Although Xi Junzhe didn't pay attention to the details of Wang Xiangyun's life, he knew that Wang Xiangyun was married and his husband's name was he Feng. He had no strong background. He was just an ordinary person and worked in Yuncheng group.

As for the rest, he didn't have much thought to investigate.

Unexpectedly, the man appeared in front of him at the moment.

"Well, yes. That woman, Wang Xiangyun, is my wife. " He Feng nodded and said, "however, her eyes should not be as bad as you said. And you are not qualified to enter her eyes... "


Xi Junzhe opened his mouth. For a moment, he was unable to answer, but his heart was shocked.

She occasionally thought that Wang Xiangyun had a high vision, even he, the young master of the unified medicine hall, would marry a loser with no background.

But now when he Feng really appeared in front of him and showed his fighting power, he knew he was wrong, and he was very wrong.

A person younger than him but stronger than him is a loser?

What is he?

And such a young genius, there will be no background?

I don't believe it even if I kill him!

"Sorry, I was wrong before."

Xi Junzhe bowed his head and sincerely apologized, feeling very guilty.

As for He Feng's "and you really don't deserve to be in her eyes," he didn't even have the idea to refute

"Brother, why do you apologize to him? He's just lucky. He's one step ahead of you. Besides, it seems that he has just been married for less than a month, and he even goes out with other women without telling Wang Xiangyun. This shows that Wang Xiangyun must have lost his eye. She really has a bad eye. "

Xi Xueqing is not happy with He Feng because of his apprenticeship.

So Xi Junzhe didn't retort, but she helped to retort.

She doesn't want to see her brother bullied!

"This beauty, I think you misunderstood."

He Feng glanced at Xi Xueqing and said with a smile, "although you are beautiful, you can't slander me at will."

"I slander you? Then you say, how can I slander you? " Xi Xue Qingmei stares and points to Ling Weiyu, "isn't she your lover?"

"First of all, let me correct you. In my eyes, there is no distinction between wife and lover. All the women I love are my lovers. Little feather, she is my love naturally

He Feng looks at Ling Weiyu tenderly, which makes Ling Weiyu's pretty face full of happiness. This is the first time that Xiao Feng brother admits their relationship outside.

He Feng continued to say to Xi Xueqing and Xi Junzhe, "when I say you slander me, you mean that I'm playing outside with other women without telling Wang Xiangyun. I have other women's affairs outside, Wang Xiangyun. She doesn't know that. "

"What? You said Wang Xiangyun knew you had other women outside? "

Xi Junzhe exclaimed with disbelief.

He had pursued Wang Xiangyun for a period of time before, but failed.

Not only did he fail, but many of his family members failed.

They know what a proud woman Wang Xiangyun is. This woman can't hold a grain of sand in her eyes, and her eyes are extremely high.

But now he Feng tells him that Wang Xiangyun knows he Feng has a lover outside.

How does that make him believe it?

"What's so strange about that? My brother Xiaofeng doesn't know how many women there are outside, and no one looks worse than Wang Xiangyun. If she dares to get rid of brother Xiao Feng, she will be the only one who regrets it. "

He Feng is ready to explain, but Ling Weiyu is the first to speak.

They are all women who really like he Feng. If he Feng and Wang Xiangyun divorce, it's too late for them to be happy.

Of course, she also knows that he Feng and Wang Xiangyun are unlikely to divorce.

Because he Feng and Wang Xiangyun haven't had a North nose yet.

"Wang Xiangyun, she knows you have a lot of women outside, and they can accept it?" Xi Junzhe is a mess.

Wang Xiangyun, such a cold goddess, can accept that her man has many women outside?

"What if she doesn't accept it? Although brother Xiaofeng has many women, he doesn't look for them casually. Those women, one by one, are really in love with him. Moreover, Wang Xiangyun knows that with her brother Xiaofeng's ability, if she dares to dump him, he can find a woman who is ten times as good as her. " Ling Weiyu continued.

She has some complaints about Wang Xiangyun, because this woman is obviously married to brother Xiaofeng, but she is not better than brother Xiaofeng.

It's really irritating!


Xi Junzhe heard Ling Weiyu's words for a long time, but he Feng's eyes were full of shock.

He can see that Ling Weiyu is not lying. Wang Xiangyun really knows that he Feng has many women outside, and he accepts them.

Is this man really that good? Can Wang Xiangyun make such a compromise?!

"Now that you know who I am, I'll withdraw."

He Feng will all the snacks with one hand, the other hand to lead Ling Weiyu, the woman who wants to protect him from the bottom of his heart.


Xi Xueqing suddenly opens her mouth and shouts He Feng. She looks at He Feng with complicated eyes.

Wang Xiangyun is a woman that his brother Xi Junzhe can't catch up with, but this man not only married Wang Xiangyun, but even allowed him to have more than one woman outside at the same time.

She wants to know what kind of ability this man has to make Wang Xiangyun make such a compromise.

"Anything else?" He Feng looks at Xi Xueqing.

Originally, he was not going to look back, but Xi Xueqing was so beautiful that she was not inferior to the women around him in terms of appearance and figure.

Beauty mouth, how much or to give face.

"Since you are Wang Xiangyun's husband, don't you want to know what the Wang family is facing in Nanjin city?" Xi Xueqing looked around and said in a low voice, "the Wang family now may be destroyed at any time. When the Wang family is destroyed, they will certainly not let you and your daughter-in-law go. "

"Oh? Someone wants to destroy the Wang family? "

He Feng eyebrows pick.

It's the first time that he's heard about it. However, judging from Xi Xueqing's cautious manner, it can be seen that even in the ancient martial world of Nanjin City, it's probably a secret.

Because of this, Canglang was not found.

"Yes, it's huge to destroy the power of the Wang family." Xi Xueqing nodded, "we're going back now. There's an auction at Junlin hotel at six in the evening. We're going to deal with something. If you don't have anything important now, you can go to Guiyi medicine hall with us. On the way, I'll tell you more about the current situation of the Wang family. "

He Feng has no feelings for the Wang family.

But it was also Wang Xiangyun's home. Even if he didn't help the Wang family, he certainly couldn't wait for the Wang family to be destroyed.

When you look at Ling Weiyu

"Brother Xiaofeng, didn't you say that you also want to see the auction? Then let's go with them. " Ling Weiyu is very understanding.

"That's fine!"

He Feng nodded with a smile.

Before long, Xi Junzhe's people came and stayed to deal with Qu Ya and other people's bodies. He Feng and Xi Junzhe's brother and sister got on a Mercedes Benz and sent a message to Canglang to leave first and contact him if they have something to do.

The driver is Xi Junzhe, Xi Xueqing is the co driver, he Feng and Wang Xiangyun are in the back row.

"He Feng, I just got the news that you have offended many forces in Nanjin city?"

Xi Junzhe, who was driving, was very surprised and said, "Jinmen, Mi's, Jiang's, Han's, Wei's, Huang's, how did you offend them all? Now they are looking for you everywhere to deal with you. "

At this time, Xi Xueqing is also looking at the information on wechat. There are some wechat groups in guwujie of Nanjin City, and basically any news will be sent to the group.

After reading the news, Xi Xueqing said with a wry smile: "they may not know he Feng that you have the strength to refine your body, so now they just gather some strong men at the top of Mingjin to deal with you. But if they know that you are a four fold horizontal trainer, the master of dark strength in their family will definitely do it. You have to be careful. You'd better not meet them head-on again. "

"Well, I know. I'll try to keep a low profile."

He Feng said seriously.

He's really low-key, otherwise if he needs pills, the rice family will offend him. He can go directly to the rice family and Kinmen. How can he play with them?

"You'd better tell me first, what's the situation of the Wang family now? Who is going to deal with the Wang family? " He Feng changed the topic.

Xi Junzhe did not rush to answer, but asked with a smile: "Mr. He Feng, since you are married to Wang Xiangyun, I don't know if you have been to the Wang family? Do you know about the Wang family? "

He Feng replied very readily, "never been, don't understand."


Xi Junzhe was stunned.

Xi Xueqing is also surprised to see he Feng, he and Wang Xiangyun are married, and still live together, but he has not even been to the Wang family?

And I don't know anything about the Wang family?

What the hell is he doing?

Brother and sister subconsciously looked at each other, and now they finally understand why some people in the Wang family are against this marriage.

Xi Junzhe said: "He Feng, the Wang family, is one of the three ancient martial families in Nanjin city. But Wang's grandmother, who was the highest in Wang's cultivation, failed to break through to the later stage of dark strength. As she grew older, her Qi and blood were not as good as before, and the younger generation of Wang family had no talent to cultivate. Although it is not declining, the world of ancient martial arts is the world where the strong are respected after all. If you are not strong and others are strong, what is waiting for you will only be backwardness and extinction. Nowadays, among the other seven guwu families in Nanjin City, the Jiang family and the Han family are developing rapidly, especially the Jiang family. The head of the Jiang family is a strong man in the middle of the dark force. Jiang Heng, a young generation, is said to have been in the dark force level two years ago and has not yet passed the test. It is speculated that he has broken through the dark force. It can be said that the Jiang family has the strength to replace the Wang family. "

"So it's the Jiang family that has to deal with the Wang family?" He Feng asked.

Xi Junzhe shook his head. "If it's just the Jiang family, they certainly don't have the guts. After all, the Wang family has passed on for a hundred years, and the inside information is there. It's the MI family that has to deal with the Wang family. "

"As far as I know, the MI family is the most powerful of the three guwu families. Why does it want to deal with the Wang family?"

He Feng eyebrows pick, in the heart emerged a guess, way: "this rice family, want to be the overlord of the ancient martial arts in Nanjin city?"

Xi Junzhe looked in the rearview mirror and nodded: "you really guessed right. He really wants to be the overlord of ancient martial arts in Nanjin city. Therefore, he wanted to support the guwu forces that he could control. As far as I know, the Wei family and the Huang family have reached a strategic agreement with the MI family. As for Kinmen, there seems to be an unclear relationship with the MI family. When the rice family finds an opportunity, they may directly attack the Wang family. "

"What about the Wang family? No movement? "

He Feng asks curiously, "still say, they do not know rice family wants to deal with Wang family?"

Xi Junzhe gave a wry smile and said: "they are at least local forces in Nanjin city. Of course, they will be aware of it. But I've heard that although the people of the Wang family are keeping a low profile now, they don't seem to make any moves, and they don't go to other ancient martial forces for cooperation or anything. "

Smell speech, he Feng Mou Guang flickers.

It seems that the Wang family is relying on the protection of the he family, so they have no fear.

Yes, although he Feng has never been to the he family, some people in the he family know that he exists and that he is now the son-in-law of the Wang family. Naturally, he will not watch the Wang family be destroyed.

Silence for a moment, he Feng suddenly asked: "I heard you say before, you are Guiyi medicine hall people?"

"Well, my father is the head of Guiyi medicine hall in Nanjin branch." Xi Junzhe nodded.

"Then you should know more about pills? I want to ask, do you know how many pills the MI family, the Jinmen family, the Jiang family, the Han family, the Wei family and the Huang family have stored in their ancient martial forces? " He Feng inquires.

This is what he Feng is most concerned about.

The destruction of the Wang family is definitely impossible. Even if he doesn't care, the he family will arrange someone to take charge of it.


Xi Junzhe blinked. Is this topic changing too fast?

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