the effect is very good.

Qingguang bark, can be used for health, can also be used as food seasoning.

Yunyanzhi, stewed soup, has the effect of refreshing and brain nourishing.

It is said that Cordyceps sinensis is the holy medicine, but these elixirs that ordinary people have never heard of are far more effective than Cordyceps sinensis.

Of course, the price is much higher than Cordyceps sinensis, even ordinary people don't know where to sell it.

In addition to these, there are many other panacea.

Ling Weiyu even saw more than 10000 yuan per gram, which completely advanced her three concepts.

Cang Lang is also a fool!

But he Feng, after feeling the general efficacy of several herbs, was still a little uncertain, so he waved to the honest young man, "Hello!"

"Hello, sir. What's the problem?" Liu Zhibin quickly came over and asked with a smile.

"I'm not sure about the efficacy of several herbs you have here, so I'd like to consult you." He Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, sir. Do you want to know the efficacy of that elixir?"

Liu Zhibin nodded, with a kind tone.

This scene, of course, made the other two staff extremely contemptuous.

waste time!

"I want to know the effect of the fruit and the flower." He Feng points to two kinds of effective medicine to ask a way.

He can feel the strong power of these two kinds of elixirs, but because he has not taken them, he is not very clear.

In the past, he would occasionally take some pills abroad, but they were all pills that he needed, which he could make at his own will.

Therefore, he only cares about the use and efficacy of pills, and never asks about the ingredients of pills. So now when he sees these miraculous pills, he just feels a little familiar with them.

One side of Ling Weiyu looked at He Feng said these two kinds of elixir, opened his mouth, but still bear not to say.

The reason is very simple, the price is too scary.

The fruit is 881 grams.

It's 9991 grams.

What is sky high price!

This is the sky high price!

As for Canglang, although I've heard that it's expensive to sell special drugs such as miraculous drugs, I didn't expect it would be so expensive. It's also a shock.

Really, I can't bear to look directly at it!

"I don't even know the efficacy of the elixir. What's the point of wasting the staff's time here? Anyway, you can't afford it. You'd better leave directly to save our real customers' time. "

Just then, two men came in. They were all young men. They were well-dressed, with extraordinary temperament and sharp eyes. They were not ordinary people.

These are two ancient warriors!

Mingfei pharmacy is not well-known. Ordinary people will not patronize it, because after they come once, they will not come again.

Apart from local tyrants, there is only one kind of people who can come here for consumption.

Ancient warrior!

There are many miraculous medicines here, which are of great help to the cultivation of ancient martial arts.

"Oh, is Huang Er Shao and Wei San Shao here? What are you going to buy today? "

As soon as they came in, the other two staff members came to treat him. Their attitude was not so warm, which was different from the coldness of He Feng.

"Ha ha, let's see if we have any new products first."

Huang Yuejin said with a faint smile, chin slightly raised, with a trace of pride.

"There are no new products, but the fruits, the flowers and the grass have increased the stock." Chen Fang, a female staff member, was not dissatisfied with Huang Yuejin's attitude. Instead, she was smiling.

"Is it?"

Hearing that there were no new products coming, Huang Yuejin was a little disappointed, but he was psychologically prepared and continued to ask, "this time, there are a lot of stocks?"

"Yes, because there is a large demand for these three kinds of panacea, our headquarters will allocate a batch to us every week." Chen Fang nodded.

"Wei Ran, how much do you think we should buy this time?" Huang Yuejin looked at his companion and asked.

They have a good relationship. They usually practice martial arts together and occasionally go out to relax and have fun together.

This time, they are going to practice together. They use the little money left from the family last month to buy a batch of elixirs, hoping to break through the realm successfully.

However, Huang Yuejin found that his companion Wei Ran seemed to be distracted at the moment

Staring at a girl distracted.

He can't help looking at Wei Ran's eyes. He finds that Wei Ran is staring at He Feng.

Behind he Feng, there is a beautiful woman with the best appearance. Even if she doesn't dress up, she doesn't look so luxurious, but her temperament is very outstanding.

In Nanjin City, they usually don't see this kind of top-notch beauty, and don't even think about playing at night.

"Brother Huang, don't worry."

Wei Ran looks very handsome and young. He is twenty-eight or twenty-nine years old. Because he often flirts with his younger sister, his clothes are very fashionable. Now he looks at Ling Weiyu and his eyes are shining. He says to Ling Weiyu, "Hello, beauty. My name is Wei Ran. This is my famous movie."

With that, he took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Ling Weiyu.

Now he Feng is next to him. Naturally, Ling Weiyu can't pick up his business card. Otherwise, brother Xiao Feng is not happy. What should he do?

No matter how stupid she is, she can feel that the other party obviously wants to soak her. Can she be happy to receive a business card at this time?

But the other side's attitude is polite. Ling Weiyu really can't think of any reason not to take the business card for a while.


Ling Weiyu faintly replied.

And then

Then there's no more.

Since you can't think of a reason, you don't need one.

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