
Xi Zhenxing was speechless.

Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing are speechless.

Xi Xueqing said: "He Feng, my father is willing to give you some advice on Kung Fu. You should try your best to seize the opportunity."

"Yes, he Feng, even I don't always have the chance to get my father's personal advice." Xi Junzhe followed.

"But... If it's not good, I don't want to do it."

He Feng shrugged, looked at Xi Zhenxing and said: "otherwise, I heard Xi Junzhe say that this evening's auction of Renjie senior broken border pill belongs to you. If you are willing to give me this broken border pill, I'll fight with you, OK

"This guy, why is his brain suddenly not working well?" Both Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing think they have heard the wrong thing. What is it that he is the breakthrough pill?

"Ha ha, do you know the value of this pill?" Xi Zhenxing was angry with He Feng and sneered.

"Isn't that about a billion?"

"About one billion? Do you think it's worth a billion if you fight with me? "

"A billion?"

He Feng pondered for a few seconds and said seriously, "I think it should be more than one billion."


Xi Zhenxing looks at He Feng, this guy really dares to say.

Who does he think he is? Master Hua Jin?

Even master Huajin, it's impossible to reach the sky high price of one billion at a time!

"Do you want to fight?" Instead of giving Xi Zhenxing time to hesitate, he Feng asked directly, "if I don't fight, I want to know about the auction tonight. Can I add more auction items? I have something that I want to auction. "

He Feng doesn't have much money now, but he is burning money all the way. So he thinks that he might as well take this opportunity to auction something to make some money. In this way, he will help Ji Xinyu and others to practice in the future, and there will be no shortage of money.

"Fight! Of course! You want to break the border Dan can also, but there must be a premise, you have to beat me. Only if you defeat me, I will give you a breakthrough pill. "

Xi Zhenxing replied.

Although he does not have the redundant broken border Dan, but he does not think he Feng can defeat him.

"Well, hurry up. It's not long before the auction." He Feng laughs and is in a good mood. After all, there are benefits to be delivered to the door.

"Don't worry, this battle won't take long." Xi Zhenxing said indifferently, "come on, let's go to the training room now."

"Wait a minute..."

He Feng said, went to Xi Zhenxing's desk, looked at the computer screen, and then moved the mouse, click on it, "you put this move here, then you live again, and soon you can kill each other."


Xi Zhenxing looked at the computer desktop and carefully watched he Feng's move. He looked surprised at the beginning and shocked at the end. "What a wonderful move. How do you think of it?"

Before he Feng and others arrived, he had been playing go with a friend on the computer, but the chess game had been suppressed all the time. In the end, he almost had no hope of survival. He thought hard for a long time, and could not think of a way to escape from his life.

But don't want to He Feng after the arrival, even in a short few minutes, while chatting with himself, while come up with a solution.

And he can see very clearly, the whole process, he Feng did not look at the computer screen.

This is incredible.

"Is it hard to think of that? I think if you give the master more time, he will come up with better moves. "

He Feng said with a smile.

"Er..." Xi Zhenxing was stunned and immediately laughed, "it's good. I just didn't think about it seriously."

Just now Xi Zhenxing still thinks he Feng is quite arrogant, but now he Feng gives his face, and he sees he Feng more agreeable.

This young man is very modest and polite.

As for Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing, they turned their eyes secretly. Of course, they would not believe their father's words.

"Come on, let's go to the next practice room." He Feng said, looking at Xi Junzhe and others at the same time, "master Xi, let's compete, or don't let others watch?"

"OK, Junzhe, Xueqing, you'll wait in my office. First accompany Miss Ling, and then come to see you after the contest with Mr. He Feng."

He Feng has just given Xi Zhenxing face. Now of course, Xi Zhenxing will not give he Feng face.

Because he felt that the reason why he Feng put forward such a request must be that he thought he was inferior to himself, for fear that Xi Zhenxing and others would lose face when they saw him nearby.

"All right!"

"Dad, please don't hurt Mr. He Feng."

Brother and sister both agreed to come down, especially Xi Xueqing, also reminded his father.

"Don't worry, I'll do it properly." Xi Zhenxing nodded with a smile.

"Little feather, you can sit here too. I'll be here soon." He Feng looks at Ling Weiyu.

"Good little brother Feng!" Ling Weiyu naturally has no opinion, she also guessed he Feng's meaning.

But she and Xi Zhenxing guessed the opposite, she knew he Fengtie will win, there will be no suspense.

"Mr. He Feng, this way, please."

Xi Zhenxing immediately left the office with He Feng.

"Miss Ling, sit down first, and I'll make you some tea."

When they leave, Xi Junzhe says something to Ling Weiyu, and then goes to his desk to make tea.

"Thank you Ling Weiyu said.

Xi Xueqing asked: "Miss Ling, do you know why Mr. He Feng is so bold? Isn't he afraid of the ancient martial forces such as the rice family and Kinmen? You know, any one of these forces can easily kill him. "

Ling Weiyu smiles and says, "didn't my brother Xiaofeng say that just now? He is not afraid of the rice family, because his fist is hard enough. "

Xi Xueqing said: "I know that he is a master of horizontal training, which is equivalent to a strong man who has cultivated dark strength. But with these strengths alone, he can't shake the rice family. He can't even shake the ordinary guwu families like the Jiang family. "

"Miss Xi, after the contest between brother Xiaofeng and master Xi, you will know how strong brother Xiaofeng is."

Ling Weiyu just laughed and didn't say much.

Xi Xueqing smiles, "Oh? Miss Ling, do you think he can defeat my father? Although my father hasn't tried his best for a long time, and I don't know what level his cultivation has reached, I can be sure that his cultivation has at least reached the middle stage of dark energy. It's not too difficult to defeat a master of four fold training with such cultivation. "

"No matter how strong the master is, I still firmly believe that brother Xiaofeng can win."

Ling Weiyu is still smiling.

Seeing this, Xi Xueqing shook her head and said nothing more.

This woman's confidence in He Feng is too blind.

Soon, Xi Zhenxing took he Feng to a training room.

The area of the training room is quite large. The floor and walls are made of pure steel. The transparent windows are also made of tempered glass. Master amjin won't leave any trace when fighting here.

"Mr. He Feng, let's compete here. What do you think?"

Xi Zhenxing closed the door and said with a smile, quite polite.

Before he saw he Feng arrogant, originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to fight, teach him a lesson, let him understand the truth.

But just now he Feng offered to ask Xi Junzhe and others not to watch, and he thought it was a sign of He Feng's softness. In addition to his daughter Xi Xueqing's plea, he planned to give up a little and defeat he Feng, just as a way to polish the edge of young people.

"I have no problem."

Hefeng road.

"Well, let's hurry and make a quick decision."

"That's what I mean."

"Well, you do it first!"

Xi Zhenxing put on a defensive posture.

"Master Xi, you'd better fight first. After all, you want to fight me." He Feng said with a smile.

"Are you sure you want me to do it first?" Xi Zhenxing shook his head and said with a smile, "if I do it first, I'm afraid you will be defeated."

He Feng smiles, "master Xi, actually this is what I want to say to you."

"You boy, you're talking again. In that case, don't blame me for bullying you. "

Xi Zhenxing frowned and was not happy.

It seems that if we don't crack down on this young man, he won't know how to restrain himself.

"Take it!"

As the voice falls, Xi Zhenxing rushes to He Feng.


A great force makes a roaring sound in Xi Zhenxing's body, like a huge wave rolling and hitting the coast.


In a flash, Xi Zhenxing crossed the distance of six or seven meters and came to He Feng, slapping him on the chest.

"Well? The cultivation of the master of the learning hall is really excellent, and he has reached the peak of dark strength. However, Mingming has the highest cultivation of dark power. When he attacked me, he used the middle power of dark power. He didn't even use his martial arts. Does he look down on me? "

He Feng frowned, and then the same palm flashed out.

This hand is not a bit fancy.

The speed is also not fast. It looks like the palm of an ordinary person.


Two palms touch, a strong momentum towards the surrounding impact out, scraping He Feng clothes hunting.

As for Xi Zhenxing

"Step on step on step on step on step on

He only felt an irresistible force of terror surging out of He Feng's palm, shaking his whole body and retreating one after another.

He took six steps back to stabilize himself.

"Damn it, you are not a master of training quadruple, but a master of training quintuple. Just that palm, absolutely has the strength of refining body five fold. "

Xi Zhenxing's eyes are full of shock when he Feng looks at him.

When he learned that he Feng was only 26 years old, he became a master of four levels of physical training, and his inner strength cultivation also reached the peak of Mingjin, he was quite surprised. He knew that he Feng would achieve great success in the future, so he didn't hesitate to make the ancient martial arts forces such as the MI family unhappy, so he took the initiative to throw an olive branch to He Feng, hoping that he Feng would become the elder of their division.

But he didn't want to be shocked by the young man who surprised him.

This is definitely a top talent!

"He Feng, I underestimated you before. I only invited you to be the elder of Guiyi medicine hall. Well, I'd like to invite you again. I hope you can join us. As for the position, naturally, he is no longer the elder, but the deputy head of the branch. How about that? "

After the shock, Xi Zhenxing asked expectantly.

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