"Master he..."

"Elder brother Xi, since we are brothers, you can call me Xiao He later. Don't call me master. It's awkward."

He Feng interrupts Xi Zhenxing.

It's really awkward. Brother Feng is a legend of true Qi, but you have to say that brother Feng is a great master. Can you be uncomfortable?

"No, no, master he, you are also a master of a generation anyway. Even if I am older than you, I can't call you Xiao He." Xi Zhenxing looked frightened and shook his head.

But feeling he Feng's friendliness, he couldn't be too affectable, so he said, "otherwise, I'll call you brother he in the future. How about that?"

"I don't mind!"

He Feng shrugged.

"Brother he, how can you let your woman take the pill? In fact, although the use of breakthrough pill can increase the probability of breakthrough, and there will be no side effects, it will affect the warrior's perception of strength when breaking through, which is not conducive to the future cultivation of the warrior. " Xi Zhenxing solemnly said, "so I suggest that you don't let your woman use the breakthrough pill unless you have to."

It is for this reason that even if Xi Zhenxing can get a high-level breakthrough pill, he does not want his children to rely on the pill to break through, but to feel the power on their own, so that they can go further on the road of martial arts.

It's not only Xi Zhenxing, but also most of the dark strong people understand this, so some real talents and their elders won't allow them to use pojingdan.

"Brother Xi, you have a point. But you only know one, you don't know the other. "

He Feng chuckled, "if you break through the true Qi, you will understand that for the ancient martial arts, the three realms of Mingjin, Yinjin and Huajin are just a process of accumulation. Feeling the power of inner strength is not very helpful to your future cultivation. Only when we reach the true Qi State, we really need to feel the power, the power of heaven and earth, not the strength. Therefore, no matter whether you have talent or not, or how strong your talent is, you only need to do one thing in the early cultivation, that is to use all kinds of resources, constantly improve and break through, until you break through and become a real Qi warrior... "

"Break through to the true Qi State?"

If other people say this, Xi Zhenxing will definitely scoff at it.

He has heard of this truth from his elders.

The power of heaven and earth is magical and powerful. It seems to have the power of ghosts and gods. Those who are not very gifted can't feel it and can't set foot on it.

Therefore, the ultimate goal of most ancient warriors is to become a great master.

There are only two ways to become a great master.

First, rely on savvy to feel the use of strength, and finally lead to the body strength through the whole body, arbitrary control of strength. This requires great savvy. Therefore, during each breakthrough, the warrior must seriously feel the change of strength in the process, so as to accumulate enough experience.

Second, relying on resources to smash, that is, money.

It is said that it will cost at least 10 billion yuan to smash a person with high cultivation talent into Huajin, and a master of Huajin is also needed to give advice, otherwise no matter how much money he spends, he will not be able to smash Huajin.

Xi Zhenxing believes he Feng must also understand these principles.

Since he Feng chooses to use resources to turn his woman into a master of Huajin, Xi Zhenxing naturally has no problem.

"Brother he, it seems that you are going to let your women use all kinds of cultivation resources to improve their accomplishments. Then you should buy a lot of pills in the future?" Xi Zhenxing asked.

"Well, yes. Will there be a discount for purchasing pills in Guiyi medicine hall? Isn't it just 20% off? There is Baiyun medicine hall, but it also gave me a gold card, which can give me 20% discount. "

He Feng nodded.

Although he will rob some pills from the ancient martial forces like the MI family, their resources are not enough.

At that time, he will have to buy if he lacks resources.

"Well, it's not gold card, it's just the most common VIP card. But I said that card, not everyone can do. Even me, because my martial arts realm has stepped into the micro level, and I am about to break through the strength, and my age is just in my early 50s. In addition, my master is a big figure in Guiyi medicine hall, so I made an exception to do one for me. "

Xi Zhenxing chuckled and looked rather mysterious. "Mr. He Feng, I just heard you say that you haven't joined any forces yet?"

"Yes He Feng nodded.

"In that case, brother he might as well join our Guiyi medicine hall headquarters?" Xi Zhenxing said with a smile: "of course, what I said about joining is to let brother he give you a name in our Guiyi medicine hall. You don't completely become a disciple of our Guiyi medicine hall. You won't waste your time at ordinary times. You only need to bother you when Guiyi medicine Hall is facing a big crisis. Even if you think this crisis will bring you danger, you can choose to leave Guiyi medicine hall directly. "

"Oh? Is it possible for me to put a name on your Guiyi medicine hall so that you can help me get that card? "

He Feng asks curiously.

"Yes, as long as you are willing to be registered in our Guiyi medicine hall headquarters, I promise you that you can get the card and it will be delivered to you soon."

"Brother Xi, you have to tell me first what kind of card it is and what benefits it can bring me?"

"That card is the most important VIP card of our unified medicine hall. In our Guiyi medicine hall, only those elders who have stepped into master Huajin are eligible for it. Brother he, you just need to be an honorary elder in our Guiyi medicine hall. In our Guiyi medicine hall, there are several honorary elders, but they only have diamond VIP cards and enjoy a 60% discount. "

Xi Zhenxing said with a smile: "as for those who hold the VIP card, they can enjoy a 40% discount on any product except a few restricted products purchased in Guiyi medicine hall."

"There are limits? Is it a restricted commodity that will be auctioned tonight He Feng asked.

"Keke, pojingdan is extremely rare and is naturally a restricted commodity." Xi Zhenxing laughs awkwardly. He also knows that he Feng's goal tonight is to buy pojingdan.

"Well, what pills are not restrictive? Don't let this VIP card be just a chicken rib, it will be meaningless at all. "

"Of course not! In our unified medicine hall, the most one of the ten kinds of pills is limited. And the limited discount items are extremely rare and difficult to refine. There is no way to do that. "

"OK, then you can apply for your master."

Xi Zhenxing was surprised and said, "so, brother he, do you agree to be the honorary elder of our Guiyi medicine hall?"

He Feng shrugged, "anyway, it's just a name!"

Xi Zhenxing nodded again and again, "well, don't worry. It's just a nominal name. It won't let you bear any obligations. Even if other honorary elders need help to carry out a task every three years, it has nothing to do with brother he. You just need to enjoy the welfare. "

"What tasks do other honorary elders need to perform?" He Feng asked casually, this elder brother Xi just concealed himself.

"It's nothing. It's just that if our medicine hall is short of spirit grass, we need to look for it in the mountains and forests. And in those real mountains, there are many extremely terrible beasts. Ordinary people step in, ten dead no life. If you step into the ancient martial arts, you will die. If you are not careful, you will die. Only those who are strong in strength can have enough power to protect themselves. "

Xi Zhenxing explained: "in our Guiyi medicine hall, there are many honorary elders. They don't need to be responsible for specific affairs at ordinary times, but since they enjoy the great benefits of our Guiyi medicine hall, they naturally have to do something for us. Therefore, every three years, they need to accompany our Guiyi medicine hall into the mountains to collect medicine and protect our safety. But don't worry, brother he. I'll propose to the master that you should be relieved of this responsibility. You just need to practice with all your heart and strive to reach the peak of Huajin as soon as possible. In the future, you may be lucky enough to break through the true Qi and become a legend of a generation. "

"Oh, if you can get rid of it, get rid of it."

He Feng nodded.

In the past, when he was abroad, he often went to the deep mountains and forests, and usually accompanied him to collect herbs. He knew that there were many precious miracles and opportunities in these real deep mountains and forests.

There is, of course, a great danger.

Those powerful fierce beasts can easily tear the bodies of ordinary ancient warriors. Even the great master Hua Jin does not have the power to protect himself.

Especially, when the fierce beast Lord comes and goes, the myths and legends of the true Qi state have to be avoided.

Therefore, he Feng certainly didn't want to go to that kind of place.

Xi Zhenxing said: "brother he, when the auction is over, I will go to the headquarters and apply with my master face to face. When the VIP card is ready, I'll go to Jiangbin city and deliver it to you. "

"Ha ha, don't worry. After the auction, you'd better shut up for a few days. Maybe you'll break through to Huajin?"

"Ha ha, I'll listen to you. If I really break through to Huajin, then when I go to Jiangbin City, I must have a good drink with you. "

"Brother Xi, I have a question to ask you..."

He Feng said, "are all the items sold in your auction house belong to your three medicine halls?"

Xi Zhenxing said with a smile: "most of them are, but occasionally some people ask our pharmacy to auction. As long as the source of things is clean and the identity of the entrusted person is clear, we will generally promise to help, but we will draw 5% of the transaction price as a handling fee."

"So much?"

He Feng eyebrows pick.

Five percent doesn't sound like much, but if you think about it, if you buy one hundred million yuan for one thing, the handling charge will be five million yuan. You can buy a villa in the second and third tier cities.

"Of course, our pharmacy is a profit-making organization after all. Of course, we should try our best to make money. Of course, if the senior staff of the pharmacy want to auction their own things, the pharmacy will not charge a handling fee, and even try to promote and hype, and try to help them to get the highest price. " Xi Zhenxing said with a smile.

He Feng's face looked better, "right? If I take out an item and ask elder brother Xi to auction it for me, will elder brother Xi charge me a handling fee? "

Xi Zhenxing glared and said, "brother he, you look down on my power. How can I say that I am also the leader of Nanjin branch. If brother he is put to me for auction, even if you haven't officially joined our Guiyi medicine hall, I can make the decision and don't charge brother he a cent of the handling fee."

"Haha, I'll thank elder brother Xi first." He Feng eyebrow opens the way of the eye smile.

"Why, brother he has something good that he wants me to auction, but he cares about the handling charge." Xi Zhenxing asked curiously.

"Well, there is a set of martial arts."

"Martial arts? Where? Can you show it to me first? If the order is high enough, I will auction it directly as the final product. "


He Feng embarrassed smile, "in my mind, I can immediately write it out."

"Well, it shouldn't be too late. You can write it now."

Xi Zhenxing didn't ask much, so he went to help he Feng find a pen and paper.

He Feng had already figured out which set of martial arts to write. He crossed his knees and took a pen to write quickly on the paper. Xi Zhenxing was not afraid of it, so he just watched.

At first, Xi Zhenxing didn't like it, but gradually, the expression on his face became dignified.

About five minutes later, he Feng put down his pen and looked at Xi Zhenxing with a smile, "brother Xi, how do you feel about my boxing? Should be able to sell some money? "

"For some money?"

Xi Zhenxing rolled his eyes and said, "brother he, do you want the ancient martial forces in Nanjin city to break the scalp? If one is not good, it may even lead to bloodshed. "

"Hey, hey, let them bleed. I can get the money anyway." He Feng grinned.

"Brother he, I have a suggestion. If you are not short of money, you might as well put your martial arts to the next auction. During this period, I will help you to publicize more, which can also give them enough time to turn over their capital, and they will certainly be able to sell at a higher price Xi Zhenxing said.

He Feng waved his hand and said, "it's OK. Take it to auction directly. If they really need this set of martial arts, even if they don't have enough time to prepare, they can certainly get money."

"All right!"

Xi Zhenxing said nothing more, but just gave a wry smile. "As far as I know, there has not been any primary martial arts in the three ancient martial arts families. If there is a set of martial arts in the local level now, they will certainly seal it up."

"The three ancient martial arts families still don't have a set of local martial arts?"

He Feng was surprised to hear this.

At the beginning, he was going to auction a set of local level intermediate martial arts, but he had just made a hand with Xi Zhenxing. The strongest move that Xi Zhenxing put out was the local level primary martial arts. He changed his mind and auctioned a set of local level primary martial arts first. If he was short of money later, he would auction the local level intermediate martial arts again.

Unexpectedly, in the ancient martial arts world of Nanjin City, there was no local level martial arts.

Xi Zhenxing nodded with a smile, "yes, the cultivation atmosphere of Nanjin city is not strong. Even the other two cities in Jiangshu province, Changsu city and Suqian City, are stronger than that of Nanjin city. Although there are one or two sets of human level advanced martial arts in every ancient martial arts force in Nanjin City, there is no local level primary martial arts. Of course, this is also because the major ancient martial arts forces are very interested in their own martial arts and will not easily reveal them. It is really too difficult for ordinary ancient martial arts people to cultivate to a higher level of martial arts. "

"I see!"

He Feng this just suddenly.

"Well, let's go out first. Now I have to say hello to the elder who is in charge of the auction in Guiyi medicine hall and ask him to change the final item into brother he's martial arts."

"Well, thank you, brother Xi."

"Ha ha, I'm not used to you being so polite to me all of a sudden."

Xi Zhenxing laughs, then walks out of the training room with He Feng and returns to the office.

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