Food is the essence of the people, and food is the essence of the food.

Nanfang Chihuo street is the largest snack street in Nanjin city. It has the most famous snacks in southern China, and it is quite authentic. Therefore, it is favored by countless Chihuo.

The street originally called Nanfang snack street has also been changed into Nanfang Chihuo street.

Of course, although most of them are southern snacks, there are also some famous snacks in the north.

For example, at this moment, in Ling Weiyu's hand, he is holding an ice sugar gourd from Yanjing.

"Brother Xiaofeng, what do you think of this iced sugar gourd?"

Ling Weiyu first ate one by himself, and then gave it to He Feng. He asked with a smile, looking forward to it.

"Well, it's good, but I don't know if it's authentic Yanjing ice sugar gourd. When we have a chance, we'll try the most authentic Yanjing ice sugar gourd." He Feng nodded and said, quite satisfied.

"Hee hee, good!"

Ling Weiyu nodded repeatedly.

Now she is not only sweet in her mouth, but also sweeter in her heart.

Holding He Feng's hand, while strolling, while trying a variety of snacks.

Although the weather is relatively hot, because there are buildings on both sides of the snack street, and there is not much hot sun all day long, so the temperature is relatively cool. Even if it is not a holiday, there is still a certain flow of people.

More than half an hour later, the two people came to the end of the snack street, their hands are full of all kinds of snacks.

"Brother Xiaofeng, can we finish all the food we've bought? I feel like I'll put on at least a kilo today. " Ling Weiyu felt his stomach, and felt that he was eating and supporting.

"You must exercise a lot at ordinary times. When I just sat on the ferris wheel, I carefully observed your figure, and there was no fat at all. So, even if you really grow meat, you must grow it where you should. "

He Feng said with a smile: "so, you open up to eat, and then your brother Xiaofeng will feel more comfortable."

"Shh, keep your voice down. Don't let outsiders hear you. You're so shy."

Ling Weiyu blushed and looked around. Seeing that no one paid attention to them, he was a little relieved. Then he said in a low voice, "since brother Xiaofeng likes more meat, I'll try to make those places have more meat in the future."

"Mm-hmm, this one can have." He Feng nodded.

"Brother Xiaofeng, let me ask you a question."

Ling Weiyu suddenly raised his eyes and looked at He Feng, "do I feel comfortable on my body, or do I feel comfortable on Yueyue's body?"


He Feng is astonished.

How does brother Feng answer this?

He hasn't touched Chu Yue's body yet.

"Well, little feather, I can't answer your question yet." He Feng serious way: "wait for me to touch the moon's body, I'll answer you again."

Ling Weiyu's beautiful eyes blinked, "isn't it, brother Xiaofeng, you haven't pushed Yueyue down yet? I'm not the first woman you touch after you return to China, am I

"You're kidding, of course not." He Feng denied immediately, otherwise it was too humiliating, "in addition to you, I probably touched four or five women."


Ling Weiyu was stunned.

She thought he Feng only touched her.

I didn't expect that I had touched four or five women before myself.

It seems that I'm still a little late.

"Brother Xiaofeng, you are so charming." Ling Weiyu said with a smile, looking at He Feng's eyes full of tenderness.

"Of course, you don't see who I grew up with."

He Feng raised his chin, then took the woman's hand and walked to the front path. "It's like an old town over there. Let's go for a walk and then leave."

"Well, it's rare to come here once. Let's have a look." Ling Weiyu naturally has no problem.

There are old buildings on both sides of the path. You can even see houses in the early 1990s, and occasionally you can see one or two strong trees.

Most of the people who live here are people in their sixties and seventies, and they are very plain dressed.

Although if they sell these houses, the prices and land prices in Nanjin city are at least tens of millions.

But they would rather live in these old houses.

In the eyes of the older generation, the house is not for sale, it is purely for living, it is their home.

"Brother Xiaofeng, what will we look like when we get old?"

Ling Weiyu is not in the mood to eat now. Meimou looks around.

He Feng thought about it and said, "I'm not sure about the future, but I think it should be the same as now, walking hand in hand, and buying something I like to eat."

"Such a life, in fact, is also very good." Ling Weiyu said with a smile, enjoying the peace and beauty with He Feng.

Not many people come to this path. At least in front of He Feng and Ling Weiyu, no one is seen.

But behind them, there was a young man and a young woman.

Although they walk together and seem close, they are not like lovers, but like brothers and sisters.

"Brother, look at the couple in front. I guess they must have a good relationship."

Behind he Feng, the young men and women are all dressed in luxurious clothes, with extraordinary temperament and top appearance. The men are handsome, the women are beautiful, and their eyes look rather playful. In addition, her sexy posture is even more charming.

At this time, the woman is looking at a couple not far in front of them and says with a smile.

"Why, envy? Do you want to find a boyfriend? "

Xi Junzhe said with a smile: "Wang Han of the Wang family and Mi Xingchen of the MI family seem to be pursuing you, right? And they are all excellent, and their identity is worthy of you. Why don't you think about it? If you agree to one of them, it's not your brother who will accompany you to go shopping now. At that time, you don't have to envy the couple

"Brother, do you regret going shopping with me? It seems that what you often say in your mouth always hurts me. It's all fake. It is estimated that after you find me a sister-in-law, you will directly throw my sister aside, right

Xi Xueqing said.

Xi Junzhe rolled his eyes, "just talking about Wang Han and Mi Xingchen, how did you involve your sister-in-law? Your sister-in-law doesn't even know which woman's stomach she's in

"Hee hee, who knows, maybe you've already got someone on your mind."

"Stop! Now is not the time to talk about me. Can you tell me first whether you like Wang Han or MI Xingchen? "


Xi Xueqing said helplessly: "brother, you don't know. I'm busy preparing my graduation thesis now. When I have time, I'm either busy practicing or helping my father deal with the affairs of the pharmacy. I don't have time to think about my feelings. I'll think about it in a few years. Anyway, I'm still young. "

"That doesn't affect your falling in love. You usually pull me out to accompany you to see movies and go shopping a lot. If you are willing to fall in love, you can find another man to accompany you." Xi Junzhe said with a smile.

"I don't want other men with me."

"Xueqing, are you serious?"

"Of course, you think I'm joking with you?"

"Is it because those two people, Wang Han and Mi Xingchen, can't get into your eyes?"

Xi Xueqing hesitated a little, and said in a low voice: "brother, I've been in touch with these two people. They are really excellent. But I don't like them at all

Smell speech, Xi Junzhe brow a pick, ready to break the casserole asked in the end, "since they are very good, then why do not like it?"

Xi Xueqing took a silent look at her elder brother and said, "brother, you have contacted them. You should know what kind of people they are. Because they have a little identity and a little cultivation talent, they get the family's attention, and they are arrogant and don't pay attention to others at all. In particular, MI Xingchen is only a junior now, and his cultivation has not even reached the dark strength. It seems that the whole ancient martial arts world in Nanjin city is his world. "

"Er... You girl, you can see it through when you are young. However, it's no wonder that they were born well and had talent for cultivation? There will be some pride, of course Xi Junzhe sighed, "if you don't like them, I'm afraid there are no men in Nanjin city who can get into your eyes."

Xi Xueqing said with a smile, "if you don't have it, I'm not worried. By the way, brother, don't patronize me. What about you? When are you going to find my sister-in-law? "

"I said it all. Your sister-in-law doesn't know where she is now..."

"Come on, I don't believe you."

But Xi Xueqing directly interrupted Xi Junzhe, "if I guess correctly, you must still be thinking about Wang Xiangyun, right?"

"What, Wang Xiangyun? Oh, you're talking about the Wang family. I've long forgotten her. "

"Lie to the devil, you just don't want to say it. Don't think I don't know. By the way, I heard that Miss Wang Xiangyun seemed to be married some time ago? "

"Well, it's like getting married, isn't it? What do you care about her for? " Xi Junzhe frowned slightly.

"Brother, since she is married, I suggest you find another woman in the future. Wang Xiangyun doesn't look up to you. That means she has a bad eye. You can definitely find a better woman than her to be my sister-in-law. " Xi Xueqing looks serious.

Seeing this, Xi Junzhe was silent for a while.

A moment later, he began to laugh. "Don't worry, I won't Miss Wang Xiangyun any more. It's impossible between me and her. Otherwise, I would have gone to Jiangbin city to find her."

"That's good!"

Xi Xueqing began to laugh.

At this time, Xi Xueqing seems to be aware of something, looking forward.

The couple, who were talking and laughing, did not know when they stopped, and the man looked back at them.

Unconsciously, the distance between the two sides seems to have been shortened from the first few tens of meters to only ten meters.

"What's the matter, sir?"

Xi Junzhe also noticed the man who was staring at them. He couldn't help but ask faintly. He was quite unhappy.

He felt that the man must have found his sister beautiful, so he kept staring at her.

His sister Xi Xueqing is a famous beauty in Nanjin city. She is known as the first goddess of Nanjin city. Even the elite children of the rice family and the Wang family are her pursuers, and the rest are countless.


With a smile, the man immediately drew back his eyes and continued to lead his girlfriend forward.

At the same time, the man took out his cell phone from his pocket and made a call in front of them.

When the phone was connected, the man's voice was heard by Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing.

"Hello, daughter-in-law."

"Oh, it's OK. I just want to tell you that I heard from others outside that you have poor eyesight. Then I want to call you and tell you that no woman has such good eyesight as you."

"Well, I'm not going back tonight."


Hang up the phone, the man continued to move forward, ignoring Xi Junzhe their meaning.

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