
Push open the door, he Feng will see Ling Weiyu and others are sitting tea, a few young people talk very happy.

"Brother Hefeng, is your competition with my father over? How are you? Do you feel that you have benefited a lot? "

Seeing he Feng and Xi Zhenxing coming in, Xi Junzhe immediately stood up and said with envy: "it took so much time to fight with my father. He must have instructed you for a long time, didn't he? I'm a little envious. Usually when I ask him to give me advice, he ignores me. "

Xi Xueqing also said with a smile: "He Feng, how do you feel? Have you been abused badly? I guess you haven't even forced my father out of his real strength? "

"Ha ha, it's OK."

In this regard, he Feng just chuckled and said nothing more.

Rao is so, learning revival is still a red face.

He points out He Feng? It's he Feng who's giving him directions, OK?

He Feng was badly abused? It's clear that he was forced back by He Feng, OK?

He Feng didn't force his real strength out? It's clear that he didn't force out the real strength of He Feng, OK?

Although he Feng's strength in front of him is only a master of seven levels of physical training, Xi Zhenxing has a strong intuition that he Feng's real fighting power should be more than seven levels of physical training!


Xi Zhenxing first coughed, and then said, "what are you asking about the contest between He Feng and me? What does it have to do with your brother and sister? If you have time, you might as well practice hard. You know how to play all day long. You're so old that you don't even break through the dark energy. Are you ashamed? "

Xi Junzhe didn't expect that Xi Zhenxing would suddenly have such a fierce reaction. He was stunned and then said, "Dad, didn't you boast that Xueqing and I have good cultivation talents some time ago? It is said that we are expected to break through to dark strength within one year, which is no worse than that of MI Xinghua. "

Xi Zhenxing glared and said, "it's glorious to be no worse than Mi Xinghua, isn't it? You two go home to practice. You don't have to take care of the affairs of the medicine hall in the future. You are not allowed to leave your home until you break through to the dark force. "

"Dad, I don't need to shut up, do I? I have to practice, otherwise I'm afraid it's not easy to get my diploma. "

Xi Xueqing weak said, of course, this is just an excuse, she is a talented student in the school, plus her identity, the school can't not give her a diploma.

Xi Zhenxing said faintly, "don't worry, I'll go there to say hello."


Smell speech, Xi Xueqing completely speechless.

Xi Junzhe also rolled his eyes.

Then, both of them subconsciously look at He Feng and want to ask him what happened just now. It seems that their father has been greatly stimulated?

"Dad, when the auction starts, you should be very busy, right? He Feng brothers did not participate in the auction, and they did not know much about the process of the auction. Otherwise, let Xueqing and I accompany He Feng at the auction tonight. In this way, if he encounters any problems at the auction, we can help him solve them. " Xi Junzhe said.

He is now very determined, just his father Xi Zhenxing and he Feng between the contest, there must be some secret.

He is really curious!

Therefore, he now wants to stay with He Feng and ask from He Feng.

Xi Zhenxing did not immediately agree, but looked at He Feng and asked, "brother he, do you need them to stay with you?"

"Brother he?"

Hearing Xi Zhenxing's address to He Feng, Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing's brother and sister look strange and shocked.

They know their father very well. They seem to have a good temper, but in fact they are very proud. They never pay attention to the experts in the ancient martial arts of Nanjin city.

But now from his address to He Feng, he obviously recognized he Feng.

Is it difficult? In my father's mind, he Feng is much better than many experts in the ancient martial arts circle of Nanjin city?

Think of this, Rao is very hard to see men on the eye of Xi Xueqing, also can't help but look at He Feng.

She is really curious, this appearance is not amazing, looks a little bit of slothful and even boastful man, what ability can get her father's favor?

"Elder brother Xi, if the young master and miss Xi are willing to stay with me, of course I would be very happy." He Feng said with a smile.

"Brother Xi?"

Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing have more strange colors on their faces.

"Well, since you have no problem, let these two kids follow you. I hope they can learn something from you."

See he Feng agree, Xi Zhenxing immediately agreed down, look quite happy, it seems that Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing with He Feng side, is how glorious a thing.

"Ha ha, we should learn from each other." He Feng said with a smile.

"OK, next you young people talk, I have to deal with something. Junzhe and Xueqing, you will take He Feng and Miss Ling to Junlin hotel in a moment. Remember, learn from He Feng. "

Xi Zhenxing left the office after a serious admonition to a pair of children.

As soon as he left, Xi Junzhe immediately asked, "He Feng, just now you were in the training room with my father. What happened?"

"Yes, how come my father's attitude towards you took a 180 degree turn as soon as you came out?"

Xi Xueqing also asked: "what's more, he even called you" brother he ". What's the matter?"

Instead, Ling Weiyu stood beside him with a smile and a trace of pride.

It seemed to her that all this was too normal and completely expected.

In the face of repeated questioning from brother and sister, he Feng just shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's not too early now. Let's go to Junlin hotel first. If we have any questions, let's talk slowly on the way. How about that?"

"OK, let's go first."

"Let's go."

Immediately, a group of people left Xi Zhenxing's office one after another, came to the Mercedes Benz, and drove towards the Junlin hotel.

"He Feng, now it's time to say it?"

Just after the car started, Xi Xueqing on the co driver immediately spoke.

She is really curious about He Feng. How can this man make her father look up to him.

Is he a martial arts genius and favored by her father?

But even so, he Feng's previous rebellious character should be hard to please her father, right?

"If I say that elder brother Xi attaches so much importance to me, it is because my cultivation talent is very terrible, even more terrible than you think. Do you believe it?" He Feng said with a smile.

He won't directly say that his strength is stronger than Xi Zhenxing. If Xi Zhenxing knows, he will lose face.

Of course, he would not say that Xi Zhenxing is better than himself.

"Your talent is terrible?"

Xi Junzhe, who was driving, took a puff at the corner of his mouth, while Xi Xueqing rolled his eyes, "how terrible is it?"

"Ha ha, I can't describe that. In a word, your father has invited me to join your Guiyi medicine hall, and I have agreed. "

"What? My father invited you to join us in the Guiyi medicine hall? "

Xi Xueqing exclaimed in surprise: "is it hard to do it? Let you be the elder of our Nanjin branch?"

The weakest of the elders in their division are all in the early stage of dark strength. However, not all of them can become the elders of Nanjin branch. They need to go through multiple examinations, which is quite difficult.

This is the pride of the medicine hall. Ordinary ancient martial arts forces dream that they can have one more master of dark strength in their own forces, but the medicine hall still limits the addition of ordinary master of dark strength.

"It's not a division, it's headquarters." He Feng corrected with a smile.


Xi Xueqing suddenly widened her eyes, "Dad, he even directly invited you to join Guiyi medicine hall headquarters?"

"Yes, is there anything unusual?" He Feng asks, but he thinks that Xi Xueqing doesn't understand him. He just thinks that Xi Zhenxing is inviting him to join the headquarters of Guiyi medicine hall instead of becoming the honorary elder of the headquarters.

It's no wonder that Xi Xueqing, the honorary elder of Guiyi medicine hall headquarters, has the cultivation of master Huajin.

Even if he says it now, it is estimated that Xi Xueqing and Xi Junzhe will not believe it.


Xi Xueqing gives a thumbs up to He Feng. It seems that he Feng's cultivation talent is not generally strong. He must be higher than Mi Xinghua of the MI family. Only in this way can he get a new look from his father and even directly invite him to join the headquarters of Guiyi medicine hall.

In this way, he Feng can get the cultivation of Guiyi medicine hall, and will grow faster in the future.

"Ha ha, that's right. Since brother he Feng joined our Guiyi medicine hall headquarters, we will be a family after that."

Xi Junzhe also laughed and seemed quite happy.

He Feng smiles, and no longer explains too much.

Next, a few people chatted happily and soon arrived at the Junlin hotel.

At the moment, outside the Junlin Hotel, there are all kinds of luxury cars. At a glance, almost all of them are vehicles of more than one million class, and there are several of them of ten million class.

Therefore, Xi Junzhe and his Mercedes Benz drive here, and no one will pay attention to them at all.

After getting off the bus, Xi Junzhe, he Feng and others walk towards the door of the hotel.

Xi Junzhe said: "brother he Feng, this is your first time to participate in this kind of auction. There is no fixed seat. You can take the seat of Guiyi medicine hall in a moment. By the way, next to the Guiyi medicine hall is the Ling family's seat. The people who often come to the auction in the Ling family get along well, and there is an old doctor with high reputation. I'll introduce him to you later. Maybe it will help you in the future. "

"The highly respected old doctor of the Ling family?"

He Feng murmured a, this Xi Junzhe said of person, should not be Ling old?

For Ling Xun, a doctor who really cherishes medical ethics, he Feng shows his respect from the bottom of his heart.

If you can see linglao later, you should say hello.

"All right!"

Read in this, he Feng nodded with a smile.

"In addition, on the other side of us are the people of the Wang family. The people who often come to auction on behalf of the Wang family are Wang Zhuo, the second uncle of Wang Xiangyun. I don't know if you know him." Xi Junzhe continued.

"Don't know..." He Feng's answer is very simple: "Wang family, I only know my daughter-in-law Wang Xiangyun."

"All right!"

Xi Junzhe wiped his forehead, "would you like me to introduce you later?"

"I'll see it then..."

He Feng thought about it and didn't agree to it immediately.

Because he remembered it very clearly. Wang Xiangyun told him that many people in the Wang family looked down upon her very much.

Although he Feng did not know the specific reason, it directly left a bad impression on the Wang family in his heart.

Xi Junzhe shrugged his shoulders and said nothing more. Anyway, he just made a suggestion, and he Feng made the final decision.

Just at this time, a group of people suddenly came out of the hotel, all of them were fierce and powerful.

"What about people?"

The men stopped and the leader snapped.

"Mr. Hua, it's over there. They're going this way, too." A man came out immediately and pointed to the direction of He Feng and others.

Hua Hai immediately ran in the direction he pointed to and saw he Feng at a glance.

"Surround me. Don't let him run away."

Hua Hai's eyes narrowed and gave the order coldly.

In his pupil, twinkled morihan's killing intention.

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