"What did you say?"

Qu Ya thinks he heard wrong.

That guy, he even let himself pick up the melon skin and throw it in the garbage can?

"I asked you to help me pick up the melon skin, wouldn't you? It's too unkind, isn't it? " He Feng said.

"Well, I think you are looking for death!"

Qu Ya gave a cold hum, and his heart was full of anger.

This bastard not only ruined his good deeds, but also made himself lose face by falling in public. Now he even asked himself to pick up the melon skin?

It's not death. What is it?!

"You guys, hang on to their brother and sister. Don't let them run away. I'll get rid of that idiot first."

Qu Ya gave orders to all his subordinates, and immediately strode to He Feng.

His men immediately surrounded Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing.

"Xueqing, take advantage of now, break through quickly and escape." Xi Junzhe said that he would start.

"Brother, don't worry."

Xi Xueqing is to pull Xi Junzhe, staring at the direction of He Feng, said: "don't you find that person is not an ordinary person?"


Xi Junzhe glanced at He Feng, "what is not an ordinary person? Isn't he just an ordinary man? Although he was very brave just now and he accidentally saved you, I also want to save him now, but we can't even save ourselves. We can only say sorry to him. "

"You didn't mean to save me? Brother, do you think he didn't mean it? No, he meant it

Xi Xueqing said: "just now he saw our strength, but now he is not afraid at all. It can be seen that he has nine contacts, and he is also an ancient warrior, and his strength is not weak, otherwise he would have escaped now. "

Smell speech, Xi Junzhe also subconsciously looked to He Feng.

He then found that the young man who had made a phone call before and made him doubt the identity of the other party did not feel nervous and afraid when he was facing Quya. Instead, he was leisurely eating snacks.

"Go to hell!"

Finally, Qu Ya rushes to He Feng and cuts him down with a short knife.

The blade is pressing!

The knife is full of Qi!

And Dao Qi seems to contain a wisp of chill, which will make people slow down.

Qu Ya looks at He Feng's eyes, just like looking at a dead man.

Just because he Feng had lost face in public wrestling, he was very angry, so even if he Feng didn't have the slightest fluctuation of inner strength, he looked like an ordinary person, he directly hit the strongest blow.

In addition, he was armed with soldiers, and the ordinary top strength of Mingjin could not take his knife directly.

This knife is enough to cut a normal person into two parts.


However, a shadow of his leg flashed by. Before Qu Ya understood what was going on, he felt a sharp pain coming from his chest. A fierce impact came out suddenly, just like the impact of a lorry, which made him fly backwards.


After flying five or six meters, the cliff fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and could not get up for a long time.

Because he felt the pain in his chest. He didn't know how many broken bones he had. He didn't know whether he had hurt the viscera.

"Brother Qu, are you ok?"

One of Qu Ya's men ran quickly and helped up Qu ya.

But Qu Ya ignored him, a pair of eyes straight staring at He Feng, full of shock.

Just seeing that he Feng doesn't have the slightest fluctuation of inner strength, he thinks he Feng is just an ordinary person who doesn't know how to cultivate.

But now it seems that he Feng is not an ordinary person, but

A master of martial arts!

And see he Feng just burst out of speed, strength, even if there is the suspicion of sneak attack, also reached the triple body refining.


Maybe stronger!

"Who is your excellency? Why meddle in this? "

Qu Ya opened his mouth and asked, a little scared in his heart.

Such a young ancient martial arts man with triple or even quadruple training must be a genius of some force. He had to ask clearly.

"Who am I? I'm just a gourd eater, of course He Feng light way: "originally I didn't intend to intervene in this matter, but you because of a melon skin, want to kill me, then this matter I must tube.". Today, if you can't give me a reasonable explanation, you don't want to leave easily. "


Qu Ya's face changed slightly, and he frowned: "Sir, I admit that you are very strong, but I tell you, we are all from the dark Xutang. If you really want to interfere in our affairs, you have to consider whether you can withstand the anger of the dark sun hall. "

"It's really dark Xu Hall..."

Not far away, Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing both frown.

They have long guessed that the other party may be the ancient warrior of the dark Xu hall, because the dark Xu hall is the most mysterious force in Nanjin City, but it is powerful and dare to do anything, as long as you give money.

Knowing the identity of their brother and sister, they dare to fight, most likely the dark Xu hall.

"I don't know if that person will be afraid of dark Xu hall. Dark Xu hall is in Nanjin City, but it's more and more powerful." Xi Junzhe is quite worried.

"Dark sun hall?"

He Feng listen to Qu Ya will say, mouth suddenly raised a smile, "small feather, you first help me with these things."

Said, he Feng will snack a head of the plug to Ling Weiyu, mouth also muttered, "these are your favorite, for a while if you accidentally dirty, not very good."

"Oh, well!" Ling Weiyu took the snacks one by one and urged: "brother Xiaofeng, you should hurry up to solve the problem. I have so many snacks by myself. It's very hard."

"Don't worry, it won't take too long. I'll take it by myself later, and you can eat it."

He Feng grinned and immediately looked at Qu Ya and said, "do you hear me? My girlfriend is very tired with so many snacks. Let your people do it quickly."

"You, what did you say?"

Qu Ya couldn't react all of a sudden.

"That's a wonderful man!"

"Ha ha, it's interesting. However, as a triple exerciser, it's not easy for him to deal with the ancient martial arts practitioners who are at the peak of the six great powers? "

Not far away, Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing are also stupid.

Qu Ya took a deep look at He Feng and asked determinedly, "I'll ask you again. Do you really want to be right with our dark Xu hall?"

"Yes, if you are not from the dark sun hall, I may be able to spare your life. But since you are from the dark sun hall, you can't leave. "

He Feng said impatiently: "can you stop talking nonsense and do it quickly? If you don't do it, Fengge will do it first. "

"Ha ha, it's quite arrogant. Even our dark Xu hall doesn't pay attention to it, and we say that we can't go? Then I'll see how you can keep us from leaving. "

Qu Ya angrily attacked and laughed. It was the first time that he was threatened like this after so many years of his career. He immediately said, "come on, leave three people to entangle the Xi family."

As soon as he finished, one of his men ran to him, "brother Qu!"

This is also an ancient warrior with the peak of Mingjin.

"You two join hands to kill it as quickly as possible."

Qu Ya ordered.


"Brother Qu, watch it. It'll be done soon."

They immediately nodded and rushed to He Feng.

"Feather, close your eyes."

He Feng said to Ling Weiyu and walked forward step by step.

"Close your eyes?"

Ling Weiyu thought about it and soon understood what he Feng meant.

Brother Xiaofeng, are you ready to kill?

She can remember that he Feng told her that he did not know how many people he had killed abroad. There were 8000 without 10000.

Killing people is a big deal for ordinary people like them. But for He Feng, it's as normal as eating and drinking water.

"No! I don't close my eyes. Now that I'm your woman, no matter what you're doing, I'll face it with you. "

Ling Weiyu did not close his eyes, just quietly looking at He Feng.

"Well, we can't leave? I don't think you can leave for a while Qu Ya stares at He Feng indifferently, holding the knife tightly in his hand.

Although he Feng has just been seriously injured by his leg, he blames himself for belittling the enemy and the other side's sneak attack. He doesn't think he Feng's strength is strong enough. His two men at the top of Mingjin are enough to deal with it.

In addition, he also held down the array nearby. Although he was injured a little now, it's OK to launch an attack occasionally.

He didn't find it hard to kill a triple exerciser.

However, Qu Ya's inner confidence was soon destroyed.

"Bang! Bang

His two men were soon close to He Feng, but before they had time to attack, he Feng punched them in the chest.

There was a dull crash, and the two flew backwards.


Blood gushed out.

After landing, they bounced twice, and then

No, then!

There was no breath in them.


The whole process, there is no fancy action, there is no terrible momentum exposed, just a simple punch.

"This... How is this possible?"

Qu Ya's eyes widened, a look of hell.

"Next, it's your turn."

At this moment, he Feng has come to the front of the cliff, his voice is cold.

"Run away!"

Rao is He Feng. He Feng doesn't have a strong intention to kill him. He doesn't have a strong breath. However, Qu Ya's face changes wildly and there is a deep fear in his eyes.

Without saying a word, he turned and ran.

"You can't escape."

The voice of indifference rings in my ears again.

A breath of death enveloped the cliff.


Qu Ya subconsciously looked back, then saw a fist toward his back.

"Stop it Qu Ya shouts.


In response, it was the dull impact of his fist on his vest.

At this moment, Qu Ya finally understands why he Feng's seemingly ordinary fist directly killed his two subordinates.

When the fist fell on his body, he felt a strong force coming, very domineering shattered all his viscera, Dantian, meridians.


Qu Ya spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

His eyes were full of shock, fear and regret

He really can't imagine that the man who has not been paid attention to by him at all, how can he have such strong fighting power?

However, he Feng didn't look at him again. He passed him directly.

There are still three people to solve!

"Brothers, get out first!"

The three men also reacted quickly. They didn't want to think about it. They turned around and ran away.

I'm joking. Some of their friends, who are no weaker than them, were killed by others face to face.

How can they compete with such terrible strength? If you really stay, none of them will escape.

Now run away together, maybe one or two more.

"Do you want to escape when you're here? When our brother and sister don't exist? Xueqing, help to keep them. "

Xi Junzhe is also resolute and ruthless. When he realized that the three decided to flee, he immediately stopped one of them.

Xi Xueqing also immediately waved a dagger and stopped another person.


At the same time, he Feng, who seemed to have some distance from them at that moment, rushed to them in the blink of an eye.


Another man who was not intercepted was hit by his fist and fell to the ground.

Later, he Feng killed the last two people who were intercepted by Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing.

"These six men are here to kill you, so now that they are dead, you will deal with the corpse." He Feng looks at Xi Junzhe and says.

"Don't worry, sir. This has sent a message to my people. They will be here in a minute."

Xi Junzhe quickly nods and looks at He Feng with brilliant eyes.

He Feng's strength is so powerful that even the top of Mingjin can be killed by him. It's a crushing strength.

It can be seen that the man who looks about the same age as himself must be a cross trainer with four weights!

Why don't you guess if it's the quintuple

Because he Feng is too young, less than 30 years old, how can he reach the quintuple? Refining four is the limit.

"Well, I'll go."

He Feng light nod, turn around to go.

"Sir, please wait. I'm not grateful for your help." Xi Junzhe said quickly.

"Oh, wait a minute."

Said, he Feng went straight to Ling Weiyu's side, see the woman's face some white, can't help frowning, blame way: "little feather, I don't let you close your eyes? Why do you open your eyes? You shouldn't watch the killing. You must have nightmares at night. "

Who knows, Ling Weiyu shakes his head, "even if I have a nightmare, I want to see it. Brother Xiaofeng, whatever you do, I will face it with you. "

He Feng was slightly silent, immediately rubbed the woman's head, and then reached out to take all kinds of snacks on Ling Weiyu's hand, "give me all the snacks, do you want to eat?"

"Well, I want a piece of glutinous cake."

Ling Weiyu left a bag in his hand, and the rest was thrown to He Feng, "shall we leave directly?"

He Feng looked at Xi Junzhe and said, "I have some conflicts with the dark Xu hall, so it's my own business to kill them. You don't have to think that I have saved your life."

"In any case, we are safe now because of your hand."

Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing come to He Feng and say with a smile.

"Oh, just keep that in mind. I'm leaving." He Feng said casually.

"..." Xi Junzhe looks at He Feng speechless.

Xi Xueqing frowned even more. She is also a top-notch beauty. She is a goddess of Nanjin city and has numerous pursuers. But he Feng didn't even think much of her just now.

Just because his girlfriend is with him?

Or does he feel that he can't compare with his girlfriend?


Xi Xueqing finally opened her mouth. She looked at He Feng and said, "Sir, you have saved our lives. At least let us know your identity?"

"My name is He Feng!" He Feng didn't hide this, and directly reported his name.

"He Feng?"

There was a little doubt in Xi Xueqing's eyes. She seemed to have some impression of the name, but she couldn't remember it for a moment.

Instead, Xi Junzhe said in shock: "are you He Feng? Wang Xiangyun's... Husband? "

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