"What..." Liu Zhibin opened his eyes wide and his face was inconceivable.

Wei Ran and others are also mouth smoke, obviously did not expect he Feng to buy so much, just they see he Feng's appearance, thought he Feng no money.

And even if you have money, you don't need to buy so much at one time, do you?

"Are you sure, sir?"

Liu Zhibin swallowed his saliva and tried to keep calm.

"Sure, but if I buy so much at one time, you'll have to get me a gold card and give me a 20% discount." He Feng said.

"If you really want to buy so much, sir, the total amount must be more than 100 million yuan. There is no problem in getting a gold card. But, sir, if you only use it by yourself, it's a bit wasteful to buy so much. Because the elixir also stresses the freshness. What we provide you now is also the freshest elixir. The fresher the elixir, the better the effect. But if you don't use it three months after you buy it, the freshness will drop, and the effect will be greatly reduced when you use it again. "

Liu Zhibin kindly reminded.

"No, I bought these elixirs, not for my own use, but for my friends. They will be used up in three months." He Feng said casually.

"For friends..."

Liu Zhibin was speechless. What a local tyrant he had to spend a hundred million yuan to buy so many elixirs that he just gave them to his friends and didn't use them. "OK, I'll contact the headquarters in a moment."

"Liu Zhibin, you don't even know his identity, so you agreed to make this appointment. In case he is a liar, can you bear the responsibility?"

At this time, Chen Fang cold mouth, "you have to understand, we Baiyun medicine hall, not everyone's business."

She said so, the main purpose is to take the opportunity to find out the identity of He Feng, and also want to destroy this business.

On the surface, they are here to see the store, but if the customer's purchase amount is large and the single transaction amount exceeds 10 million, they can get a 5% commission. Although it's rare to have a single transaction with a turnover of more than 10 million once a month, if there is one, the Commission will be picked up in vain.

The higher the amount of a single transaction, the higher the Commission.

If it exceeds 100 million yuan, it seems that the Commission is more than 10%, that is, over 10 million yuan.

How can Chen Fang not be jealous?

But what she said is quite reasonable, because Liu Zhibin does not know the identity of He Feng.

For a moment, Liu Zhibin looked at He Feng's eyes also some embarrassed.

"If you don't trust me, I can pay a deposit of 10 million in advance, and then pay the balance when I get the goods tomorrow."

He Feng is not embarrassed by Liu Zhibin and says with a smile.

"Thank you for your understanding. If you can pay 10 million down payment, it won't be a big problem to get the elixir tomorrow morning." Liu Zhibin burst into laughter.

Chen Fang's face is more ugly, red fruit fruit jealousy.

Why can the new comer get so much commission so soon?

"Well, swipe the card."

He Feng nodded and immediately looked at Ling Weiyu. "Little feather, brother Feng is bankrupt now. Please help me brush it."

"All right!" Ling Weiyu immediately took out his bank card, followed Liu Zhibin to the counter, brushed 10 million deposit, and took the receipt.

"I'll come back here at this time tomorrow. Is that ok?" He Feng looks at Liu Zhibin and asks.

"Of course, no problem. This is my business card. You can call me if you have any questions." Liu Zhibin gave he Feng and others a business card.

A moment later, he seemed to think of something and said, "Mr. man, we've made such a big deal. I still don't know your name."

"Ha ha, my name is He Feng."

He Feng does not hide, will say his name.

"He Feng?"

Although he Feng's answer is for Liu Zhibin, Wei Ran and others have written down the name.

Then they thought about it in their hearts, but they could not remember where they had heard the name.

It seems that not only Nanjin City, but also the whole Jiangshu province, has no family name of he, right?

In the whole area of China, the more famous he family seems to be only the he family in Yanjing

However, when they think of the he family in Yanjing, they don't hesitate to exclude it, even the branch of he family.

I can't help it. It's the royal family. How can they come to Nanjin city to buy a panacea?

What's more, he said that he had no money, so he wanted the women around him to pay!

He family's children, is there anyone who is so bad?

"Mr. He, it's like this. At six o'clock this evening, there will be an auction organized by the three medicine halls in Junlin hotel. If you are interested, you can go and have a look." Liu Zhibin said with a smile.

"Auction? What's on sale? " He Feng asks curiously.

Liu Zhibin laughed and explained: "ha ha, the auctions organized by the medicine hall are mainly related to miraculous drugs and elixirs. Occasionally, there are some martial arts and soldiers. Ordinary people are not qualified to participate in this kind of auction. Only those who have obtained the invitation cards of the three major pharmacies are qualified. If Mr. He is interested, I can give you an invitation card now. "

"Six o'clock, isn't it? OK, give me an invitation card first. I'll go and have a look when I have time He Feng did not agree to come down.

"OK, just a moment."

Liu Zhibin nodded, turned back to the counter and took out a gold-plated card with the address of the hotel and the contact number of the hotel manager.

"Thank you. I'll come back to you tomorrow."

With that, he Feng takes Ling Weiyu and walks out of the pharmacy.

But when he passed by Wei Ran and Huang Yuejin, his step was a little, "did you hear that just now? If you don't hear me clearly, I repeat, my name is He Feng, working in Jiangbin city. If you want revenge, I'm always welcome. Of course, if you retaliate, then I won't be as easy to speak as just now, and you have to bear the corresponding consequences. "

Finish saying, he Feng also doesn't wait for two people to reply, more ignore two people's ugly face, leave directly.

"This bastard is so arrogant that he really thinks he can compete with the Wei family and the Huang family?" Wei Ran clenched his fist and wanted to rush up and fight with He Feng now. He was too arrogant.

"Brother Wei, I'll call my father now and ask him to kill this son."

Huang Yuejin said in a cold voice, and then really took out the phone directly.

It can be seen that he really can't stand the humiliation and wants to kill He Feng immediately.

Seeing this, Wei Ran shook his head and said, "brother Huang, don't worry. He has just given his name and said that he works in Jiangbin city. Then we can directly investigate all his information. If he's just an ordinary casual practitioner, we'll invite the family experts to send out. It's a shame to spread it out. "

"Well, now I'll contact my friends in Jiangbin city to find out what this man named He Feng is from."

Huang Yuejin said.

"Well? Someone came in... "

At this time, Wei Ran's eyes looked out of the pharmacy.

Huang Yuejin and others also looked at it one after another, and found that a middle-aged man with ordinary appearance but extraordinary temperament walked in quickly.

In the middle-aged man, Wei Ran and others feel a familiar breath.

Ancient warrior!

That's right. Most of the people who come to Mingfei pharmacy are guwu people who come to buy miraculous drugs.

But what makes Wei Ran curious is that the middle-aged man seems to be coming straight to himself, which makes Wei Ran's face not very good-looking.

Just now, he was injured by He Feng, and he knelt down and kowtowed to apologize. This is a great shame. Someone might have seen it outside, so he doesn't want to see anyone now, but this person is coming towards him.

"Wei Shao!"

The middle-aged man came to Wei Ran, said hello with a smile, and then looked at Huang Yuejin, "Huang Shao!"

"What's the matter?" Wei Ran and Huang Yuejin's faces were ugly, and their eyes were cold.

If the other party dares to laugh at them directly, he will shoot them without hesitation.

"My name is Zhong Shi. I'm the gold medal bodyguard of Jinlong security group. I'm with Mr. Hua."

Zhong Shi first made a simple self introduction, and then continued: "I think you two should really want to know the identity of the person who just left?"

"The people of Kinmen? What do you mean by asking me this question? Do you know who he is? "

Wei Ran's tone is cold. He doesn't want to talk about what just happened. It's a shame.

Of course, if Zhong Shi really knows the information of He Feng, he still wants to know about it.

Zhong Shi nodded and said, "yes, because we, Mr. Hua, have launched all the contacts he can launch. We need to find this person. We Chinese adults are also on our way here. We must be here soon. As for the man just now, my man is driving behind him

"You haven't told me the identity of the man just now." Wei Ran just said coldly.

"I don't know his specific identity very well, but we Chinese people know it. Besides, we Chinese adults have a big grudge against this man. Just this morning, Huayang, the son of Mr. Hua, was abandoned and kidnapped by this man. " Said Zhong Shi.

"Well? He kidnapped Hua Hai's son? "

Wen Yan, Wei Ran's pupil shrinks, which is unexpected news.

Huang Yuejin also took a look at Wei Ran and sent him a signal.

"How long will it take for Huahai to arrive? How many people know what happened here? Have you ever told anyone else? " Wei Ran asked one after another.

"Wei Shao, don't worry, just outside are all our people in Jinmen, others who pass by are invited to Jinlong security group by us. As for what just happened here... "

Zhong Shi blinked, "I only saw he Feng come in, and then I went to contact Mr. Hua. When I returned, he Feng happened to leave. I don't know what happened in the pharmacy."

He's very smart and says he doesn't know what's going on here.

Otherwise, even if Wei Ran doesn't kill him immediately, there will be big trouble in the future.

"Well, how long will Huahai be here?" Wei Ran nodded with satisfaction.

"It's supposed to be there in a few minutes!" Zhong Shi said with a smile.

"Then I'll wait for him here." Wei Ran Dao.

"Wei Shao, please sit down. I'll help Zhang Chao deal with the injury first."

Chen Fang is to help Zhang Chao up, and then give him a panacea.

As for Liu Zhibin, they did not pay attention, only occasionally look at Liu Zhibin's eyes, but extremely cold.

This makes Liu Zhibin feel bitter. It seems that it is difficult for him to stay in Nanjin city in the future.

Just now he treated He Feng with great enthusiasm, which undoubtedly offended Wei Ran and Chen Fang to death.

"Doodle doodle..." suddenly, the mobile phone in Zhong Shi's pocket rang.

Zhong Shi takes out his mobile phone and looks at the caller ID. He finds that the caller is the one he arranged to track He Feng.

"Hello Zhong Shi answers the phone.

"Brother Zhong, the other party found me and lost me." There was a man's voice on the phone.

"Lost it?"

Zhong Shi frowned, disappointed, but didn't feel too surprised, "OK, I know."

Hung up the phone, Zhong Shi said nothing more, staring at the pharmacy outside, waiting quietly.

"Wei Shao, here comes Mr. Hua."

Before long, Zhong Shi's eyes brightened and he opened his mouth with a smile.

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