
He Feng this words a export, all around people Leng next.

Obviously, no one expected him to say that.

"Poof! Now people are really arrogant. "

Huang Yuejin was amused by He Feng's words and looked at Wei Ran, "brother Wei Ran, if you can find such a man as a boyfriend, I'm afraid she just has a good skin. Are you sure you want to spend a lot of money on it?"

"Of course not!"

Wei Ran chuckled. Of course, he wasn't ready to spend a lot of money, because he had decided that if the woman didn't know how to be funny, he would use strong.

"People like you who only talk big are not welcome in Mingfei pharmacy. Please go out."

He Feng was choking for a while, Chen Fang's face is not very good-looking, coldly issued a guest order.

"I came to your store to spend money, but you drove me away and told me I was boasting. If your boss is as good as you, your store won't be open for long."

He Feng shook his head and sighed. He didn't care about Chen Fang any more. He just looked at Liu Zhibin and said, "brother, how many fruits and flowers do you have here?"

"This..." Liu Zhibin opened his mouth and didn't know how to answer.

Even if the owner of the three great families came to Mingfei pharmacy, he seldom asked this kind of question.

He Feng didn't expect to ask them how much stock they had.

"Well, are you sent by some pharmacy to inquire about our secrets? I'll say it one last time. Get out of here. Otherwise, I'll just throw you out. "

Chen Fang snorted coldly.

Speaking, her body is also emitting a cold breath, shrouded in He Feng.

Mingjin middle stage!

The man who is looking at the store in Mingfei pharmacy is not weak.

This makes he Feng a little surprised. It seems that the background of Mingfei pharmacy is not simple.

After all, in guwu circle of Jiangbin City, the strongest people are only in the middle of Mingjin period. Now a shop keeper in Nanjin city has reached the middle of Mingjin period.

Although it's not an ordinary shop.

"This idiot, I don't know to leave early. Now I'm afraid I'll be thrown out." Wei Ran shook his head, but there was no sympathy in his eyes. On the contrary, he was full of interest waiting to see a good play.

As for Huang Yuejin, he doesn't even have the interest to see the play. He is brushing his circle of friends with his mobile phone.

"Ha ha, I'm very kind to talk to you. I want to do a business with you, but you are a shrew. You really want to be brother Feng, aren't you? Get out of here

He Feng drinks a light, on the body also sent out a huge prestige.

Of course, his coercion is not inner strength or genuine Qi, but the real coercion of a strong man.


As soon as Chen Fang's face changed, there was no reason for her to be afraid.

At this moment, she felt that she was facing a real strong man, and she was just like a mole ant. The other party could press her to death with a finger.

"Chen Fang, are you ok?"

Zhang Chao patted Chen Fang gently, in a confused tone.

Just now he Feng just so light drink, how oneself this lover seem to be scared?

He Feng's momentum is targeted. It's only aimed at Chen Fang. As for Zhang Chao and Wei Ran, they just feel that he Feng's voice is a little louder and his face is a little fierce. They can't feel anything else.

And he Feng so casual a light drink, let Chen Fang momentum collapse, this let them feel very puzzled.

"I, I'm fine..."

Chen Fang glanced at the people around, and found that Zhang Chao and others were very puzzled. They didn't seem to realize the terrible momentum just now.

Do you feel wrong?

Or did you have too much fun outside with Zhang Chao at noon today, causing you too tired and hallucinating?

"Chen Fang, are you not feeling well? In that case, I'll help you throw him out, and you won't waste your energy. "

Zhang Chao patted Chen Fang gently, and without waiting for Chen Fang's consent, he went straight to He Feng, reached for He Feng's shoulder and said, "boy, you roll for me."

Between the hands, the powerful internal force waves out from his body.

Mingjin middle stage!

His accomplishments are not inferior to those of Chen Fang.

"Alas! Some people are really killing themselves. "

"What an idiot!"

Huang Yuejin and Wei Ran shake their heads one after another.


At this time, a scream sounded, and a figure was immediately seen, which was thrown out of Mingfei pharmacy.

"Well? Something's wrong... "

Wei Ran and others are all ancient martial artists, and they are not ordinary ancient martial artists. Their accomplishments have reached the middle period of Ming Dynasty, so they soon notice something wrong.

Isn't Zhang Chao going to throw that loser out? Why is that loser still standing in the same place?

The loser is still in the same place. The one who was just thrown out


Chen Fang was the first to react. She ran to the drugstore and saw Zhang Chao lying on the ground. She couldn't get up for a moment. The corner of her mouth overflowed with blood, and her face was full of pain.

"Zhang Chao, are you ok?"

Chen Fang went up to help Zhang Chao.

"Don't move, it's broken, it's broken... I've broken a lot of bones." A face of pain, is Shen Yin constantly Zhang Chao see Chen Fang to help himself, quickly open his mouth and shout.

A voice, do not know is pulled to which part of the body, and pain up, scream unceasingly.

"A lot of broken bones?"

Zhang Chao's face is full of pain. It doesn't seem like a joke. Chen Fang's face turns black and stares at He Feng angrily.

Wei Ran and Huang Yuejin are also stunned, looking at He Feng in disbelief.

"What's the matter? Just now, I saw that Zhang Chao started. How could it be the one who was thrown out? Instead, it was Zhang Chao? "

"Not only that, Zhang Chao seems to be seriously injured, but just now I didn't see how he did it, and I didn't feel the fluctuation of internal strength."

Chen Fang went into the pharmacy, came to He Feng, and asked in a cold voice, "you rely on yourself as a powerful martial arts practitioner, so you run to our Mingfei pharmacy, don't you?"

She just did not notice the fluctuation of inner strength, so she concluded that he Feng must be a horizontal practitioner.

"I said, are you reasonable? It is clear that you insulted brother Xiaofeng first, and you are the first one to attack. Now you are weak, but it's OK to say that brother Xiaofeng is looking for trouble. Do you want to be shameless? "

Ling Weiyu's temper is still good, but he can't listen to it at this time. He directly points to Chen Fang and says, "brother Xiaofeng, if you're right, you're a shrew."

Once again scolded shrew, but also a yellow haired girl, Chen Fang where can stand?

He pointed at Ling Weiyu without hesitation and said angrily: "smelly girl, dare to talk to me like this, do you know who I am? Are you uneducated?"


As soon as the voice fell, Chen Fang felt a flash of dark shadow in front of her eyes. She didn't have time to make any response, so she felt a sharp pain on her face. Then a strong impact came, and she flew out directly.


After several turns in the air, he fell heavily on the ground and vomited a mouthful of blood mixed with broken teeth. Half of his face was swollen, like a big steamed bun.

"If you insult my girlfriend again, I will kill." He Feng's cold voice rang out.

He can allow others to scold him, but never allow anyone to scold the people around him.

He has been abandoned in Jule welfare home since he was a child, and he has no close relatives, so his friends are very important.

Not to mention Ling Weiyu, who grew up in a welfare home with him?

Ling Weiyu is not only his woman, but also his sister.

This is the scale of adversity!

If Chen Fang is not in China but abroad, she will not be slapped, but will be killed directly.

Rao is so, he Feng still keep Chen Fang in mind, if there is a suitable opportunity in the future, he will kill this person.

"What a speed, what a powerful force, what a terrible murderous spirit..." Huang Yuejin's pupils narrowed slightly. "Before, I thought he was just an ordinary loser. Unexpectedly, he was a fierce martial arts practitioner. He should have reached the triple level of physical training, right

"Damn, it's so hidden! When did such young horizontal practitioners appear in Nanjin city? What's the purpose of his coming to Nanjin city? " Wei Ran also frowned.

Then, they looked at each other and realized that things were in trouble. Then they nodded to each other secretly, raised their legs and walked out.

"Did I ask you to leave?"

Who knows, the voice of He Feng is to ring suddenly in their ear.

Two people have to stop, after all, he Feng's strength is slightly stronger than them, and even the people of Mingfei pharmacy dare to fight, they are still afraid.

Of course, it's not about He Feng's strength, but his "courage.".

They don't want to be beaten just like Chen Fang.

"Brother, I'm really sorry just now. We didn't mean to offend you. How about a misunderstanding?"

Wei Ran said at first, because it was because he wanted to soak Ling Weiyu. "By the way, this is my business card. At the same time, I'm a son of the Wei family in Nanjin city. My friend, Huang Yuejin, is a child of the Huang family. When we have time next time, shall we invite you to dinner with your girlfriend? "

This time, he took the initiative to introduce himself and Huang Yuejin's identity.

Children of the Wei family.

Children of Huang family.

As long as they live in Nanjin City, no one is unaware of these two forces.

For the major forces in Nanjin City, Canglang has told he Feng all the information he has investigated.

So he Feng heard that Wei Ran reported his family, but also knew their identity.

In Nanjin City, in addition to the three guwu families, Jinmen and dark Xutang, there are also guwu families with less than 100 years of inheritance. There are a total of seven of these families in Nanjin city.

Jiang family, Han family, Huang family, Liu family, Wei family, Wu family, Meng family.

It is said that the most powerful of these families have reached the level of master dark strength, and no one dares to provoke them.

This is the real guwu family!

If you take any one to Jiangbin City, you can easily unify the ancient WuJie of Jiangbin city.


He Feng didn't pay attention.

"If I remember correctly, you want to play with my girlfriend, and you want to smash it with money, right?"

He Feng looks at Wei Ran with indifference.

Without waiting for Wei Ran to answer, he Feng's eyes fell on Huang Yuejin again, "and you just said that my girlfriend just gave birth to a pair of good skin bags and despised her, right?"


Both wanted to explain.

He Feng did not give them a chance to speak, and continued: "now, I'll give you a chance to apologize."

While speaking, he exudes a trace of powerful power, and his pupils stare at them, making them feel a sense of danger.

Wei Ran and Huang Yuejin look at each other with anger in their eyes, unwilling to apologize.

But he Feng's eyes made them feel that if they refused to apologize, they were afraid that they would start.

And they did not have the slightest assurance that they could defeat he Feng, and they might be injured at that time.

"Well, I'll apologize first, and then I'll get revenge after I leave. At that time, he will be killed directly. Let's see how arrogant he is. "

Wei Ran's mind flashed this idea, and then showed a wry smile, as if to admit the general counsellor, said: "I'm sorry!"

Seeing this, Huang Yuejin had to follow: "I'm sorry!"

"Is it all right now?"

Wei Ran looks at He Feng and asks.

"Of course..."

He Feng chuckled, "no way!"

"What do you mean?" Wei Ran looks a little ugly.

"You asked us to apologize. We have already apologized. Why not?" Huang Yuejin's voice seemed very angry.

"I said to give you a chance to apologize, but did I say to let you stand and apologize?" He Feng indifferent way: "if you kneel down to apologize, and then kowtow a few ring head, then this matter is just."

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