About 20 minutes later, Touareg SUV stopped in a square with a Ferris wheel over 100 meters high.

"Brother Feng, you and Miss Ling will wait here first. I'll buy tickets for you two."

After getting off the bus, Canglang said hello to He Feng and ran to the ticket area alone.

Soon, Canglang returned, holding two tickets in his hand, "brother Feng, I'll wait for you below."

"You're not going to sit down?" He Feng asked.


Cang Lang's heart twitched, "no!"

"OK, you can wait below. It's estimated that you need some time. If you are tired, you can go to the car to have a rest first. I'll come down and go to see you directly after a while." He Feng smiles. Canglang is not only capable of working, but also knowledgeable.

He likes this kind of people.

"All right!" Cang Lang just nodded and didn't want to say anything more.

He Feng didn't pay any attention to him any more. He took Ling Weiyu's hand and went to the ferris wheel.

In the afternoon, there were not many people sitting on the ferris wheel. He Feng and Ling Weiyu waited a little while. When the number was almost the same, the staff let them in.

He Feng and Ling Weiyu are sitting alone in the same cockpit. Although the temperature is higher now, Ling Weiyu does not feel the slightest heat when he Feng is with him. Instead, he is very cool.

The ferris wheel starts slowly, and the cockpit rises gradually. The cockpit is made of toughened glass. It is very firm, but it is transparent all around, and it is the same under the sole of the foot. If you look down, you can clearly see that the ground is getting farther and farther away.

Of course, the ferris wheel turns very slowly.

If a little faster, there will be shaking, and few people dare to play.

"Brother Xiaofeng, how high is the ferris wheel?"

About five minutes later, Ling Weiyu, sitting next to He Feng, swallowed his saliva, looking a little nervous.

"Ha ha, it was just introduced in the ticket. The ferris wheel of Nanjin is the third tallest Ferris wheel in China, with a height of 130 meters. Now we have risen less than 30 meters, and there are still 100 meters." He Feng said with a smile.

"Only... Only thirty meters?"

Ling Weiyu has beautiful eyes.

"What, fear?"


Ling Weiyu nodded cleverly, then hugged He Feng's arm tightly and said: "brother Xiao Feng, if the ferris wheel breaks down and we fall from such a high place, will we fall into a meat cake?"


He Feng rolled his eyes silently, "this Ferris wheel will be repaired every day. It's impossible to fall down. Otherwise, how can so many people dare to sit? However, even if there is a real fault, the cockpit falls down, and I'm here, you won't have a thing. Don't forget that your brother Xiaofeng is a legend level master who can fly in the sky. "

"Oh yes, I almost forgot that."

Ling Weiyu was relieved, but he Feng's arm was even harder. "I'd better follow brother Xiao Feng. You're so safe. No wonder so many girls are willing to follow brother Xiao Feng."

"Cough, little feather, don't hold me so hard. It's not to let me eat your tofu for nothing." He Feng touched his nose and said awkwardly.

"Hee hee, isn't my bean curd for you, brother Xiaofeng?"

Ling Weiyu does not care.

He Feng rolled his eyes and said, "but you know, your brother Xiao Feng is a normal man. Now you tempt me like this. It's not a crime for me!"

"What crime does brother Xiaofeng want to commit?" Ling Weiyu raises her beautiful eyes and looks at He Feng like silk.

In her eyes, there was a trace of expectation.

This is women's unique expectation for men!

He Feng read countless women, where don't understand the woman's eyes?

At the moment, his breathing was a little short, "little feather, have you thought about it?"

"Brother Xiaofeng, when I was very young, I had thought it over. Over the years, my heart has remained the same. " A woman's tone is firm and her eyes are firmer.

After saying this, she also does not wait for He Feng to have what reaction, two hands unexpectedly took the initiative to embrace he Feng's neck, kiss up.

Although she and he Feng have been kissing, her movements are still clumsy.

Fortunately, he Feng is very experienced.

He put one hand around Ling Weiyu's slender waist, and the other hand waved twice in the air.

Suddenly, a wisp of white gas came out of his hand and floated around the cockpit for a long time. It was like a fairyland.

Looking from the bottom to the cockpit, it feels like the sun is dazzling, and you can't see anything clearly.

Of course, in this hot summer, there are not many people below. Even if there are people, no one will stare at the cockpit bored.


Ling Weiyu is kissing by He Feng, and his body wriggles irregularly.

He Feng didn't hesitate any more. He palmed around the woman and took off the woman's clothes one by one.

Before long, there was a wonderful sound like fairyland in the cockpit.

About 20 minutes later, the two men just finished and got dressed.

"Feather, don't it hurt?" He Feng embraces Ling Weiyu and gently rubs her abdomen with one hand.

"Much better, brother Xiaofeng. You're so amazing." Ling Weiyu has a blush on her pretty face, but she is brimming with endless happiness.

Because she knew that in the past 20 minutes, she not only realized her childhood dream, but also successfully became He Feng's woman.

From this moment on, she belongs to He Feng.

"If it doesn't hurt, let's play something else. Today is not enough. Let's continue this evening. "

He Feng has a bad smile on his face.

Ling Weiyu agreed very readily, with a smile on his face, "good!"

See the woman so generous, he Feng feel in the body as if there is a heat rising up, let him can't help now to continue again.

However, he finally suppressed the evil fire in his heart.

Ferris wheel stopped quickly, two people out of the cockpit, toward the parking lot.

"Brother Feng, how are you? Shall we go on shopping again? "

After getting on the bus, Canglang looked back and asked them.

When he saw Ling Weiyu's face with a little scarlet color, he seemed to understand something. He turned his head and did not dare to look at Ling Weiyu any more. On the surface, he pretended to see nothing.

At this time, if he said something wrong or acted a little too much, he estimated that he Feng would slap him to death.

"Brother Xiaofeng, I'm a little hungry." Ling Weiyu looked at He Feng eagerly and said: "just now I read your information. It seems that there is a snack street in Nanjin city called Nanfang Chihuo street, right? Why don't we go there and get something to eat? "

At noon, they were disturbed and didn't have enough to eat.

He Feng has just been tossed about for a while, and now I feel hungry.

Without saying a word, he Feng said directly to Canglang: "Canglang, set up the navigation, let's go to the snack street to eat."


Cang Lang agreed and quickly set up the navigation system. "Brother Feng, it's 20 kilometers to get there. It'll take half an hour to drive there."

With that, he started the car and stepped on the gas.

"Brother Xiaofeng, I'll have a rest first."

Ling Weiyu leaned on He Feng's shoulder and closed his eyes to rest.

He Feng looks at the woman beside him, and there is a smile on his face.

Then, he turned the real Qi in his body and entered a state of cultivation.

Now the only thing he wants to do is to take good care of the women around him. The rest of his time is to focus on Cultivation and improve his strength as soon as possible.

Only when his parents are rescued can he relax a little.

Nanjin, the capital of Jiangshu province, is a big city with large traffic volume. The traffic was a little blocked for a while, but it only took them 35 minutes to get to Nanfang Chihuo street.

"Brother Feng, Miss Ling, you go shopping. I won't go. I'll continue to rest in the car."

This time, Canglang didn't even bother to get off the car. After parking the car, he turned back and said to He Feng.

"All right!"

He Feng touched his nose, pointed to a nearby Starbucks and said, "if you feel bored, you can also go to Starbucks. There may be beauties there. If you have the ability, I don't mind taking a taxi later."

"It's OK. I'm not interested in women." Cang Lang said quickly.

Follow He Feng to mix, he which has the mind to pick up a girl, in the heart only star sea.

"Oh, stay away from me in the future."

Which knows, he Feng hears Cang Lang this reply, but is a face to despise of color, "small feather, we hasten to withdraw."

Say, catch up to pull Ling Weiyu's small hand out of the car.

"Cluck..." Ling Weiyu is amused by He Feng and laughs.

Canglang quickly and loudly explained, "brother Feng, you misunderstood me. I'm really not interested in women. I'm only interested in you."

"Go away!" He Feng runs faster.

"Er..." Cang Lang responded and sighed.

Laozi's great name in his whole life!!!


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