"I'm sorry, I'm not very interested in joining you at present. But if you are really sincere, how about waiting for us to finish this contest? "

He Feng naturally does not want to join Guiyi medicine hall unless Xi Zhenxing can promise him rich conditions.

As for now, he just wants to get the breakthrough Dan first.

Seeing that he Feng still wanted to fight, Xi Zhenxing shook his head with a wry smile and explained patiently: "He Feng, you may not know that we belong to the same medicine hall. There is no deputy hall leader, only a few elders. The cultivation of the elder is above the initial stage of the dark energy, even the elder and the second elder have reached the middle stage of the dark energy. If you become the deputy head of our unified medicine hall, then your position in our sub hall will be higher than all the elders, second only to me. And I don't usually manage the affairs of the division. Do you understand what I mean? "

He Feng shook his head seriously, "I don't understand!"


Xi Zhenxing is choked by He Feng.

Immediately, his face became serious, and said: "He Feng, you can feel my breath seriously. We really don't need to compete any more."

As he spoke, the breath on his body suddenly soared, stronger than before. I don't know how many times.

Dark power peak!

Xi Zhenxing didn't hide his accomplishments any more!

"Feel it? My cultivation is not the middle stage of dark energy, but the peak of dark energy

Xi Zhenxing chuckled, with a cool look, as if he had the style of "I am an expert." He Feng, you should know my strength, right? It's not what you can compete with right now. However, I don't want people outside to know my accomplishments. Even my children don't know how powerful I am. Can you help me keep this secret

"Well, I will keep this secret for you, and I won't tell others about your accomplishments. But you have to keep it a secret for me. You can't tell anyone about my accomplishments. " He Feng said.

"Ha ha, don't worry. Although your accomplishments are not very high, since you ask me to keep this secret for you, I will promise you naturally."

Xi Zhenxing laughed, "how about my proposal? Would you like to be the deputy head of our unified medicine hall

He Feng said with a smile: "master Xi, I said it. We'll talk about it after you fight with me."

"Still fighting?"

Xi Zhenxing frowned, "He Feng, you didn't feel my breath clearly, or you didn't hear what I said. My cultivation is the peak of dark strength. You're just training your five fold strength. How can you compete with me? "

"Don't worry, master. I know your cultivation is the peak of dark energy. Please do it!"

He Feng didn't want to talk any more. He just made a "please" gesture.


"Smelly boy, I don't know what you think. I know my accomplishments are enough to crush you, so I have to fight with you. Well, since you want a lesson, I'll help you. "

Xi Zhenxing shakes his head and doesn't talk nonsense. His inner strength runs and rushes to He Feng again.


This time, his speed is faster and his momentum is more fierce. It seems that it is not a person who rushes to He Feng, but a wild beast, which makes people dare not confront each other.


Xi Zhenxing's attack is the same as last time, and he Feng's chest is still the same.


He Feng also clapped his hand.

"Step on, step on, step on..."

The next moment, Xi Zhenxing retreated one after another.

It is almost the same as the scene of the previous confrontation.

"How... How possible?"

This time, however, Xi Zhenxing was completely shocked. He exclaimed and looked at He Feng in disbelief. "These terrible forces are far beyond the limit of the quintuple. You are the master of the quintuple! What's more, I've been immersed in this realm for a long time, and I'm about to break through to the seventh level of physical training and become a great master of horizontal training! "

At this moment, Xi Zhenxing looks at He Feng like a monster.

How old is he? 26 years old!

A 26 year old young man's cultivation has reached the same level as him?


True genius!

Even in the high ancient martial family, even among the four royal families, they are real talents.

"Royal family? His surname is he. Is he... "

At the thought of a certain possibility, Xi Zhenxing could not help taking a deep breath and even getting excited.

He family, it's one of the four royal families, and among them, it's quite powerful.

If he can have a good relationship with the children of he family, it will be of great help to his future development.

As for the invitation He Feng just said to be the deputy head of their sub hall, he would never think about it again.

Are you kidding? Let the he family be the deputy head of their branch? If the hall leader of their headquarters knows, he will come to Nanjin city to strip his skin at the first time.

"Master of the training hall, go on. It's not your strongest attack just now. You haven't even used your martial arts. Go on and show your strongest attack. Let me see how strong the leader of Guiyi medicine hall is. "

He Feng's tone has a strong sense of provocation.

"He Feng, I don't think we need to fight any more. Although you seem to be a little better than me just now, it's because I haven't used my martial arts yet. If I use my martial arts, it will be very difficult for you to defeat me. "

Xi Zhenxing said with a smile: "otherwise, let's call it a draw?"

After learning that he Feng is likely to be a child of the he family, Xi Zhenxing doesn't want to fight with He Feng any more.

How noble is the identity of the he family's children? Even if he is an important person in Guiyi medicine hall, he can't offend easily.

Therefore, he is really worried that he Feng will be hurt if he tries his best. Once he's investigated, the consequences will not be generally serious.

He Feng noncommittal smile, "is it? But I don't think so! Of course, if master Xi really doesn't want to fight, he can admit defeat directly, and then give me a high-level breakthrough pill. "

Xi Zhenxing can't help frowning, a little unhappy.

He didn't want to fight with He Feng, not because he thought he would lose.

On the contrary, he felt that he had a greater chance of winning, almost more than 80%.

The reason is very simple. He is not an ordinary top dark power. He has been immersed in this realm for many years. The ordinary top dark power is not his opponent at all.

The reason why I don't want to fight is purely because of He Feng's identity.

But don't want to, he Feng didn't know what to do, forced him to fight, he didn't fight to admit defeat.

What a bully!

"He Feng, you should be a member of the he family, right? If you lose here, it's quite humiliating. So, I still hope that our contest will be a draw

Xi Zhenxing said with a smile, trying to suppress his inner dissatisfaction.

"Well? Master of the learning hall, who told you that I'm a member of the he family? " He Feng pretended to be surprised: "I, he Feng, was an orphan when I was a child. I grew up in Jule welfare home in Jiangbin city. When I was a teenager, I was abducted and sold abroad. I didn't come back to China until some time ago. As for what you said about the he family, I don't know them at all. "

"What, you are an orphan?"

Xi Zhenxing was shocked and exclaimed in disbelief.

"Master Xi, there's no need to shout about such things, is there?" He Feng frowned.

"Cough, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I was just a little excited."

Xi Zhenxing immediately apologized, and then asked, "I don't know where he Feng learned from? At a young age, he has become a master of horizontal training of Liuzhong

"I don't have a master. I practice my martial arts by myself. I communicate with my brothers occasionally." He Feng answered casually, but he didn't lie, "master Xi, we have been delayed for a long time. Now that you know that I'm not the he family's son, can we continue this contest? "

"Well, since you are determined to win, I will help you. I hope this rout will not leave you any shadow. "

Learning that he Feng is not a child of the he family, Xi Zhenxing naturally feels relieved to fight with He Feng.

All of a sudden, the clothes on his body would make a hunting sound without wind,

"He Feng, what I'm going to do is my strongest attack on flying snake and dragon fingers. It's a set of ground level primary martial arts. If you can take this move, I will recognize your strength. "

Xi Zhenxing said, at the same time, the momentum emanating from him is more powerful and terrifying.

But in addition to momentum, there is no strength to leak.

It can be seen from this that Xi Zhenxing's control of power has reached the state of wonderful entering into the extreme. This is the state of martial arts. Generally, only master Hua Jin can enter this state.

Xi Zhenxing can step into this realm of martial arts at the level of dark strength. It can be seen that he is also a proud man of a generation with excellent talent. It is only a matter of time before he can step into the master of Huajin in the future.

That's why he didn't want to take care of the affairs of the medicine hall and left all the affairs to the elder. That's to devote more time to cultivation and strive to break through to Huajin as soon as possible.


Xi Zhenxing's body is like a ghost floating to He Feng.

Yes, not running, but floating, feet off the ground, the body moves with the wind, like flying.

Flying in the sky is something that can only be done by the myths and legends of the true Qi state.

Looking at Xi Zhenxing, he Feng is not in a hurry to make any action, just quietly watching, with a smile in his eyes.

On the surface, this master is the master of Guiyi medicine hall. He is a businessman. But with his skill, we can see that he must be a martial arts practitioner who studies martial arts with all his heart. Otherwise, it is impossible to cultivate this set of martial arts in such a situation.

"Be careful!"

Xi Zhenxing soon gets close to He Feng. When he finds that he Feng is still standing in the same place without any movement, he looks like he is in a daze. He can't help humming, but he still reminds him.

The next moment, his finger index finger and ring finger at the same time out, and in a place, like a sharp sword, issued a burst of rapid breaking wind, toward He Feng assassinate.


When Xi Zhenxing's finger is about to fall on He Feng, he Feng suddenly blows a punch.


Fingers and fists collide, making a dull sound.


Then, Xi Zhenxing screamed in pain, covered his fingers and retreated, looking at He Feng in shock, "He Feng, you... What's your move just now?"

His flying snake and dragon fingers had been cultivated to a perfect level for a long time. He even improved this move, which was more powerful and powerful enough to make him confront the ordinary master Hua Jin.

But his move in front of He Feng, but it is vulnerable, was downplayed by others a punch to crack.

"It's not a move. It's just a common punch." He Feng said with a smile.

"A normal punch? How is that possible? If it's just an ordinary punch, how can it defeat me? " Xi Zhenxing is unbelievable.

"Isn't that easy? As long as my strength is greater than yours, I will be able to defeat you. "

"Stronger than me?"

Xi Zhenxing murmured. He thought of some possibility in his heart. He suddenly widened his eyes and looked at He Feng like a ghost. He almost screamed and said: "how can it be, you, your strength is... Refining Sevens?"

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