
Wei Ran can't help but be confused. This is the first time that he has been refused to tease his sister, and the other party hasn't even answered his business card.


It's not that I didn't answer, it's that I didn't even look at it.

You know, the introduction of his identity on his business card is quite bluffing.

A director of a listed company.

Even if it's just a false name, it's quite a bluff.

He didn't know how many girls he had been successful with just relying on the business card.

But Ling Weiyu's attitude is very obvious. He has to put away his business card, but he is more determined to conquer the girl in front of him.

"Beauty, do you want to buy the medicinal materials here? I don't know what you want to buy. If the quantity is not too large, I can buy a few grams for you. "

Wei Ran said with a smile that he was not angry because of Ling Weiyu's indifference. He was very generous.

Can't you be generous? One gram of the most expensive elixir here is worth more than ten thousand yuan, but he said he would buy a few grams for Ling Weiyu, which is tens of thousands of yuan.

But Ling Weiyu is still indifferent, "thank you, no!"

"Little feather, is there any panacea you know? If there's anything you want to buy, I'll buy a few grams for you?" At this time, one side of He Feng said, tone with Wei burning almost.

"Brother Xiaofeng, I don't know much about the things here, so you don't have to give them to me." Ling Weiyu shakes his head with a smile, but his tone is totally different from that of Wei Ran.

This makes Wei Ran's face a little bit ugly, but seeing Ling Weiyu also seems to refuse He Feng, he is still very comfortable in his heart.

What if you look close?

Isn't it rejected?

This shows that I still have a chance.

However, Ling Weiyu's next sentence made him feel like vomiting blood.

"I've never heard of the flowers and plants here, and I don't understand them at all. Brother Xiaofeng, if you want to send me something, you can send me a bunch of other flowers later, such as roses. " Ling Weiyu said with a smile.

"Well, I'll give it to you later."

He Feng nodded and agreed.

Women's demands are not excessive at all.

Seeing this, Wei Ran was still a little reluctant and continued: "beauty, how much can a rose be worth? Or I'll give you a few grams of amorous flowers, which should be given to beautiful women. "

"No need!" Ling Weiyu refused very simply, and his face even showed obvious impatience.

"Beauty, don't be in a hurry to refuse. This amorous flower is not an ordinary flower. One gram is worth more than 12000."

Wei Ran thought that Ling Weiyu didn't know the efficacy of amorous flower, and immediately explained, "if ordinary people eat this amorous flower, it will make their mind more concentrated, which is of great help to the diffusion of thinking, especially for those who have never taken it, if they take five or six grams continuously, it will have a certain effect. Of course, if you want to have obvious effect, you still need to take it for a long time. But you can rest assured that if we can become friends, I can often send you amorous flowers in the future, so that one gram a day is not a problem. "

One gram a day is nearly four million a year.

Even Huang Yuejin was surprised.

In order to get Ling Weiyu, Wei Ran is willing to pay for it.

"I said," are you bored? If the effect is so good, I won't buy it myself? "

Ling Weiyu finally can't help but get angry. He says directly to Wei Ran: "can you stop talking to me? I have a boyfriend."

Said, she also intentionally hugged He Feng's arm in public, is very intimate.

Wei Ran's eyes narrowed slightly

He had already guessed that they might be lovers, but Ling Weiyu didn't give himself face by doing so in public, did he?

How disobedient!

When you lift her up and get her to bed, you must teach her a lesson.

It's true that Wei Ran has a lot of perseverance, but he still doesn't want to give up.

"Beauty, if you think about it, he is not qualified to be your boyfriend." Wei Ran smiles and continues to pester.

Although he didn't intend to give up, he also had to consider the problem of face. After all, he was a child of the Wei family.

"Wei Ran, shall we go shopping first?" Huang Yuejin came to Wei Ran's ear and asked in a low voice.

"Well, good!"

Wei Shao nodded, and then said to Chen Fang, "Chen Fang, help me take ten grams of Lianjin flower and ten grams of Shengli fruit first."

"Wei Shao, now we have just bought a batch of goods. If this batch is sold out, the next batch will have to wait about a month." Chen Fang reminds with a smile that she hopes Wei can buy more.

"No, that's all."

Wei Ran was not moved.

His family only gives him 300000 or 400000 yuan a month, and there is only one dividend at the end of the year. Now he has little money left, so he is going to buy some first.

If you can't make a breakthrough, wait for the next batch of monthly money from the family in two days, and then buy more.

"I want the same weight."

Huang Yuejin said.

"All right!" Chen Fang nodded, immediately took the computer to calculate, said: "a total of 169 998."

"Swipe the card!"

Wei Ran and Huang Yuejin took out their bank cards one after another.

Then, Wei Ran looked at Ling Weiyu again, "beauty, I'm ready to pay. Don't you think about it any more?"

This time, Ling Weiyu is too lazy to pay attention to him.

"Ha ha, it's really cold, but it's delicious. Ben Shao likes such a girl." Wei Ran chuckled and didn't mind.

He Feng is to look at Liu Zhibin, "handsome, you also discount here?"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

As soon as he Feng said this, Wei Ran laughed, and his voice was full of sarcasm? Is this your first visit to Mingfei pharmacy? It's a real bumpkin. "

Huang Yuejin, Chen Fang and others also look at He Feng with disdain.

It's really a bumpkin. I don't know.

He Feng frowned. This guy is so annoying.

It's a bit like a fly!

He wanted to slap it in the air.

Fortunately, Liu Zhibin soon began to explain, "Hello, sir. When Mingfei pharmacy opened, we applied for VIP cards for some familiar friends. VIP cards can be discounted. There are two kinds of VIP cards, one is silver card, the other is gold card, 10% off for silver card and 20% off for gold card. "

"No VIP card for outsiders?" He Feng asked.


Liu Zhibin continued to explain: "if you are an ordinary customer, if you spend more than 30 million at one time, you can get a 10% discount silver card. Gold card, you need a one-time consumption of more than 100 million. "


He Feng after death of Cang Lang inverted a cold breath.

Even Ling Weiyu frowned.

The conditions for VIP cards are not so high.

Even if you have to spend more than 30 million yuan to get a VIP card, it's just a silver card. If you want a gold card, you have to spend more than 100 million yuan.

Who has enough to buy so many elixirs at one time?

Take it back for dinner?

"It's OK. I'll just ask."

After understanding the processing conditions of VIP card, he Feng just casually laughed, "now tell me about the effect of shengshengguo and lianjinhua."

Seeing that Wei Ran and Huang Yuejin both bought ten grams of fruit and flower, he is more and more curious about these two kinds of elixirs.

"All right!"

Liu Zhibin nodded, "shengxiguo is a kind of panacea that can make cells grow rapidly. For example, if you have a severe skin injury, you can use shengxiguo to make the injury heal quickly. "

"What's the help for the ancient warrior?" He Feng continued to ask.

"Er... Sir, are you sure you want to know this?" Liu Zhibin looks at He Feng in surprise.

Chen Fang sneered directly, "there's only one loser who cares about Gu Wu. However, I didn't expect that he even knew about the existence of the ancient warrior, and didn't know where he heard about it. "

Wei Ran shook his head and sighed, "the world of the ancient warrior is too far away from you. You'd better not know what you shouldn't know. It's not good for you."

He Feng did not look at them, "sure, say it."


Aware of He Feng's dissatisfaction, Liu Zhibin apologized for his recent gaffe, and then said, "if Gu Wu takes shengxiguo, his internal strength will become extremely active, and the running speed will reach more than three times of the normal speed. If you use lianjinhua at this time, it will be more helpful to break the situation. Because refining strength flower can make inner strength more vigorous and pure. However, if you want to have an obvious effect, you need to take at least three grams of it. The higher your accomplishments are, the more you need to take it. Otherwise, the effect will be very weak. Of course, even if you take shengxiguo and lianjinhua, you may not be able to break the situation successfully, but it will slightly increase the probability of breaking the situation. "

"It's really a good thing that it can improve the probability of breaking the boundary."

He Feng's eyes brightened.

When he practiced in the past, he often encountered bottlenecks. Every time, he broke through the realm on the edge of life and death, and rarely used external forces. Therefore, he was not very clear about the existence of this kind of elixir.

I didn't expect that this kind of elixir that can help break the border was sold in the market.

If I had known about it, I would have broken through to the true Qi?

If people who know him know his idea, I'm afraid he will have the impulse to beat him.

Nima, only 27 years old, has become a myth and legend of true Qi. How fast do you want to go?

Do you want anyone else to live?

"Liu Zhibin, why do you tell an ordinary person about the affairs of the ancient martial arts? The less common people know about anything about the ancient warrior, the better. You should be careful to blame you. " Chen Fang looked at Liu Zhibin unhappily and said that she had decided to go back and complain.

How can such a fool be qualified to work with her?

When there was no Liu Zhibin in the past, she and her other partner, when there were no customers, could live in a world of two, even close the door, and then have a good time.

But since Liu Zhibin was arranged to come here a few months ago, they have no such chance.

"Yes, Liu Zhibin, I don't think you understand the rules of our Mingfei pharmacy at all. For ordinary people, you can't introduce guwu circle. But you said so much today. What do you want to do? " Another staff member Zhang Chao said coldly.

"Brother Zhang, sister Chen, I didn't explain it because I saw this gentleman want to buy it."

Liu Zhibin frowned and didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

"Did you do something wrong and talk back? They want to buy it? Can they afford it? Even if they can afford a gram or two, they'll buy it home and use it as a band aid Chen Fang said angrily.

Wen Yan, Liu Zhibin didn't know what to say for a while.

Because Chen Fang is right. Let's not say whether he Feng can afford it. Even if he can afford it, if he is not an ancient warrior, it's really useless to buy it back.

And he Feng seems to be no different from ordinary people.

The only difference is

His girlfriend is more beautiful than ordinary people's girlfriends, no, it's a lot more beautiful, just like a goddess.

However, he Feng's answer, but let Liu Zhibin eyes a stare, "yes, I will buy home as a band aid, do you have any opinion?"

He Feng is not happy with this man named Chen Fang. He belittles and despises brother Feng. Does he really think brother Feng is a bully?

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