Along the way, a few people chatted casually and soon came to a building called Guiyi medicine hall.

The location of Guiyi medicine hall is relatively partial, and the building is also very ordinary. It looks like a pharmaceutical factory, so it is difficult to attract people's attention.

Xi Junzhe's brother and sister directly lead He Feng and Ling Weiyu to the top floor and walk to the door of an office.

The sign next to the gate says "Chairman's office.".

"Dong Dong..."

Xi Junzhe knocked on the door.

"Come in, please Inside came the voice of a middle-aged man.

Xi Junzhe pushes the door in and leads He Feng and others in.

In the office, there was only a middle-aged man wearing a grey retro style shirt. The middle-aged man was elegant, moving his mouse towards the computer, frowning slightly, and didn't know what he was thinking.


Xi Junzhe looks at the middle-aged man and shouts.

"Well? Junzhe, Xueqing, are you

The middle-aged man raised his head when he heard Xi Junzhe's voice.

"Yes, you are playing go with Uncle Tang again? Look at you like this, I think you've lost miserably. " Xi Junzhe leads He Feng and others to Xi Zhenxing and looks at the computer screen.

"Nonsense, my game is not over. I have a great chance to turn the game over."

Xi Zhenxing's face was red. He looked at the two people, Feng Feng and Ling Wei Yu. He quickly stood up and pulled aside the topic: "what are the two?"

When he spoke, he focused more on He Feng.

Although he Feng's clothes look very ordinary, and he doesn't have a strong aura and temperament, he doesn't feel like an ordinary person.

"Dad, let me introduce you. This gentleman's name is He Feng. This is his girlfriend Ling Weiyu." Xi Junzhe said with a smile, did not immediately tell his father, he Feng in addition to Ling Weiyu's girlfriend, or Wang Xiangyun's husband.

As a former pursuer of Wang Xiangyun, he really didn't know how to speak such words.

However, as soon as he finished, Xi Xueqing added, "Dad, Mr. He Feng, he has another identity. He is Wang Xiangyun's husband and Wang's son-in-law."


Xi Junzhe takes a sharp puff from the corner of his mouth and stares at Xi Xueqing.

Is this sister too bad?

I mean to embarrass myself!

"Oh? Wang Xiangyun's husband? "

Xi Zhenxing ignores Xi Junzhe's pursuit of Wang Xiangyun, and just looks at He Feng in surprise.

This young man, who is not amazing in appearance, is the husband of that woman with terrible business mind and extremely arrogant?

However, with that woman's pride, how could her man be allowed to have a lover outside?

Although he has doubts in his heart, it is obviously impossible for Xi Zhenxing to show his doubts at this time.

"How are you

Xi Zhenxing greets He Feng and Ling Weiyu, then looks at Xi Junzhe and asks, "do you seem to be hurt?"

"Well! Today, I went shopping with my sister and met the people in the dark Xu hall. Fortunately, I met Mr. He Feng. Otherwise, we would have been arrested by the people in the dark Xu hall. "

Xi Junzhe did not hide, will happen in the snack street before the matter of a full story, including He Feng to help things.

"It seems that Baiyun medicine hall is becoming more and more presumptuous. I didn't move them, but they think I'm good at bullying them."

Xi Zhenxing narrowed his eyes and didn't look very good.

However, he didn't go deep into this problem. He went to He Feng and said to him, "Mr. He Feng, thank you for what happened today. Xi will remember it."

At this time, Xi Junzhe said: "Dad, he Feng is now in trouble in Nanjin city. Now he has saved Xueqing and me. Let's see if you can help him."

He Feng immediately speechless, when did he tell him that he was in trouble?

"Oh? Let's hear it. " Xi Zhenxing.

"Well, he Feng now has some conflicts with the MI family, the Jinmen family, the Jiang family, the Han family, the Wei family and the Huang family. Now they don't know that Mr. He Feng is a master of cross training, so the master behind them doesn't start. If they know that Mr. He Feng is a master of horizontal training, I'm afraid the master of dark strength behind them will join hands to deal with Mr. He Feng. After all, although he Feng is the son-in-law of the Wang family, it seems that many people in the Wang family do not agree with this marriage, so the Wang family is not his backer. "

Xi Junzhe laughed and said, "by the way, he Feng is younger than me. He is only 26 years old now. In addition, he Feng is not only a master of training quadruple, but also a master of internal strength and ancient martial arts at the peak of Mingjin. This kind of talent, in the whole ancient martial arts world of Nanjin City, can be regarded as the top level. I'm afraid it's already enough for the MI Xinghua class? "

"Ha ha, do you want me to recruit He Feng?"

Xi Zhenxing saw through Xi Junzhe's idea at a glance.

"He Feng is such a top genius. If he can become a member of our unified medicine hall, his future achievements will be no worse than you, Dad."

Xi Junzhe smiles and winks at He Feng secretly.

"Well, he's really a top talent." Xi Zhenxing nodded, looked at He Feng and asked, "He Feng, I don't know if you are interested in becoming the elder of the Nanjin branch of our unified medicine hall?"

"He Feng, promise my father quickly." Xi Junzhe crows and winks at He Feng, but he Feng agrees.

"He Feng, if you become the elder of the Nanjin branch of our Guiyi medicine hall and the master of dark strength in the ancient martial arts of Nanjin City, you won't dare to fight against you openly." Xi Xueqing is also a reminder.

He Feng saved them. They really want to help him now.

Because they know that Guiyi medicine hall has the ability to help he Feng.

He Feng asked: "I have become the elder of your sub church. Can't they attack me openly?"

"Of course!"

The answer is Xi Zhenxing.

He looked proud, as if very proud.

Guiyi medicine hall is different from the ordinary guwu family. They have a strong background. In Nanjin City, only the other two medicine halls dare to fight with them. The rest of the guwu family have no guts, because they can't afford the consequences.

Therefore, after answering He Feng's question, Xi Zhenxing looks at He Feng confidently, thinks he Feng will be very happy, and then promises to become the elder of Guiyi medicine hall.

And he will certainly have an extra right hand when he learns to rejuvenate.

"Oh, then I won't join Guiyi medicine hall."

However, under the gaze of Xi Zhenxing and others, he Feng shakes his head slowly.



"What's the situation of He Feng? Is he not clear about the strength of Guiyi medicine hall?"

Xi Zhenxing was very surprised and couldn't figure out why he Feng refused.

Xi Junzhe said anxiously: "He Feng, did I not explain the strength of Guiyi medicine hall to you before? Then I'll tell you in detail, how about we go back to the same medicine Hall... "


As soon as he spoke, he Feng interrupted him. "I know Guiyi medicine hall is very strong. It's comparable to Gaogu Wu family. But... "

"But what?"

Xi Junzhe asked.

Xi Zhenxing and Xi Xueqing are also curious to see he Feng and want to know why he Feng refuses such an olive branch.

Only Ling Weiyu, standing on one side with a smile, seemed to have expected that he Feng would give a rejection reply.

Brother Xiaofeng is the top myth in ancient martial arts. How could he join a medicine hall as an elder?

And it's just a division!

It's a disgrace to him?!

"You only know that I have offended the ancient martial forces such as the MI family and Jinmen, but you don't seem to know why I offended them?" He Feng said with a smile.

"Do you need to think about why? Anyway, the current situation is that you have offended so many guwu forces. They must want to join hands to deal with you now. Especially when they learn that you are a master of cross training for quadruple training, the master of dark strength behind them will certainly join hands to deal with you. How can you resist at that time? " Xi Junzhe said with a frown.

He felt that he Feng's decision to refuse to join Guiyi medicine hall was too stupid.

However, he Feng just shook his head, Wu said: "I deliberately offend them, just want to let the experts behind them deal with me."


As soon as he Feng's words came out, the three members of the Xi family were all stunned and speechless.

What did he say?

He even said that he was deliberately offending the rice family and others?

The purpose is to let the experts in the ancient martial forces such as the MI family deal with him?

What the hell does he want?

"He Feng, you, you're not doing..." Xi Junzhe looks at He Feng, and there's a word he didn't say.

"To death!" Xi Xueqing rolled her eyes and said, "do you think your strength in training quadruple is very strong? Not to mention the rice family, the Jiang family alone can easily kill you. "

"Junzhe, Xueqing, don't talk about it. I don't think Mr. He Feng is stupid. Since he did it, there must be a reason why he did it."

Xi Zhenxing raised his hand to stop them from saying anything more. He immediately asked he Feng, "Mr. He Feng, I'm really curious. Where do you dare to ignore the strength of the MI family and other forces like this

"Ha ha, didn't you just say that? I don't have any background. Where can my confidence come from? "

He Feng raised his hand, squeezed into a fist, "of course, my own fist."


Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing are more speechless.

This guy is too arrogant, isn't he?

The master of cross training in the four aspects of physical training is also equivalent to the ancient martial artist with inner strength in the early stage of dark strength.

But in the rice family, there is a strong man in the middle of the dark power, and there is more than one.

Even the Jiang family has a strong man in the middle of the dark force, who can easily defeat he Feng.

"Oh? So you're very confident in your strength. As it happens, I still have a little time now. I wonder if Mr. He Feng is interested in comparing with me? "

Xi Zhenxing laughs with great interest.

He is also interested in He Feng now. When he first saw him, he felt he Feng was different.

There seems to be no temperament on the body, but it seems ethereal and light, as if it has been detached from the world.

This kind of temperament, he had seen before, in his master.

"With you? What's in it for me? " He Feng looked at Xi Zhenxing and immediately asked with a smile.

Xi Zhenxing at least has the strength of dark strength. If he Feng wants to win him, he must show his stronger fighting power.

He didn't want to show his fighting power.

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