Wei Ran, Huang Yuejin and others look out one after another. As expected, they see Huahai coming with a group of people.

Zhong Shi Mou son a flash, hasten to come forward, then whispered a few words in Hua Hai ear.

"All right!"

Hua Hai nodded, walked into Mingfei pharmacy and said: "Wei Shao, Huang Shao, I heard my subordinates say that the man named He Feng also offended you? I don't know if you are interested. How about we work together to deal with him? "

"Together? How are you going to join hands? " Wei Ran was quite emotional, but he was calm on the surface and didn't show any inner thoughts.

"As far as I know, he Feng's strength has reached triple strength. I'm afraid it's hard to deal with him with my strength alone. Even if I add my friend Wang Wei, I'm not sure. Therefore, I contacted young master Jiang Guo of the Jiang family and young master Han Chong of the Han family, and they were ready to join hands with me. Of course, if Wei Ran and Huang Yuejin are willing to join our team, we will have a better grasp of him. "

Hua Hai said with a smile, "it doesn't matter if you don't want to."

"I want to know, how can Jiang Guo and Han Chong deal with He Feng?" Wei Ran asked suspiciously.

"The reason is very simple, because he Feng offended them to death. Not only Jiang Guo and Han Chong, but also mi Xingliang of the MI family may contribute. " Hua Hai said.

"Master Mi Xingliang?"

Wei Ran and Huang Yuejin both have the same eyebrows.

The MI family is the most powerful among the three ancient martial families.

If we can get closer to the rice family, it will be of great help to their future development.

"Well, we are willing to work together to deal with He Feng."

Wei Ran made a decision, "can you tell me now what he Feng is? I just heard him say, "it seems that he works in Jiangbin city?"

Hua Hai nodded and said, "yes, I am the head of the Finance Department of Yuncheng group. In addition, Wang Xiangyun, chairman of Yuncheng group, is his wife. "

"Minister? It's really just an ordinary office worker

Wei Ran frowned. A moment later, he reacted and exclaimed, "Wang Xiangyun? Which Wang Xiangyun? "

Hua Hai said, "naturally it belongs to the Wang family."

Wei Ran said: "he can marry the daughter of Wang Qing, the head of the Wang family. What's his background..."

Hua Hai didn't speak this time. He just looked at Wang Wei beside him.

Wang Wei said with a faint smile: "don't worry, I've asked a friend from the public security department to investigate. He Feng has no background at all. As for his marriage with Wang Xiangyun, I also heard from the Wang family. It is said that many senior members of the Wang family are extremely dissatisfied with the marriage, but it is said that Wang Qing's mother arranged it, and Wang Qing also supports it, so even if they are dissatisfied, they can't help it. But what is certain is that he Feng, even if we really kill him, even if he is his only backer, Wang family, will not come out to help him. "

"Asshole, I thought he really had a strong background. He dared to be so arrogant just now."

Wei Ran clenched his fist and his eyes were burning with anger.

He had previously seen he Feng show a strong fighting capacity, and young, thought he Feng behind may have a big force.

But I don't want to be alone.

"If I don't kill him myself, I will swear not to be a human being." Huang Yuejin's eyes narrowed.

"Wei Shao, Huang Shao, let's go home and take care of yourself. With the latest news from He Feng, I'll call you directly. "

Hua Hai suggested.

"Well, let's leave first and wait for your call. By the way, the man just gave he Feng an invitation card for the auction of Junlin hotel tonight. You can send someone to stare at it, and I will also pay attention to it. "

With that, Wei Ran and Huang Yuejin left directly.

As for Hua Hai, his eyes fell on Liu Zhibin.

Just before entering the pharmacy, Zhong Shi seemed to have only said a few words in his ear, but he gave him a brief account of all the things that happened in the pharmacy.

Chen Fang and Zhang Chao lose face on He Feng. He knows about Zhang Chao's serious injury.

Wei Ran and Huang Yuejin are easily defeated by He Feng, and they are forced to kneel down, kowtow and apologize. He knows.

Liu Zhibin sold 100 million elixir to He Feng and sent him an invitation card to Junlin hotel. He knows about it.

"If you do, I will be too lazy to deal with you. After all, you are still a member of Baiyun medicine hall. But now I can send you a message. Once you are expelled from Baiyun medicine hall, the first person who will kill you will definitely be Huahai. "

Hua Haisi made no secret of her intention to kill.

Of course, after saying this, he ignored the pale Liu Zhibin, walked towards Chen Fang and Zhang Chao, exchanged greetings for a while, and then left.

"Damn it, I do things seriously. Am I wrong? As an ancient martial artist, he should have devoted himself to improving his cultivation and asked, "why should there be so many disputes?" Liu Zhibin said angrily.

But when he noticed Chen Fang and Zhang Chao's face, he could only sigh helplessly.

It seems that this is the real ancient martial arts world.


"Brother Feng, the gang who just followed us should be from Jinmen. Just outside the pharmacy, I found them."

On Touareg's car, Canglang started the car and soon drove away, he said.

"Oh He Feng just nodded lightly.

"They may not be sure that we are in Nanjin City, so they are not well prepared. If we meet again next time, we will probably use trackers or even UAVs to track directly. Then it will be a little difficult for us to get rid of them. " Said Canglang.

"It's OK. Next time, there should be no need to shake them off. Now, we have to wait. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Ah? What does brother Feng want to wait for? " Cang Lang asked curiously.

Sitting beside he Feng, Ling Weiyu also looks at him curiously.

He Feng said with a light smile: "of course, we are waiting for other guwu families and ordinary guwu families to deal with me. In this way, I will have a chance to get more pills. "


Cang Lang Yanjiao mercilessly took out, maple elder brother is really the art expert brave?

"Brother Feng, there are three guwu families in Nanjin city. As for the ordinary guwu family, there are seven. In addition, the energy of Kinmen is also quite powerful. Shall we... Keep a low profile? " Cang Lang patiently reminded a, hope he Feng can come slowly.

He Feng serious way: "Canglang, in fact, I have been very low-key. Otherwise, I've already gone directly to Mi's house and Jinmen to rob pills now... "


The corner of Cang Lang's eye is pumping wildly.

For a moment, I didn't know how to reply.

It was Ling Weiyu who asked suspiciously, "why didn't you rob Xiaofeng directly?"

She knows he Feng's strength, so she certainly doesn't think he Feng doesn't dare. It must be for some other reason.

Cang Lang also listened carefully. He saw that he Feng seemed to be full of confidence from beginning to end. He didn't have any fear of guwu aristocratic family, so he thought that he Feng should be very strong, but he didn't know how strong he was.

"It's very simple. Now there are few guwu forces that offend me. I want to wait until I have to deal with more guwu forces."

He Feng pondered: "after all, I'm too strong. If I show my strong strength directly, they will not dare to fight me again."

"What?" Cang Lang is silly.

Is brother Feng really so powerful?

Or is he joking?

He subconsciously looked in the rearview mirror and found that he Feng was calm. Ling Weiyu was not surprised. He seemed to have known how powerful He Feng was.

Is it hard to be? Brother Feng's strength is so powerful that he can ignore the ancient martial world of Nanjin city.

However, there are countless experts in the ancient martial arts world of Nanjin city. All the dark gold masters add up to dozens. Can brother Feng deal with so many dark strength masters?

Isn't he the legendary master of Huajin?

If I remember correctly, brother Feng's age seems to be only 26 years old, right?

26 year old master Hua Jin?

"No, the reason why brother Feng can ignore the ancient martial world in Nanjin city is definitely not because of his strength, but because of his background. The origin of brother Feng is not so big. " Cang Lang had such an idea in his mind, and he thought it was quite possible.

Want to understand this point, Cang Lang is not too worried, and asked with a smile: "brother Feng, what forces do you have to wait for now?"

"Ling family, there is also a dark Xu hall, which is expected to deal with me. However, I'm a little tangled now. If the Ling family deals with me, should I let them go? " He Feng is in a bit of a dilemma. It seems that if such a guwu family with more than 100 years of inheritance wants to deal with him, it must be that guwu family, not him, that will be the last one to suffer.

For the Ling family, he Feng is not very cold.

But what we can't help is that Mr. Ling Xun of the Ling family is a person he Feng respects. He has risked his life to medicine and patients. He doesn't want to deal with the Ling family.

"Forget it, as long as the Ling family can be a little more interesting, let them go."

He Feng thought for a while in the heart, then also made a decision.

"Brother Feng, these ancient martial families in Nanjin city seem to be related to more powerful forces outside. If you deal with them, you have to be ready for second-hand work, dike a little, or leave yourself a way out. "

Cang Lang reminded: "I heard that the power behind them seems to be some more powerful family."

"Well, I see." He Feng nodded his head.

But Ling Weiyu suddenly asked curiously, "brother Xiaofeng, your cultivation is already very powerful. How can you buy so many elixirs? Moreover, we should go to other forces to get pills. These elixirs and pills are not for your own use, are they

He Feng nodded and said, "well, I can't use these things now. But I have two apprentices. They are already ancient martial arts practitioners, and a few friends are also practicing. I took Jiangbin city for them to use. "

"Is it for my sister-in-law?"

Ling Weiyu blinked.

He Feng said with a smile: "there are few of them, few of them are strong. Inner strength is not so easy to cultivate. Moreover, even if you cultivate inner strength, you may not be able to become a strong one in the future. In addition, even if I become a strong man, I'm not as strong as brother Feng. So, in fact, I don't want you to practice. It's better to do what you are good at and like. Anyway, brother Feng, I will protect you from any danger. "

When he said this, he was very serious and firm in his heart.

He must protect the women around him.

Although he may encounter an unknown crisis in a year, and the crisis is still very big, he firmly believes that he will be able to get through it.

For nothing else, with so many people he loves and loves, he will not allow himself to cross the barrier.

"Hee hee, then I will not practice."

Ling Weiyu feels he Feng's tenderness, smiles, and then asks, "brother Xiao Feng, where are we going now?"

He Feng looked at the time and said, "it's still early now. Why don't we just hang out in Nanjin city? Do you have any places you want to play? "

Ling Weiyu said with a small mouth, "I don't know much about Nanjin City, and I don't know where to go."

"Canglang, do you know Nanjin better? Do you recommend a place for fun? " He Feng looks at the waves.


Cang Lang was in a bit of a dilemma for a while. Although he stayed in Nanjin city for some time, he spent almost all day investigating the ancient martial arts circles in Nanjin city. Where would he pay attention to the interesting places?

"Well, I forgot that you came to work in Nanjin City, so I'll look on the Internet myself."

Say, he Feng takes out mobile phone, checked.

"Xiaoyu, there are many interesting places in Nanjin. Do you want to see any scenic spots?" He Feng will find the information to Ling Weiyu to see.

"Well, let me see."

Ling Weiyu took the mobile phone and looked at it. Soon he saw a scenic spot. As soon as it was bright, he said without hesitation, "brother Xiaofeng, how about taking the ferris wheel?"

He Feng was surprised and said, "eh, is there a Ferris wheel? OK, let's take the ferris wheel. I remember little feather, you said when you were a child that your dream in this life is to take the ferris wheel once. "

"Brother Xiaofeng, do you even remember that?" Ling Weiyu looks at He Feng.

"Of course, it's also your dream, Xiaoyu. How can I forget it?" He Feng said with a smile: "now that you are so big, you should have already sat on the ferris wheel?"

"Hee hee, brother Xiaofeng, the dream I said at that time was not just to sit on a Ferris wheel. Instead, I want to sit on the ferris wheel with brother Xiaofeng. " Ling Weiyu blinked, "now, I can finally realize my dream of riding on the ferris wheel."

He Feng couldn't help but feel shocked.

I remember a woman's dream, but I forget that she still has herself in her dream.

But women always remember!

At this moment, he felt warm inside.

A woman always remembers her dream, which means that she is always thinking about herself.

"So up to now, you've never been on a Ferris wheel?"

"Of course, brother Xiaofeng, you're not here. Why do I go to the ferris wheel alone?"

"Well, in a moment, we'll take the ferris wheel."

He Feng smiles and embraces Ling Weiyu in his arms.

At the moment, his heart is not only warm, but also very happy.

Canglang, who was driving, shook his head helplessly.

Have you ever thought about how a single dog feels?


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