"Well? What did he mean by that phone call? " Xi Junzhe's pupils shrink, thinking of some possibility.

Just now his sister said that Wang Xiangyun had a bad eye, so the man called his wife to say it.

Is his wife Wang Xiangyun?



If his wife is Wang Xiangyun, can he lead other women?

With Wang Xiangyun's intelligence, it is impossible to hide from her.

And once Wang Xiangyun knows this, how can he continue to be with him?

Therefore, as soon as this idea flashed into Xi Junzhe's mind, it was immediately rejected by him.

"Brother, what are those three people doing in front of them?"

At this time, Xi Xueqing gently pulled Xi Junzhe, toward the front of the couple nuzui.

He Feng naturally noticed the three people who suddenly appeared. As soon as he finished the phone call, the three people came out from a corner in front of him with all kinds of cold weapons in their hands.

Long gun, long sword, long knife

"Get out of here, it's none of your business."

The three are all men. One of them yells at He Feng and Ling Weiyu coldly. Even if he doesn't pay any attention to them, he takes two partners and speeds up to the brother and sister behind them.

"Brother, they are coming for us. If you are in trouble, let's run away."

Xi Xueqing's face changed slightly. She quickly turned around and was about to run back.

Xi Junzhe also turns around

However, as soon as they turned around, they found that there were three men behind them.

It's also a cold weapon!

The same is extraordinary temperament.

"Mr. Xi, Miss Xi, you can't escape. Please come with us. Maybe you can avoid the pain of skin and flesh."

A middle-aged man with a short head and a faint head of six said with a faint smile.

In addition, a short knife in his hand, with a cool luster, gives people a wonderful feeling.

This is a weapon that can increase the combat power of ancient warriors!

As his voice fell, six people besieged the city in a circle, surrounded Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing in the middle.

On them, there is a strong fluctuation of internal strength.

Six people, all at the top level of Mingjin.

"Who are you?"

Xi Junzhe squints his eyes and opens his mouth. His inner strength is also the peak of Mingjin.

His sister Xi Xueqing, Xiuwei is the same as him.

And, on the hand of two people, did not know when took out a dagger.

This dagger is not an ordinary weapon. It's a low-level soldier.

Qu ya, the leading middle-aged man, said: "it doesn't matter who we are. What matters is whether Mr. Xi takes the initiative to follow us or fight first and then go? I'll make it clear first. If it's true, you and your sister are injured. Don't blame us. Especially your sister, she is the goddess of Nanjin city. Our brothers are really reluctant to attack her. You'd better not force us. "

"You can let me go with you, but you have to let my sister go first. Otherwise, I'll see the real chapter under my hand. But I warn you that once you start, you have to be ready for revenge by us. " Xi Junzhe said indifferently.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xi and miss Xi. You two have to come with me today. As for the Revenge of you returning to the same medicine hall.... "

Qu Ya light smile, a direct wave, "brothers, do it, leave them a life on the line."

"Boom! Boom! Boom... "

As soon as his voice fell, all the people around him rushed to Xi Junzhe.

The party soon fought together. Although Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing were few, their martial arts were more exquisite. In addition, they were armed with soldiers. In the case of few to many, they did not fall behind in a short time.

But Qu Ya didn't start, standing on the outside to watch Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing, as if afraid of their escape.

But his eyes were locked on them, and his eyes were slightly narrowed, with the cold light of bloodthirsty.

"Brother Xiaofeng, those people are so overbearing. It's really shameless to fight two out of six people, but the brothers and sisters are so powerful that they can compete with them."

Not far away, Ling Weiyu stood beside he Feng, looking at the situation in front of him.

"There are only interests in the world of the ancient warriors. There is no fairness."

He Feng shook his head.

Although Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing are not in a bad situation now, their eyesight shows that they are in a bad situation now because they have not launched a real attack and want to consume their inner strength first.

Besides, isn't there someone watching?

He saw clearly that the man didn't appear to have taken part in the war, but the strength in his body had been brewing to the extreme, which was a sign that he would launch the strongest attack at any time.

This man is obviously ready for a sneak attack.

"Brother Xiaofeng, is it convenient for you to help them?" Ling Weiyu looks at He Feng and asks.

"Oh? Feather, do you want me to save them He Feng looks at Ling Weiyu in surprise.

"Yes, I think the brother and sister are very affectionate. The little girl is so beautiful. I don't want to see them bullied by bad people." Ling Weiyu nodded seriously.

He Feng said with a smile: "OK, since Xiaoyu wants me to help them, I'll do it later. Come on, as melon eating people, how can we have fewer melons now? You eat this melon


He Feng agreed to move, Ling Weiyu naturally no longer have any worry, happily took the melon to eat.

This scene naturally attracted the attention of Qu ya.

He glanced at He Feng and saw that they were eating melons and watching. He didn't scold them any more, but there was a cold light in his eyes.

Since they don't want to leave, after capturing Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing, we can take care of them.

Men can kill directly, women... Play first and then kill.

Reading this, the corner of Qu Ya's mouth evokes an evil radian.

This scene is just discovered by He Feng.

"Snow fine, I help you break through, you kill out."

At this moment, Xi Junzhe suddenly cried out.

Now they don't seem to have fallen into the disadvantage, but he can feel the sharp consumption of internal strength.

It is estimated that before long, they will soon fall into the disadvantage.

At that time, if one is not good, neither of them will be able to leave.

"Brother, if you want to go, go with me. I won't leave you alone." Xi Xueqing didn't mean to leave at all.

"If you don't go, I will die here today!" Xi Junzhe said indifferently.

"Brother!" Xi Xueqing's eyes are red.

"I'll create opportunities for you. You can do it yourself."

When Xi Junzhe's eyes narrowed, he suddenly looked at a man who was attacking Xi Xueqing.

"Go away!"

After that, Xi Junzhe pushed back his two opponents and rushed towards the man.

Dagger in hand, shining cold.


A strong force, like a storm swept out, with a rapid breaking sound, chopped to the man.

"Bang!" A fist fell on Xi Junzhe's back.

"Hum!" Xi Junzhe just snorted, but his hand movements were not affected at all.

"Damn it

The man was locked to death by Xi Junzhe's Qi machine, and he could not avoid it, so he had to fight hard.



When the two knives collided, the man's long knife broke directly.


The momentum of Xi Junzhe's dagger was not reduced. A white knife gas burst out from the edge of the dagger and cut into the man's chest. A touch of blood flashed, and the man also flew away.

There's a gap, right now.

"Snow clear!" Cried Xi Junzhe.

"Brother, be careful yourself."

Xi Xueqing nodded, no more nonsense, straight from Xi Junzhe body side rushed out.

Xi Junzhe directly gives Xi Xueqing the chance to escape in exchange for a blow.

You can see the deep affection between brother and sister.

However, Xi Junzhe is not reluctant. Seeing that Xi Xueqing is about to run away, a relaxed smile appears on his face.

But immediately, his smile froze.

Because he found, in Xi Xueqing's body side, suddenly appeared a figure.


In Qu Ya's eyes, there are sneers and coldness.


The dagger in his hand, full of cold light, pierces the sky and kills Xi Xueqing.

Sneak attack!

At the moment, Xi Xueqing seems to have not noticed the attack of Quya.

"Xueqing, be careful!"

Xi Junzhe's pupil suddenly stares the eldest brother, feels the heart incomparable panic.

Before, although Qu Ya said he wanted to catch something alive, Wan Yiqu Ya failed?

What he is holding is not an ordinary cold weapon.

It's soldiers!


When Xi Xueqing hears Xi Junzhe's voice, she subconsciously turns back and sees Qu Ya's sneering smile that seems to be close at hand.

A piece of knife light, wrap her.

I'm going to devour her.

"It's over!" Xi Xueqing is desperate.

She knew that even if she could get away with it, her hope of escape would be cut off.

"You want to run away? When I don't exist? "

The corner of Qu Ya's mouth is full of sarcastic smile. He just stood by and didn't start, waiting for such an opportunity.

The knife in hand is about to fall on Xi Xueqing.

The sneer on his face is stronger!

This battle, too, should be over.


But at this time, a strange sound sounded at the foot of the cliff, and he felt a thump in his heart.

It doesn't look good!

Then he found his body suddenly out of balance.


Originally will fall on Xi Xueqing's short knife, cut in the void, accompanied by Xi Xueqing's a corner.


Qu Ya's body fell to the ground.

Fortunately, he is a powerful ancient warrior. Although he suddenly fell to the ground, he didn't hurt him. He stood up for the first time, and the Qi engine still locked on Xi Xueqing. At the same time, he looked at the ground.

"This is... Melon skin? How can there be melon skin here? It's just clear that there isn't. No, it's like someone threw it. "

When Qu Ya thought about it carefully, he found that when he was making a sneak attack, there seemed to be some movement at his feet.

Thus it can be seen that melon skin iron must have been thrown to his feet in the middle of the way, so he would slip.

"You lost the skin?"

Qu Ya's eyes fall on He Feng and Ling Weiyu, who are not far away. He asks with narrowed eyes.

The powerful momentum made him look like a tiger. If ordinary people were staring at him like this, they would be scared and their legs would tremble.

This is the ancient warrior, whose terrifying degree is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

However, Qu Ya found that the two people were not affected by their own momentum, just like a nobody.

"Yes, I lost the melon skin. I wanted to throw it in the garbage can next to you, but I lost my sight and fell to the ground."

He Feng nodded and readily admitted, "since the melon skin fell off your ground, please help me pick it up and throw it into the garbage can, OK?"

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